Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (5 page)

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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be quiet! Do you want to get caught?"

I open my mouth to protest her taking my dick out of hers, she fills
it with something. It takes me a moment to realize that I am now
chewing on her panties.

sit there and be quiet, lover, while I do this…"

slips one leg over me and then I can feel the heat of her as she
moves the second over my other hip. She braces herself against my
thigh and suddenly I feel her pussy lips against the head of my cock.
Another little adjustment and I slip slowly inside, the heat of her
surrounding me, so hot that it almost burns.

grabs the chains of the swing and I grab her hips, and we begin to
slowly move back and forth. The motion is much more subtle than if we
were in bed instead of out on a child's swing in the rain, but
everything else combines to make it much more intense than any bed
encounter has ever been.

swing begins to rock back and forth as we find a rhythm. We fall into
a pattern of motion, and I close my eyes, focusing on what my other
senses are bringing me. There is a slight creaking from the swing,
mixing with our labored breathing and the gentle patter of the light
rain. The wet heat of her pussy around my dick mixes with the warmth
of the rain on my face and the chill of our soaked clothing as the
breeze blows against us. I can smell the freshness of the moisture in
the air and the remnants of the perfume she put on this morning, now
all but washed away. Finally, there is the texture of her underwear,
still in my mouth, with a slight hint of saltiness and the
indescribable tang of a woman who was wearing them when she was
getting aroused, that elusive taste and scent that lets you know she
is as turned on as you are.

open my eyes again to look at the face of the girl I have wanted for
so long and am finally getting a chance to taste. Her eyes are closed
and her head is thrown back as she concentrates on the sensations of
the moment. There is a tautness to her features that surprises me and
as I feel her pussy begin to squeeze me in a rhythm that is a
counterpoint to our rocking motion, I become aware that she is
already approaching orgasm.

thought makes me realize that I am not far behind her. As the pace of
her breathing increases and the corners of her eyes begin to crinkle
while she slides up and down, I lose myself in the feelings and in
the play of the scarce light across the gleam of her wet face. Her
eyes scrunch down as the sides of her pussy grab sharply at me, and I
know it will not be long.

the waves begin to travel through her tensed shoulders, our pace
increases, and we begin to push the envelope of what we can do while
staying on the swing. I try to hold back and keep my movements small
because Susan's are increasing in force and speed. Her breathing is
faster but remains as deep. I can almost feel the air rushing in and
out of her lungs in time to the motion of her hips on mine and my
dick slipping in and out and rubbing against the front wall of her
passage. She begins to move high and to drop down in a quick and
sudden motion that is half thrust and half fall. It is all I can do
to keep us on the swing, and I have no time to concentrate on what
else I am feeling.

actually plays to my advantage as I try and hold back from coming
while she continues to increase the pace. Her mouth drops open
slightly and now each breath that is forced out is accompanied by a
small moan of deep pleasure. Her eyes are still closed, but I watch
as her eyelids squeeze tighter in rhythm with our fucking. Her pitch
begins to rise and suddenly her eyes spring open. She stares into my
eyes while the first shudder surges through her flesh, and she leans
forward to grasp the panties with her teeth and rip them away over
her left shoulder.

thighs lock down hard as she thrusts her tongue into my mouth for a
moment before leaning back with a primal cry of joy that is
mercifully drowned out by the flash of lightning and the almost
immediate crack of thunder. Her knees press into my sides and she
continues to cry out her pleasure to the heavens. It is too much for
me, and I can no longer hold back.

own orgasm takes me as the lightning flashes once again. As the pulse
of my cum shooting into Susan becomes the whole focus of my world, I
just give myself over to the passion, forgetting to do anything but
come into her, thrusting up so I can be as close to her as possible.
She throws her arms around my shoulders, and my face is buried in her
chest for a wonderful second as she squeezes me as hard as she can.
The sensation of releasing our control in the face of the storm and
living for the moment is almost disorienting. In the sudden sharp
relief of another lightning flash, I see the bar on the top of the
swing set behind her head and I realize that the loss of control is

brace myself just before impact as my back hits the mud beneath the
swings. The air is forced from my lungs in a rush as my sweet Susan
slams down on top of me. My head slaps into the mud, and I count my
blessings as I realize I have somehow managed to avoid hitting any

face is concerned for a moment. I grin up at her and hope she can see
my smile in the dark. Apparently she can, as her face relaxes and her
head collapses on my chest. For a moment, we lie in the mud and
recover, forgetting to do anything except listen to each other
breathe. Then she starts. It begins with the slightest of giggles,
but it is contagious and pretty soon we are laughing so hard our
stomachs hurt, lying in the mud and sand under the swing set while
the rain pours down harder and the time between lightning and thunder
grows shorter.

the same time, we both realize that it is not a good idea to be lying
under a big metal frame, soaked to the skin, while lightning comes
closer. We get up without a word and start smoothing clothes and
buttoning buttons, while making sure we put some distance between us
and that swing set. The wind is picking up, and the rain is starting
to really pound, but still we take our time as we head back to the
dorms. The storm is a minor annoyance in the face of what has
happened tonight.

were always there, Scott…"


you said earlier. The part you obviously thought I didn't hear. I do
need someone like you. But every time I tried to kiss you before, you
ended up playing the gentleman. All concerned that it wasn't proper
to kiss a friend like that. Tonight could have happened a dozen
times, but you never responded to any of my hints. Derek and I never
would have been together at all if you weren't so fucking proper and
all. If you weren't so concerned about your behavior and whether you
were taking advantage of me. Live in the fucking moment for once. Now
the next time you get that look in your eyes, you can follow through
on the thought and kiss me."

I turn her around and do just that. A car goes by and honks at us
standing in the rain on the sidewalk, even splashing the back of my
legs a bit as it passes. As far as I am concerned, it could be miles

the time we get back to my room, the heavy rain has long since washed
away the mud of our adventure. Even so, we draw a stare from a guy
studying in the lobby as we walk in and head up the stairs to the
third floor. After all, what kind of crazy fools don't know it's
silly to go for walks in the rain?

the light of morning, it all seems a dream as I first open my eyes. I
blink away the exhausted sleep I have risen from and am almost
surprised to realize that I am not alone in my bed. As the clean
sunlight streams in through air scrubbed fresh by water and
electricity, I stare down at the beautiful girl sharing my pillow and
thank all the gods whose names I can remember and all the spirits of
Heaven and Earth for my good fortune. As for those of Hell, I
mentally give them directions to Derek's room.

I come back into the room from a nice warm shower, Susan is awake and
watching me. I just smile, knowing I must look smug and a little
foolish, but unable to hide feeling like the cat who got the canary.
She sits up, and asks if I have anything she can wear, pointing at
the still wet and crumpled dress at the foot of the bed.

Susan slips into a pair of my sweats and a rather oversized t-hirt,
she suddenly stops and the giggles from last night seem to return.

c'mon, share the joke," I say to her. "What's so funny?"

says Susan, "I was just remembering last night and thinking
about this morning. The rain is gone, the sun is out, and it is going
to be a beautiful day. I'm sure the park will fill up with children
playing and mom's reading on the benches."

I'm sure you're right. So? Why, you want to find someplace to play
later?" I say this with my most mischievous grin.

replies Susan, "Actually, yes. But that's not what I was
laughing about. See, sometime today, one of those little kids is
going to make his mom very uncomfortable."


he is going to walk up to Mom," Susan says with a gleam in her
eye, "and he is going to make Mom explain...make her explain why
there would be a pair of my panties lying under the swing set."

~ ~ ~


Harley Stone (a/k/a lucky-E-leven)

pulled into the driveway, grateful to be home after a long day at the
hospital. She took a moment to admire her home, but the real reason
she was reluctant to go inside was because it meant she'd have to
leave the cool cabin of her car. The Northeast had been plagued by
heat waves this summer and air conditioning was a luxury that she and
Sabrina hadn't seen fit to equip their home with. The breeze off the
Atlantic was normally more than capable of cooling the small Cape Cod
they owned, but she was really wishing they had it now.

one last deep breath of crisp, cool air, Liz turned off the engine
and headed up the driveway. Her first step onto the front porch
stairs always made her chest swell. A mix of pride and anticipation
filled her as she reached for the front doorknob. She loved this
house more than she'd ever imagined but what really made her heart
race was the gorgeous blonde within. Liz smiled at her own giddiness
and despite feeling drained by the smothering heat, she felt a bit of
bounce returning to her step as she crossed the threshold.

baby!" Liz called into the large living room.

was no answer and she dropped her satchel by the door before sifting
through the mail. Bills, junk, ad circulars, and yet another damn AOL
trial disc were replaced in their basket before she leaned down to
slip off her shoes. She started for the stairs and looked around to
be sure that all windows were open, praying that some kind of
movement would stir the oven-like air surrounding her.

She yelled at the top of the stairs, but there was still no answer.

wandered into the bedroom where she immediately stripped out of her
scrubs and stood before the fan. She pulled her curly brown hair off
her neck and piled it atop her head, clipping it there to keep her
neck exposed and letting the breeze from the fan caress her naked
skin. She walked to the bathroom and was disappointed to find no sign
of her girl.

walked to the bedroom door and yelled down the hall in the direction
of the work room, "Sabrina!"

waited a moment and heard nothing in response. Liz pushed away from
the door frame and stalked across the bedroom to stand in
window. A flood of sexy memories washed over her and the effects of
prolonged heat and lack of sex could be felt sharply. Her mind's eye
replayed the image of Sabrina masturbating in the window, her
silhouette easily discernable standing as she was, aglow in the
moonlight. A sudden twitch in Liz's pussy reminded her of the erotic
sights and sounds of her lover approaching orgasm while she watched
from a chair in the darkest corner of their bedroom.

the hell is she?
Liz wondered. She
could've sworn Sabrina's car was in the driveway when she arrived,
and she didn't remember the blonde saying she had any plans that
evening. Just then, her stomach growled and she decided to grab some
supper before she did anything else. Liz pulled on a pair of running
shorts and a sports bra before heading down to the kitchen. She found
a covered plate on the island and lifted the paper towel to find a
turkey sandwich, made just the way she liked it, accompanied by her
favorite potato chips.

smiled at Sabrina's thoughtfulness and took the plate over to the
refrigerator where she ate happily, standing with her face in the
open freezer. She never figured she'd have to deal with heat to this
degree when she moved from the south, but back home they had the good
sense to furnish every building and vehicle with air conditioning.
Why the idea hadn't caught on or was deemed unnecessary up here was
quite beyond her comprehension.

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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