Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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“Oh, well ok. I will be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” His eyes were alive with hope and desperation as he took off to the back of the building.

She could hear him shuffling around a few boxes before he re-emerged with a folder sized box with the name “Reynolds” on the side. “Here you go, Ms. Reynolds.” He handed her the box as she hopped off the counter.

“So helpful.” She grinned over at him as she walked back around the counter.

She steadied the box against one hip as she dug down into her purse removing her wallet. Grabbing the corner of a hundred dollar bill she threw it up onto the counter. “Thank you Bob. I promise I will be back to see you.” She winked before making her way out the door.

As she flung the door open her heart almost stopped. She looked left and right and didn’t see Mark anywhere. Quickly she walked around the side of the building where she had left him. No Mark. Briskly she made her way over towards his black Range Rover sitting in the parking spot. As she passed the end of the building she heard the cat calls of the gentlemen who had so nicely greeted her the same way as she walked up. She picked up her pace as she noticed them walking her way.
Dammit I knew I should have worn my flats.
She stumbled as the heel of her shoe caught on a stump. Almost losing her balance until two hands grabbed her arm.

Flinging the box down onto the ground she snatched her arm away from the stranger before realizing it was Mark. “Jesus Judy, you’re going to kill yourself in those damn shoes.” He stood her upright grabbing the box off the ground.

“Hey Mami! Hey Baby. What do you say you come over here and hang out with a real man?” A man with tattoos said as Mark opened her door.

“Judy, just get into the car.” Mark threw the box into the back seat.

“Hey Baby, let me get a little piece of that ass.” Another one in the group shouted. Judy could feel her temper rising. She didn’t give a damn how dangerous these thugs thought they were, she was about to show them a lesson in Southern Hospitality.

“Hey, Bitch. I’m talking to you.” Another rang out.

Judy watched as Mark jumped into the driver’s side door giving her the opportunity to jump out of hers. “Damnit Judy!” Mark yelled out as she made her way towards the group.

“You know what
, Asshole, I got your bitch right here! Do you really think that shit would get you a girl with any bit of class left in her body? That shit might work on your prostitutes and whores but it isn’t going to work on me.” She spat out into the face of the group’s leader.

“You have no idea who you are
talking to like that Little Mami. I would have you in line so quickly you wouldn’t know which way was up because you’d always have your head down waiting for an order.” He challenged her stance.

“Mother fucker you wouldn’t know what to do with a girl like me. You’d be so pussy whipped you’d have to call in sick from gang banging.” She smiled up at him.

“Spicy little thing. I like that.”

“Judy, time to go. Now!
” Mark came up behind her.

“Who’s this
? Your boyfriend?” The Hispanic man asked taking in Mark’s large build.

No, Baby he couldn’t handle it either.” She cut her eyes at him before continuing. “Now do me a favor and show a little respect the next time you speak to a lady.”

Judy turned to head back to the truck as the leader yelled out towards her. “Hey, Little Ma…” He stopped before finishing the sen
tence. “I mean, Ma’am. You that girl that got shot at the nightclub a few months back?”

Judy stopped in her tracks. Her heart began racing. She wasn’t sure what was about to happen when she turned around.

“Judy, let’s go now.” Mark said sternly under his breath.

Judy looked up at him and gave him an apologetic look before she turned back around. “Yes. I am. Why is that of any concern to you?”

“Hey listen, I don’t mean you no harm. We have orders to stay the hell away from you and all of your crazy ass, trigger happy friends.” He said nodding over towards Mark.

Her heart slowed as a wave of relief washed through her body. “What do you mean orders?”

“Mr. Gonzalez, he’s running shit for us now. We have been ordered to stay the hell away from all of you. As for that bitch Trent, well that’s a different story.”

“You’re after Trent?”

“Let’s just say he still owes a lot of money and since he can’t stay away long with that habit of his, the boss is looking for payment. Now.”

“Do you have a way I can contact you?” Judy knew that she was playing with fire. She already didn’t think about how she was going to explain this whole ordeal to Jace, but this might be there only chance in finding where Trent is at.

“Yeah, you can call me at this number.”

Judy took out her phone and entered in the number he had given her. “What’s your name?” Judy took in his uncertain look.

“Antonio. That’s all you need to know.”

chapter ten

“Honey, I have the extra balloons you asked for.” Jace announced as he came into the apartment. For a moment he waited for a reply but it was quiet. “Judy?”

“In the kitchen.” He heard her shout out.

He made his way in past the tables that had been set up around the great room. All covered in pink and blue table cloths adorned with centerpieces. As he made it into the kitchen he took in the monstrosity that was the diaper cake Mark had been working on. Judy leaned up against the counter smiling as he handed her the balloons.

“Hi, Dear. How was work?” She asked tying the balloons off on the back of the nearest chair.

“Good. What has you so chipper?” He looked down at her questioningly.

“Oh nothing. I just love baby parties. They bring everyone together.” She leaned up and kissed him.

He stood contemplating
if he should ask what she had done. Knowing her she had probably cut into the cake to find out what the baby was going to be and then had the bakery make a new one. He never knew what to expect with Judy. Sometimes her common sense didn’t work very well.

“Judy?” He said as she came back into the kitchen. “What did you do?”

He watched as she froze picking up the stack of paper plates. Before turning and walking briskly back out of the kitchen. He made his way into the great room where she was nervously fidgeting at the napkins.

“I can’t tell you.” She looked up at him, her eyes overwhelmed. “I know it’s going to make you angry and I was only trying to help.”


“No, Jace. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Ryan’s parents are on their way up along with some of the other guests. I want to tell you.” She made her way over to him wrapping her arms around his and placing her head against his chest. “I promise, when the party is over I will tell you anything you want to know. I will answer every question and sit silently as you fuss at me.”

He looked down into her eyes, he could tell that whatever it was had already started eating away at her. He knew she didn’t like keeping things from him, but if she felt this strongly about waiting then it was probably for the best.

“Ok, afterwards
.” He leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. “For now, let’s get this party started.”

As the doorbell rang he made his way over to let in the first of the guests. “Oh this must be the strippers!” He said sarcastically as he opened the door for Ryan’s parents.

“Jace, the last time I took my clothes off for money was in 1963. I am not doing it again.” Janet joked as she made her way in the door.

Too much
information, way too much!

“Well technically you took them off fo
r my money last night.” William laughed as he slapped Jace on the back. “Got a little more than you bargained for there didn’t you?

“You have no idea.” Jace laughed.

Over the next two hours the apartment began to fill as the remaining party guests arrived, including the two main ones. As they opened the overflowing amount of presents, most from Judy, they laughed and joked about baby names and information that Judy had found online. Jace tried to focus on the party but at the back of his mind the threat still loomed. He scanned the room looking at all of the people who now made up his family. Ryan had always been his brother and now that he had Judy, Mason, and Abbi in his life along with all of the other people surrounding them he didn’t want anything to happen that would cause that to go away.

“Ok, It
’s time for cake! Eeek! I am so excited I am about to wet myself.” Judy giggled as she and Janet brought the cake in and sat it on the table next to Abbi and Ryan.

“Honestly I figured you had already eaten it to see what the baby was going to be, Judy.” Abbi laughed as she and Ryan made their way
to the back of the table.

Taking the cake cutter they sliced into the cake as every
one sat in anticipation. Slowly they sliced through the other side of the piece of cake. Jace realized that he had been holding his breath as Judy came over and plopped down into his lap. He was almost as excited now as Judy had been all along.

“Who wants to know what we’re having?” Abbi eyes
traveled playfully over to Judy.

“I am
going to have a heart attack if you don’t tell me.” Judy playfully fainted back into Jace’s chest.

Together Abbi and Ryan removed the slice of cake and shared an exciting smile. “It’s. A….”

“Oh for Moses’ sake!” Judy sat upright.

“Girl!” They shouted in unison.

“Hallelujah! My pink dress worked!” Judy jumped up from Jace’s lap and ran over to Abbi.

“Congrats you two. I am just excited to have a healthy grandbaby.” William hugged Ryan as Janet came up behind them crying.

“Oh, Mom. Please don’t cry.” Ryan chuckled as he took her into his arms.

Jace made his way to Judy’s side. “Congratulations Abbi. I know you and Ryan are going to be amazing parents to that baby girl.”

For a moment his heart beat faster as he watched Judy kneel down in front of Abbi and whisper into her belly as she had done so many times before. To see the love that Judy already had for this baby caused his heart to clench.

“Hello in there sweet baby. Your Auntie is happy that she is going to get to buy you dresses and that you won’t be quite as stinky.” Judy held both hands on the sides of Abbi’s stomach. “Maybe when you come out we can actually have some alone time. Your grandparents always look at me silly when I talk into your mama’s belly.” She giggled as she stood looking over at William and Janet.

“Oh darling, we are used to your kind of crazy now.” Janet laughed as she gave Judy a hug. “We know how much you love Abbi and the baby. That’s all we could ever want.”

“I am just going to take that as a compliment.” Judy smiled.

As the party wound down and the guests left Jace could feel the silence in the room growing. The tension so think you could almost cut it with a knife.

“Jace, we need to talk about today before Ryan and Abbi leave.” Judy said sheepishly.

“Ok.” He let out a deep breath as he watched her walk towards the food table. “Hey Babe, come here please.” Judy came up but didn’t make eye contact. “Listen, I know that whatever happened today has been eating away at you. I know you think I am going to explode but I’m not. Let’s just sit down and talk ok?”


“Ryan, Abbi. Could you two come in here please? Mason, you too buddy.” Jace called out.

They all gathered
into the room taking seats on the couch. Jace looked puzzled as Judy walked down the hallway towards the bedroom.

“Judy has something she wants to talk to everyone about.”

“What’s going on, Jace? Is everything ok?” Abbi looked up at him with concern.

“Yes. Everything is fine. I wanted to talk to you all about this.” Judy came into the room setting the file box onto the ground at Jace’s feet.

For a moment irritation spread throughout him. Why she would go and put herself at risk when he had been busting his ass to make sure she was always safe was beyond him. But after a brief moment the irritation melted away. She had put herself in danger to get information that she knew Jace and Ryan couldn’t get. When he thought about it, this was what he had been contemplating all afternoon that she’d done. She was strong and he would never hold her back for that.

“I went to the apartment complex today and got the box of Alexis’ belongings.” Judy chanced a look up at Jace. He watched as his slight smile caused her entire body to visually relax.

“Judy! I can’t believe you would do that? You could have gotten hurt!” Abbi proclaimed from the couch.

“Please don’t go into labor early Abs, I had protection.” Judy pulled up a chair for her and Jace.

“Have you looked in it?” Mason asked.

“No, not yet. I was too nervous about what I would find.” Judy answered. “I have been half e
xpecting there to be nothing but a dead body.”

“Ok, well hold onto your seats.” Ryan reached over and removed the lid from the box.


Judy peered through her squinted eyes to see the small stack of papers in the bottom of the box. Without hesitation she jumped down onto the floor and began rifling through them. She handed the old mail to Ryan, bank statements she gave to Jace, and then she froze. The corner of a picture stuck out from underneath the next handful of papers.

“What is it Judy?” Abbi asked.

Judy reached down and tugged at the edge of the picture. Slowly a black and white picture of fuzzy lines came out from the stack. “It’s a sonogram.” Judy held it up towards Abbi and Ryan. “It’s Alexis’.”

“Mason, did you know Alexis had been pregnant?” Jace asked.

“No. Not at all. Wow. I wonder.” Mason looked over at Judy.

“If this is Trent’s leverage?” Judy answered his sentence.

“So do you think Alexis had a baby and somehow Trent is keeping her from it?” Ryan asked throwing the stack of old bills back down into the box.

“I don’t know.” Judy said standing. As she did the corner of her skirt caught on the bottom of the box dumping the remaining papers out.

“Wait. Judy look.” Abbi tried reaching down at what looked to be a letter that had fallen out of the box.

“Here I will get it Babe.” Ryan reached down and grabbed it.

“Who’s it addressed to?” Judy asked.

“Baby boy.” Ryan handed her the letter. “I think you should read it Judy.”

Her hands shook as she gently tore the top from the envelope. This was twice now that she’d had to read letters from her friends and she was sure that this letter wouldn’t be good either. She unfolded the letter and began to read aloud.

“Dear son. I know that I may not be able to be with you right now but I want you to know that I will always love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You changed my life in so many ways. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone tell you differently. I will always be your mother. Always. I may not be the mother that’s raising you now, but I will always be in your heart. Please don’t be mad that I had to let you go. I am fighting a fight that so many have lost and I don’t want you to be a part of that.” Judy sniffled as a tear ran down her face. “I know that you will be strong and beautiful. I wish you all the luck, love, and good fortune the world can give you my son. I love you to the moon and back. Love, your mother.”

Judy felt Jace’s arm wrap around her as she collapsed into his chest. Her heart felt broken, for Alexis, for her baby that she had to give up. She looked up and saw the tears rolling down Abbi’s face as well.
This was what Trent had been holding over her head. The manipulative evil bastard had been using Alexis’ son for leverage to get her to do things.

“We will make this right, Baby. I promise you we will. For Alexis. We have doubted her and we owe it to her to make it right.” Jace comforted Judy’s sobs as a ring at the doorbell caused them all to look up.

“I will grab it.” Mason hopped up and made his way over to the door.

“Who is it Mase?” Judy sniffled.

“Um, no one.” Mason looked back from the peep hole. “Jace get your gun. I am assuming you don’t have a lot of kids pulling pranks around here.”

Jace reached over and grabbed the pistol from Judy’s purse before making his way to the door behind Mason. “I’ll open, you scan.”

Judy watched as they silently counted to three. Ryan made his way in front of the girls with his pistol ready. As Mason turned the handle and slung the door open he stepped back giving Jace the room to scan the hallway with his gun.

“Oh my God! Alexis!” Judy jumped from her seat and ran past Ryan. She fell to the ground and cradled Alexis’ lifeless body that had slumped down through the doorframe.

chapter eleven

“Is she breathing?” Mason knelt down next to Judy. “I know you wan
t to help sis but let me try to help her. I am trained in first aid and CPR.” He put his ear down to her lips watching to see if her stomach would rise.

Jace ran to Judy’s side and picked her up
from the floor. “Ryan, call 911! She doesn’t look good.” He called out as he carried Judy over to the couch. “Abbi, I need you to sit with her please. Just stay over here ok?” Jace knelt in front of Judy. Seeing the grief that was spreading across her face caused cracks to rupture throughout his heart. “Baby, look at me.” He reached up placing his hands on each side of Judy’s face trying to avert her eyes from Alexis and back to him. “Baby, we have help coming. You need to sit here ok.” Her eyes were empty when they reached his. Silently she nodded her response as he made his way back over to Mason and Ryan.

“Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Breathe
! Breathe damnit! Come on Lexi.” Mason growled out towards Alexis’ lifeless beaten body.

, check her airway again.” Ryan said from the other side of her before speaking back into the phone. “Yes, we are doing CPR; she doesn’t seem to be responding.”

“Ryan she’s breathing!” Mason yelled up at him. “Tell them to hurry the fuck up!”

Jace came to Mason’s side. “Go check on Judy.” He could see the hurt in Mason’s eyes as he walked away leaving Alexis lying on the floor.

BOOK: Cherish Me (The Protected Love Series)
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