Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker) (6 page)

BOOK: Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker)
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Good… good doesn’t describe the feeling of being connected to him this way.

I know I’ll be able to take him once we get into a nice rhythm.
That’s when the real fun will begin.

Mr. Parker tugs and pulls, positions me in his arms while he looks for an angle that will give him deeper penetration. I love this part, love being stuffed with him, love when, he forces me to take him all. The feeling of being stretched to bursting has become addictive, and I love his thickly veined cock stringing my sensitive inner walls.

He grinds, he thrusts, pulls and gyrates, sending a rush of pleasure through me like an unstoppable tsunami.

I breathe through clenched teeth, sift through the initial pain and stoke my arousal.

Mr. Parker is doing the same, working his muscles to get deeper, piston harder, give us both more of what we crave.

Then, he finds it: that perfect position that strokes and pets my G-spot, wrings a muffled cry from my lips.
I tremble around him, pussy tightening around his dick.

As if that was a sign, he begins pummeling his cock into me, forcing my cunt into submission,
shoving until I take him to the base.

With a groan, he slams until I can feel his balls slap against my ass and I mewl quietly. I love this. Love his cock. Love being forced to take what he gives and like it. No matter how hard he fucks me, how sore I am when it’s over, I love having his dick inside me, flesh locked and bodies becoming one in the most intimate way possible.

Dick fully embedded in my cunt, Mr. Parker deposits me back on the counter, my ass resting just on the edge. Before he returns to his punishing thrusts, he shoves his tongue into my mouth, making sure my noises won’t draw unnecessary attention.

Then, he’s fucking me, pounding into me with short, rapid and precise jabs. Each thrust sends another bolt of pleasure through me, surrounding me and drawing me closer to the precipice. Sucking his dick had aroused me, but this is bringing me closer and closer to climax. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, does his best to keep me quiet.

But each entrance into my needy cunt has me whimpering, body trembling and edging closer. I can feel it hovering just out of reach, urging me higher and higher. I grip his shoulders, hold onto him for dear life, and pray we won’t be found.

But I’m too loud. I always have been with him. The way his body plays mine like a finely tuned instrument.

“Jess…” He whispers, gaze boring into mine, and I catch what he means. This has to end, and fast, or we’re going to be discovered since I can’t keep my pleasure to myself.

I kiss him, teeth colliding, mouths mashed together, tongues dueling and tasting while we ravage each other.

My pussy is throbbing in time with my heartbeat, urging my orgasm closer, lulling my body into submission. The pleasure; fuck it feels so perfect, right and magical as he pistons in and out of my stretched pussy.

There’s no dirty talk this time, no him telling me to “take that fat dick, come on my cock, scream for me baby”.
Just the thought, the idea of his rough voice and body doing exactly that, has me on the edge. I want to tell Mr. Parker to give it to me, his dirty little slut. I want him to slap my ass while he growls in my ear that I’m a naughty whore and whores get fucked.

My clit aches and pussy hurts so good.

He keeps his pace like a demented man, in and out, harder and harder and his balls slap against the lower curve of my ass.

I reach between us and settle my finger over my clit, circle the bundle of nerves and our lips part long enough to share a few whispered words.




Cause I am, it’s right there, and he slams even harder into my cunt, again and again and again until I’m not sure where he ends and I begin, but I don’t care either.

No, not when I’m coming.

Not when my pussy clamps down on his dick and he throbs and twitches inside me, not when I’m flying apart, climax overtaking me and my body is filled to the brim with pleasure.

I grunt and groan against his mouth, half-kisses followed by deep breaths.

“Mr. Parker…” I whimper, I tease. That name has just as much of an effect on him as it does on me.

He grunts, keeps his hips moving and pounding, shoves that fat cock into my pussy more and more until I come again, cream his cock, squirt all over him and soak us both with my juices. Only he’s ever been able to draw that from me. Him and him alone.

I’m seeing rainbows and unicorns now, floating in la
la land while be batters me with several more vicious thrusts.
Then he surrenders, sucks in a deep breath as he climaxes and fills me with his thick, hot cum, paints my inner walls with his seed. His whole body shudders with me and we kiss again while we both ride the roller coaster of ecstasy to a close.

But then our pleasure is cut short. Because parents suck in a not fun way.

Someone knocks on the bathroom door, a sharp rap of knuckles against the wood. “Jessie! Are you in there?”

Oh shit, my dad.

My widened eyes, surprised gaze, is reflected in Mr. Parker’s expression. That quick, he slips into warrior-mode. He places a finger on my lips, keeps me silent while he withdraws his cock from my pussy. A quick jiggle and he’s tucked in his jeans and zipped up.

He motions me to get back into the tub, quietly and I sink into the warm water, watch him move around the room. I’ve never been caught before, never even been close, but there seems to be a first time for everything.

“Jessie!” My dad’s voice is louder this time with a hint of anger.

“What?” I snarl. Geez, can’t anyone get their groove on without being interrupted? This is really killing my post-coital buzz.

Mr. Parker throws me a smile and a wink while he climbs onto the counter and slinks through the open window. Hell, I can’t believe what he’s doing. We’re on the second floor and the ground is at least twenty feet away! My love disappears and I toss his order to stay put after him, climb from the tub and stick my head outside. I can just see the shadow of him while he leisurely climbs down the drainpipe with the grace and stealth of a bad ass ninja. Or, at least, how I’d imagine a ninja doing the same thing. I know he’s well trained for sneaking in and out of places, but I’ve never seen him in action.

Fuck I’m impressed. And horny. But mostly impressed.

Less than two minutes later he lands on the grass and dusts his hands on his jeans as if nothing had happened. He melts into the night.

I blink. Wow.


“Jesus Christ.” I grab a towel and wrap it around my body then stomp to the door. A quick flick of the lock, a yank on the door and I’m staring at my fuming father.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking a bath.”

My dad shoves the door open and pokes his head inside, eyes narrowed as he scans the interior. “I heard something.” After a few moments, when he doesn’t find anyone, he turns those slitted eyes at me. “I thought you were with someone.”

“Dad!” I whine. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was listening to Static-X.”


Duh. “The band! Do you need to use the bathroom or something?”

He nods. “I had too much beer and your mother won’t leave the one downstairs.”

I raise a single brow. “Well, tell Mom to hurry up. I’m taking a bath!” With that, I shove him back through the door and slam it shut, making sure the lock is engaged. Doing that to him was totally uncool, but I didn’t want him to see any evidence of my lover’s presence. Luckily, the bathroom had only been lit with by the candle and the moon, so my dad hadn’t seen the dirt tracks from Mr. Parker’s exit via the window. I swipe at the marks with my hands then drop my towel on the floor and slip back into the tub. The water has cooled a bit, so I turn the faucet and get some heat going once again.

A second later, my father shuffles away from the door, probably satisfied I’m not hiding someone.

Now, I allow myself to take a breath.

God, that
close. I bite my lip so I won’t giggle. Oh my fucking God, that
so fucking close.

I ease myself deeper into the tub and take a deep, measured breath in an effort to soothe my frayed nerves.

I am one very naughty girl.

I think I deserve a spanking.

I’ll have to ask Mr. Parker about that next time I see him.


But, with this close-call, I’ll lie here a bit.

And fifteen minutes later, just to make everyone realize I truly am taking a bath, I leave the bathroom and retreat to my bedroom for the night.

My cell phone vibrates as I snuggle beneath my blanket and I snag it from the bedside table, see I’ve received a text. It’s just a quick note from Mr. Parker. Not even a note… just a smiley face. I giggle and send him a wink back. I’m clean, sated and well-fucked. Exhausted, I drift to sleep the moment my head hits the pillow.

Some hours later, I jolt awake to the sound of someone tapping on a door. Not mine, but… the one next to me. Damn it to hell. It’s Mr. Parker’s room. The knocks are subtle, accompanied by a slurred giggle and hushed whispers.

I climb out of bed and tiptoe to my door to listen.

Unfortunately, there’s not much to hear. I’m sure it’s Mrs. Somersby quietly rapping for my secret lover’s attention. A surge of jealousy bubbles within me and I don’t think, just move. I open the door that joins our two rooms and push it open.

The room is dark, but I can spot Mr. Parker lying in bed, head propped up by three pillows, his arms crossed over his chest. He isn’t asleep just yet and the moment he sees me, he places a finger over his lips, telling me without words to be quiet.

I want to ask him what the hell is going on, but that would give away our presence and I figure he doesn’t want to get cozy with Carolyn.

With a wink, I close the door and pad toward my bad, but jump when I hear a rap on my door, and Carolyn’s slurred words sounding from behind the wood.

Crappity crap.

Half-heartedly, I open it and peer between the small crack I’ve made. Carolyn is leaning against the door frame, looking like she’s about to topple over. She can barely support her own weight. One of her bikini straps slides off her should and reveals her left breast.

She’s so drunk, she doesn’t even notice she’s a candidate for “Girls Gone Wild”. Her face is a ruddy red, eyes supported by puffy bags and her damp blonde hair is piled atop her head.

“Oh! Jessica!” She slurs. “I… I didn’t know this is your room.”

I hold my breath. Carolyn smells like a cheap, bootleg distillery. Hell, what had she gotten into? Last I saw her, she was just downing wine. Did she pack rocket fuel?

“Hi Mrs. Somersby, can I help you with something?”

“I-I was… I was…” She pauses for a moment and I figure she’s trying to remember what she was saying. “Oh! I was searching for Joe’s room. We… we haven’t chatted all evening! I thought he
—” s
he hiccups “
ight be interested in talking over a few cold ones.”

I frown. “I think maybe you’ve had enough tonight, don’t you?”

She waves her hand at me. “Oh, no, no. I’m good. I’m not drunk, just feeling nice and fuzzy.” She sighs, leans her head against the door frame.

“I bet.” And here is where the devil in me comes out to play. “You know, Mr. Parker’s room is just over there.” I tilt my head toward the adjoining door.

Carolyn’s mouth forms a perfect “O”. “Joe?” She stumbles past me and heads right on through to his room and he jumps from the bed so fast it creaks.

She begins babbling about having a few drinks together while he snags her arm and shuffles her toward his bedroom door.

Of course, the commotion the two of them cause drags my parents up from downstairs and Brandon out into the hallway and then the small space if filled with a cacophony of voices.

“Mom!” Brandon’s voice rises above the others for a minute and I steal a glance at my parents.

My mother has her hand pressed to her chest while my dad is averting his gaze as if he’ll burn in hell if he watches Carolyn a moment longer.

Brandon strides to his mother and tugs her away from Mr. Parker. “I’m sorry. My mom is drunk.”

And… Carolyn argues. “I’m not! I’m fine.”

Brandon does his best to contain his mother, but she suddenly gets it in her head that she’s a butterfly and she needs to fly, fly away. Which causes yet another bikini malfunction until she’s basically topless, breasts swinging in the breeze.

More curses:

“Jesus!” (Dad)

“Fuck!” (Mom – She’s going to hell.)

“Damn it, Mom!” (Brandon) See, I’m starting to feel bad here.

I stand immobile in the doorway, shocked by this all and I steal a glance at Mr. Parker.

He is not amused.

Hell, he’s glowering at me.

And I know I’m evil and will burn eternally, but it’s so fucking hilarious, I don’t trust myself not to burst into giggles at any moment. So, I take a step back, slam my door and bite my finger until my teeth leave a deep indentation in my flesh. I also go ahead and close the nanny door, making sure to lock it before my secret lover can sneak through and give me a piece of his mind. Oy.

BOOK: Cat & Mouse Games (Tempting Mr. Parker)
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