Read Department Store Online

Authors: Bridy McAvoy

Department Store (7 page)

BOOK: Department Store
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Chapter 13 – Piece to Camera

I stood behind her, admiring the sleek flesh as she did exactly as she was told. From behind she looked fresh and sexy, ready to be fucked. From the front I knew she looked already well fucked and ready to go again. I was certainly ready to go again. Moving up close behind her I allowed my erection to nestle between her ass checks. There was a sharp intake of breath as this was the final confirmation to her I was about to do it to her again.

Her legs were too close together, so I inserted my knee between them and pushed to the side, giving her a non verbal clue to spread them which she did. The tight skirt rose even higher on her ass as her muscles pulled it ever tighter. I knew she was curious about what I’d asked her to do but I fully intended to be inside her before she turned the paper over.

Lowering my zipper I allowed my prick to fall forward. Pushing toward her it found its way unerringly to lay along the lower edge of her protruding lips. Her arousal had been obvious to me as she had climbed off the desk, it was even more so as my rod pressed against her hot, wet sex.

Adjusting my position I pulled back slightly, crouching a bit to bring my end against her opening. She gasped as she felt the beginning of the penetration but stayed still as I slowly entered her. Now I thrust forward and upward into her. She moaned slightly at the sensation of being filled once more, but otherwise made no movement.

“Turn it over and read it, Amy. Read it to the camera.”

She did so, despite my penis being buried fully inside of her. After a couple of moments she started to read out loud, her words occasionally interrupted by groans or grunts as I thrust steadily in and out of her. Her ass was beginning to move back against me as well, although she struggled to keep her upper body still.

“I, Amy Brown, have entered into this agreement with Mister Chisholm of my own free will. I have done things today that have fulfilled my deepest, darkest fantasies. On my own part I have no regrets, but I’m sorry Alan . . .”

Her voice caught and she stopped.

“Go on.”

“Alan’s going to see this?”



After a few seconds, during which her ass began to gyrate harder with each thrust, she plucked up the nerve to continue.

“I know this will be hard for you, and I truly hope we can get through this together, but I have to do this for my own sake. You also have to know this isn’t over yet. Mister Chisholm hasn’t finished with me yet.”

She froze, the movements of her hips against me slowing and stopping. I leaned forward to press my lips to her ear but spoke loud enough for the camera microphone to pick up my words.

“Carry on, slave. Read the rest.”

I left my head next to hers as she began to read once more, her voice catching. As she read further down the prepared script her hips began to buck against me once more, her pussy churning on my invading cock.

“I will be working
all week. Although not in the shop. On Monday he is taking me to dinner and then dancing in a little black dress. Several of his friends will be at the club and they will dance with me too. Nor will they be gentlemen, although none of them will fuck me. Only Mister Chisholm will do that, on the way home. Tuesday I will be working at his house as a maid. . .”

She trailed off again, I could see tears trickling down her face.

“I want the absolute truth now, Amy. For my sake, for your sake, and especially for Alan’s sake.”

All this time she was still pounding her ass forward and backward to match my thrusts. She nodded.

“Are you crying because I’m fucking my slave?”

“No, sir.”

“Are you crying because you now know what will be happening to my sex slave next week?”

She hung her head for a minute but then looked up at the camera again.

“No, master.”

“Ah, so you are upset not by that fact but at having to tell your husband you will be doing these things?”

A sob broke from her lips but her hips churned faster still.

“Yes, sir!”

Her orgasm took her in a rush. Her entire body began to quiver and shake as she moaned in passion. Her ass literally shook as I held still, fully embedded in her throbbing and pulsing vagina. Finally her arrhythmic motions slowed and she resumed her humping movement, enticing me into starting the pumping of my prick in and out of her pussy once more.


“I will be wearing a skimpy, see-through uniform and most of the people present will take advantage of that. Instead of dessert I will clear the table and then climb onto it to perform a slow strip for his guests. Then I will masturbate in the middle of the table while they all watch. Afterwards I will put on some sexy lingerie and perform a lap dance for any who want it. The lap dance will only stop when either the person I’m dancing for, or I, cum.”

Her movements again became more and more rapid as her arousal began to increase. I knew in her mind the fantasy of the dinner party was taking shape, she could see herself doing these things.

“One more thing, Alan. Not all the guests will be male.”

The import of that sentence took a second to sink in but I could sense the moment it did, as she erupted into another loud and violent orgasm. It was hard for me not to ride the wave to my own as she did so but I held it back as I had different plans.

“On Wednesday I will be yours, but Thursday is half-day closing. I will spend Thursday afternoon at home with house guests of his choice and at their every command.”

She continued reading after another gulp for air. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to read as her chest heaved as she panted.

“Friday is my last day here. After the store closes I will be entertaining the security team with a striptease show and then a gang bang.”

She came again, crying out her passion.

A moment later she added her own ending, unscripted.

“I’m so sorry, Alan. I don’t want it to be over either, not now. Maybe soon but not yet.”

Hearing the petite blonde add her own words pushed me over the edge too. Close to the point of no return I pulled out of her and pulled her upright, spinning her round at the same time. Pushed backward she lay on the desk top, her legs spread wide, probably expecting me to take her this way. Instead I pushed tight in between her legs, and pointed my dick at her belly just above the top edge of the skirt. My cream began to pump out onto her tight, light skinned belly in thick ropes, coating yet another area of her flesh. The camera mount was slightly high but I knew it could see past her head and breasts to film my actions. She quivered and gasped under the wet, sticky onslaught as my balls emptied themselves onto her.

After a minute I stood back and tucked my messy cock back into my pants. I could always teach her to clean me up another time, but for now I wanted to get moving. She lifted herself onto her elbows and looked down at the mess on her exposed belly.

“Stay still.”

I didn’t want the gooey liquid to move, to soak into her skirt and ruin the effect. Instead I wanted it to begin to dry in place. Reaching into one of the drawers, I extracted some scissors and then leaned in from the side to remove the two buttons. She watched my hands, in an almost detached manner, holding herself still to allow the buttons to be sliced off. There was a small smile playing on her face. Leaving her there, I removed the camera from the tripod, retrieved my laptop and quickly downloaded the film onto the computer. It only took a couple of minutes to add the entire last scene to the directory I wanted to build the DVD from. All other operations and clips for the DVD were already there. Popping a new blank disk into the drive, I started it writing and quickly went to check the top sales floor, returning everything we’d disturbed to its proper place. While up there I also checked she hadn’t left any tell tale signs behind in the ladies either. Satisfied, I returned to the office, where the disk finished copying about a minute after I returned. True to her orders Amy hadn’t moved.

Once I’d dropped her at home I would only have the ladies wear, children’s wear and footwear to deal with.

Chapter 14 – Home

Mister Chisholm ejected the disk when it was finished. He used a marker to write the number two on the top surface and dropped it into a case. Then he opened a drawer and removed a similar jewel case with a disk numbered one inside it.

He fished my purse from where it had been discarded that morning and dropped both disks into it before closing it once more.

“Amy, you might not realise this but I don’t want to hurt your marriage any more than I have to. I have enjoyed using you as my slave and I intend, and want, to do so again. These two disks are very different. When you get home I want you to do as follows . . .”

When he’d finished he looked at me and asked me if I understood. I nodded and he then finally allowed me to move. I’d lain on the desk for so long I was a little stiff, but not as stiff as the gooey mess that had started to set on my stomach. The heat from my body had dried it out fairly well and it was no longer liquid. It wasn’t quite solid either, but it stuck to my skin like a limpet. As soon as Mister Chisholm dropped me off at my house it would be clearly visible; another one of his markers as it were.

“Come along.”

He led the way back out into the shop, locking his office door behind us. My street clothes still lay where I’d discarded them. It felt like I was leaving my earlier life behind with them. He placed one hand gently in the small of my back and propelled me toward the main staircase. At the top he motioned for me to stop, descended the stairs and turned round at the bottom with his arms folded to watch me descend in turn, a smile playing on his lips.

With no other option open, I followed his unspoken order and slowly descended the broad marble flight of stairs. From the bottom it was obvious he would be able to see up the tiny excuse for a skirt all the way to my pussy. My breasts jiggled and moved inside the top, constantly threatening to spill out, putting one or both of my nipples on display. On at least one occasion as I descended I felt the button give a little as if it was about to fly open.

In the end I reached the bottom of the stairs without a wardrobe malfunction, but I was flustered and I could see he knew it, and loved it.

“We need to get you home.”

He seemed eager to perform that service for me but it must have been clear to him I wasn’t. We reached the back door and he unlocked and opened it, letting the bright sunshine flood into the passageway. It was still only mid afternoon, scarcely five hours after my debasement had started. Thankfully the car park was empty except for the gleaming silver Mercedes that was obviously Mister Chisholm’s. He led the way round to the passenger side and opened the door for me, but then changed his mind and stopped me climbing in. Moving quickly round to the back of the car, he sprang the trunk and then reappeared with a towel in his hands.

“Sorry, need to protect the leather,” he mumbled by way of explanation as he spread the towel over the car seat. I blushed, realising he meant protecting it from my covering of our combined juices. Getting into the car wasn’t going to be easy without flashing him my pussy, in fact it was going to be impossible, but I did the best I could. His lips pursed in a soundless whistle so I guess I hadn’t kept it covered at all and he must have enjoyed the view.

When we pulled out of the car park he asked for directions to my house which I gave as tersely as I could. My mind raced ahead to deal with the inevitable confrontation when we got home. As we drove through town I was glad of the tinted windows, preventing people having a clear view of the slut in the front seat. All too soon we turned into the top of my road. Our house was the fifth on the left and I could see Alan was on the front drive, washing the car. At least he was on his own. All through the drive I’d been terrified by the prospect of him having a visitor when I was dropped off, one of his friends.

A moment later, just before the car pulled out, I saw Pete’s head pop up from where he had been helping Alan with the car, both of them turning to look at the expensive silver car stopping in front of the house.

“Tell Alan to send his mate home and come inside. Give him the first disk and tell him to watch it while you go upstairs. Wait for him in the bedroom. The disk will tell him to join you and suggest he either makes love to you as you are or joins you in the shower to wash you first. Only give him the second disk when he has made love to you. Now go. I will see you tomorrow.”

I swallowed hard, knowing that in this moment my life as I knew it was finally over.

If getting into the car had been difficult, getting out without flashing my husband and his best friend was a total nightmare. I gulped again and grabbed my purse with one hand and swung the door open with the other.

“Walk slowly, let them look.”

I could see them both staring as I slowly swung my legs out of the car, trying hard to keep my knees together as I did so. At one point my right leg slipped and for a split second my pussy had to have been on show. I stood upright and took a couple of steps toward them. I swung the door shut behind me and I heard the Mercedes pull away.


Alan’s face was a picture, a mixture of astonishment, horror and confusion.

I walked up the drive toward him.

“Amy, what the hell . . .?”

I motioned him to be quiet and continued to walk up to him and then past him, heading for the front door, hoping that none of the neighbours saw anything. Pete just stood and stared. He flirted with me, light-heartedly every chance he had. I knew he didn’t mean it and it was fun. Now he was seeing far more of me, and in a different light, than ever before. Not only that, the marks of sex were all over me, exactly as my boss had intended they would be. There could be no doubt in his mind I’d been royally fucked more than once, or by more than one person.

Taking two steps into the house I turned and faced the two incredulous men.

“Pete, go home. Alan come here.”

Pete shook his head, as if he was testing to see if he was in a dream.

“Hey, guys, see you later. You need me Alan, you know where to reach me. Either of you that is.”

He took one more look at my exposed body covered in cum and walked down the drive, shaking his head. Alan moved to the doorway and I backed away to let him in. As soon as he shut the door behind him his mouth opened but nothing came out. I could see the mountain of hurt in his eyes, and the building anger there as well.

“Watch this and come upstairs when you have. I’ll talk to you then, Alan.”

Handing him the first disk I turned and moved to the foot of the stairs. As I slowly climbed them I looked back over my shoulder. His eyes were fastened on the exposed area under my skirt. I knew the bruises and the spunk trails there were now visible to him. Charles had given me an order and even now, when I desperately needed to, I couldn’t break his control over me. When I reached the landing I looked back again but Alan was gone. I stood there for a minute until I heard the main TV turn on and then the deep tones of Charles’ voice as the DVD began to play.

Part of me wanted to stay there and listen but I knew the message was for Alan, not for me, so I made my way to the bedroom. Sitting on the foot of the bed, I waited for my husband to listen to the disk and then come upstairs. It felt like I would be waiting for a very long time. Tears began to trickle down my face as the enormity of my self-induced predicament sank home.

BOOK: Department Store
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