Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue (5 page)

BOOK: Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue
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For some reason—she blamed hot, logic-frying lust—she’d forgotten all about his telepathy. Or rather, she hadn’t thought about how it would complicate
things. The guy could read minds. He would see who she was. When he did, she suspected her simple fuck fantasy was going to go sideways in a hurry.
Hell in a hand basket.

Adin’s nightmare lingered,
keeping his heart rate at a wild pace. He’d been trapped in darkness, lost and alone. He’d heard a soft voice calling him, mournful and compelling, but he hadn’t known where to turn or how to find her. The change in air pressure had woken him to lesser darkness and a presence in his room.

He’d panicked a little. But they’d never sent someone to hi
m while he was sleeping before. And something about the way she’d entered the room seemed off, almost furtive.

Pressing a hand
over his thundering heart, he eyed her warily. She’d crouched when he’d thrashed off the bed, her movement almost as swift as his and her lithe body tense, but now she only blinked at him in mild reproach. Her pupils were fully dilated so he couldn’t see the color of her eyes but he could tell by the way she studied him that her night vision was just as good as his own.

She didn’t look
as though she would attack him. His heart slowed and he felt a wave of remorse as he watched her fingertips press against her temple.
My apologies,
he murmured with a much gentler telepathic touch.
You startled me.

“Then we’re even. I thought you’d be asleep.”

I was. Bad dream
, he responded absently, studying her with increasing curiosity. He’d never met one of her kind but he’d heard of her species. They called themselves Lyomedrin, or “big cat” in common tongue. His home planet had a species similar to their primitive ancestors, a non-sentient predator he found beautiful but a little unnerving. This Lyo female triggered the same reaction.

Colors were different in the dark but he thought she was mostly golden with dar
k, long hair on her head. Her skin seemed bare everywhere else but he knew it would have the lightest coating of fine hair, barely visible, a hold-over from when their ancestors were covered in fur.

She was smaller than he, limbs deceptively sleek and graceful, hiding the
predatory power and speed of her species. Her fingertips and toes were blunt, claws retracted for the moment. Her facial features were almost delicate, high cheekbones, narrow jaw, and wide slanted eyes. Her pupils would be vertical slits in the light but now were round pools of midnight, gazing at him with unblinking interest.

Adin started a little, realizing that interest in her wide eyes had a hungry edge.
He wasn’t sure if he should be excited or nervous—Lyos weren’t known for their civility and she’d come in the dark. Plus, their distant ancestors had been competing apex predators. Some residual instinct thrilled alarm across his nerves.

Who are you?
he asked again, more quietly this time.

she answered. For some reason, the sound of her name captivated him. Or maybe it was her voice, slightly rough but liquid, like a purr. He wanted to hear more.

he echoed and watched her draw a deep breath.
Why are you here?

“You know why,” she murmured, eyes unblinking and

Adin’s tongue flicked out instinctively to taste the air then lingered to savor the scorching-hot
, sweet tang of her arousal. His mind went blank for a long moment, the world narrowing to that one sense, his entire being focusing with exquisite intensity on her flavor. He’d never tasted anything like it. He felt a sense of sharp dislocation, as if the universe had just rewritten itself. Or him.

“I need you,” she whispered

e was across the room before he’d even thought about moving. She startled to her feet but he didn’t hesitate, dropping to his knees and grasping her slim hips to hold her still. Her inner thighs were damp, labia swollen and beaded with her juice. Her hands clamped on his shoulders, extended claws snagging his scales in warning, but he barely noticed, tongue flashing out to dive between her lips and sink into that intoxicating tangy sweetness.

She came with a full body jolt and a strangled shout, falling back against the wall. He held her up with absent attention, the rest of him intensely focused on the gush of liquid bathing his tongue and mouth as he pressed closer and drank like a desperate man in a desert.

He speared his tongue into her channel then dragged it out to swirl over her clit, again and again, while she bucked against his face and climaxed over and over. He lived it with her, hardly hearing her mewling cries or his hoarse grunts, hardly aware of his hips jerking in rhythm with hers as he shot his loads.

Most of him was with her, in her, feeling his own tongue tunnel with ruthless flicks inside her pussy and tug on her clit with a rough rasp that sent sharp shards of pleasure slicing through her in all directions.
The taste of her blended it all together, merging them in a hazy sea of sensory bliss while some possessive animal deep inside him growled in fierce satisfaction.

en it became too much, he eased his pressing hold on her hips, letting her quaking body slide down the wall to sprawl across his thighs. He leaned forward, resting his forehead on the wall next to her ear, listening to their ragged breaths with dazed amazement as his mind slowly started to function again.

What the hell had just happened?
He hadn’t thought about being a test subject or whether he should “participate,” hadn’t even asked her what she wanted. He’d taken one taste of her and had come undone. He’d practically
her. What was wrong with him?

he whispered contritely in her mind.
Neeri, I’m so sorry, are you all right?

Oh, Adin,” she moaned, hands clutching his arms. She still trembled all over, buttocks quivering on his knees, thighs twitching with spasms that mirrored the aftershocks in her channel. He felt it with her, felt her nearly incoherent relief and hazy delight. “More than all right.”

He smiled his own relief before her
words fully registered. Then his eyes popped open, slow tension filling his muscles. He sat up carefully, fingers tightening on her hips.
How did you know my name?

She winced, visually and mentally.
He felt her quick spike of dismay, heard her think
, and he pulled back with his mind and body. He scooted out of touching distance and stared at her.

You’re one of them.

She grimaced a little, folding her legs in to her chest and wrapping her arms around them in an oddly vulnerable gesture. “Technically…not really. I’m just the hired help.”

Hired to do what?

Her eyes flicked around the room, lower lip caught in her nibbling teeth. Her brows pulled together in a quick frown as she snatched a breath and let it out on a rough sigh. “I can still smell her in here. I suppose you had fun with Shells.”

He shook his head, distracted for a moment by her disgruntled tone.
Hired to do what, Neeri?
he repeated in hard demand.

She cleared her throat, still not looking at him. “Don’t suppose you’d believe me if I said I’m just the cleaning lady.”
Then she slanted him a look both ruthful and amused.

He was suddenly, shockingly furious. Wi
th the speed of his race, he lunged, catching her wrists and jerking her forward. She went taut, muscles snapping with sudden strength, but his size and fury made him stronger. He flipped her to her back and pressed her to the floor, holding her wrists crossed over her head.

What have you done to me?

A long quiver ran through her entire tense body before she slowly relaxed under him. “Well,” she whispered, quick breaths warming his face, eyes wide pools of darkness. “You keep surprising me.”

He tightened his hold, claws denting her skin.
That’s not an answer.

“I didn’t kidnap you. I don’t run the place. I just help them decide who comes to you.”

Who comes to me? Like the droid?

Her lip lifted in a mild sneer. “Eh, not my first choice.
I told my boss that wasn’t the right call, but he doesn’t always listen.”


Her expression soured. “Only because I had to choose someone.”

He loosened his grip a little, studying her features. Her lithe body seemed to hum under him, her heat soaking through his scales in luxurious waves.
She shifted a little and her nipples tightened, pressing into him in little urgent knots. He felt his cocks jump and swell against her and hissed through clenched teeth.

So is
this a side bonus, like travel expenses? They allow you play with their prisoners?

“No, I’ll get fired,” she panted in a distracted tone. “Adin, I want that inside me. Please, all of them—”

he snarled, giving her wrists a shake to get her attention, though the mating burn built with shocking speed inside him, doubling against her own heat, her own need.
Why are you here?

“Because…” she moaned out loud then finished in thought
I want you, I want you for myself, I need you, Adin, please you feel so
I need you inside me…

She said more but the roari
ng fire rushing through him destroyed his capacity to understand words. He could only feel and need with her as he sealed his mouth to hers.

Neeri begged with everything she had
but he just kept kissing her until she couldn’t think straight anymore. He moved his mouth over hers like he’d been doing it for years, like he knew exactly what she wanted, how she liked to be teased then plundered.

That black tongue was the devil’s own pleasure toy, nimble and ruthless
, working her into a frenzy. She wanted that flick and rasp all over her body, every quivering curve and crevice. She wanted it deep inside her again, driving her right out of her mind and into that place he’d found for her, where vast pleasure shattered then rebuilt her over and over again.

She was ready to come and all he’d done was kiss her. Though she was helping that along, writhing under him and feeling all that glorious, cool strength and hard, slick scales sliding against her.
The sensation drove her wild, as though every inch of her had become an erogenous zone.

She jerked her wrists free of his loosened grip and slid her hands down his arms, over his shoulders and down his back, moaning long and low at the feel of so much hard, flexing muscle.
His heavy, cool body felt so good to her feverish flesh. She twitched her hips and shifted her legs, trying to wriggle them out from under him.

His turn to moan, hips jerking against her. She could feel his cocks, thick and throbbing, rubbing against her thighs just out of reach
, torture of the sweetest kind. Her claws extended and she dug them desperately into his buttocks.

Adin please Adin yes please please…

He finally seemed to hear her, or finally reached her level of desperation. Bracing his hands on the floor, he eased some of his weight from her. She instantly parted her legs and locked them around his waist, arching her hips, so ready for him to fuck her she could feel her juice run down the crack of her ass.

He lifted his head,
breath hissing out as he met her gaze. His eyes swirled with brilliant color, almost hypnotic. He reached between them without breaking eye contact and she shuddered, keening low in the back of her throat when she felt one of his heads press between her labia. The head felt enormous and she was so hungry for it she shook.

Then he began to sink into her and she came so hard she saw stars.
He kept filling her, pressing deeper and deeper, while she convulsed around him and shrieked his name. When he was buried all the way, he paused, breathing like bellows, still watching her with hands braced on either side of her shoulders. His other two cocks were crushed between them, one of them pressing directly on her clit.

Shivering and shuddering as she eased down from her climax, she
met his gaze dazedly. He was still hard as rock, each heavy throb inside her setting off a little quake in her sensitive tissues. She couldn’t get over the feel of him, thick and cool inside her lava-hot body, soothing and maddening at the same time.

Slipping a hand arou
nd his neck, she pulled him down for her kiss, claw pricking him in silent, wordless demand.

He shifted, pulling out in a slow glide that almost made her heart explode, his tongue dodging hers in an agile dance. Then he thrust, deep and hard, driving into her clenched pussy and grinding against her clit, and the whole world exploded. She found that place again and reveled in it, her whole being pulsing
over and over with a pleasure that was theirs alone.

He at least had the decency to wait until she was mostly recovered before he pounced.
Well, mentally anyway. Neither of them had the strength to do more than twitch after what they’d just done.

BOOK: Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue
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