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Authors: Amanda Lynn

Being with Her (10 page)

BOOK: Being with Her
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Chapter 16


Christmas is in two days and I've given lots of thought to what to get my girls. I'm getting Addy a new baby doll cause she loves playing baby. Now for Paige, I visited the local jeweler last week and picked out a ring. I'm almost thirty-three and I fucking love her. So this seems the next step in my life. Besides, if she is going to be carrying my baby this only seems natural.

I know something is going on ’cause she's been a little distant lately. I don't know if that fucker in class is bothering her again or the dreaded ex or maybe she even confirmed why she's been sick.


I knock on her door and when she answers she's been crying. I grab her and rub her back. "It's okay, baby, what's wrong? Where's Addy?" I look around and don't see her.

She looks up at me and smiles. She grabs her mouth again and turns and runs down the hall to the bathroom. I follow her in and rub her back. "What wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital? You've been sick a while now."

She gets up and brushes her teeth. "No, I'm fine. Addy's with Sarah."

"Why? Is it Bobby?" I ask, now getting more concerned.

"What? No. I need to tell you something." She drags me by the hand into the living room and sits us both down of the sofa. "I understand if you become upset but I can't keep this from you any longer."

What the fuck? She's scaring me with what she is saying. "Just tell me. Is it why you've been sick? We'll figure it out."

"I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She begins to cry.

Holy fuck, I'm going to be a dad. I think I'm panicking inside but also feel relief that it's not the other two douche bags bothering her. "I'm going to be a dad? That's great, Paige. It's fine; actually, I was going to do this on Christmas but," I lower myself in front of her and pull out the ring, "Paige Montgomery, will you marry me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Addy and now our baby. I love you."

She continues to cry and nods her head. "Yes, Gavin! I want to marry you and have your babies. Addy loves you and I want you to be her daddy too." I wipe her eyes and kiss her lips while slipping the ring onto her finger. "I love you, Gavin. I was so worried you'd leave me when I told you."

"Never, baby, I'm not like Bobby and I want our baby. When did you find out?" I ask, getting excited ’cause she said yes and is now having my baby.

"A couple days ago. I wanted to tell you but was afraid," she says, hugging me. "I go to the doctor next week to confirm if you want to go with me."

"Fuck, yeah, I want to go." I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me. I walk us down the hall to her room. I lay her down pulling her tight-ass yoga pants down her legs and remove her panties too. She's holding her hand out looking at her ring.

"It's beautiful," she whispers as I pull her up to get her workout shirt off, too. She lays down completely naked and she's so fucking perfect. Her rosy pink nipples pucker out and I can see her pussy is glistening. I undress myself and kneel down to kiss her belly. I look up at her while I kiss her belly and she smiles. She spreads her legs wider and I know what she is wanting. My baby has gotten greedy and likes her pussy eaten. I continue to kiss down to her smooth mound and suck her clit into my mouth. I love sucking all her sweet honey into my mouth. I lick up and down her cleft and stick my tongue into her heat. She screams out my name, pulling my head up and shoving her tongue into my mouth tasting herself on my tongue. She's so sensitive and easy to please. Once she's feeling better from her climax, I push myself into her core. She's so fucking slick and hot. After a few thrusts she pulls away, popping me out of her body. She pushes me over and immediately sucks my cock into her mouth. I moan. I've created a sex monster. It's fucking hot how she likes to suck herself off my cock. I pull out of her mouth cause I want to explode in her body not her mouth. I love the fact my seed is now growing inside her. She straddles me and impales on me. We continue to make love to each other. Finally with my last thrust she screams out my name and I groan, emptying my seed once again into her body.

I love Paige now more than ever. She's agreed to marry me and is having my baby; I feel complete. We finally get up to go get Addy ’cause, let's face it, she’s mine now, too. I take them both to dinner to celebrate. I'm holding her hand across the table and guess who happens to walk up? It's none other than Dr. Sanders. He looks from me to Paige with a confused look on his face. He's always been a good colleague so I hope he won't say something out of line. Paige pulls her hand with her shiny new ring from mine.

"Professor Wright, we've missed you the past few weeks. How are your new job preparations going?" he asks, looking down at Addy and looking over at Paige.

"Great, I start in two weeks," I say shaking his hand.

"Ms. Montgomery, a little surprised to see you here," he says, shaking her hand also.

"Yes, sir. I was just catching up Professor Wright. He's been missed in class," Paige tells him.

"Yes, I can see that. You both have a nice dinner," he says, walking back toward I assume is his wife.

"That was awkward," Paige says, taking a bite of her meal.

"It's fine; as far as he's concerned we weren't together before I quit." I take her hand back and rub against her ring. I fucking love her wearing my ring. Now everyone will know she's mine and will hopefully leave her the fuck alone.


The holidays come and go and I think it was my best yet spending it with my girls. Paige wants a small wedding since she doesn't have any family and I'm fine with that. My parents live up in New York and are so excited to meet my girls. I've told them so much about Paige and Addy. They didn't seem to even care that Paige already had a little girl. Their only concern was if her being several years younger would become a problem. I told them that Paige is very mature for her age and an excellent mother. Paige sets the wedding date for Valentine's Day and I’m fine with that. She wants to do it before she gets too big. We haven't told my parents yet that we're having a baby. Hopefully they take that well, too.

We went to her first doctor appointment and it was confirmed we are seven, almost eight weeks’ pregnant. We go back in about a month for the first sonogram. I can't wait. I had her schedule it during my off afternoon so I could be there too. They estimated our due date to be around middle of August.

We also celebrated Addy's second birthday and had a small party consisting of Paige and I along with Sarah, Natalie and a handful of Addy's dolls. Paige invited Natalie and we officially came out to her. Natalie was already aware that Paige had a daughter a while ago and we announced to Natalie and Sarah that Paige was expecting again. We also showed them her new ring and told them all about the upcoming wedding. They both were super excited for us and were guessing on what we were having. We sat around a table sipping tea and eating birthday cake. It was fun and Addy had a great time.

I finally start my new job and Paige laughs when I am getting dressed for my first day. I have the slacks and shirt on and some slip-on dress shoes. I feel ridiculous.

"Baby, you look good," she says, fixing the collar of my shirt.

"I fucking look stupid," I grumble.

"No you don't. Here, how about this?" She rolls each of my sleeves to about my elbow.

It feels better. "Yeah, that's better." I kiss her lips and grab a handful of ass. "I love you. Have a good day at school."

"You too, Professor." She smiles. New semester so hopefully she no longer has class with that dickhead.

Addy and Paige had started to stay at my place after the holidays. Her lease is up next month, anyway. We begin decorating Addy's room to be her own. Sarah will still keep Addy for us and I've started to pay her weekly although she tries to decline it. I feel safer with the girls with me because Bobby doesn't know where I live. It's been eerily quiet with him which makes me nervous.

We head in opposite directions. Tonight is a late night for me at the university getting things all set up in my new office and with my lectures.

Chapter 17


Since staying now with Gavin, things have been so great. He's taking having a new baby well. He just lit up at the first doctor appointment. He was so excited. He also insisted on scheduling my next month visit so he can be sure to be there to see his little peanut. He's so great with Addy, so I know he'll be a fantastic dad.

I glance down at my shiny new ring. I can't believe I'm engaged. When I had told him that I was indeed pregnant and he immediately kneeled down and proposed, it was the sweetest thing. I can't wait to become Mrs. Paige Wright; it has a good ring to it.

I drop Addy off at Sarah's so I can get to my first class of the semester. I walk into my English Comp class and it's already half full. I see a few rows down is Doug with a few of his buddies that were with him at the zoo. His buddy elbows him and nods in my direction. He turns and grins, jerking his head, indicating for me to come down to where he is. I pathetically walk over to him. "Hey, Doug ... English Comp, really?"

"Yeah, needs to be taken ... sit here with me." He pushes one of the guys out of my way.

I know I shouldn't but reluctantly I sit. He props his arm over the back of my chair. I smile as he introduces his three buddies to me. I feel him slip a finger across the back of my neck and I look over. "Doug, remove your arm please. I’m trying to be nice but don't make me regret it."

He moves it and sets it on my thigh, right below the hem of my skirt. I promptly stand up. "I'm kidding, Paige. Sit back down. I'll try to behave." He laughs. "I see you’re still with your professor lover boy."

"Yes and you need to be nice. He didn't do anything to you," I say, sitting down. The professor comes in and we start our class.

As we get up to leave Doug grabs my arm. "Want to go grab some lunch?"

"I can't. I'm actually meeting Natalie in the café," I say and start to walk away. I can't help but notice that Doug and his crew are following right on my heels.

"Lunch with Natalie also is fine." He walks with me toward the cafe. Natalie raises an eyebrow as she sees us approach.

I mouth to her 'He won't leave me alone.' She laughs as we hug ’cause it's been since Addy's birthday. We chat throughout lunch and Doug and his crew continue to entangle themselves into our conversation. They make jokes and we laugh at them acting stupid. I want to talk to Natalie about the baby but refrained with our mixed company. We all go different ways for our next classes.

I'm walking out to my car to leave and Doug is there leaning against it. "What are you doing?"

"I told you I won't give up just because you have a boyfriend. At some point when it doesn't work out with him, I'll be here to pick up the pieces." He winks at me.

"Doug, it's working out. He actually asked me to marry him and I accepted. I'm sorry but you need to move on," I say opening my door.

"It's ’cause you’re pregnant, aren't you?" he says, pulling out a round dial that looks a lot like my birth control pills.

"Is that mine? Why do you have that?" I reach for it but he pulls it back, stuffing into his back pocket. He grabs me by my hips. I struggle away from him. "DON'T!"

"Come on. These aren't the only things I took, Paige. You should have known better than to get knocked up. He should have used a condom when you couldn't find these. He’s trying to trap you. He's no good for you, Paige. I can treat you so good." He reaches for me again and I jump into the car and slam my door. I drive away while he just stands there. What else was in my purse that he could have taken? I know my favorite gloss was gone and a few pictures. Tears start to run down my face. That is so weird to take my pills of all things like he was trying to set me up to get pregnant.

Chapter 18


I'm dismissing my last class of the day and my phone rings. I notice it's Natalie. I had given her my number at Addy's birthday party since I was no longer there so she could keep an eye on Doug the douche. Her calling is not a good sign. "Natalie how are ya? I take it that this is about Doug?"

"Yes, Professor Wright, he followed her to lunch in the cafe when she came to meet me. From what I gathered they have English Comp class together."

"Call me Gavin, I'm not your professor anymore. Thanks for calling me. I'll get with Paige tonight. How was he with her?" I ask ’cause Paige tends to down play his advances.

"You mean did he flirt? Of course he did. He also had his crew of misfits with him. They just horsed around the whole time."

"He had other guys with him?" I'm starting to get angry when I notice a girl from this last class waiting to talk to me, standing by my desk. "You know what, never mind, just keep an eye out. I appreciate the call, Natalie. Thanks."

"No problem. He gives me the creeps too." She laughs.

After I hang up with Natalie the young girls walks up to me. She is wearing a skirt a little too short. Her cleavage is popping out of her top and her belly button ring is shining at the hem. Fuck ... I glance around and no one else is in the room. "I'm sorry, I haven't gotten names down yet."

"Brittany ... Brittany Sloane." She smiles, walking closer toward me.

"What can I help you with, Ms. Sloane?" I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Brittany ... I just wanted to let you know that if there is any extra credit that I would be up to do just about anything," she says as she sits her ass on my desk.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind but it's the first day so I'm sure you will do fine in class." I start to load up things into my briefcase. I hear the door open and look up to find a shocked Paige standing there. Her eyes are red as if she has been crying. She’s staring where my desk has a young freshman girl in clothes that barely fit sitting on it. I turn toward Paige. "Hey, baby. What's wrong?" I walk toward her. Little Brittany sits there as if she belongs. I look back over at her. "Ms. Sloane, you will do fine in class." She hops off the desk and prances past us toward the door, glaring at Paige as if she interrupted us.

Once she's out the door, I take my hands and frame her face. "What's wrong?"

"Who's that? Why was she in here alone with you?" Paige looks suspicious.

"She just asked if she struggles if there is any extra work she can do." I kiss Paige's soft pink lips.

"Oh, I'm sure she wants extra work." She pokes my side.

"Yeah yeah ... What brought you all the way over to this side of town?" I walk up to lock my class door.

As I walk back toward her she has tears in her eyes. "Doug is still bothering me. He met me at my car this afternoon and he took my pills and something else. When we bumped into each other a couple months ago is when he grabbed the stuff. Why would he do that? Plus I'm in English with him and he followed me to lunch with Natalie."

I pull her down to my desk. I raise her up to sit on my desk while I wipe the tear that fell down her face. "It's fine. I have no fucking clue why he would have taken them. I don't like him around you. If he continues this I think you need to file a report on campus on him."

"Maybe I will. I'm just hormonal right now. I'm sorry I just showed up. I know you said that you were going to be late tonight setting up your new office. I just needed to see you." She pulls me between her legs.

"You want to break in my new desk? You're so fucking horny since you’ve been pregnant." I push up her skirt and pull her panties to the side and like I knew she would be, she’s completely soaked for me. She lays back and she and I moan together as I push two of my fingers into her warmth. Her muscles start to pulse against my fingers as I push in and out. "You want me to fuck this pussy with my fingers or you want my cock?"

"Both." Her hips start to gravitate toward my fingers. I rub her pink little bud and within seconds she's moaning while her pussy clamps down against my fingers. She can orgasm so easily with just a little touch. I'm so turned on that I unbutton and unzip my pants, shoving them down my legs along with my boxer briefs.

She jumps off the desk before I can get to her, dropping to her knees and sucking me into her mouth. I begin to thrust into her hot mouth. "Suck my cock, baby ... It feels so fucking good." She swirls her pink tongue around the engorged head before deep throating me again. I moan and thrust a few more times before pulling away cause I'd rather dislodge my seed into her body. I bend her over my desk kicking her sandaled feet apart as far as she will allow. I can see her pretty pink pussy lips as I shove my cock made of steel into her soaking wet pussy. I don't have much left so after I push in and out a few more times I finally expel my seed into her body. We're both panting while I'm still connected to her. As I finally pull out I can see my seed running down her thighs. It's fucking beautiful to see me marked on her. I run my dick up and down the inside of her thighs as she grinds back against me. I pull up my pants while she pushes her panties down her legs ’cause they’re soaked now. She grabs them and wipes her thighs up.

"I can't walk out carrying my panties," she laughs. I grab them and throw them into my brief case.

I walk her out to her car and kiss her lips promising that I won't be too late setting up some of my office.

BOOK: Being with Her
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