Read Briar's Cowboys Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance, Multiple Partners

Briar's Cowboys (9 page)

BOOK: Briar's Cowboys
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He moved to sit against the headboard. “Like this,” he said, moving her onto her hands and knees, her ass in the air. “I want to watch Ram fuck you.”

“Mmm,” she answered, not caring about his reason, as long as she
get fucked. Ram’s cock had felt enormous in her ass, and she wanted that big girth stretching her cunt. Parting her legs in invitation, she bent over Jax. Her hand wrapped around his shaft as she drew the wide glans between her lips. Closing her eyes, she lapped at the smooth head and gathered the seeping droplets of salty pre-cum that gathered there. Her fingers worked along his length as she sucked. Slowly, she took more of him while she moaned at Ram’s touch behind her.

He stroked her over-aroused slit, spreading her cream over her folds. Occasionally, and not nearly often enough, his fingers dipped inside her and scraped over her g-spot. Then he was gone, circling her clit and driving her mad with need. She needed more—more finger-fucking. More tormenting of her clit. More of his cock, whenever he deigned to give it to her.

She whimpered in frustration around Jax’s cock, determined to give him enough attention while Ram teased her. When Ram’s hands left her, she almost growled. Relief filled her when she heard the ripping of foil.

About fucking time, she thought.

Pressing her tongue to the underside of Jax’s cock, she pulled gently on his balls.

“Yeah, baby. Like that,” he groaned. His fingers curled in her hair as he took over fucking her mouth. At the same time, the head of Ram’s cock pressed to her opening. Her pelvis jerked almost dislodging him in her anxiousness, but he grabbed her hips, holding her as he inched forward, bit by bit.

A deep, throaty moan escaped her as he filled her. Her fingers fisted in the pillows next to Jax as a feeling both demanding and replete gripped her. Nothing could feel better and she wanted

Jax pulled free of her and climbed off the bed. Satisfied to focus on Ram’s
, Briar rested her head on her arms and watched Jax move. After grabbing a condom from the mattress, he sheathed himself then squirted on lube. His intent gaze on Ram hinted at his intent, and Briar couldn’t help but grin as Jax knelt on the bed beside Ram and kissed him. Ram didn’t break rhythm as he drove into her. His balls slapped her clit and she moaned as her release drew closer.

Through slitted lids, she saw Jax move behind Ram. Suddenly, Ram froze, his hands tightening on her hips before he bent forward over her back.

“Fuck him hard,” she murmured. “I want to feel both of you.”

Ram groaned as Jax pushed into him—or so she guessed that was what was happening. Ram shook, his hands clenching on her. His sharp exhale blew across her back, and she smiled, shifting her pussy along his cock as he was impaled.

“Fuck,” he gasped.

“Yes, please,” she replied.

Suddenly, he drove hard into her. It was her turn to gasp as Jax’s powerful drives fucked them both via domino effect. Soon, they set up a rhythm that had them all crying out. Ram reached around and found her clit, rubbing it as the drives grew faster. Her thighs shook as her release took hold. Colors spun before her eyes as she screamed into the mattress.

…” Ram exclaimed as his pistoning grew disjointed. Heat flooded her as he came, and he landed heavily on both hands to either side of her, caging her body as Jax continued pounding into him. Each drive forced Ram’s cock harder into her, triggering a second round of tremors that burned along her extremities as if the two men were branding her theirs.

When Jax called out his end, the trio collapsed to the mattress. Still connected, they panted and as her heart started to return to a normal beat, Briar was sure coming here, staying here, and being with these men…here…was exactly the right decision.

* * * *

Briar dropped her head to the desk several days later, barely comforted by the large hand rubbing her back as the reality of her financial situation sank in. Over the past week, she’d worked hard to get used to the Last Chance’s schedule, a routine that included cooking for the guys twice a day, baking while they were out on the land, and indulging in lots and lots of sex. Every evening, she’d found herself in the center of four horny men, occasionally bent in positions she’d never have imagined. Then after Hawk and Cannon went off to bed together, Jax and Ram would take over, though they’d both already done their share of fucking her in the group.

Each night, they retired with her to the master bedroom where she discovered a slightly darker side of sex. Anyone who said good girls didn’t indulge in bdsm-like activities had never met these two. Last night, they’d blindfolded her and taken turns holding her down while the other man feasted on her pussy, teased her with light caresses, tormented her nipples and brought her to multiple orgasms—all without doing what she’d wanted most. Driving their hard, thick cocks deep into her cunt.

Her cries of passion had been so effusive that the other two men had eventually wandered down the hall to see what was going on. Jax and Ram had invited them in, and soon, four sets of hands were doing what two sets had already been doing so well.

Her body ached pleasantly from the drawn-out pleasures last night, just as it had for the past week. Briar was sure she’d fallen down a rabbit hole that led directly to an erotic heaven. She never wanted to leave.

But today reality had reared its ugly, hateful head. One thing they hadn’t done while she’d been acclimating herself and indulging in hedonistic pursuits was to come into the office and dig into the books. She should have insisted, but either Jax was gone, getting the ranch onto a new schedule beyond basic upkeep, or the guys were fighting the snowstorms that had rolled in one after the other since she’d gotten here. There had never been a good time. Then last night, Jax had gravely announced that he’d be staying behind in the morning while the others rode out to repair fences damaged by the high winds and clear the service roads of snow. He and Briar would begin to go over the books.

So here they were.

For hours now, Jax had walked her through the ranch’s financial records and the day-to-day processes. At one time, her father must have been feeling industrious—or he’d paid someone to do it—and there was a manual of sorts overviewing the essential activities that had to take place each month to keep the Last Chance running. A stack of Jax’s handwritten records from day-to-day operations were piled in a silver basket on the corner of the desk while the financial records were open on the computer monitor before her.

“So basically, once I pay taxes, I have no money,” she muttered. “He left me a ranch with no means to support staff or stock.”

Jax sighed. “Close. Your dad liquidated most of his investments to pay for his medical treatment and his…activities. There’s still enough to keep the cattle in feed until spring. The land is valuable. We can make an appointment with the bank in Gillette that your cousin uses and see if you can’t take out a mortgage on part of the land. That could be a temporary fix, but until you expand operations, you won’t get back in the black.”

“The old spend-to-earn method.” She sighed. She hated that concept and didn’t trust it. At least, she had enough to keep the government from taking the land because she couldn’t pay them. Thank goodness for small mercies, anyway.

“How’d you learn all this?” she asked with a sweeping gesture to the office. He’d managed to keep everything somewhat under control though he’d been acting as foreman to her ranch and was kept out of the office most of the day. She couldn’t imagine the hours he’d put in keeping everything together. Now, at least, she could help by taking over the office duties—once she understood them.

“My father is a foreman out in Montana. I really didn’t want to work for him, so I set out on my own as soon as I graduated from high school when I was seventeen. That’s when I came here, to Daly. I put myself through law school working for your uncle, but once I got my degree, I discovered that wasn’t what I wanted to do. I love the land and working with animals. I missed the activity. My dad set a good example, and I knew this was what I really wanted to do. Daly gives me a good opportunity to do what I love and also not waste my degree.” He rolled his eyes at himself. “I guess the shorter answer would be that I grew up in ranching. Also, my stepmom worked in the office over there. I helped her sometimes so I learned this part of things.”

“So tell me what I can do to help here. I’ve done occasional bookkeeping and ordering at the bar where I worked, but to tell the truth, none of this makes sense. It’s so different from the books I’m used to.”

“It’ll all come to you. I need to get out to help the guys, but you should familiarize yourself with our inventory.” He opened the computer program for the spreadsheet. “You’ll need to check the maintenance schedules and order the feed we need, too.” Pulling over the notebook he’d dropped on the desk when they’d first come into the office, he flipped it open. “I wrote down a few notes about both of those things. All that should keep you busy until the team gets in tonight. And of course, if you have time and get bored, you can start updating the cattle records. That’s that stack of papers.” He pointed to a pile filling a nearby wire basket. “I wrote down some stuff about that, too.”

“Great. That’ll be a good start, I guess.” She blew out a breath, taking it all in. “Do you think I can get into town today?” she asked. “I have to do a few things there too since I’m staying.” She needed to get in touch with the post office there and stop into the local bank branch to set up a personal account. She should have done it sooner, but she’d been…busy.

“Sure.” They both glanced out the office window. More snow was predicted later, but the last storm had cleared in the wee hours of morning, leaving them with a bright, sunny day. “I told Cannon to be sure the drive is plowed to the road by lunch. You should be fine if you wait ‘til this afternoon. The county should have the main roads cleared by then, too.”

Just then, she saw a tractor driving in the distance with a large wagon labeled Roto-Mix on the back.

“What are they doing?” she asked, her fingers again itching for her camera as she watched the cowboys working.

“Feeding the cattle. They have to be fed twice a day. That day you were with us, because of the snow coming down so fast and heavily, we just gave them hay. Normally, we need to fill the long troughs next to the fence with a feed mix of minerals, corn solubles, hay and silage—which is chopped up plants. The feed wagon there mixes it. The guys are clearing the snow out of the troughs this morning then they’ll drive along and fill them using that chute on the side.”


“Healthy stock,” he countered. “I better get out there and help them before I get distracted in here.” The look he gave her spoke clearly of him wanting to stay inside and play today. Lord knew, she wanted him to do that. But when it came to ranch life, there were no options. Work first; play later; no sick days. She remembered that from when she was younger.

Jax stood, and she followed. The pair of them walked silently to the front door where he’d left his boots and outerwear after taking care of the horses this morning. As always, he and Ram had been up and out the door long before the first bit of light had broken the horizon.

She’d pretty much thought someone was trying to kill her by waking her at that early hour. Of course, tending bar in Chicago, she’d been a night owl—many times, an
night owl.

Both men had kissed her, running their hands over her body, and told her to go back to sleep. Still, she’d been up and sipping coffee when the men had tromped back in the house a short time later, just as they usually did. She’d made them sit and eat the breakfast she’d made, rather than grabbing something and heading out the door. Though she was the ranch owner, she’d found herself falling into farmwife mode, and that meant cooking for the staff and making sure they we’re well-fed.

“I’m glad you’re here, Briar,” Jax told her now, cupping her cheek.

“Me too.” Deciding to stay here was looking like the right thing to do. It felt right anyway. On paper…well, not so much, but they’d confront that as they went. She’d come up with some revenue ideas. God knew she’d spent plenty of time doing that growing up with her mom.

Leaning into him, she accepted the soft brush of his lips then opened as he drew her closer, deepening the kiss. Tingles erupted throughout her body, reminding her how much she wanted to be intimate with him again.

“I can’t wait ‘til tonight,” he told her.

“Neither can I. Stay safe out there,” she said.

“Always, baby, always.”

But she knew accidents happened, and she couldn’t help but worry just a little as she went back to the office where she had a good view of the four men riding around on tractors and four-wheelers, as well as dealing with the huge feed wagon that had large grinding/mixing blades running the inside the length.

Reminding herself that they’d all been doing these jobs for a while, she sat at the desk and reviewed the inventory. Occasionally, she made notes about things to ask Jax about later or she referred to the manual her dad had put together. After a couple hours, she felt as if she were starting to understand what she was looking at, but she was mentally exhausted, too. There was so much to learn and take in.

By the time she left the desk, the men had gone on to other tasks, and she could no longer see them from the window. She knew they had a ton to do. Jax had talked about machinery upkeep and repairs for today. A lot of her equipment was old, but it had been kept in good shape so she wouldn’t need to replace it. Jax was making sure that stayed true.

The men had taken lunch and thermoses of coffee with them after breakfast so she knew they wouldn’t be back until sundown—plenty of time for her to run into town. Verity had texted earlier and asked if they could meet for lunch, an invitation Briar had quickly accepted. So far she hadn’t been able to see her old friend, though they’d spoken a few times, and she was looking forward to spending some time with the one person she’d ever called “best friend”.

BOOK: Briar's Cowboys
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