Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker) (9 page)

BOOK: Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker)
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No more introverted Joseph Parker.

I grab his face, give him an open-mouthed kiss, and he returns my passion until I feel like I’m going to faint. I tear my lips from his and gasp for air.

“Baby,” he exhales and nuzzles my neck.

“I think we should stop.”

“Yes, I agree.” He keeps peppering me with tender kisses.

I giggle, tilt my head and give him more room. “I don’t wanna…”

“Me either.” He pauses and swallows. “But we should.”

With a groan, we disengage, his semi-hard cock slipping from my pussy. I snatch my panties and tug them on, quickly follow them with my jeans and sneakers,
bra and top completing my outfit.

Mr. Parker dresses, his eyes never seeming to leave my body. Then he hands me a wet napkin to get rid of any remaining traces of our sexual escapades.

“You think Brandon’s up yet?”

He shrugs. “Probably.

“What did you do to him, big bad commando man?” I don’t know his “real” title, but I don’t think I want to know either.

He closes the distance between us and brushes a soft kiss across my lips. “It didn’t kill him. That’s all you need to worry about, baby.”

“Do you think he knows it was you?”

Mr. Parker rolls his eyes. “I’m good at my job, baby.”

“You get me kinda hot when you go all soldier-y. I like it when you’re being sneaky.”

He raises a single brow. “I wouldn’t have had to go all ‘soldier-y’ if you hadn’t started all of this.”

I whisper against his lips. “I love you.”

Mr. Parker stares at me a moment, and I don’t know what he’s thinking. I’m surprised when he lunges and kisses me, half desperate and full of passion. “Baby, you can’t even begin to imagine what I feel for you.”

Wow. I mean, we’d said “I love you”, but the fierceness and intensity in his gaze is startling. I never should have doubted his feelings. Ever. Now, I regret the childish stunt I’d pulled.

He snags my fingers and tugs me toward the nearby trail. “Come on, let’s go see Brandon.”

“What are we going to tell him?”

Mr. Parker flashes me a grin. “Get creative, baby. You’re the devious one in this relationship. If it were up to me, I’d just tell him the truth.”




I’m sitting by the window in my room, watching the gentle rain patter on my window panes. A storm has been hovering since morning, leaving everything wet, gloomy and depressing. Dad’s plans to go hunting today have been cancelled and after dinner he and Mr. Parker went to hang out in the garage, drinking beer. Mom is curled by the fireplace with a book, drinking a bit of wine.

Carolyn and Brandon have already headed home.

Yesterday, after we cleaned up from our rabid fuckaroo, we’d trekked back to where we left Brandon and, to my surprise, he was still unconscious. I’d stared at him, worried Joe had accidentally injured him during his ninja game. But, within moments he came around and I was relieved he was okay. Once he was standing, I told him he’d suddenly passed out and I had gone searching for my dad, but found Mr. Parker instead. Brandon claimed he didn’t remember anything, one second he had stepped over a tree root and a heartbeat later, he was staring at us from the ground.

I was relieved and Brandon didn’t seem to suspect a thing.

When we got back to the cabin, Carolyn had already packed and left, leaving instructions for Brandon to hop in his car and do the same when he was ready. Since Brandon still felt a little weak, my mom made him lunch and Mr. Parker drove him to the Somersby’s cabin, stating it was no trouble for Joe to hoof it back.

The atmosphere in the cabin had changed overnight, silence filled with an unspoken awkwardness.

Mom told me Carolyn had been mortified and hightailed it the moment she could.

I spent Sunday morning and right through dinner in my room, Skyp
ing with Jolene. My roommate told me she had two guys over on Saturday night, and they played a big game of hide the salami until morning.

Usually, I peppered her for details, but I wasn’t in the mood.

A lot was weighing on my mind. All of it concerned Mr. Parker and our relationship.

I’m a nineteen-year-old sophomore at Brown and my secret lover is three years younger than my father, my dad’s best friend and a military-trained, super bad ass ninja guy.

We live in different worlds and his relationship with my parents makes our love forbidden.

I press my palms against the chilly glass I’m holding and fantasize about Mr. Parker. Cold seeps through my pores and into my bones, my breath makes thick condensation form on the surface of the glass. I sketch a small heart through the moisture, much like Mr. Parker did to my hand in the car.

I heart U.

My heart stirs and heat fills my cheeks.

Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this.

Moments like this are better spent in the arms of loved ones. If Mom and Dad weren’t here, Mr. Parker and I could snuggle beneath a blanket, share our warmth and listen to each other’s heartbeat. Yet, here I am, sitting by the window, horny and longing while the man I want most in the world is down in the garage. From where I sit, I can see his silhouette, lounging on one of the Adirondack chairs.

So close, yet so far away.

Mr. Parker’s silhouette shifts as he rises, walks past the behemoth of my father’s SUV that’s parked in front of the garage, a can of beer in his hand. He tosses the drink into the bin, then glances in my direction. I wave at him frantically, but he only casts his gaze to the ground and stalks away. The disappointment fills me.

Maybe he doesn’t acknowledge me because he’s still so close to my dad. He melts into the night among the dripping trees and soggy bushes.

That bastard…

My cells rings and I rush to answer. Hoping… “Hello?”


Mr. Parker! Yay!

“Where did you go?” I squint, try to find him in the midst of falling branches and swirling leaves. I see nothing.

“Somewhere. Away from the house, but I can see you just fine from where I’m at.”

I lick my lips. “Oh.” I do as he asks. “Can you still see me?”


“Joe…” I drop my voice, let my need and desire seep into every word. “Aren’t you cold out there? Come back inside and go to your room, we can

“No.” He sighs. “I’m sorry, baby. We need to behave. I can’t take any more risks right now.”

“Ah.” My hope deflates like a punctured balloon, but I know he’s right. No more hanky-panky until we get home. Without Carolyn and her son around, Mom and Dad will probably pay attention to us. I close my eyes. I want him so much my heart hurts. “I miss you.”

A low rumble reverberates on his end. “Me too.”

I lean against the window, press my cheek against the cool glass. “Did you talk to your CO about your vacation?”

“I’ve already submitted the request.”


I can hear his sigh over the line. “He hasn’t responded yet, but I should hear something this week. I’ll let you know when it’s approved.”

“Did you ask for a full week?”


“One, whole, full week?” It’s taking everything in me not to jump up and squeal.

“Yes, baby, one week. Just us and no one else.”

I purr. “That’s better. I still wish you were here right now. In my bed where it’s nice and warm. It’s got your name on it…” I tease.

He sighs, sounds so damn sexy. “Don’t tempt me.”

“Babe, would you at least come in out of the rain? I won’t make too much noise if you sneak up here.”

“Jess, you know I can’t. I don’t want to make your dad suspicious.”

I snort. “Wimp.”

“I don’t want to get caught balls deep in your pussy. If your parents find out about us, it’ll be from my own mouth.”

I grip my cell harder. “You… you’re gonna tell them?”

“Why? You don’t want me to say anything?” Anguish laces his tone.

“Well, I guess they need to know sooner or later.” I nibble my lower lip, nervous about where this is headed.

“When?” He presses me.

Ah, so he wants them to know. I take a moment to think. “After I graduate?” I pause. “Brown is really expensive and if my parents disown me…”

“I have savings and I make good money. You don’t need to worry, baby.”

My breath catches in my throat. “You’re really serious.”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m not getting any younger and I don’t enjoy what I’m doing anymore. I want to settle down, Jessica. I want to be with you.”

Oh god. This is hella heavy. “Are you going to resign your commission?”

“That’s up to you, babe.” He pauses. “I can get a job in the private sector and I was thinking about getting an apartment near your campus so you wouldn’t have to commute and…”

I barely listen to his next words. The thought of us living together makes me giddy. Imagining having our own place to call home and he’d be there each and every morning.

No more depressing days, weeks, months. No more worrying about him getting hurt on a mission. I can’t believe the idea of a couple’s life excites me this much. I’ve always liked parties, and hanging out with my friends, but the prospect of living with Mr. Parker thrills me. He’s still talking when I cut him off. “Yes. Let’s do it. Let’s tell my parents.”


“Bad timing?” I wince.

“After this thing with Carolyn, I don’t think your parents are up for another surprise.”

Right. “So, when?”

He’s silent for a moment. “Thanksgiving? Or Christmas?”

I groan. “That’s like… months away. I want you now.”

“Jesus.” Mr. Parker mutters some obscenities under his breath. “Don’t you think I want to be with you right now instead of freezing under this tree?”

“What tree?” I peer into the darkness and try to spot him in the darkness.”

“The big oak.”

The tree is only a few feet from the garage, but I can’t see anything within the blackness. “I can’t see you.”

He snickers. “But I can see you, and you’re not wearing a bra.”

I giggle. “I’m not wearing panties, either.”

My statement is met with a groan and he sounds so frustrated and miserable.

Feeling naughty, I quickly add on to my statement. “And I’m wet, Joe. I took a shower after dinner, thinking I could sneak into your room, but you were in the garage with Dad.” I lick my lips. “I’ve been petting myself, waiting for you.”

“You’re… wet?” I can hear the interest in his voice.

“I am.” I lower my voice to a seductive whisper. “Wish you were here, Joe. I know how much you’d love to slip a finger inside me and see how ready I am for you. Like right now…” I hitch the hem of my oversized shirt and slide my hand to the juncture of my thighs, slide a finger over the seam of my lower lips. “I’m fucking dripping. I’ve been thinking that when it’s raining like this, it’s the perfect time to crawl beneath a blanket, you and me, naked, nothing to separate us...” I enunciate every word, let them flow from my lips nice and slow. I love teasing my man. Whenever he’s deployed, he calls me and our conversations always end in phone sex. Well, one-way phone sex, at least. He can’t say anything risqué and usually replies in neutral tones and low grunts. Me, on the other hand… I get very creative in the dirty talk department.

“Christ.” Another pause. “Lift your shirt. I want to see you.”

“Hmm.” I shift until I’m in the center of the window and plant one foot on the sill, pull the hem of my shirt to my navel. I can’t see him, but he claims he’s found me through the darkness without a problem, which makes the whole thing that much more thrilling. I feel like a burlesque girl performing for an invisible audience, the one-way glass keeping us apart.

A long suffering grunt comes through the phone. “Higher, baby.”

I tug the fabric to just below my breasts. “Can you really see me?”

“Your pussy? Not really, but I love to see you naked, all of that smooth skin. It’s all mine, baby.”

The thought sends a shiver down my spine. “Shall I take off my shirt?”

“I don’t want you to get cold, baby.” I can hear the need in his voice.

“Not at all. I burn for you, Joe. I always have.” I lower my leg and set the phone down so I can give him a little show. I let the top drop back down and then snag the hem, wiggle my hips while I slowly drag it up my body. Inch by inch, I reveal myself to him, tempt and tease my lover. Just as I reach my breasts, I slip it over my head, toss it aside and then shake my head from side-to-side, fluff my hair seductively. I cup my breasts, squeeze them and then pinch my hardened nipples. I moan and quickly release one of my tits, slap the free hand onto my pussy and whimper at the stinging contact. Before the pinch of pain can totally slip away, I slide a finger between my labia and stroke my moist sex lips. A deep tremor courses through me, sending my muscles twitching and cunt spasming.

BOOK: Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker)
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