A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance)
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Another sip of wine cleared her thoughts. Sort of.


“You better eat all that dessert, I'm not having any.” She announced haughtily, though they both knew it was a lie. Like most girls she had a helluva soft spot for chocolate, and the mousse here was so decadent it melted on your tongue and left the dark cocoa flavor sweet and bitter, just the right blend of sugar and raw chocolate.


Ray laughed and they directed their conversation toward less serious things. He asked about her lame job at the agency, and Ray told her all about “the boys” as he liked to call them even though most of them were his age or older.


“So, The Knight's Reapers huh?” She asked, downing the last of her glass and accepting the refill he offered. Ray hadn't touched the stuff--smart man, he was driving. And he hated wine. “Sound glamorous.”


“Not really,” Ray replied, but she could sense the pride swelling his chest. “They're a bunch of loudmouthed, manner-less guys with a leather fetish.”


“Sounds like you fit in just fine.” Cecilia commented with a smirk.


“Quiet you,” Ray grinned. “They're rough on the edges but a great bunch. And I'm working on cleaning up their acts.” He splayed his fingers out on the edge of the table, long arm hovering just above her bared thigh. She ignored his action, trusting him not to do anything too stupid in public.


“But you said you guys were into some grimy business. Robbing liquor stores and all that?” Cecilia took another sip of scarlet Merlot and turned partway toward Ray.


“Not just breaking and entering, or holding people at gun-point which was bad enough. The old president, Mitch Arrington, set up trades with the drug mules in Mexico. We drive heroin over the border, carefully concealed, they pay us twenty grand for every delivery to their main setup in Vegas.” Ray had taken a more somber tone, which surprised Cecilia. The boy she'd known hadn't the capacity for guilt, not like this.


“I've been breaking their deals as carefully as possible but we still owed another shipment last week.” He bit his lower lip and she had her eyes on the wine again, fumbling with the glass. “That's part of the reason I'm here.” That had her up short.


“Ray... You didn't.” She glared, speaking under her breath. He had the gall to look affronted.


“Hell no,” Ray grimaced. “No. I broke the deal in person. Me and a few guys drove down there and handed in our resignations. They didn't take it so well but at least there weren't any firefights.


“I'm here because they were the last group of scumbags we were dealing with. Now we're legit.” He stuck his thumb into his chest and beamed. “We're good guys. Broke, but who gives a--who cares.” The waiter had arrived, dropping our sinful desserts on the table along with the check. Cecilia's fingers had reached for the spoon before Ray could finish speaking, and as she pulled a tongue-cleaned spoon from her mouth he laughed and kissed her forehead.


The heat of his mouth sent a torrent through Cecilia, blood rushing from the apples of her cheeks to the gathering heat between her legs. She tried to stifle the little sound finding its way out of her mouth but either the wine worked against her or it had been so long she was starting to overheat.


His mouth froze on her forehead, fingers around her shoulders. They squeezed once and he sat back in his seat, focusing on the dessert in front of him. She dropped her eyes, working another spoonful into her mouth when an idea caught her.


She was a grown adult, was she not? Did she not have her own place, buy her own wine and stay out as late as she wanted? Was she not an independent, sexually active woman?


Why in the world was she resisting this hunk of a man with eyes as blue as the sky at dusk, just after the sun vanished beneath the horizon? With calloused hands that knew her body and its desires better than anyone else ever had, who had touched her so intimately that he still had a fierce hold on her heart?


He wasn't forgiven yet, but she had a number of ways he could earn her mercy. Cecilia's lips curved into a wicked smile and she scooped another spoonful of mousse, lapping at the decadent dessert with a flashing pink tongue. She engulfed the spoon with a mumble of appreciation and licked the spoon clean, cheeks hollowed just a little and eyes lidded. She peered over at Ray, whose own spoon was halfway to his mouth but suspended midair.


When she drew the spoon from her mouth, letting her tongue follow it until it was out of reach, she pouted her lips and mumbled, “What?”


The look on Ray's face was priceless. He set his utensil down and scooted closer, if that was even possible. Their legs were already rucked against each other from hip to knee but somehow he covered her with a twist of his waist and his hands rose to cup her cheeks. Fingers gentle, he brushed her supple lower lip and leaned in, kissing her carefully.


He was just getting started, and she knew it.


Before the delicate kiss finished its course, he tipped her chin up and engulfed her mouth, claiming it fervently and forcing his way past her lips, tongue lapping at hers and making soft sounds she knew could be heard at nearby tables. She should care but the heat of her skin and the race of her pulse drowned out all thought but Ray's touch and she pressed into him, chest crushing chest. Her arms wound around his neck and she clung to him with all her strength until they were out of breath. When Ray released her with a satisfied smack of lips, he sat back in his seat and preened, leaning forward to grab his billfold and stick a hundred into the receipt book on the table. He turned to Cecilia to explain their departure but her fingers wrapped themselves around his upper thigh and squeezed, driving all thought from his brain.


He barely held the mindset to stifle the sound he almost made when her fingers curled inward, tracing the inseam of his trousers. She drew her nails up the puckered leather and he felt the jerk of arousal pressing into his zipper. He struggled to wrap his hands around her arm.


“What are you doing, Cece? You realize we're still in the restaurant.” Ray muttered quietly, thinking she must've lost her mind. Maybe he shouldn't have let her have the whole bottle. But Cecilia tucked her shoulders back, prompting his eyes to ogle her chest, and took a deep inhale before answering, fingers scraping little patterns in the fabric.


“Are you feeling shy?” She asked, lips parted and fingers digging in, moving upward. He hadn't the heart to stop her. “Besides, you're so damn big I doubt anyone can see anything.” Her fingers grazed higher and touched the vee of his pants, right where his balls decided to lay. Ray jerked but that didn't stop Cecilia. Digits climbing higher, she lay her whole palm over the quickly growing lump in his jeans, right under the zipper, and squeezed. Slow. Released.


Ground her palm into the hot flesh. This time he couldn't control the low moan and Cecilia quickly covered his mouth with her own, lapping languidly at his tongue and taking her time. She squeezed again and then drew her hand downward, letting her touch caress his every inch before moving to his thigh once more. The moment her fingers were off his dick, Ray grabbed them both up and held them to his chest.


Ray was breathing hard, chest lunging and hands less gentle than they'd been earlier. There was a glow to his skin, the flush of arousal mixed with the candlelight and finished off with the sheen of perspiration on his forehead. She liked watching him so out of control, scrabbling onto his manners by the skin of his teeth. She wanted more.


But Ray's hands were surprisingly resilient, even when she rubbed her thighs together and bit her lip, eyes never leaving Ray. He gulped but didn't cave in. He was stronger than she'd anticipated.


“No more or I'll take you right here on this table,” Ray breathed, and Cecilia's satisfaction factor shot up exponentially. His words quivered and she could see his erection prodding the tight leather. Oh yes. Walking out should be deliciously fun.


She shrugged, lips wet from their kisses and chest shifting, drawing his eyes again.


“Your choice, Mister Owens. Though I don't know if I can wait for you to get me home.” Cecilia answered more honestly than she'd meant.


“I'll go fast.” He swore, practically lifting her from the bench. She resisted, pushing him out first and following behind. That cunning vixen.


“I sure hope not.” She replied flippantly, reaching out for another taste of her half-consumed mousse. She didn't bother with a spoon, just slathered her finger with a dollop and suckled it from her slender digit. Ray swallowed, grabbed the hand not currently at her mouth and dragged her bodily from the restaurant, his cock fighting its confinements.





He didn't notice the eyes on his junk or the way they watched him drag her off with smiles of amusement or frowns of disgust at their indecency. The only thing he could see was Cecilia's mouth wet and red, clamped around his--


Home. He had to get her home. Fuck could he even remember the way? He barely remembered his name at the moment.


At least the bike was parked close. He hoped onto its back, letting Cecilia go so she could get on by herself--stubborn woman, she used to smack him for trying to help. When she snuggled in behind him, nipple-sharp points of heat pressed against his shoulders through what must have been deliciously thin fabric. Her legs wrapped around his and she rubbed against him, letting him hear a soft moan meant only for his ears. Ray groaned and kicked up the bike, barely paying attention to anything but the heat on his back and the arms around his waist.


When they shot off down the dark streets those hands pooled lower and lower still until he had to let go of the handlebar with one hand and pull them back up.


“Do that and we'll crash.” He growled, voice rough with lust.


“I trust you.” She muttered into his ear, voice barely heard above the roar of the wind and the drum of blood in his ears, quickly rushing to between his legs.


Cecilia clamped her legs around his waist and rocked her hips, and Ray just barely caught the sound of her moan.


“F-faster,” she breathed, grinding harder.


Tongue and voice in his mouth, Ray sped down the road with the intent on getting her home as he thought she meant. But then he realized. Her hips were moving way too frequently to simply be enticing him.


No, they were rocking faster and faster, and her breath on his neck was fast and short.


She wasn't...


But she was.


Cecilia ground herself against the hot metal between her legs, and the hot man she was clinging to. Wetness flooded and she felt her panties, damp and nearly useless as a cover, slide between her lips. Her voice caught mid-moan and she dug her nails into Ray's stomach. She was flushed with desire--so warm that the cool winds along her exposed arms and legs forgotten. His scent filled her senses. The oil permanently engrained in his skin, the musk attuned to him alone, how he trembled in her grip. She wanted him, and her pleasure was building fast.


The vibration of the engines and the raw power beneath her left her whimpering. She was so close, and yet so far away. She wanted to feel Ray's hands all over her, to feel him inside her. The bike was only making things worse. She couldn't wait. She couldn't control her--


With a loud moan, the sound wrenched from her throat without her consent, she shuddered against Ray, arms clinging to him for dear life and gasping for breath. The aftershocks of orgasm worked through her, pulsing, yearning to be filled. Still unsatisfied and aching for Ray, she buried her face in Ray's back and dropped her arms, unwilling to hold them up high when her limbs were quivering.


She felt him hard and insistent under her fingers, and with a breathless chuckle she drew her nails over the zipper. The bike jolted forward suddenly but before he could recover and pull her away, she was already unzipping.


“Relax,” she breathed, nuzzling Ray's shoulder. “Not gonna endanger our lives. Just gonna keep my hands busy until you can entertain me.”


Her fingers were true to form; rather than releasing him and attacking with jerking motions, she slipped her hand into the fabric and rubbed lightly, grazing her fingers over the erection and petting the flesh she could feel quickly reacting to her touch. Ray's hold on the handlebars tightened but he continued to focus on the road as best he could. They were almost back to where they belonged. No need to blow a load early.


Though how he was resisting with those teasing fingers wrapped around his cock was a mystery to him.


Maybe it was because he knew what else was waiting for him.


Finally, after an agonizingly long drive that couldn't have been more than ten minutes, he slowed to a stop in front of her apartment. He shut off the engine, kicking the stand out, pulled from Cecilia's grip and turned, grabbing her from the bike and hurling her over his shoulder.


“Hey, you idiot! You know how short my dress is.” She smacked half-heartedly against his back. He grinned.


“This is payback.” Ray replied smugly, using one arm to hold her legs and the other to slide up her long, warm legs toward the dripping string of fabric covering her wet heat. He licked his lips and rubbed over the small line of fabric.


She squeaked and tried to squeeze her legs together but she was still shaking from her orgasm and Ray was strong. He worked his fingers beneath the fabric and buried one finger to the hilt. Her cunt squeezed back like a vice, so wet that he could've moaned if his brain knew how to do anything but rush inside. The way her hands dug into his trousers shined a light on just how horny she was, as if her dripping pussy wasn't enough of a clue.


She didn't speak, but he knew her mind was screaming insults at him.


When he reached the door, finger slowly working its way in and out, he plucked the digit from her and slapped her backside with a light touch before sheathing it, still glistening with her juices, right back into her tight heat.


“Keys?” He asked, waiting patiently. When she finally mustered up the words to speak, it wasn't very nice.


“You are such an ass,” she stammered. “Cl-clutch.” She squeezed the word through clenched teeth, trying not to cry out and wake the neighbors. It was late but that wouldn't stop the nosy nellies from bothering them.


“Hmm. Too much effort.” He turned around so she faced the door and laughed when she kicked her feet. “Come on now, we don't have all night. Open the door, Cece.” He teased.


She said something quite colorful in response but dug in her little purse.


Ray decided she was going too slow and thought he should up the encouragement. Without warning he pushed another finger in. Cecilia tensed so fast she nearly fell out of his grip, and she was biting his back with fierce teeth to cover the moan fighting her lips. He sucked in a breath at the bite but it only served to make his cock pulse with need.


“Hurry,” he growled, just about ready to throw her against the door and take her right there. He really needed to reel in his fantasies a bit. She fumbled with the clutch, shaking, while his fingers worked her tight pussy with merciless strokes. When the key scraped over the lock, he nearly sighed with relief. She missed twice but got it on the third time, just as he spread his fingers apart.


“Fuck...you...” she gasped, pushing the door and hitting him. “If... neighbors... talk... dead.” She melted like cotton candy on his tongue, dribbling down his fingers as her legs gave up fighting and spread wider for him.


He stepped into the apartment, ignoring the lights, and kicked the door closed.


“Room?” He prompted, swirling his fingers. She didn't hold back her moans anymore.


“L-left,” she whimpered between moans. His legs carried him from the entrance to her darkened room and he flicked on the light this time, turning on a single lamp on her nightstand. He didn't pause to examine the room though he would have liked to. Instead he strode to the bed and tossed her onto the mattress.


Finger-free, she was working up to a good rant when Ray tore her dress right off her body. It was so flimsy it parted with a sigh, and he could hear her anger flooding through the arousal.


“You ass--” He climbed on top of her and silenced her with a vicious kiss, biting her lip hard when she resisted opening to him. Her gasp gave him the chance he needed and he claimed her mouth with ruthless strokes of his tongue. Fingers fumbling with his jeans, he nearly tore the jacket from his body with a hiss when it impeded his movement. Finally he managed to get the suffocating leather off of his body. His shoes had been kicked off earlier--they might even be at the front door, he couldn't remember.


His boxers were gone before he could even reach for them and her hands were sliding up his body to tear at his shirt. Skin touched skin and Ray shuddered, ridding himself of his shirt and slipping his hands under her waist. He lifted her up against him and pressed himself hard into her thigh. She moaned against his lips and wrapped both legs around his waist, her cunt so wet with juices it had made a trail between her thighs.


Ray didn't hesitate. He sure as hell didn't go slow. With one sharp thrust he plunged into her tight sex and moaned so hard he had to pull away from her mouth.


Cecilia arced like a cat in heat and drew her nails like claws into his back. The slim piece of fabric had been little trouble, parting to the side to reveal her core without much prompting. The bra, however, needed to go.


He started to grab at the straps and her nails dug deep into his back, drawing blood.


“Don't,” She purred, releasing his sore muscles and reaching back to unhook the bra herself. “I like this one.”


His laugh was lost to the hard nub already caught between his lips. Cecilia sucked in a breath as he teased the nipple with lots of swirling patterns. She had her claws in his back again and was pushing him deep inside her with a squeeze of her thighs. With a cry she threw her head back on the blankets, eyes closed and lips parted in a whimper.


Ray suckled at the prodding nipple in his mouth while he thrust hard, pounding her with all of his desires driving him. She rose to meet his thrusts and their hands found each other above their heads, lacing together as he slid from her cunt and rushed into her again.


She squeezed him inside her, tightening by sheer will and need alone, and he could feel the pulse of pleasure rocking through him. Ray felt the building need tightening in his balls, the way her juices soaked him as he thoroughly fucked her, his Cecilia. Nothing felt as sweet, as hot or as tight as his Cece. It was high school all over again, the secret rendezvous and the romps in the park near his house.


She was even feistier than she used to be, swiveling her hips and clamping down on him when he was sure he couldn't handle any more without exploding. His pleasure rose, crested, and blasted through him as he hit orgasm. With a guttural cry he filled her hard and fast, hips recklessly slamming into hers as he spent himself inside her tight folds. Cecilia cried out, matching his thrusts and surging off the bed with her own frenzied orgasm. They rocked against each other and cried out until the waves slowed and dribbled to a fading lap of heat and pleasure.


Ray sighed and found her lips with his eyes closed, kissing her softly and covering her completely. They lay blissful together, Ray slipping out eventually and scooting until they lay on their sides. His hands stroked the line of her spine up and down, beneath her thong to palm her ass and back up to the nape of her neck.


Cecilia let her breathing return to normal and her heart slow to a reasonable pace before speaking.


“I'm going to kill you for that, you know.” She didn't have to elaborate. Ray knew she was still miffed about being fingered in public, and thrown over his back to boot.


“I know. But it was worth it.” Ray smiled languidly, kissing her cheek and curling her closer. Her nipples made little circles in his chest with her careful breathing and he let the last effects of endorphins wash away all of his worries. She was in his arms, she was his. What else mattered?


“What am I gonna do with you,” Cecilia sighed. She didn't pose it as a question so he didn't answer. “I have a life here you know.” She pointed out, touching his hip and tracing the hard muscles of his thigh.


“I would never ask you to walk away from your home, you should know that.” He moved to kiss her again and she pulled away. His eyelids fluttered open to get the full effect of her vicious glare. He flinched. Yep, as brutal and deadly as ever. “What?”


“You jackass.” She shook her head, eyes red-rimmed but not crying. She looked a cross between anger and tears but refused his touch with a smack. “You still don't get it?”


Ray's brows rose of their own accord.


“I told you already, don't fucking leave me behind.” She glared. “I don't give a damn about this place. I don't want to spend my time at that garbage agency and get canned in a month because they can't stay afloat in this economy. I'm not going to let you ride out of my life all over again.”

BOOK: A Ride to Remember (Biker Erotic Romance)
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