Read Department Store Online

Authors: Bridy McAvoy

Department Store (4 page)

BOOK: Department Store
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Chapter 7 – Lift

I of course had no intention of using a flogger of any description on my cute little slave, Amy, not my bag at all. I’d got her to fetch the ping pong balls in order to prolong her visit to the top floor. The cameras up there were motion sensing, only coming on when something moved. I was sure by sending her on her nonsensical mission there had been plenty of opportunities for the cameras to capture her from all directions. The fixed focus ones on the other two floors were less useful. The auto zoom facility in the sportswear department was especially good from this point of view. Her look of fear was turning me on again, I could feel my penis beginning to swell inside my slacks once more. Her nipples were still extended, she was also still aroused which was definitely a plus.

I pressed the button for the main lift. Normally during open hours the employees weren’t allowed to use this one, with its maple panelling and mirrors on three sides. Today it was going to be used for a very special trip.

The lift of course opened immediately and I ushered her inside. After pressing the button for the top floor the lift started moving and my finger hit the operator’s stop button. Having left the actual floor level the doors of course wouldn’t now open.

“So, Amy. This is the situation. The lift is stopped, hopefully I will be able to get it going again but first you will have to satisfy me. If the lift doesn’t get going we will be trapped here until we press the alarm call. If I press that the lift engineer will find you in here with me, in a state of disorder. So I suggest you pray the lift will work again.”

She gulped, the potential embarrassment of the situation driving home her anxieties. The thin fabric of the dress hid little and I watched her nipples harden further as the excitement, anxiety and anticipation warred with the fear.

“Come here, Amy.”

She licked her lips and crossed the lift to stand directly in front of me. Unlike the last time I wasn’t going to get her to strip and present herself. This time I was going to undo the gift wrapping, slowly and sensuously, in a parody of the romantic way her straight laced self would have expected before today.

I held out my arms and moved to close the final few inches, wrapping her tender body in my arms. She tensed and then relaxed, realising in an instant what I intended to do and not fighting it.

My hands moved on her back, massaging her shoulders and waist, careful not to let my hands drift lower. She turned her head sideways on my chest and I watched her reflection as she slowly closed her eyes to allow her body to respond.

It was almost as if we were dancing together to some slow song in a mirrored ballroom, a loving couple rather than a dominant male and his submissive partner in the enclosed confines of the lift. Of course there was no slow music and we weren’t moving, but hey, an illusion is an illusion after all.

One hand left off smoothing her back and gently took hold of her chin and lifted her face. As I did so she opened her eyes slowly to find herself looking straight into mine. Our lips were only a few inches apart. There was only one natural movement, the one I’d already initiated. My face dipped toward her and I placed a fleeting kiss on her lips. Her eyes were looking straight into mine, questioningly.

I kissed her again, and then very deliberately let go of her chin. I waited a second and she didn’t lower her face, so I brought my lips into contact with hers once more, longer this time, more pressure.

She shivered in my arms as I wrapped both arms around her once more. The next time I kissed her, her eyes half closed and her arms jerked as if she was about to embrace me as well and then thought better of it. I took my head back out of range for a moment and smiled at her, trying to say without words I was pleased with her reaction. I leaned in to kiss her again, this time her arms did rise to rest her hands feather light on my shoulders. One of my hands dropped lower now, just below her waist, at the point where her backside began to swell outwards.

Finally her eyes closed and her lips parted slightly under the pressure from my kiss. I allowed my own to part even further and continued the kiss. My tongue flicked out to gently touch her lips and then retreat. She shuddered under the touch and then stiffened and relaxed again as my hand continued to drift lower.

I broke the kiss again and her eyes opened, I could sense the rising passion in those deep blue pools. This time as my face moved toward hers, she met me halfway. Her hands slid from my shoulders to lock behind my neck. Her lips were open now and my tongue met hers. Now my hand was cupping one cheek of her ass and as it did so she lifted herself up slightly, pushing and moulding her lithe body into mine. The intensity of the kiss increased as she began to respond in earnest. Both of my hands had now slipped down to cup her buttocks, pulling her into me, there was no doubt in my mind, she could feel my erection pushing against her belly, just above her mound.

Yet again it was me who broke the kiss, and this time I spun her body through a hundred and eighty degrees, pulling her back tight against me, both hands on her stomach. I lowered my face to her neck and began to nuzzle at the tender flesh through her hair. At once her hand came up in a reflex gesture to push the hair back behind her ear, and she inclined her neck to allow me better access. The offered flesh was sweet to the taste as nuzzling turned to nibbling and I heard her gasp as she realised the love bite would be visible by the time she went home.

I lifted my mouth from the succulent flesh and moved to her ear, nuzzling again at the lobe and then around the upper edge of her cute dainty aural appendage. Her breath was sailing in and out in fluttering gasps, I could feel the effort of breathing making her flat stomach jerk and twist under my hands. I looked up to see she was watching our joint reflections in the mirror opposite. The multiple reflections, back onto each other, continuing to move as we did. Deliberately slowly my hands moved upwards toward her breasts, always soft, never demanding. The mixed look of lust warring with wonder at my gentleness, in the deep pools of her blue eyes staring back at me in the mirror was amazing. Her backside pressed tight against me and then as my hands reached the under-slopes of her breasts began to gyrate slowly against the hard cock I was pressing in between her cheeks.

Briefly my hands cupped her breasts, sensing the hard nubs of her nipples through the thin cotton of the dress before continuing upwards to meet at the uppermost button still fastened. She knew at that moment the dress would not cover her for long, soon my eyes would be drinking in her naked beauty once more. She stifled a sob before, at the moment I popped a button back through its button hole, gasping and letting out an almost inaudible moan.

My fingers moved down to the next button, popping it through the small button hole just as easily as the first. I slowly dragged my hands to the side, across the upper slopes of her breasts. Deliberate manoeuvre, of course, simply manipulating the fabric apart in order to expose more of her cleavage to my sight, both directly from above, and via the mirror on the other side of the lift. I could see she was still watching me, allowing me to manipulate her body and her clothing in this way for my own pleasure. The circling pressure of her ass against my rigid cock increased in pressure as another button gave way to my probing fingers, and then another.

The dress was open to the level of her nipples now, the erotic display of her cleavage far more enticing, even than her near-naked display in the nightie on the shop floor earlier. Another button popped, and then another. The last two above the waist line joined their companions in useless display rather than functional modesty. She obviously expected me to immediately expose her breasts, or at the very least plunge my hands into the yawning chasm and take charge of their prize. I did neither, returning instead to the nuzzling and nibbling of her neck and ear. Her moans were becoming more audible as the minutes passed, but I was definitely not in any kind of a hurry. Her ass ceased its circling. Instead it was driving up and down, centred on my hard prick resting between her globes. It was almost as if she was trying to fuck me in this position despite the layers of cloth in between.

My hands played with the smooth skin of her stomach, neither moving up to her breasts or down toward her concealed treasure. Then, with her moans continuous, I stopped the manipulations of her body and pushed her away from me slightly. She looked at me, hurt, as if I was pushing her away because she had done something wrong. I was merely changing position however. I moved across to the far inside corner of the lift, swinging her round so she was literally backed into it, the brass hand rail digging into her back. My hands instinctively found her waist and I lifted her easily. She was perched on the rail, one hand either side of her gripping it, wondering what I was about to do. Her whole body was now elevated some six or seven inches from the floor, lifting her chin to roughly the level of my eyes. If I dropped my eyes only a fraction her glorious cleavage was right there. She could see where I was looking and I suspect the blush that followed was as much from passion as from embarrassment, probably more so.

One hand left her waist while the other held her steady. Her eyes opened wide as I grasped her knee and lifted her leg to sit along the rail. I switched grips to repeat the process but she was already moving first. Smiling into her eyes I leaned forward and placed a tiny chaste kiss on her lips before dipping my head toward her neck and cleavage. It was obvious she was watching me in the mirrors behind my head as I began to nuzzle the soft flesh at the very top of her cleavage.

Spreading her legs in this manner had forced the skirt to ride up, exposing her legs as far as the stocking tops. I knew it wasn’t particularly comfortable for her but I intended to finish what I’d started in this position before moving her again.

My hands dropped between her legs and slowly began to undo the buttons there, moving from the bottom up. Each button proved easier than the previous, the newly opened part of the skirt pulling sideways by the stress of the position. I was still nuzzling at her cleavage as my fingers found the last button. It popped open, leaving the dress to hang, in the front anyway, in two loose token halves.


I heard her gasp, the first words either of us had spoken for several minutes.

“I think there’s a more comfortable position than this for you.”

Both hands met at her waist and I gently lifted her up and then down, allowing her to bring her legs closer together to stand on her own feet.

“Thank you . . . sir.”

I smiled at her and indicated to her I wanted her to lie on the plush carpet. She sank gracefully backward, somehow managing to keep the loose halves of the dress covering herself from my eyes. Eventually she was lying supine on the floor. I knelt beside her and motioned for her to lift her arms above her head, which she did, surrendering complete access to her body.


I wondered why she’d spoken again, and looked up at her face to see she was staring at the mirror on the lift ceiling, obviously not something she’d noticed was there before.

I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her soft lips once more. She lay still, knowing subconsciously that this was what was required of her as my hands, finally free began to explore every inch of her exquisite frame.

Chapter 8 –The Lift Carpet

As he knelt to one side of me, I lay watching his movements in the mirror on the ceiling above, his hands caressing me, slowly inching the two sides of the dress apart, exposing more of my body to him and his gentle fingers. Unlike earlier he was making love to me rather than fucking me. The situation though was adding a tingle, that wasn’t there when my husband seduced me in a similar way. Lying still, as he slowly unwrapped my body, here on the carpet on the floor of the lift in the store was an incredibly intense feeling.

There was no humiliation, no orders or instructions being given, he wasn’t treating me like a slave any more, the treatment I’d craved. My ardour should have been lessened as a result but it was mounting quickly as his fingers brushed across my exposed nipples. I was watching in the mirror above as he slowly pulled the dress apart, exposing my pussy mound to his eyes. The fact that he could revert at any moment to his previous behaviour, that I was still enthralled by his power was as much of an aphrodisiac as the exercise of that power had been earlier.

I closed my eyes, abandoning myself to his caresses. One set of fingers lightly traced the contour of my breasts, from one nipple, down across the valley of my cleavage, and then onto the other nipple. His other hand was lower, now rubbing my stomach, then dipping lower in a long circle, caressing a hip bone before running his fingers through my sparse trimmed pubic hair. A few moments later it returned to its starting point and began again. Each pass pushed my dress further apart until gravity won and the two halves slithered sideways off my lower body. I struggled to control my breathing, lying there exposed to his eyes and fingers, my own hands above my head. The moment he lowered his face to my breast I knew I would not be able to stop myself, lowering them to grasp his hair and push his face into my chest.

He didn’t do that though, I could feel him moving next to me, shifting his position, but I didn’t open my eyes. The sensations he was inducing in my nerve endings were like molten fire. Luxuriating in the feelings, I could feel myself stretching like a cat, my back arching slightly. When my back touched the floor again my hips began to rock slowly from side to side in response to his touch. His hand now left my chest to move down to join its compatriot, teasing and stroking my stomach, concentrating on the area immediately above my mound.

The feel of the fingers of alternate hands stroking through my pubic hair, in rapid succession but still in a very gentle way was extremely erotic. My thighs were still together and I could feel my juices seeping slowly out from my slit to coat the skin around my pussy and down onto my inner thighs.

As the level of arousal rose it was becoming ever more difficult to control my breathing. Eventually he shifted his body away from my side and then his hands began to stroke my feet and lower legs. I’d always been ticklish on my feet, never letting Alan touch them, but somehow his touch didn’t produce the same reaction.

Slowly my knees fell apart, opening up a path back to my loins. I knew, from this angle he would be able to see my slit, peeking out from between my thighs. His hands moved higher, now slowly massaging the soft flesh just above my knees. His face lowered and began to kiss the top of my leg below the knee. Instinctively my eyes opened again, using the mirror to watch as he continued to manipulate my body.

A little pressure on the inside of my knees gave me an instruction to spread them wider. He was intent on his own actions, and I knew he didn’t want me too wanton, at least not yet, so the movement was only a few inches. I felt the wet stickiness of my juices on my thighs trying to hold them closed, but my own muscles were too strong. I could feel the pop as the thick fluid let go and my thighs parted. If he looked up from kissing my stocking clad leg he would be able to see my pussy slit waiting for him.

His hands were at the leg bands of the stockings now, his mouth above my knee. Again a tiny pressure and again my legs relaxed further apart. In the mirror I saw him look up toward his eventual target, certain he could scent my arousal, as without being told I spread them further still. My whole pussy was now on display to him as his fingers continued to work their magic, tracing lines of fire across my tender inner thighs, his mouth following on behind.

* * * *

As I breathed I was drawing her scent into my nostrils, as my head moved closer and closer to the unfurling petals of her pussy. My finger tips were now teasing and tantalising her, a couple of inches below the target. For several minutes she’d been unable to keep still, her hips churning in increasingly lewd manoeuvres. She had, however, managed to keep her arms in the position I’d told her to, leaving her entire body at my complete and utter mercy.

The closer I moved to my target the wider she spread her legs, no longer needing any urging from my hands to do so. Each further indication of surrender, both to me and to her rising lust, increased my own pleasure. I was rock hard, uncomfortably so within the confines of my trousers but I intended to continue the torture at my own pace, not at hers. I’d told her she was there for my pleasure not hers. What I hadn’t elaborated on was how much my pleasure depended on hers as well.

My fingers reached the juncture of her legs, still moving slowly, gently caressing rather than insistently probing. As my index fingers fleetingly touched her outer labia, her ass left the floor as she thrust up and a loud moan escaped her lips. As my hands moved onto the slick, coated surface of the area around her pussy, rather than the pussy itself, I could see her flesh trembling.

I’d told her I intended to leave some love bites on her inner thighs and that was what I now proceeded to do. Each time I sucked her flesh into my mouth and applied pressure with my teeth she thrashed around, caught on the threshold between pain and pleasure. Her moans increased in volume as the sensations rippled through her. In front of my face I could see her pussy quivering in her excitement as the waves of pleasure won that particular battle.

My face moved closer until finally my mouth was only an inch from her slit. I removed my hands, bringing them back alongside me, catching hold of her thighs and lifting them into the air. They moved willingly as she steepled her knees, spreading ever wider as my hands moved under her backside to cup her ass cheeks. This too lifted in the air, presenting her slit to my tongue without resistance. A continuous babble of moans, gasps and sighs issuing from her mouth provided a strangely arrhythmic soundtrack to the otherwise silent lift car.

Slowly I licked around and then along the outer pussy lips, tasting her for the first time. The moment my tongue touched her slit she writhed on top of my hands, lifting herself further and thrashing her hips from side to side. The moans increased and increased and eventually became coherent.

“I’m cumming! God, I’m cumming! Please don’t stop, do more, please . . . more!”

A moment later there was a load squeal and I felt her fluids gush out to coat my lips and chin with her sweet nectar. The violent trembles in her body slowly subsided as she came down from the peak and I allowed her a moment to adjust but then began to lick the soaking wet lips of her pussy in earnest.

Extending my tongue, I licked down one side from the clit to between her slit and her asshole, then back up the other side, each passage of my tongue finding a fresh coating of her moisture. At the top I circled her erected clit with the tip of my tongue, bringing a groan of pleasure from her. At random intervals I stopped the circle and darted my tongue deep inside of her. When I did this her ass bounced around in my hands. It was difficult to stay with her as her movements became increasingly frantic and more violent. Finally I moved my mouth to the top of her slit and pushed my chin down into her pussy. This brought her tiny bud within range of my teeth. Being careful to nip and not bite I used them to capture her clit. Her reaction was extreme; she screamed out her passion, her body flopping around the centre which I was holding still, as her second orgasm in the lift carried her to an even higher plain.

I slowly withdrew from my proximity to her pussy, allowing her buttocks to rest once again on the dress spread out and rumpled beneath her. My face and neck were liberally coated with her juices as I changed position. Throughout the entire experience her arms had remained correctly above her head without the need for restraints.

I unzipped my fly, the sound reverberating around the small confined space, and slowly climbed up along her length until I was positioned above her. She looked up at me, her eyes full of wonder.

“Did you enjoy that?”


“Now you need to do something for me.”

She looked at me, unsure of what I wanted. I twitched my hips bringing my prick into contact with her outer lips. Comprehension dawned and she thrust her hips up to meet it.

I shuffled slightly further forward and then without further warning thrust cleanly into her. She was so ready and wet there was no real feeling of resistance as I slid all the way into her, until my balls thumped against her. She made to lower her arms to hug me to her but a quick shake of the head ensured she left them lying there above her.

As I began to pump in and out of her, this time actually fucking her, her hips continued to rise and fall in harmony with my movements. Slowly I allowed my weight to sink down onto her, rather than keeping my body propped up on my hands. As my face neared hers I watched, fascinated, as a drop of her juices fell from my chin onto her lips entirely accidentally. Automatically her lips parted and her tongue flicked out to taste the moisture. I don’t think she realised exactly what it was, but as the fluid hit her taste buds she did so, and her eyes flew wide open again in recognition. My thrusts sped up, her movements matching me effortlessly.

“Lick yourself off my face.”

I lowered my chin to a position immediately above her mouth and her tongue came out to tentatively perform the required ablutions. Soon the tentative flicking became laving as she proceeded to give me a tongue bath a dog would have been proud off. There was no reticence about the way she happily continued tasting herself on my face as we both worked up toward another climax.

It was difficult to hold it back and I did try, but there was no way to prevent it. I thrust into her one more time and then held it there, emptying myself into her in several spurts. She came with me, unable to prevent her body’s reaction.

Once it was over I didn’t linger, I needed certain things to happen later. I extracted myself and stood up, suspecting she would have laid there luxuriating in the feeling for a while but I motioned her to climb to her feet. For the delectation of her husband later I wanted the slime trails to be visible on her thighs.

She reached to refasten the dress and then desisted as she realised there was no point. She didn’t know about the high definition security cameras behind all of the mirrors in the lift, only me and the security team knew about those, if she had done she probably still wouldn’t have bothered anymore. She’d come way too far to stop.

I restarted the lift, stopping it on the middle floor once more, and ushered her out.

“I need to do some real work for the next thirty minutes.”

Actually I didn’t, but I did need to pull and edit those films onto a DVD for later use.

“I want my slave to get ready for her next performance.”

I was all business now, master not lover yet again. She took a deep breath and nodded.

“Go to the children’s wear department. Find yourself a while blouse, navy pleated skirt, navy blazer and red and blue striped tie. All the smallest size you can manage to do up. Change the stockings to white knee highs but bring the stockings back with you. Then go to the shoe department and find a pair of buckle on patents. Black. Knock on my office door in thirty minutes. Go.”

“Yes, sir.”

She turned to move away.


She turned back.

“Lose the dress and this time there is no clean up allowed. Move.”

“Yes, sir.”

BOOK: Department Store
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