A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance)
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Oh, that's what she was pissed about.


“Cece you can't.” Ray shook his head. “We may be legit right now but we have a lot of enemies, and there's no promise you'll be safe. I'm not gonna put you in danger.”


“Who says you get a choice in that?” She asked, voice heated and rising. “And who says I need you to protect me?”


“These are dangerous men. My boys are alright but I wouldn't put it past them to take advantage if push came to shove.” His brows furrowed, lines Cecilia hadn't remembered seeing forming on his forehead and crinkling around his eyes. It really had been ten years. She sighed. No point in getting angry when the decision was already made. She pulled her hands back to her side and rolled to her back, eyes closed.


“I repeat. I don't need you to protect me. Besides, I'm going. No way can you stop me, not even if you hop on your bike right now and drove off without me.” Cecilia announced stubbornly. Ray resisted the urge to swear.


“I refuse to--”


“And I refuse to listen to any more complaints. It's settled.”


“You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Cece.” Ray rolled over, large hand splayed across her bare hip, perspiration glistening in the low light of the lamp on the nightstand. “Better to walk away while you can. I couldn't sit back and watch you to rush headlong into danger.” His jaw flickered with the tension of admitting it, scruff dusted along his chin and darkening along his throat.


Cecilia sat up, casting a shadow across Ray's chest as she did so. Her hair damp and sticking to her cheeks, she tossed back her head and laughed, chest heaving with the action. Ray's eyes ran from her full, parted lips mid-laugh to her breasts, quivering and enticing him even post-coitus. One elbow buried in her pillow, Cecilia raised her free hand to her face and wiped a stray tear clinging to her lashes.


“Don't know me at all, do you?” She grinned, shifting into a sitting position with her legs crossed--Ray swallowed and dutifully focused on her raucous smile though his peripheral vision might have memorized the view for later use.


“I'm with you till the end,” Cecilia's fingers grazed between Ray's pecs, touching the smattering of dark curls and walking her digits to his throat. She smoothed her thumb along his lips and shook her head. “I thought I lost you once. I'd rather die fighting alongside you than cower in my room while you risk your life for your people. And your damn dignity.”


A fierce burst of pride shot through Ray, blooming behind his sternum. This was the feisty girl he'd fallen in love with ten years ago, so small sitting atop his dad's bike she looked like a child on a monstrous metal beast. But she'd kicked it up into position and shot off, leaving Ray shouting behind. He could still see the wind whipping through her auburn hair, the sun flaring on her golden skin. Her laugh rang in his ears, an echo of years past and filtering through the soft chuckle Cecilia emitted at present, lean legs still crossed and cold toes poking into his thigh.


Despite himself, despite all the worries and danger, Ray smiled. Just a little quirk in the corner of his mouth but Cecilia spotted it instantly and beamed right back.


“I honestly doubt I could keep you away if I tried.” He shot her a wink, reaching out to pluck her from the bed and pool her on his chest and legs. She yelped, wrapping both arms around his neck and pressing herself into him, nipples poking the taut muscle. “Though I do have those handcuffs in my bags, nicked 'em from one of the mouthy cop kids thinking he was top shit. Left him a nice shiner if I recall.”


Cecilia smacked him.


“Do it and you'll have hell to pay.” But she was laughing again, and the sound melted against his lips, sensuous and demanding as ever. A slim tongue shot past his defenses, licked him thoroughly, and pulled away. She practically purred, the way she shivered under his touch. Already he felt the swelling down below, insistent. Cecilia didn't help the matter by grinding small circles with her hips and Ray's proceeding moan had her working faster.


“Damn,” Ray's hands were at his hips and began to roll her over when nails dug into his shoulders, claws nearly drawing blood.


“Ah, ah.” She licked her lips, moist and plump, just a little red from their smooching. “My turn to play. You lay there like a good boy and maybe you'll get a reward.” She grabbed his wrists and plucked them deftly from her sides, squeezing her thighs when he tried to resist. Ray dropped his hands instantly to the bed, cords in his throat tight with the urge to moan.


Fine, he'd let her have her way.


As if he had any other choice.



A Ride to Remember
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After her parents passes away in a horrific car accident, college junior Marlena Rhodes is left with nothing but broken dreams and an ever mounting pile of debt. Desperate to make a living, she starts picking up every job offer she can find in an attempt to stay afloat.
When she picks up a random flyer from the Art department requesting models to pose for the graduate students, Marlena takes up the offer without a second thought.
Marlena soon discovers that not only will she be baring it all, she'll be doing it for one person and one person only: Jonathan Conway, the drop-dead gorgeous painter who she's been eyeing for all three years of college.
As their painting sessions grow longer and more personal, will Marlena finally have the courage to truly bare it all to Jonathan?




Holly must go back home to North Dakota to tend to her family’s ranch when her father passes away, forcing her to give up her dreams of New York City in exchange for the boring little town she grew up in.
When she gets there, she finds that oil companies are out to steal away her inheritance. Luckily, her old friend Aaron is there to help her along every step of the way to fight off the sharks in the water.
What Holly doesn't know is Aaron hasn't forgotten her over the years and her sudden reappearance at the ranch is kindling newfound flames of passion inside of him. When an unexpected kiss under the summer rain leads to a night of passion, Holly must figure out how to best deal with the storm in her heart even as she deals with the encroaching oil companies. Will she be able to juggle love, family, and her duty all at once? Or will everything overwhelm her?



Vanessa is tired. She’s tired of all bullshit in her life, she’s tired of running away, and she’s tired of constantly looking over her shoulder wondering when her psycho ex-boyfriend is going to appear in her rearview mirror.
Brody is a biker making his annual trip back to Flat Springs, Arkansas when he notices a broken down car by the side of the road. Stopping to lend a helpful hand, he finds the tired and fearful Vanessa whom he takes an interest in.
But when a wayward kiss in the heat of the moment leads to an unexpected night of passion, both Vanessa and Brody are about to discover that though they come from two different worlds, they may not be so different.




Molly is a thief, and a damned good thief at that. But that’s before she finds herself caught red-handed by Darryl Flint after a supposedly perfect heist goes wrong.
Darryl Flint is more than just a rich man, he is a werewolf. When he catches the feisty Molly, he realizes that there is more to her than meets the eye.
Molly feels an inexplicable pull to Darryl. When an unexpected kiss meets her lips, she'll find that sometimes, the thief may be the one who is stolen.




Sharon has always been a reserved introvert and college life becomes one of the most shocking experiences in her life when she is goaded by her dorm-mates into attending a frat party.
But when she meets Jerome, a handsome frat brother who is like none of the others, Sharon isn't quite sure what to think. As the night wears on, she finds herself drawing closer and closer to Jerome. But Jerome reveals his secret: that he's a werewolf and Sharon is faced with a dilemma.
She wants to give herself to Jerome but cannot wrap her mind around the concept. As Jerome's beast blood is getting more and more aroused by the scent of Sharon's desire, it may be harder and harder for either one to resist.


BOOK: A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance)
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