Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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Swinging my hips, I sing along with Alex Clare as I belt out “Too Close: and curl my hair when Savannah appears in the bathroom looking drop dead gorgeous.

“Look at you, hot stuff. I don’t think you’re going to get a word in when we find the guys. Kayden will be too busy devouring you,” I joke, letting out a flirty, “Rawrrr,” as I pretend to swipe my claws at her.

“One can only hope. I can’t wait to put all this drama behind us and focus on planning our wedding and just being happy.”

I set the curling iron down and grab my phone turning down the music. “I hope so too, girly. After everything with Zak and Jacob and then Giselle with her Nadia bullshit, you two deserve to be happy.”

“I’m all ready when you are. Can you text Jax and see where they are? I don’t want to text Kayden and ask because I want to surprise him.” 

“Sure,” I lie. I’m avoiding letting Jax know I am anywhere near Las Vegas until after I have a few shots of liquid courage flowing through my veins. Instead, I’m using Dixon to get all the deets on him and the guys.

“Thanks. I’m going to wait for you in the living room. You almost ready?”

I finish spraying my curls with hairspray before answering her so that I don’t get hairspray in my mouth. Picking up the curling iron I finish my last strand of hair. “There. Done with my hair. I have to finish my makeup and then I’m ready to roll.”

“Perfect. If you don’t hear back from Jax, we can try Dixon or Braxton. One of them has to have a damn cell phone on them.”

“Don’t you worry. We’re going to find them and reunite you two love birds finally so everything can be right with the world once again.”

I finish applying my makeup and head back into my room to dig through my oversized purse I brought on the plane. Dumping my bag onto my bed, I dig through the contents scattered. Finally, I find a spare hair tie, my favorite lip gloss, and my wallet, then stuff them all into the clutch I’ll be using for the night. Kneeling on the ground, I open up my suitcase filled with all of my shoes and begin dumping everything out as I try to decide on which shoes to wear.

By the time I’m through getting dressed, the room looks like a tornado hit it—but my outfit is on point. I step into my heels and walk back into the bathroom to grab my phone and almost jump out of my skin as it suddenly begins going off. “Clarity” by Zedd begins blasting throughout the bathroom, echoing off of the walls.

Immediately, I know it’s Dixon and eagerly answer it. Butterflies invade my stomach as I press answer and hear his thick, raspy drawl hit my ears.

“Hey!” I can’t hide the excitement in my voice as I answer.

“Sorry I’m just getting back to you. We were out to dinner. We’re getting ready to leave now and head back to the hotel. There’s a party at the club tonight for one of our friends to celebrate his UFC fight in Vegas this weekend.”

“Oh really, well sounds like you’re having a hell of a lot more fun than Savannah and me.”

“Haa. It hasn’t been all fun. We hit the casino before dinner, and I lost a few grand. But I’m determined to win it back later tonight.”

“Let’s hope I have better luck than you when I hit the tables later on. That’s one reason why I avoid Vegas. It’s so easy getting wrapped up in the fun of gambling. When you’re flying high and winning big it’s a lot of fun. But you always end up losing one way or another. I swear these places are rigged or something.”

Dixon lets out another sexy chuckle that sends my heart fluttering in my chest. “Yeah, that’s why I have a love-hate relationship with Sin City. Well, the guys are waving at me to hurry up. Our driver just pulled up to the curb. I don’t know if they’re going to want to come up to the room for anything. So if you two plan on surprising Knox, I suggest y’all finish getting ready and get out of there.”

“We’re all ready to go, so I’ll let Savannah know. Maybe we’ll go hang out at the slots or something for a bit. Once you guys are at the club, shoot me a text and we’ll come find you.”

I hear muffled voices filling the phone as voices grow louder around him. “Alright, I’ll see you later. Okay?”


The second I hit end and go to toss my purse into my clutch, it vibrates in my hand. Glancing down at the screen I see it’s a text from Dixon already.


I forgot to tell you that I can’t wait to see you ;) r u going to talk to Jax tonight? I know I keep hounding you. It’s just that no matter how exciting it is sneaking around, I’m ready to be able to touch you anytime I want to & not be worried about who sees.


The knot that had vanished only a few moments ago after talking to Dixon is now back and sending pains through my stomach. I want that more than anything also. I only wish there was a way to do it so no one would get hurt. Why couldn’t Dixon realize he wanted to see where things could go with us when I was all in weeks ago. Instead, he was so focused on proving to me that he didn’t have feelings for me that he practically threw me into Jax’s waiting arms.

They say women are the most complicated people on the planet? I think that statement should be reevaluated because I am pretty certain that whoever came up with that statement never dealt with a man like Dixon Beaumont.

He’s proven to me more times than I can count that a man can be far more confusing and a pain in the ass compared to a woman.

I type back a quick response, trying to pacify him on this subject for a little while longer.


I plan on talking to him tonight after Savannah and Kayden

get their love life situated. Then I’ll focus on mine.

One crisis at a time, Beaumont.


Tossing my phone into my clutch, I join Savannah in the living room. She’s standing in the middle of the room looking anxious, so I strut across the room effortlessly in my sky high heels and pull her in for a hug. Flashing my biggest smile, I catch her up on what the plan is. “Okay, so here’s the plan. Dixon said they’re all leaving dinner and heading back here for some UFC party they’re throwing at Vertigo. So we need to get our hot little ass’ out of here in case they decide to stop up here for anything beforehand.”

“Dixon? Seriously, Brooklyn?” The sarcasm in her voice is evident as we head out of the suite. Savannah shakes her head at me as she yanks open the door and heads out into the hallway. I speed walk past her as we make our way down the short hallway toward the elevator. I snap my head to the side, narrowing my eyes at her over my shoulder. “Hey! Don’t judge me! That guy is a rock star in the sack. Jax can rock my world; don’t get me wrong, but Dixon is in a category all his own. You can tell he and Kayden are related…that’s all I’ll say.”

I don’t miss the dramatic eye roll she gives me as an aggravated moan escapes her mouth. Her eyes cut from me to the elevator doors as she watches me press the call button. She avoids eye contact as her eyes grow large and she makes a cringing expression, waving her hands out in front of her.

“Brooklyn, I
don’t want to hear about Dixon’s penis at the moment.”

I can’t help but laugh. This coming from the girl who loves to brag about Kayden’s penis and all its wondrous talents. Which, by the way, I’ve had to listen to firsthand since we share a beach house together.

The doors ding as the cart reaches the top floor, and as soon they slide open we waste no time stepping inside and pressing the button for the lobby. I lean against the wall and fold my arms across my chest, flashing her a playful smirk as she leans against the wall beside me.

“Hey, I can’t allow you to be the only one able to brag about the Texas sized-dick her boyfriend has. I’ve had my fair share of Oscar Mayer wieners, so when I get a large Southern sausage, I’m going to freakin’ brag about it!” I playfully bump my hip into hers trying to loosen her up.
She’s wound up tighter than my intestines right now. I can’t decide who’s more stressed out? Me or her?
“Chill out, Savannah. You’re going to go find Kayden, have wild animalistic make-up sex, and all will be right with the world again.”

Chapter 2




It’s almost impossible to not people watch while in Vegas. I mean there are all kinds of crazy people that come out at night in Los Angeles—but I am almost certain Vegas takes the cake for the amount of crazy you see in a night.

I find myself eavesdropping on people’s conversations to help pass the time while we wait in line. It’s quite entertaining all in itself.

There’re two girls in line ahead of us wearing dresses that look like someone took a pair of scissors to them and hacked half of the fabric off. But sadly the sleaze balls in line are practically undressing the barely covered girls with their sleazy stares. They’re hanging on the arms of men who look like they could be their grandfathers. As I watch the old geezers grope the women’s asses and whisper in their ears, I find myself holding back the urge to vomit.

I have no idea how women are able to block out the fact that they are hooking up with a guy whose dick looks like a grape after sitting out the sun for about eighty years! It's fucking disgusting! But money makes people do some crazy ass shit.

As we walk through the crowd of gambler’s toward The Pink Taco restaurant— because I need a shot before my ass goes any further—we watch an old lady who looks to be about 70 wearing a full body jumpsuit sans bra—just letting those titties of hers hang freely as she tears up the Blackjack table. It’s mind-blowing watching the guys flock to her table and flirt their asses off with this old lady as she chain-smokes and gambles.

At this rate, I need to make sure I find Dixon and protect him from the thirsty ho’s up in here. If they’re willing to go full on hoe bag over some old rich dude—I don’t even want to think about what they’d do to get into Dixon’s pants. I won’t think twice before I kick a bitch’s ass straight up the damn strip.

But we did meet a fun group here in Vegas for a bachelorette getaway. They took shots with us at the bar. Savannah and I paid for their drinks and wished the bride luck. Not just for her upcoming nuptials but for surviving Las Vegas. This city isn’t called Sin City for nothing. You can get yourself in all kinds of trouble in this place. Guys love finding bridal parties. They know they’re an easy target for hot, meaningless hookups. Way too many brides love coming here and getting their rocks off before committing to one guy for the rest of their lives.

I say it’s your last hooray! Do whatever float’s your boat; just make sure you don’t bring home chlamydia as one of your Vegas souvenirs.

After what feels like an eternity, we make it to the front of the line. The bouncer glares down at us with his clipboard in hand, looking oh so professional. I flash my megawatt smile at him as he asks, “Names?”

“Brooklyn Bennett and Savannah Livingston.” I glance at Savannah before turning my eyes back up to 6’5” solid wall of muscle as he looks over the list. If Dixon didn’t add us to the damn list, I swear to God I will kick his ass.

Narrowing his eyes at us, he slides his gaze from me to Savannah before glancing back down at the board. “Sorry, ladies, but I don’t see those names on the list. Due to the fire code, I cannot let anyone in who didn’t purchase an event ticket ahead of time.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Panic flows through my veins like ice. I take a deep breath and reel in my emotions. At the moment, my brain is saying tell the guy to fuck off and burst into the club. Which I know would only end with my ass being hauled out by the beefcake over here and Kayden being none too thrilled that I caused a scene.

Batting my eyelashes, I reach up and smooth his silk tie. “Can you please make an exception. This is my best friend, Savannah Livingston; you have to know who she is. Her fiancé, Kayden Knox…he kind of owns this place and is inside as we speak.

He doesn’t even blink.

The man is stone cold and not even caving a little bit.

Savannah cuts in, “For Christ’s sake. We already dealt with this earlier with check in. I’m going to be Mrs. Kayden Knox in a few months, and then I’ll be your boss. Do you really think this is the best way to handle this situation? I will call Kayden if I have to, but I really don’t want to do that.”

I feel his warm breath hit my face as he lets out a frustrated sigh. “Rules are rules. I don’t care who you are. If you’re not on the list, then you don’t get in.”

People behind us begin to grumble and complain, yelling at us to get out of the line because they want to get inside.

Reaching nonchalantly into my cleavage, I pull out two one hundred dollar bills I stuffed inside of my bra to use for drinks tonight. Instead, it looks like I’ll be using it to help bribe our way into this damn event.

Fisting the man’s tie, I pull him down to my level and smile extra hard at him as I lock my eyes with his before bringing my lips to his ear, pressing the money into his hand.
“I’m pleased to see you’re taking your job so seriously. Really, I am. But listen here, buddy. My friend here needs to get inside. Her and your boss, Mr. Knox, had a little bit of a falling out. Dixon, who I assume you know, he was supposed to put us on the list. He forgot—no shocker there— he is kind of a bird brain when he gets around tits and liquor. If you look at the list and pretend to find our names, I’ll make sure you get a hefty bonus in your next paycheck.”
Backing away from him, I smooth out his tie and lace my fingers together as I sweetly ask, “Sir, can you please check again…one more time. Brooklyn Bennett and Savannah Livingston. We were told we would be on the guest list. Please.”

I glance nervously at Savannah out of the corner of my eye. I can’t tell by the look on her face if she’s ready to turn on the water works or give up on surprising Kayden.

He clears his throat and begins scanning the stack of names on his clipboard. Finally, after getting to page three and making us stand here a nervous wreck, he barks out, “Oh, here you are. Sorry, I don’t know how I overlooked them.”

I let out a soft squeal of excitement as we walk past him and let the gentleman behind him check our I.D.s and mark our hands.

“I cannot believe you were able to get him to cave. I thought for sure we were going to have to text one of the guys to come let us into this damn thing.”

Pretending to be offended, I scoff, “How dare you ever doubt my skills!”

Shoving my arm, Savannah laughs, “Hey, it happens to the best of us. I’m happy for at least tonight that your luck has yet to run out because that would’ve been beyond embarrassing having to ask one of the guys to come out and get us inside.”

The club is packed and the music is so loud that we find ourselves screaming at each other while having our faces practically touching as we try to talk to each other.

I spot the bar and nudge Savannah, shouting into her ear, “Want me to go grab you a drink?” I know I need another drink. Especially since I’m on my way to wherever the hell Dixon is. If Jax is partying with them, that’s only going to be seriously awkward.

Savannah’s face is pale even with the rainbow strobe lights illuminating her face as she turns and looks at me. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is hanging open as she points her finger toward the DJ and the massive banner hanging above his head.

Oh my God!

Grabbing Savannah’s arm, I shake her a little more roughly than I planned and scream out in shock as I take in the face on the banner. It’s none other than Savannah’s belly-shot partner, Shayne, from the club last night. “Holy shit! Shayne Andrews is Shayne…L.A. Shayne?! He’s a UFC fighter?”

No fucking wonder the dude said he knew Kayden. Kayden’s throwing a goddamn party for this guy no less.

Grabbing my hand, Savannah drags me into the bathroom that thankfully is right beside the bar. She yanks me down onto the overly plush and chic looking circle couch in the corner of the room. Releasing my hands, she slouches over dropping her face into her hands.

Oh. My. God.
Brooklyn. What am I going to do if I find Kayden and he wants to introduce me to the fighters he’s hosting this party for? What do I say? Oh hey, I already know him because he handcuffed me to his car and fucked my brains out last Halloween?!”

I feel awful, but I cannot help but find this slightly comical. Savannah has lived the most mundane life for the last four years and then BAM! She splits from Mr. Dirt bag also known as Logan and then suddenly her life is one hell of a fucking drama-filled rollercoaster. She can’t catch a damn break!!

My laughter fills the bathroom filled with girls touching up their makeup, gossiping, and taking selfies. “Your life is juicier than the damn soap operas, Savannah. You just can’t make this shit up!”

Lifting her face from her hands, she glares at me as she dramatically drops her hands onto her lap. “I’m glad you find this whole thing so entertaining.”

Well isn’t someone a tad bit snarky this evening.

Gripping her shoulder, I shake her maybe a little too forcefully but hey! I have to get through to this girl. The clock is ticking here!

I give her my best sympathetic smile and say, “Listen, that’s just worst-case scenario. This place is bursting at the seams with people. I highly doubt you’ll see Shayne. Hell, it’s going to be hard enough tracking down Knox in this place tonight.”

“You’re right. I need to stay sober and alert tonight. Let’s go to the bar, and I’ll grab myself water.
I am not
letting anything get in the way of Kayden and me again. I just want to find him and get the hell out of here.”

Climbing to her feet, Savannah smoothes out the skirt of her dress and struts with a little more confidence toward the vanity area.

“That’s my girl. Let’s go get you your man. If Shayne tries to cause any shit, I’ll put his ass in his place. Nothing like being a vague asshole last night skirting around the subject of Kayden. He knew damn well about this event tonight and everything going on with you and Kayden. That is bullshit. You have nothing to feel bad about because you—unlike Shayne— had zero idea about the connection between the two of them.”

Savannah’s face relaxes a little more as she finishes applying another coat of lipstick. Stiffening her spine, she tosses her lipstick into her clutch and lets out a deep, confident breath. “You’re right. I didn’t do anything wrong. Our past has nothing to do with Kayden and me. I’m freaking out over nothing.”

Hooking my arm with Savannah’s, I lead her out of the bathroom and pray to God that I’m right and we all leave her happy and better than ever. Because I don’t think Savannah can handle another shit storm which sadly I see brewing in the far-off distance.




Taking Savannah’s hand so I don’t lose her in the crowd of people, we maneuver throughout the club trying to get to the bar. It feels like it takes an eternity but we finally make it to the line for drinks.

“This place is a freaking mad house tonight. I’m glad we decided on dresses because it’s hotter than Hades in here.”

Waving her hand in front of her, Savannah blows a puff of air between her lips. “I know; I am dying over here. Can you order me an ice water? Between the dry desert heat and the body heat in this damn club, I’m going to need to stay hydrated.”

, I’ll get my H2O from the ice cubes in my vodka cranberry.”

I feel my phone vibrating inside of my purse and quickly dig it out. I don’t know if maybe it’s Dixon maybe checking on us. I need to chew his ass out the second I find him for not putting us on the damn guest list—and he owes me two-hundred dollars.

My screen glows a text alert, but it’s not from Dixon. Instead, it’s a news update from Tinsel Town blog. I cringe as I slide open the text and read the header:


A scandalous night of revenge!

Click on the link to read how Savannah Livingston got back at cheating fiancé & billionaire mogul, Kayden Knox


“Oh shit…you’re not going to like this, but things just got a little more complicated.” I can’t disguise the panic that is laced in my words as I try to figure out how the hell to break this to her. I click the link and immediately feel the weight of what this could possibly do to Savannah weighing heavily on my shoulders.

Our silly fun from last night seems to have blown up into something a whole hell of a lot bigger. For this to go viral right now is literally the worst timing ever.

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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