Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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“Hey come on! It’s hot outside!” Abbi rebutted.

“So Judy tells me that you got a bun in the oven? How far along are you?” Alexis asked as she hopped onto one of the stools at the kitchen counter.

“I am twelve weeks now. But I feel like I have enough cravings to be further along.” Abbi said finishing the small tub of Ben and Jerry’s.

“So do you know what you’re having?”

“Not yet. We should find out the sex in about a month. Ryan of course wants a boy; I just want a healthy baby.”

, cool. So when are ya’ll getting married?” Judy’s stomach clenched as Alexis asked.

“Well, we haven’t really picked a date yet.” Abbi looked questioningly at her.

“We have plenty of time for that.” Judy tried to change the subject. “First we have to pick the dress, that’s the most important part.”

“Shit, we are gonna have to pick
a date before my ass isn’t able to get into a dress any longer. These hips are going to start exploding soon. I can feel it.” Abbi grabbed her hips as if they were going to rupture at any moment.

“I thi
nk your hips look beautiful, Love.” Ryan came in through the sliding glass door from the balcony.

, Babe.” Abbi leaned up to kiss him before she continued. “I did get a stack of wedding magazines so while we are working on our tans we can plan!” She said with enthusiasm.

“Oh joy! I love wedding planning can I join?” Jace
said over enthusiastically as he came into the door.

“Why of course you can. The best man is responsible for planning a very calm and quiet bachelor party. No strippers.” Abbi grinned at him.

“What! This man is going to be tapping old faithful for the rest of his life and you want to keep him from his last constitutional right to watch Candie shake it in her Army uniform?” Jace protested.

“I will murk you and throw you in the ocean if you ever call a stripper by name again.” Judy punched his arm as the room erupted in laughter.

“You have nothing to worry about Princess,” he took her into his arms, “Though I would like to get you one of those little outfits to wear. But just for me.” Jace leaned down and whispered into her ear.

“That could probably be arranged. Do I get the one with the whip
?” She watched as his eyes lit up followed by a beaming grin.

“How the hell did I get lucky enough to find you?”
He growled as he hoisted her up over his shoulder. “Come on! It’s time for a good old fashioned ass whooping at volleyball. Judy and I against the three of you!”

Judy squealed out trying to cover her butt as her dress went flying up.

“Yeah right man. I am gonna drive you into the sand.” Ryan hollered out from behind.

This was the only family Judy needed in her life and she would do anything she could to hold on to them.

Chapter Three

The following Monday Jace found himse
lf staring at the same stack of folders that had been on his desk since that morning. His mind was anywhere but on the Japanese security deal that he needed to be eating, breathing, and sleeping. They were a tough group to get on board and if this deal went south because Jace couldn’t get his head out of his ass, then he might as well kiss his multi figured salary goodbye. As he reached for the black folder sitting on top of the stack his door came open.

“Good morning
, Mr. Alexander.” Tina, his not so bright personal assistant came into his office. “I brought you a coffee.” She sashayed across the room in her skirt that was clearly two sizes too small for her.

, Tina.” Jace glanced up nodding before burying his nose back into his folder. The only reason that he hadn’t fired her yet was because Ryan told him he’d have to suffer through a year with her. Jace was pretty sure that Ryan was just making sure that he’d really seen the light with Judy and wasn’t just stringing her along.

The truth about it was, since thinking he had lost her, Judy was the onl
y thing he could think about at all. His world had never seemed as bright as it did now. He just hoped it would never change. The threat of retaliation still rang out in the back of Jace’s mind; until they knew it had been neutralized, he wouldn’t stop protecting her and the world they had made together.

“Hello? Mr. Alexander?” Tina beamed from in front of his desk waving her hand around erratically.

“Huh? I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked if you needed anything else.” She smiled
as she bent over in front of him.

“No, Tina. Thanks.” He said flatly, seeing the disappointment in her face. “Close the door behind you please.”

Tina exited the room rather hastily. Damn he wasn’t trying to be a dick but it seemed like ever since Judy had come to the office to meet him for lunch Tina seemed more persistent than ever. He heard the handle to the door turn.

“Tina I’m good.” He said irritated
by her blatant advances.

“Dude. Really?” Jace put down his folder to see Gabe standing in his doorway. “I mean I know I look hot, but those skirts just aren’t going to do it for me.” He strolled over and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Jace’s large wooden desk.

“Sorry man. Got my mind on other things. What’s up?”

“Nothing much, I just wanted to follow up with you and see how Judy and the girls were.”

“Ryan still not letting you back on the detail with Abbi?” Jace let out a deep breath.
I get it I do, but Jesus it wasn’t Gabe’s fault. Fucking Ryan is just a hot head.

“Nah, though he actually made eye co
ntact with me today so I figure that is a step in the right direction. I mean shit, he didn’t fire me and I still get to talk to Abbi when she comes into the office.”

“Don’t worry about it man I will talk to him. But
I have something else I want you to work on for me. Ryan’s a douche sometimes and you know how he is about Abbi. The girls are good though, we spent the weekend out at the beach house. How’s Ashley, you two still talking?”

“Hell I don’t know,
I have been trying to get in touch with her and haven’t had much luck. I don’t know what to think about her. The last thing she mentioned was going to spend some time up at her parent’s house. But the girls said that they were always gone.”

“You don’t think she’s using do you?” Jace looked at him with concer
n. After all, this was Judy’s best friend.

To be honest, I have no idea.” Gabe paused before he continued. “So, what you got for me boss?” He gave him a questioning look.

“Well, one of Judy’s friends from back home showed up out of the blue this weekend. By out of the blue I mean on my fucking doorstep
with no warning, no call, no explanation.” Jace stifled his irritation.

“Did Judy give her the address or did she just show up

, surprised her as much as it did me. I want you to get eyes on this Alexis Reynolds and check her out. Maybe hang outside of her apartment for a few weeks, see what she’s up to. But this needs to stay between the two of us man. Neither the girls or Ryan need to know about it.” Jace looked at him sternly as he handed him a folder from the locked cabinet of his desk. “Here’s all of her info, I pulled it this morning. See what all you can find on her.”

-four boss.” Gabe took the folder and stood.

“Hey, keep it quiet.” Jace called out to him.

“Need to know basis, boss.” Gabe turned to exit, almost running into Ryan’s large frame that was coming in the door. Gabe froze a few steps in front of him.

“What’s need to know?” Ryan passed him entering Jace’s office and taking the chair Gabe had just vacated.

“Just some shit on the summer bonuses.” Jace nodded toward Gabe and watched as he left the office.

“Yeah? Gabe your new pencil pusher? I thought you and Tina were getting along better?” Ryan shot him a cocky grin.

“Back off Gabe won’t you? He’s actually a pretty cool guy if you don’t remember.” Jace leaned back in his chair and folded his hands across his lap. “He was a close friend of Abbi’s at one point.”

“I don’t want to get into that right now. Besides, I enjoy watching him sweat every time I get within five feet of him.” Ryan let out a laugh.

“You’re such a dick.” Jace stifled a laugh. “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“You got al
l the information on the Japanese deal?”

“Covered, I have a meeting with them this afternoon.”

“Good.” Ryan looked over at him, not a look of doubt in his eye, he knew Jace had this. Ryan shifted in his chair as the silence spread throughout the office.

“Spit it out.” Jace looked at him.

“Any word from your sources?”

Ryan knew that
Jace kept a few less than civilized contacts in his pocket and only pulled them out when needed. He knew about them, but never wanted details and didn’t like talking about it.

“Nothing. The bastard is one step ahead o
f us. No traces of phone conversations, no sightings, nothing. The dick lick is laying low.”

Ok. Well if you hear anything...”

Jace interrupted the sentence before Ryan could finish. “You will be the first to know.”

Ryan stood to leave the office stopping at the doorway. “See you at the meeting.”

“Yep.” Jace watched as he closed the door and left.

For a moment he sat waiting on the next person to come in, but the door remained closed. Attempting to try and get some work done he immersed himself back into the stack of folders that seemed to be growing taller by the minute.


“So, still no word from your family?” Abbi asked as she slid a napkin across the table at Judy and her overstuffed mouth.

Swallowing the cinnamon roll and taking a large sip of her coffee to wash it down Judy grabbed the napkin
and wiped her face. “No. Nothing. Not even from my brother and I really thought I would have heard something from him at least. I mean I know I hadn’t talked to him in a while but we have always been on good terms.”

“Well give it a little time. I know it has to be hard getting communication overseas. You said he’s in the Marines right?”

“Yeah, I talked to him at the beginning of last year when he had been promoted to Staff Sergeant. I am so proud of him and happy as hell that he was able to get the hell out of that damn town. I knew if he stayed he was going to end up busting shift work out at the mill just like our dad.” Judy tried to shake off the images of her angry father. “At least they still keep in contact with him.”

“So how about Alexis? What’s her story?” Abbi asked as she sipped her water.

“I haven’t talked to her in years. I don’t know how the hell she got our address. I assume she probably saw something in the tabloids or gossip magazines. She has always been nosey as hell.” Judy watched as a group of young women entered into the bakery laughing and knocking into each other as they walked. “I love Alexis. I do. We went through so much when we were younger. She stood by me through every fight with my family, but it feels like we aren’t on the same page anymore. I have tried to grow up, where as she… she is still the same outspoken, slightly inappropriate, Alexis.” A look of guilt washed over Judy’s face.

Alexis had been one of her closest, and only,
friends throughout high school. But they weren’t in high school anymore and Judy didn’t want to be worried to bring Alexis around her friends because she’d say something inappropriate. However being ashamed of someone who had once been such a huge part in her life made her feel like a dirt bag.

“It’s ok Judy. That’s a part of life. You get older, you start having matur
e relationships with people, you start talking about marriage, and kids. Some people don’t want that though. They still want a few more years of the good life and not answering to anyone.” Abbi paused placing her hand on her stomach before continuing. “To be honest Judy, this wasn’t exactly the life I had expected.”

“What do you mean? Are you not h
appy with Ryan?” Concern filled Judy’s voice.

“Oh no!
That’s not it at all. I love Ryan, but looking back at everything that has happened, when I moved from Georgia I wanted to be independent and make my own decisions. I never wanted to settle down because that meant I had someone to answer to, and let’s be honest… I have never had to do that in my life. But when Ryan came into my life and I met you and Ashley, suddenly everything kind of came into perspective. I have never had a family and I have had very few friends along the way. But suddenly I had all of you in my life and a reason to be happy for probably the first time. Ever.” Abbi smiled. “I didn’t want kids or to be married. That wasn’t the plan but now that I have that, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I think Alexis just needs a little more time. I mean look at you, we have almost refined you back to being a civilized member of society.” Abbi teased.

“Miracles do happen I guess!” Judy said stuffing the last of her cinnamon roll into her mouth and smiling.

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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