Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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“She agreed with me that it was for the best. Believe me she isn’t spending her nights alone. That girl has a new man every other week. You have nothing to be worried about. But I will say you jealous over her is making me really fuckin’ hard again.” He lets out a sexy growl and leans down sucking my bottom lip into his mouth and presses his now hard erection into my stomach.

My girly parts are tingling all over again with the need to be fucked once again by him. But he has a meeting to get to and if we go for another round he’s never going to make it.

Bringing my hands up to his chest, I push him back breaking the electric pull that sparks between us every time our bodies touch. I have to shake away the erotic fog filling my head and get my mind to focus.

“You, Mr. Beaumont have a very important meeting to get to. If I make you late, Knox will be up here making heads roll before dragging your ass down there. We’ll have plenty of time for playing once you finish dominating the board room and signing all these million dollar deals. I’m going to go now, FYI we’re not through talking about your little assistant either.”

Knowing better than to argue with me, Dixon instead gives me a quick peck on the lips, “Love you, baby. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Love you…” I say lovingly before blowing him a kiss and shutting the door behind me.

My entire trip down the elevator and outside while waiting for my car I find myself grinning ear to ear. The last twenty-four hours have been crazy, but it feels like things with Dixon and I are finally coming together.

Now we get to focus on this secret honeymoon Dixon has planned and planning our wedding reception with all of our friends and family to properly celebrate getting married.

Friday can’t come fast enough.

Chapter 14




Brooklyn and I have been apart so many times since we’ve met, but I swear this has been single handedly the hardest three days apart. She was only in L.A. from Tuesday until this afternoon, but it felt more like a fucking lifetime. I barely slept last night because all I could think about was the fact that she was finally flying back to Houston today.

We texted nonstop while she was away working, but it wasn’t enough. It took everything in me to not jump in my damn jet and fly out there and surprise her. If I did that I think my crew would’ve killed me because we have had a week from hell. Between mix-ups with lumber deliveries, to punks vandalizing our work area. It was the worst time for me to go MIA on them.

But thankfully now everything is under control and back on track so I’m free to go away for a few days with Brooklyn. She has no idea where we’re going. I just told her to pack a bag with enough clothes for the weekend. Nothing fancy. Just lounge clothes because this is a weekend made for nothing but relaxing and lots and lots of sex. So as soon as her plane landed we drove out to the beach house so she could pack her weekend bag and then get our asses on the road.

I’ve never wanted to escape this city and get away from the entire world and be alone with a girl so much in my life. Right now that’s exactly what I’m doing. Things are finally good with my parents’ and her mom and dad seem to be happy for us. I’m still nervous as fucking hell about having to fly out to Los Angeles next week and meet them officially.

I know she was just as nervous about meeting my family, but she had nothing to be worried about. My sister thankfully warmed them up before we got to the house for dinner. So once we arrived both my mom and dad were in good spirits and welcomed Brooklyn with open arms. I think a small part of it had to do with the fact that we signed the stupid postnuptial agreement, so that took the stress of things off of the table with my parents’ and Brooklyn.

Now my mother is already planning a lunch date with Brooklyn at the country club once we get back from our honeymoon. My sister asked us to fly down to Dallas soon too so she can get to know Brooklyn. It feels surreal introducing my family to my wife. Everything with us has happened so fast that we skipped over that entire stage of meeting the family and dating. But I wouldn’t change this for anything.

I plan on giving Brooklyn a weekend she’ll never forget. I brainstormed all day about where to take her for a honeymoon. I thought about whisking her off in my jet to Paris but the city is too congested and I really don’t feel like sightseeing. The only thing on my agenda is spending as much time with Brooklyn alone together. Our lives are so crazy with our work schedules that it’s going to be hard for us to find that alone time together. So I thought a trip to the lake was perfect.

With my truck packed with all the essentials needed for our weekend getaway, I roll through the security gate and pull onto the long gravel road that leads to my family’s log cabin on Lake Conroe here in Montgomery, Texas. My grandfather built it in the early eighties and ever since it’s been a family tradition to come up here to fish and escape the city life. It’s only an hour drive from Houston, so on the weekends, Kayden and the guys like to hook up our boats and drive up here for a weekend of fishing, drinking, and bar-b-queing.

I’m excited to see what Brooklyn thinks of it. I know her and Savannah go to Memphis when they want to escape the L.A. lifestyle so I’m hoping that she’ll enjoy our time here. Hopefully, we can make it a tradition to come here as often as she likes to escape the stresses of our lives and just disconnect from the entire outside world.

Brooklyn rolls down her window and peers out at the lines of trees as we pass by them until the house and the lake finally come into view. “This is gorgeous, Dixon. I can’t wait to get out on the lake. It looks like glass out there right now it’s so calm.”

I come to a stop in front of the garage and put the truck into park and turn off the ignition. Popping the driver’s side door open, I smile at Brooklyn over my shoulder as she follows suit and starts to climb out.

“As soon as we get the groceries inside, I’ll pull the boat out of the boat house. I gotta fill the cooler with ice and beer and you can pack some snacks that you want to bring out on the boat. Then we’ll go for a ride around the lake for a bit, maybe toss a few lines in.”

She flashes me the sweetest smirk that makes it hard to breathe. She knocks the air straight out of my lungs with every little thing she does. Brooklyn jogs around the front of the truck to me and wraps her arms around my neck, crushing me against the driver’s side door. I cup her ass in my hands pulling her into my chest as she flashes another earth shaking smile up at me.

“I can’t wait. I’ve been looking forward to this all week. It’s the only thing that helped this damn week fly by.” Bending my head down, I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck causing her to giggle as my three-day-old beard scratches her skin. I press a kiss to her neck before nipping at it with my teeth making a squeal escape her lips and my dick to jump in my jeans.

Every second I’m around her, I swear my dick is fucking hard. Now, knowing she’s my wife and I’m the only guy that will ever fuck her only makes me want to bend her over the hood of my truck and fuck her even more—right now, in the middle of these fucking woods.

But I don’t think Brooklyn would appreciate me fucking her for old Mr. Coleman, to see while out fishin’ on the lake. So instead I push the thoughts of banging my wife into the back of my mind and get to work hauling all of our groceries and luggage into the cabin.

As soon as we finish getting the groceries put away and the luggage upstairs to the master bedroom, I take Brooklyn on a tour of the house. My grandfather built it in 1985 and it quickly became a home away from home for the entire family. It’s six bedrooms and has three and a half bathrooms. My grandfather wanted a place where his children could escape the fast paced city life. The house is filled with pictures of my mom and dad when they were in college here with Kayden’s mother and his dad along with all their friends. Weekends out on the boat, or barbequing, playing horse shoes or just lounging around the yard soaking up the sun.

Pointing toward the wall beside the fireplace that is filled with an assortment of photographs, Brooklyn asks, “Is that you, Kayden and your sister?” My eyes immediately go to the rustic wooden 8x10 picture frame with a small bass on the edge of it hanging from a fishing pole. It’s of Kayden, Lila and I sitting on the edge of the dock with our little fishing poles in our hands. I’m smiling with a toothless grin; I think I was about seven or eight at the time.

I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into my side, and gaze up at the wall filled with memories. “Yup, judging by the missing teeth, I think I was about seven or eight then. We spent an entire month up here every summer, before going off to summer camp. I think right after this picture was taken, Kayden threw a frog at Lila that he caught hopping along the dock. It wasn’t two seconds later his ass was flying into the lake. My sister can out fish anyone, but put a frog near her and she’s screaming and running for the hills.” I laugh at the memory, “We had some good times up here.”

Brooklyn smiles softly, before continuing to take in the array of photographs filling the living room. I watch her as she slips out of my grasp and walks slowly, with her head tipped up, and her eyes looking wide eyed, as the same smile she just flashes me, now lays permanently spread across her lips. She stops beside by grandfather’s old recliner and picks up a photograph of my grandfather driving his boat with me and Kayden, maybe around the ages of three and five sitting on his lap. We have on little fishing hats and are wearing the biggest smiles across our faces.

“Ohh, my gosh. You two were freaking adorable. I bet you two were lady killers when you started pre-school.” She sets the frame back down, she turns back toward me, taking small, quick strides, quickly closing the space between us. Within seconds she’s back in front of me and lacing her fingers around my neck. Tilting her head back, she twirls her fingers around the hair peeking out of the back of my ball cap. “I so would’ve been stealing a kiss or two from you under the slide on the playground.”

Sliding my hands into the back pockets of her jean shorts, I give her ass a squeeze and lean down to press my lips against hers. I let out a low grown as she nips at my bottom lip and slowly slides her tongue along it. She knows it drives me fucking crazy. It takes every ounce of willpower inside of me to give her one kiss, before stepping away from her and walking over to the cooler sitting beside the refrigerator.

After packing up the cooler with everything we need, we head upstairs to change into jeans and grab hoodies. It’s warm now, but soon enough the sun will begin to set and it’ll get cool out on the boat.

I tell Brooklyn to grab the throw blanket off of the couch and bring it with us in case she gets chilled and wants to cover up with it, and then follow her outside with the cooler rolling behind me.

A feeling of contentment settles over me as I follow behind Brooklyn down toward the docks and watch as she jogs down the grassy hill, every so often glancing back at me as the blanket flies in the wind behind her.

She’s so fucking beautiful. I have no idea why it took me so long to see exactly what I had in front of me. Thank God she gave me another chance, because God knows I didn’t fucking deserve one. But I sure as hell am grateful she did.

“Hurry up slow poke, Rodriguez.” She shouts up to me as she runs onto the wooden dock that leads out over the water and to the boat house.

I shake my head and laugh at her as she runs her fingers through her long, wavy locks and flashes that sexy little smirk that makes me lose all train of thought. “You’re carrying a fuckin’ blanket, I on the other hand am dragging a cooler you stuffed full of beer and snacks. So stop bustin’ my balls woman.”

Rolling her eyes at me, she slips her Ray Bans off of her head and over her eyes and marches up the hill back at me grabbing the cooler handle from my hand before slapping me on the ass. “Get your ass moving, Beaumont. That boat ain’t gonna dock itself.”

Cocking my hand back I connect with her twitching ass as she begins stomping back down the hill with the cooler rolling behind her, causing a loud shriek to leave her lips and echo over the calm waters. My hand stings, so I know I got her good, but she walks it off all the while shaking that tight ass of hers the entire way down.

I swear, this woman is insatiable. She’s a fuckin’ hurricane; strong and fierce, and a fuckin’ force to be reckoned with. Never doubt the power she has, because the second you do, that is when you find yourself on your knees, fuckin’ begging her to take mercy on you.

She blew into my life when I least expected her to...I was a fool to think that I could be with her once and then walk away. I doubted the power in that smile and the strength in her kiss. The destruction she caused to my life and my fucking heart when she decided to blow back out of my life without so much as second glance. That is when I knew that I was in love with her. I fell for the girl that is lightening in a Texas summer sky, beautiful yet destructive.

She managed to shake up my entire world and make me realize that every moment I spent without her in it, no matter how chaotic and treacherous our love affair was, she was made for me and I for her. There’s no other person on this planet that can make each of us as happy as we do each other.

These last few months have been a wild ride, but I can’t help but feel like this is just the beginning to a crazy, amazing adventure with my wild child of a wife.



Yesterday went better than I ever could’ve imagined. Brooklyn had a blast out on the boat with me. She tried to out fish me and lost. But the look on her face when she reeled in a three-pound bass—that put up one hell of a fight, was priceless. We threw all the other fish back, but kept that one and fried it up as soon as we’re docked back at the cabin.

She, of course, had to tweet a dozen pictures of her with that fucking fish, but God, she took my breath away when she beamed up at me with her hair tied back, and my ball cap on her head—which she stole off of my head the second the boat started bouncing across the lake; holding that fish up in the air like it was a fucking Oscar.

I thought she was gorgeous before, but there’s something so damn sexy about her in jeans, a hoodie, and my ball cap, riding shotgun in my boat and fishing the afternoon away. Now that picture of her and that fish are my lock screen so I get to relive that moment every time I turn my phone on.

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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