Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (10 page)

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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this is so fuckin' nice!" Wet slaps of hip on hip set the beat
for their cries of encouragement and appreciation.

had been too many weeks without this feeling—cock! Sweet cock
slamming in, deep in her cunt as God intended. The rain made it more
thrilling, as the sensation involved her whole skin in heat and cold,
friction, chill and the ancient rhythm of sex. She pushed up higher
into him—it was too deep, but she wanted it that way a little
while. She was close to a big one. Water ran down her face, she
slurped it in.

deep, Gene," she said. The note in her voice tipped him off that
she was very close; he knew her so well. He hadn't realized he was so
familiar with the sounds of her. They almost never had made love in
the darkness in all that time at school.

a second! Get on top, baby!" he sat, legs braced wide, and she
straddled him. In he slipped again with a joyful grin. His arms held
her upright. Her breasts slapped his arms and chest as she worked
with a will, stroking her hips forward and back as she rode him. It
was warmer this way, too, even though her hair was wet now. He could
smell her, the distinctive smell of his Karen.

took control and fucked him. The rain made them slippery and joyous
and a little giddy. Then she came, yowling and then quickly biting
her lower lip to stifle the sound, but it was a very long spasm of
sweetness, dizzying. Her clutching fingers dug at his naked
shoulders, her heavy breasts came forward onto his chest. She was
almost sobbing and her toes curled in the twigs and leaves. He licked
rain off her ear and she slid on him a few seconds more for a second
strong come.

Karen!" said Gene, and this time it was she who knew by his
voice what was about to happen. She slapped his arms and he released
her, and when her mouth closed over him he clamped his mouth closed.
The tents were too close; they had to be quiet, but here it came! He
repeated "Christ, Karen" in a tight whisper and then sobbed
as his come slammed through.

shut tight, rain in her face and on her back, Karen trembled in her
excitement. Pulses of warm liquid jetted at the roof of her mouth;
his balls slapped her under the chin as he bucked upward.

I love this," thought she, exulting. They lay in the rain and
breathed together in silence a moment, then guilt drove Gene to his
feet to dress.

put up a hand, and he took it to help her up. Her yellow poncho was
easy to find and quick to get into, but the remnants of her panties,
white though they were, did not show themselves. In whispers, they
discussed what was done with them at the time. Both flashlights
scoured the ground, fruitlessly.

just know they'll be so completely obvious in the morning!" she

Wait, wait!" Gene played the beam across her. Bingo. "I see
em; they're stuck to the slicker." He peeled the cloth off and
presented it to her. They giggled from relief and embraced again.
"You were incredible, baby. You always were."

Gene." She hugged him tightly, and they stood in the hug a long

it supposed to rain again?" she whispered.

tomorrow afternoon and evening, they said, but we haven't heard an
update since before—what are you thinking?"


~ ~ ~

Storm in Time

Savannah Reardon

Abbie cursed as a loud boom of thunder shook the windows behind her,
and the lights flickered and then extinguished. The document she had
been typing vanished to a pinpoint on the monitor in front of her
before it disappeared completely. "Fucking sonofabitch!"

A soft,
amber glow appeared in the doorway and grew brighter as footsteps
sounded on the carpet. "Forget to save again?" asked Jessie
as he ambled through the doorway. The only answer was Abbie's glare.
"You'd think you would have learned your lesson by now."

think." The words barely registered as she forced them through
pursed lips.

He moved
further into the room and laid the flashlight on the desk, the beam
pointing away from the disgruntled young woman sitting behind it.
"Relax. It'll come back on, and you'll get it finished." He
stood behind her chair and kneaded her shoulders with his strong

the way the electric company around here works, it could be hours."

"I can
only hope."

that supposed to mean?"

get your panties in a wad. I just meant that as long as the
electricity is off, I have you all to myself."

Jessie, I need to get this proposal finished or my boss will have my

my job."

couldn't stop the smile from forming at his joke. "C'mon,
Jessie. Be serious. I'm not going to make a good impression if the
first proposal I'm put in charge of is late."

worry, babe. I have faith in you. You'll get it done, but the fact of
the matter is that there's nothing you can do about it right now."

The tension
in Abbie's muscles eased as Jessie's strong fingers worked their
magic. "I guess you're right. No point in working myself up over
something I have no control over."

when I can get you worked up about something else."

Jessie spun
the chair around and kneeled between her legs. The flashlight
provided just enough illumination for him to see what he was doing.
He hooked his fingers underneath the hem of her skirt and dragged it
upwards until the creamy skin of her thighs came into view.

She shivered
as he bent forward and ran his tongue up the inside of one leg from
her knee to the top of her thigh. He pushed the skirt higher to
reveal her mound.

"God, I
love the fact that you don't wear panties," Jessie moaned as he
nestled his face between her legs.

Abbie slid
forward a bit in the chair and spread her thighs to give him access
to her pussy. Her fingers gripped the black plastic armrests as his
tongue delved between her moist lips. Pleasure coiled in her belly
from the swiping of his tongue across her clit. She began to rock
against his face, grinding herself against the insistent lashes. As
the storm crashed outside, an entirely different kind of storm was
building inside Abbie.

The chair
creaked beneath the hungry movements of her body. Heat suffused her,
and droplets of sweat formed on her skin. The arousal spawned by his
tongue had hardened her nipples, and they rubbed in pleasant torture
against the fabric of her shirt, adding to her desire. Her teeth sank
into the flushed expanse of her bottom lip as her body stiffened.
Soft moans escaped from between her clenched jaw as sparks of
pleasure erupted within her. Jessie rode the wave of her passion, his
tongue never stopping its constant laving as the orgasm ripped
through Abbie. Only when her moans ceased and her bucking stopped did
he remove his tongue from her swollen bud and stand to his feet.

saying a word, he put his hands under her arms and lifted Abbie to
her feet. He guided her a couple of steps to the desk and sat her on
the wooden surface. Her fingers made quick work of the button and
zipper of his jeans, and he moaned as she grasped his hard cock.
Bending forward, he captured her mouth with demanding lips and thrust
his tongue inside.

She tasted
the flavor of her own juices as he ravished her mouth, his tongue
swiping around hers. Grabbing the lapels of her shirt, he wrenched
them open and the buttons plinked against the desk and floor as they
were torn from their anchors and fell. Abbie gasped as his fingers
closed over an achy nipple and pinched firmly. Pleasure shot through
her, and she arched into his touch.

Not wanting
to wait any longer to feel him inside her, she guided his hard shaft
to her wet entrance. When their skin connected, he thrust forward and
impaled her, eliciting a loud moan from Abbie. He put his hands on
her ass, and his fingers sunk into her skin as he plunged into her.

Abbie leaned
back, resting her weight on her hands, and wrapped her legs around
Jessie. She arched into him as he bent forward and sucked a nipple
into his hot mouth. Her body surged along with the rain outside as
pleasure reigned inside her. He lashed her nipple until it throbbed
and then gave the same treatment to the other one. Abbie cried out as
the waves of pleasure inside her built to a crescendo.

released her nipples and straightened, using his hands on her ass as
leverage to increase the speed and power of his thrusts. He fucked
her to the tempo of the deluge beating down on the roof, his cock
driving into her soft folds with relentless force. Abbie's arms gave
out beneath her, and she collapsed back onto the desk as her second
orgasm exploded within her. As the spasms blasted through her body,
the storm answered with a loud, crashing boom of thunder and the
lights suddenly blared on.

A pink flush
spread across Abbie's exposed skin as release claimed her. Jessie
grunted loudly and slammed forward, burying his cock into her pussy
one last time as cum spurted from the tip.

that was perfect timing," quipped Abbie as she sat up and
attempted to straighten the remains of her clothes. "For once,
the electric company did something right."

~ ~ ~

It Rains, It Pours

Gabrielle Miel

Tri-State! Wake up! Today is going to be a beautiful day! Rise and
Shine sleepy heads! To get you going on your way to a happy day
here's Bon Jovi and....

I even hear what the "next song" will be, I hit the sleep
button on my alarm clock... "Just seven more minutes," I
plead as I look at the numbers 6:30 blaring back at me in bright red
lights. Wincing, I close my eyes and pull the covers over my head. I
know full well that I will not be able to sleep for another seven
minutes, but just lying in bed and trying to wake up is worth it. The
old adage, "Another day, another dollar" ran through my
head. A dollar! More like chump change, but it pays the rent.

slide the covers down just enough so I can see those red numbers ~
6:36 a.m. Click! 6:37 a.m. "Damn! I hate when that happens!"

could rise into the 90's today with a bit of overcast in the late
afternoon. But I think..."

don't care what you think," I say as I shut my alarm clock off.
Tossing back the covers and sitting up, I stretch and immediately
feel a pain in my back. Still I smile at the memory of just why I
have that pain and how I got it. I feel my body tingle as I close my
eyes and recall every second, every moment of yesterday. Yes. It may
have rained. But it was the best rainy day of my entire adult life...

* * *

day didn't start out annoying: it gradually became annoying. I needed
to go food shopping and headed up to the grocery store a few towns
away. It was an okay weather day except for the fact that the sun was
hidden behind very thick gray clouds. Even though the temperature
said eighty-five degrees, it
felt much cooler, so I didn't
mind doing "indoor" chores. This Saturday the roads were
pretty busy. Traffic was at a stop and go pace, so the trip to the
store that would normally take me fifteen minutes took forty-five.
The parking lot was crowded; it took another fifteen minutes to find
a spot, and that was at the other end of the shopping center.
It was not going well and my mood was getting darker and darker, as
were the clouds in the sky. I made my way through the grocery store,
picking up just enough to get me through the week. Since I live
alone, I usually shop week to week. I only go to the larger grocery
stores for the more important products like toilet paper, paper
towels, and the like. Today, I was just getting things like milk,
bread, and such. As I get to the counter...Surprise, surprise! Just
about every item on the customer in front of me needed to be price
checked! I could feel my blood pressure rising.

as I was about to take my items and find another line, I heard my
cell phone ringing and fished for it in my pocketbook. I recognized
the number and answered it. "Hello?" I said a bit coldly.

It's me. What are you up to?"

ask!" I replied, sounding completely drone.

Still mad at me, huh?"

Plus today is not going too well," I said. "What's up?
Where are you?" I started putting my grocery items back on the

actually I'm down the shore."

I exclaim and then whisper into the phone. "What do you mean you
are down the shore? Are you crazy?"

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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