Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue (2 page)

BOOK: Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue
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Then it came t
o him. A droid. That was why every line was perfection and every move was enticement. Most females of his kind were rarely so ready to mate without a great deal of effort from their males. They’d sent him a sex droid. But why?

He’d turned away the other females they’d sent him. They must know enough about his species to realize his mating burn was best triggered by one of his own kind. But why a droid and not a real female who could instruct him?
He hoped it was because they didn’t have a real one in their possession.

He should send her away. He should be furious that they would treat him like this, stroking him with a mechanical device like some farm animal reluctant to breed on schedule. He was furious but also burning with need.

His cocks stood tall in his lap, even harder and more fiercely aching than before, as if he hadn’t just jerked himself to completion a few moments ago. The thinking part of his brain might be repulsed by the idea of fucking a droid on command, but the rest of him saw only a beautiful female at peak readiness, everything about her calling to him. Her eyes swirled in patterns of lust, her tongue danced out to him in slow seduction, her scales deepened with rosy desire and her inner thighs gleamed with liquid. She lifted her hands, beckoning to him with a curl of her claws.

He rose with a spurt
of self-loathing quickly buried under an avalanche of lust. She might not be a true Ophidian, but she was female enough to captivate his youthful imagination and fill him with wonder. The amazing newness of it almost made him forget she was a droid until he tried again to connect with her thoughts, to learn what pleased her.

With no mental guide, he was tentative as he touched her arm, savoring the silky texture of her fine scales. But she was not at all hesitant, one hand slipping behind his neck and the other stroking his chest, claws scrapping his scales with just the right amount of teasing pressure.

He made a startled sound of pleasure but her mouth absorbed it, her agile tongue darting in to twine with his. She was oddly flavorless but his nerve endings didn’t care, relishing the feel of her with a surge of hunger. His eyes drifted closed and he learned her by feel, sliding greedy hands over her smooth, long lines.

She hummed with wha
t he took to be pleased desire, her hands drifting over him while her tongue tugged and danced with his own. When she stepped closer and rubbed against him in a sinuous writhe, trapping his cocks between their sliding bodies, he nearly climaxed again.

Adin jerked his head away with a whoop of indrawn air, claws snagging on her scales as he tried to hold her still. He felt like the top of his head was going to blow off, his entire body o
n fire and his cocks throbbing so hard they hurt.

She seemed to understand his dilemma
and eased away, eyes swirling with dark, sensual colors as she sank to the floor, pulling him with her. Laying on her back, she opened her legs wide and reached for his cocks.

Adin hesitated, a little shocked by her aggression and this fast-forward dive into intercourse
when most females required a great deal more foreplay to ready them. But when he saw her cloacal membrane part, saw her openings slippery and glistening with fluid, lust slammed into him and drove him forward. Her hands grasped each of his large penises and guided him toward her paired vaginal openings, her strong grip almost enough to make him erupt. Making guttural sounds he didn’t even recognize, he braced his hands on the floor and pushed into her.

The feeling was like nothing he’d ever dreamed. Tight, wet, grasping and greedy, her body enfolded him as she arched h
er hips up and met him halfway. His third penis slid along the indent in her pubis where a normal female’s nerve bundles would lie, multiplying her pleasure.

He couldn’t tell if he was bringing the droid pleasure or not—the sweet sensations spiraling up his spine were too much and he could see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing but the hot rush of ecstasy. Bucking into her, he came hard, shuddering and squirting deep inside her.

Sagging and panting as the pleasure receded, he looked down at the female. She was smiling, legs spread and heels braced on the floor, hands on his hips. Her claws flexed, digging into him with little pricks that made him twitch, before she moved her grip to his ass. Then she jerked him towards her, snapping her hips up to meet him, and his world dissolved into heat again.

This time the sensations took him less by s
urprise, though, and Adin’s instincts guided him. He pushed her hands away and hooked an arm under each of her legs, lifting and spreading her as he leaned forward. Then, in his own damned time, he moved his hips, sliding slow and agonizingly sweet in and out of her tight holes, his third cock wedged between them.

She watched him with that smile, clasping his shoulders and moving with him in perfect synchronicity.
The fire built slower, hotter, sizzling along his nerves and diving deep into his core, burning,

He heard himself making those hoarse, animal sounds again and couldn’t stop. The pleasure was insane, rushing through him in near violent waves, obliterating thought and any hint of control. He thrust faster and harder with each passing moment, tunneling into her with savage force, the sensation of her clamped around his
pulsing cocks driving him wild and sending shocks all the way out to his extremities.

His orgasm burst like a supernova, from
the base of his spine outward in a wildfire that seemed to drain him not only of cum but his life-force. He pumped and shot deliriously into the female’s dark depths, his muscles seizing and quivering before relaxing all at once. He collapsed onto her, strength gone, sucking air desperately.

She didn’t seem to mind, arms and legs fol
ding him close. He reached for her telepathically, hazy gratitude in every particle of his being, until he remembered she was only a droid. The blankness of her washed over him like ice water and he recoiled, pushing away awkwardly and gritting his teeth at the feel of his cocks slipping from her drenched folds.

Sitting up on shaky limbs, he met her still
seductive gaze with a glower. Any normal Ophidian female would be deeply offended and furious with his animalistic humping, his selfish drive toward his own pleasure. He was humiliated and embarrassed by his lack of control and clumsy, inexpert fucking. This hadn’t been a mating—this was coerced masturbation.

Lunging to his feet, he turned his back on her and moved to the c
orner that housed the sanitizing tube. Activating it without looking at the droid, he braced his hands against the smooth, opaque surface and hung his head while power streams ran over his flesh and cleaned him of any material and microbes.

Great Stars, find me a way home.


“You upset him,” Neer
i murmured, watching on her holo display as the Ophidian hunched in his sanitizing tube. She frowned, strangely disturbed by his obvious distress.

The Orchestrator turned its mechanical head toward her, the visor that served as its visual sensor blank of expression as usual. “He required the push.”

“You could have given him more time.”

“More time would have skewed our data flow.”

She snorted, not bothering to hide her contempt for their
data flow.
“At least get the sex bot out of there. You saw him—he’s in full burn. He doesn’t need that skanky bitch anymore.” The possessive anger leaching into her tone also disturbed her. Snapping her mouth shut, Neeri faced the display and pretended not to feel the Orchestrator’s steady regard.

“You feel too much for them.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here, isn’t it?” she snapped. “To balance out your cold, unfeeling, much too logical asshole-ness?”

The Orchestrator didn’t take offense. She wasn’t sure it could. With a small, mechanical hum, it turned back to the controls and touched several with its sinuous, synthetic arms.

Neeri watched it out of the corner of her eye. She liked to call it Big O because that made her laugh and because it didn’t get the joke. She also liked to think of it as a he, because all those long, slithery appendages turned her on. She’d had a few fantasies about those sinuous arms slithering all over her and pumping inside her while she lay stretched out naked on his controls.

She was a hedonistic creature
, embracing pleasure in all its forms, even humping a rolling dildo like Big O. For her, this job was pure torture. All day long she watched sex and couldn’t join in
. Hell in a hand basket.

“You could’ve sent me in. I would’ve made him burn,” she mumbled
, squirming in her seat as she remembered Adin’s muscles working under that beautiful jewel-like skin, driving those scrumptious cocks in and out of the stupid, unimaginative bot.

“You are here to observe and assist in the facilitation of the program. You are not here to participate. As
I have reminded you on an almost daily basis.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked. “
Do I detect a smidge of cattiness? Treading on my territory, Big O?”

“I wil
l never understand the Cooperative’s reasoning in hiring you for this position.”

“Shit, here we go…” she muttered, leaning back in her chair with a sigh.

“You are insubordinate.”


“You don’t know the meaning of the word punctual.”

“Time is relative.”

“Your reports, when you remember to turn them in, are disorganized and insufficient.”

“Bite me.”

“And you are forever in heat.”

She bared her canines at him and propped a foot on the console, stroking a lazy hand down her bare thigh all the way to her pus
sy. Her skirt slid with the motion, bunching across her hips and letting cool air kiss her already wet labia. “You wish you could feel this good,” she hissed, stroking slow fingers over her bare pussy lips with a shiver of delight. Underwear was an abomination she chose to boycott.

“You are making my point for me,”
the Orchestrator said in a toneless voice that still managed to convey humor.

She gave him a sly smile and lifted her hand from her now throbbing pussy, showing him the shiny fluid on her fingers before giving each digit a slow, salacious lick. With a purr of pleasure at the tangy flavor, she
said huskily, “If you really had a point to make, you’d be over here showing me.”

With a
mechanical sound like a long-suffering sigh, Big O turned back to his work. “Your observation of the Ophidian’s emotional state is noted and catalogued. Do you have a recommendation for the next subject we will present to him?”

Yes, me!

But that was about as likely as Big O fucking the insubordination out of her. With a sigh of her own, Neeri turned to the display, watching Adin pace the confines of his room. At least that useless fake female was gone. Now she had to choose his next experience and was surprisingly reluctant.

She thought he was beautiful, limbs long and strong, glorious deep blue and black coloring, not to mention
delicious cocks. Usually she enjoyed watching the attractive ones but this time she felt an unfamiliar acidic coil in her gut at the thought.

Maybe it was his distress. His brother hadn’t been so affected. Ocen hadn’t liked confinement but he’d never had trouble with the program.

Neeri remembered him fondly—always a good show, that one, almost as beautiful as his younger brother and willing to please any female they paired him with to exhaustion. Until he’d mated true with the human and refused to participate any longer. They’d had to shuffle the pair out of the program, though Big O had seemed satisfied—almost delighted—with the data.

i, please tell me you haven’t slipped into another nap.”

Shut up, I’m thinking.”

Translation, you’re fantasizing again. If you ever had an actual thought, I would be most surprised.”

“You’re ugly when you’re bitchy, O.
Can’t you give him time off?”

“That is not within the program parameters.”

“But when you talk like a geek I wanna fuck you six ways from Sunday,” she said dryly, rolling her eyes. “Fine. Send him Gerty. She’ll ride the reluctance right out of him.”

“Referring to the subjects by pet names is unprofessional. Subject D3454 is tagged as aggressive. She may injure him if he does not show enough dominance.”

“Right,” she mumbled. “I was thinking of his brother. Send in Glassman, then. He always got along with Ocen.”

“The Abissyn’s name is not Glassman, nor is it a male.
They are an asexual species. At this stage in the Ophidian’s testing, he requires a female pairing. If you do not choose, I will.”

i scowled at him. Big O sucked at choosing sex partners. Probably because the big mechanical goober had never had sex or a partner. His “logical” choices tended to fail abysmally. Which was why the Cooperative had resorted to hiring her. She was
at sex.

“You’re a big ol’ asshole with gears, O.
Send in Shells. She’s sweet but experienced enough to keep him on track.”
And I feel sorry for her, so I won’t hate her as much when he fucks her silly.

BOOK: Adin's Adventure: How to Ruin a Rescue
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