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Authors: Amanda Lynn

Being with Her (13 page)

BOOK: Being with Her
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I hear Paige cry each night to sleep. I have so fucked up. First thing Monday morning I go to my department head and ask if there is anyone to take my last class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He said that he will look into it. I make it through Monday without seeing Brittany until she walks in sporting a darkened nose and eye for class. I chuckle to myself knowing that Paige did get a couple good hits in. She takes her seat in the front wearing her normal short-as-fuck skirts. In the middle of class as they are working on an assignment from the book, she clears her throat and when I look up she has her finger in between her slightly spread legs. She caresses herself staring right at me licking her lips. I look back at what I'm working on at my desk until I dismiss the class.

As soon as the door reopens announcing her coming back in, I look up and stand, meeting her in the middle of the class. "Get the fuck out of my class," I say, pointing to the door.

She grabs my dick and squeezes. I slap her hand away. "Come on, Professor, I can feel you want it. She doesn't have to know. I don't have any panties on so just flip my skirt and this pussy's all yours."

"Fuck that, No ... get out. Leave me alone." I turn her toward the door.

"If you don't fuck me when I want you to, I'll report your sexual behavior to your advisor." I whip her back around.

"Are you threatening me now? I'll lose my job before I fuck you again. NOW GET OUT!" I shout.

"You'll be sorry." She turns, running out of my class. I watch as she runs across the parking lot, not stopping when a truck is pulling out of the lot clipping her small body, sending her flying through the air.

"FUCK." I quickly turn around, not believing I saw that. I walk back into my class and sit with my hands in my hair. I get up and grab my bag and leave out the side entrance that I sometimes use to avoid other people. I get to my bike and leave as calmly as possible.

I wanted her out of our lives but not dead. Surely she's fine.


I get to work the following day and the police show up after my second class. Fuck. "Officers, can I help you?"

"Yes, sir, is it Professor Wright?" He looks down at his small notepad.

"Yes, sir, is there a problem? Is Paige okay?" I ask, trying not to think Brittany's dead.

"What? This isn't about a Paige. We're here for a Brittany Sloane? She's a student in one of your classes, am I right?" he casually asks.

"Yes, she is in my basic Economic 101. Is there a problem?" I fucking hate to lie but I can't tell them that I've fucked her.

"She was hit yesterday running through the parking lot. Witnesses said they saw her fleeing from your class. Was there a problem yesterday?" He writes down on that fucking notepad glancing up at me waiting on my reply.

"Yes, she was upset about a grade and was wanting extra credit. She has been very persistent wanting my help. Look I'm about to get married and she's been trying to cause problems, insisting on me helping her. Is she okay?"

"Well, she has undergone two surgeries and at this time is in a medically induced coma. She has damage to her head from when she hit the ground and possible damage to her spine. Don't go off far in case we have more questions," he tells me as he heads back out after I thank him.


On Wednesday, I happen to pull in right behind Paige with Addy. She gets Addy out and when she turns to face me she has been crying. "What's wrong, baby?" I grab her face. "Is it the baby?"

"No ... Doug knows Brittany because they’re friends and he knows you fucked her and …" I kiss her forehead before she can continue.

"Let's take Addy in." I pull her along, holding her hand. I pick her up and sit her on the kitchen counter wetting a paper towel to wipe her upset face. "Let me worry about things. It's not good for you to keep getting upset." I kiss her lips. "Brittany had an accident Monday afternoon. I didn't tell you ’cause I didn't want you to worry about anything." I tuck her hair behind her ear, it's beginning to grow longer.

"What happened?" Paige says, wrapping her arms around me.

"I told her to leave us alone on Monday and she didn't take it well and took off running out into the parking lot and was hit by a truck. The police came asking questions. She is currently in an coma. She had head trauma and her spine was hurt." I tell Paige what the police explained.

She looks up at me. "I never wanted her dead but is it bad that I'm glad she is out of your class now and hopefully our lives."

"Exactly what I was thinking. We don't have to worry about her right now. It's just us now. Bobby hasn't been around in the last several weeks and just continue ignoring Doug," I say.

"He kissed me after I got up and ran from the class. I didn't kiss him back, I pushed him away and left." She sobs.

That fucker is not giving up. "I’ll take care of it, let me know if it happens again."

We cook dinner together in a comfortable silence. I think knowing that Brittany is now out of the picture has relaxed us in some way.


I've missed Paige, we haven't been intimate since before I left pissed off after the letter from Bobby. She gets Addy down for the night in her room we've been decorating until all this shit blew up. I plan this weekend to finish her room for her.

I just walked out of the shower with a towel around my waist. Paige is sitting on the bed in only her panties and a teeny tiny camisole. Her still flat stomach is peeking out the bottom. She crooks her finger motioning me to come to her. Of course I do. I drop my towel and she giggles. "I fucking miss you, baby." I climb up between her now spread legs. I kiss her chest right between her tits while I slip a finger into her wet sex. "I need to taste you so bad." She nods her consent and I instantly pull her panties down her legs. I stretch out pulling her legs over each of my shoulders as I feast on my baby's pussy. I lick and suck and nibble her pink bud. As soon as I insert a second finger she screams her release riding my tongue and fingers. I kiss my way up her body stopping to kiss her belly. She reaches down stroking my cock as I center it at her core. I suck one nipple then the other into my mouth as she pushes my cock closer to her sex. I slam into her and she wraps her legs around me as I thrust almost brutally into her body. She digs her fingers into my back while biting my lower neck. I almost think she has broken the skin with both her bite and nails. I continue to pound her as I begin to swell knowing I will soon be done. I rub her clit and bite her right nipple as she screams her second release. I groan as I follow, filling her up.

I lay there kissing her everywhere from her lips to her neck over to her ear. "I love you so much, Paige. I'm sorry our life has been difficult but I promise it'll get better."

"I love you, too. I know it has to only get better." She returns my kiss on her lips. Opening her mouth to me so our tongues tangle together. I push in to her still wet heat and slowly rock in and out making soft smooth love to my Paige.

Chapter 23


Making love to Gavin after not having him in quite a while was like heaven. We lie there together drifting off to sleep. I swirl circles on his chest as I have my head in the crook of his arm. Within minutes I've falling into the first peaceful sleep I've had in the last week.

My next doctor appointment is today at four so Gavin can go. I'm waiting at my car at school when Doug walks up. "Hey, Paige, what are you waiting on? Want to grab a coffee?"

"I can't, Doug," I say, looking around for Gavin to hurry up.

"Oh, that's right, ’cause the good ole teacher knocked you up. What about tea?" He reaches for my hand as I hear Gavin pull up in his loud-ass truck.

Doug lets me go as Gavin jumps out, rushing around it and getting in Doug's face. "Don't fucking touch her." He grabs Doug by the shirt pushing him against my car.

"Oh, like you didn't fucking touch Brit? Uh ... I guess you heard she's in the hospital. I know it has something to do with you. I don't know what yet but as soon as she comes out of coma, your ass is fucked," Doug spits at Gavin.

Gavin reels back to hit him but I grab his arm screaming to stop ’cause Gavin can't be in trouble for assault. I need him too much for him to have charges against him and ruin his career.

Gavin shoves Doug and grabs my hand, helping me into the truck. I can't hear what is said to Doug as he walks around to his side before sliding in. He pulls out of the lot spinning his wheels. I look over and he's panting he's so mad. I grab his hand to help calm him down. "Calm down, baby. Let's be happy that we are going to see your little baby peanut."

He squeezes my hand. "You’re right. He just pisses me off."

"I know," I whisper.


I'm lying on the sonogram table in a paper gown awaiting the doctor. Gavin looks a combination of nervous and excited. He squeezes my hand. "You okay?" I laugh at the look on his face.

"What? I'm good." He smiles as Dr. Meyer walks in.

"Hey, guys, ready to see your new bundle of joy?" Dr. Meyer, instead of lubing my tummy, grabs a wand.

Gavin's eye grow huge as he watches the doctor slide a condom-looking thing down the wand while squirting some lube on the end. The doctor notices Gavin's discomfort. "Next time will be on her belly but at this time we have to go in vaginally." He chuckles. "It won't hurt her."

Gavin looks over at me. "He sticking that in you?"

I smile. "If you want to see anything he is." I laugh as Dr. Meyer raises my gown to insert the wand in. Gavin squeezes my hand as if this is more uncomfortable for him.

Immediately the sound of the little peanut’s heartbeat fills the room. "Oh, my god, that's it?" Gavin has tears in his eyes. I squeeze his hand again, nodding my head. He kisses my forehead as the doctor points out our small peanut.

"Everything looks good and running on track. Due date still set for August 15th." Dr. Meyer prints a few pictures that Gavin grabs as I sit up to get dressed.


Over the next two months, life is great. Brittany came out of the coma and according to word she doesn't remember much and has so far not contacted Gavin. She didn't come back to school this semester which was a plus. He said that he was going to do what he can to make sure when she tries to repeat his class to get another professor to take that class. Doug has mellowed his flirting down a bit. He's still around and makes comments but nothing major. Bobby's still MIA which is probably ’cause he knows, being a lawyer, that what he did is against the law.

The wedding is going as planned, April 2nd at the small gazebo at the park. It's small with only Sarah, Addy, and Natalie for me. Gavin has his parents and sister with a couple of his close friends. A friend of his family has his license to wed so he is going to do the service.

I 'm finally starting to get a baby bump. We are on our way to our doctor appointment to find out what it is we're having. Gavin wanted to bring Addy so we can do this as a family. Gavin won't keep his hands off my belly, he's constantly rubbing it and nuzzling my neck.

Addy is sitting on Gavin's lap as I lay on the bed waiting once again for the doctor. "He's not putting that thing inside you again, is he?" Gavin wasn't too happy or comfortable with that.

"No, my belly's big enough now he'll lube it up this time," I laugh. He grabs my hand as Dr. Meyer walks in.

"So how we feeling, Paige?" the good doctor asks.

"Great. We are excited to find out what we got in here," I say, smiling over at Addy and Gavin."

"That my baby," Addy tells Dr. Meyer, pointing to my belly.

"It sure is. Want to see it?" he asks Addy.

"It come out of Momma tummy?" Addy's getting excited.

"Not right now. Look here on TV so you can see it." He starts to press on my stomach with the lubed wand.

The TV screen lights up showing it moving around and the heartbeat fills the room. Gavin squeezes my hand. Dr. Meyer does all his measurements then asks, "Ready to know what we got?"

Gavin speaks up first. "We can't wait."

As the doctor presses around he points out a spot. "See that there? That's his little," he looks at Addy and back at us, "manhood." We both start laughing. "It's a boy!"

Gavin gives me a kiss that seems to linger longer than needed inside a doctor's office. When he pulls away he smiles. "A boy." He looks at Addy. "You're going to have a baby brother."

She frowns. "I wanted a girl. Momma, I want a girl." She pouts.

"Addy, we can't choose. Now Momma has both a girl and a boy." I smile, kissing her nose.

Once we leave the doctor, we stop to celebrate with ice cream. It actually has become my weakness. I want strawberry ice cream nearly every night. Gavin laughs and will jump up to get me a bowl each time.

While we sit enjoying our ice cream, I swear I see Bobby walking down the sidewalk. He's dressed casual and as he passes the window our eyes meet and he just smiles. I look over at Gavin who is laughing at something Addy did. "I just saw Bobby walk by. He saw us." Gavin jumps up and runs out the door. He stands there looking toward the direction he was walking.

He comes back in. "I didn't see him, you sure it was him?" he asks, grabbing my trembling hands.

"Yes, he even smiled at me. I'm ready to go." I get up, throwing my cup away.

BOOK: Being with Her
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