Read Briar's Cowboys Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Contemporary Erotic Romance, Multiple Partners

Briar's Cowboys (16 page)

BOOK: Briar's Cowboys
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“Hey, sweetheart,” Ram said, coming up behind her. “Feeling okay?”

He smelled of the fresh hay he’d worked with today. As he wrapped his arms around her slightly thickening middle, she sank into him and enjoyed his strength. So much had changed in the twenty months since she’d come here. She had her two men, a thriving business and ranch, as well as a baby on the way in the spring.

Cannon and Hawk had stayed on with the ranch, using their hospitality and tourism degrees to take some of the burden of the Ranch Escapes off her shoulders. In fact, they only worked part time as cowboys anymore, since they spent so much time in the office. Losing their muscle on the range, Jax had hired four new staff to replace them and to compensate for the ranch’s growth.

“I feel great,” she answered. “I’m just thinking of how perfect everything is and how glad I am I came back to Daly. Where’s Jax?” she asked as Ram led her to the porch swing they’d installed last year.

“Upstairs changing. He had an altercation with a heifer and the mud. He’ll be down in a few.” Ram pulled her to lean against him as the swing slowly swayed back and forth. Crickets chirped in the distance their night songs began.

She loved to cuddle with her men here and watch the sunset in the evening, though she missed out on that all too often. When the guests were here, she and the guys kept their relationship on the DL. Evenings in the big house were theirs, away from the prying eyes of tourists. The guests stayed in the eight small cabins she’d had built out beyond the barns.

Still, any person paying attention would know how things were in Daly. All they had to do was look around. She’d had several women ask about it outright with interest in their eyes. Some of them had eagerly booked for a few weeks at a time the following year. Briar hoped they’d find what they were looking for. She hadn’t been looking for Jax and Ram, but they’d found her.

“Maybe we can go find Jax upstairs,” she yawned—a little to forcefully to be real. She grinned at Ram. “I’m feeling a little…tired.”

“Tired?” he asked, cupping her breast. “Are you sure you’re using the right word?”

“Needy?” she tried.

“Woman, you’ll wear me out,” Ram laughed. “Didn’t I just service you this afternoon?”

She snorted at “service” then batted her eyelashes at him, splaying a hand over her belly. “It’s baby hormones. Makes me want sex all the time.”

“Maybe we should call in Cannon and Hawk?” he suggested, pulling her to her feet. They headed inside and he locked the door behind them. In Daly it wasn’t really necessary, but he’d been extra cautious lately—especially after they’d discovered she was pregnant.

“And have Dev kill me for sleeping with her guys? I think not. I’m sure you and Jax can take care of matters.”

“What matters?” Jax asked, halfway down the stairs.

“Back upstairs,” Ram ordered, waving his hands. “Mistress Briar needs more servicing from her cowboys.”

“Again?” Jax laughed.

Briar scowled. “I’m sure if I went into Bowen’s I could find willing men. John and Brian miss me since I quit last year.”

“Over my dead body,” Jax growled, stalking down the steps. He heaved her into his arms then marched toward the living room and the wide couch. “
your cowboys and we’ll get the job done.”

As they pulled off her clothes, Briar knew she’d never need to worry about being satisfied. Her cowboys had her well in hand. She pulled their heads close so she could kiss them.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“Love you,” they both murmured against her skin, stroking her as she arched into their touch, but the words didn’t matter. She knew. They adored her, and she was their world. She felt the same way. They were her life, her happiness and

About the Author

When it comes to books and movies, Brynn has one rule: there must be a happy ending. After that one requirement, anything goes. And it just might in her books.

She lives in Michigan with her husband and two children, who love her despite her occasional threats to smite them. They humor her and let her think she's a goddess…as long as she provides homemade chocolate chip cookies on a regular basis. Brynn has conducted workshops at several writers’ conferences around the country and enjoys mentoring and meeting new people.

According to Brynn, her writing success can be attributed to an eclectic collection of music, her local road construction crews, a trusty notebook, and of course, her husband, Mr. Inspiration, who puts up with a lot in the name of research.

Brynn loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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