Read A Delicious Taboo Online

Authors: Jennifer Cole

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

A Delicious Taboo (7 page)

BOOK: A Delicious Taboo
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Beneath his fingers, her silky skin singed him. The soft swells and curves of her body were a direct contrast Van. Van was defined, hard, firm muscle. Still, the way he could make her respond reminded him of his life partner. Calen knew his natural determination had the A Delicious Taboo


ability to bring Van to an explosive climax, something the other man admitted never experiencing before.

The difference in their bodies excited Calen. Their similarities stimulated him, threatening to push him beyond his control. To their relationship, physically and emotionally, Melanie was a perfect complement. Now, they needed her to realize it too, because neither he nor his Van was going to let her go.

Calen felt her ass start to pulsate with her impending orgasm and was ready to explode.

Thrusting inside the snug, velvety heat, following three heavy, hard strokes, he emptied himself inside her.

The shirt she’d worn had long since been discarded, and her body glistened with a light sheen of sweat. Hers and theirs, and her breathing was erratic, raspy. A smile curled the corner of her luscious lips when she finally released Philip’s shaft.

“I’m fucking that sweet ass now,” she heard Jake say as Calen withdrew from her depths. As Jake fed his cock into her, she recognized Van and Philip’s hands caressing her breasts, and Calen’s fingers had found their way inside her pussy.

They plucked, tugged, and thrust until she screamed again. Pleasurable fatigue threatened to yank her arms out from under her. Dropping her upper body to the floor, Mel outstretched her arms before her, resting her cheek on the cool ceramic tile. Jake held her hips in place, pounding himself into her ass. Exploding with a deep roar after several strokes, he collapsed against Melanie’s back.

Several minutes later, the electricity surging throughout the room began to subside.

“Sorry to crush you, baby. You okay?” Jake asked hoarsely, finally rising up off her.

One thing Melanie was learning quickly from being fucked silly by these four gods was that after they’d each made her come at least once, she was rendered useless.

“Mmmm,” was all Mel could manage to mutter.

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* * * * *

Following the fun in the kitchen, they’d helped Melanie to the sofa where Van wrapped her naked body with a light sheet.

Seated on a stool at the bar, Van enjoyed the sight of his lover and the woman they were falling in love with across the room. The tint in her cheeks and the flush of her skin had his cock swelling in need again. Melanie’s head was in Calen’s lap, his fingers stroked through her dark hair and he whispered words of endearment to her. The sexy smile she flashed him from her cozy refuge, combined with the flicker of satiation in her eyes, confirmed for him she was theirs.

At the other end of the sofa, Philip rubbed Melanie’s feet, and she looked simply decadent lying between the two men. Sharing a woman was a first for the four friends, and being all together just felt right. As his comrade’s hands caressed her body, Van grew more content. There hadn’t been an ounce of jealousy between them as they shared her over and over.

Before Mel awoke and joined them that morning, the four men laid their emotions out to each other. Philip and Jake confessed they too were falling in love with her.

As committed to one another as he and Calen were, Van realized as a couple they weren’t quite complete. He studied the beautiful woman in his lover’s and friend’s arms and didn’t think life could be any more perfect.

“I’ll never look at that kitchen the same way again.” Jake chuckled as he entered the living room from the hall. “Now, before we fucked you speechless, babe, you’d mentioned dinner.”

They all laughed.

“I’ll need some things from the grocery store,” Mel moaned in contentment. “Give me a few minutes, and then I’ll go shopping.”

“Tell me what you need, and I’ll go get it,” Van said reaching for paper and pen.

A Delicious Taboo


After dictating a shopping list, Mel dozed off.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t leave her to wake up alone. She has nightmares.” Van expressed his concern to the others.

“She won’t be alone, Van, we’ll make sure of it,” Philip assured him.

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Chapter Five

“Jesus, you guys are insatiable,” Melanie purred in Van’s embrace on the sofa.

They had all individually taken turns making love to her, in addition to tag-teaming her, most of the afternoon. They’d taken her outside, inside, and poolside.

Across from the sofa, Jake sat on the floor with his back against a chair, Philip sitting between his thighs. Jake’s arms were wrapped around his lover, his hands resting on a set of perfect six-pack abs. Philip’s legs were outstretched in front of him, ankles crossed. Both men cast her wickedly seductive grins.

Calen too sat on the floor, his back to the couch and his hand tracing soft circles on her left calf as she lay stretched out beside Van. Over his shoulder, he flashed her a million dollar smile. “You don’t seem to be having any trouble keeping up, baby.”

She couldn’t argue with that. No matter how sore or how tired she grew, Melanie intended to give this experience everything she had. The thought of this encounter being one-of-a-kind she’d tucked into the furthest recesses of her mind.

Lustful thoughts plaguing her for months were now taking on a different feel. The time had come to admit to herself she was in love. Not with one man or one couple, but with all four men. It was an absurd thought, because there couldn’t be anything more between them.

A Delicious Taboo


Six months working in the Taboo Delights nightclub had shown her relationships like this just couldn’t work out. She knew of other regulars taking a third party to their beds, and in the end, it was just for the sex.

Melanie wouldn’t let her mind rain on her parade; she intended to enjoy every moment that remained. Right now, she felt like a deliciously pampered sexual goddess with her own male harem at her feet. All four seemed to anticipate her needs before she did and were more than eager to help her meet them. Whether she wanted them to touch her, or her desire was to watch them together, the four men were happy to oblige.

“I’m not going to be able to walk out of here,” she chided.

“That’s the plan,” Calen teased, stroking a finger up the inside of her thigh. “Besides, who says you have to leave?”

“Stop it.” She giggled, swatting at his hand playfully. “Let me up. I need to start dinner.”

Reluctantly they released her, and after pulling on her borrowed boxers and T-shirt, she padded into the kitchen. In no time flat, Melanie filled the house with the spicy aromas of Mexican.

Philip had wandered into the kitchen at some point. When Melanie finally glanced up and noticed him watching her, he said, “You’re amazing.”

She smiled affectionately and continued assembling a large plate of nachos. He made his way to the cupboard and collected plates to set the table in the corner. Calen had come in as well and grabbed silverware and napkins, and taken them to the table. Once Jake and Van had joined them in the kitchen, they sat down to their feast.

“So where’d you learn to cook? The club doesn’t know you can do this, do they? If they did, we’d never see your gorgeous face and smoking hot bod out front again.” Jake cocked a wicked smile at her.

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Melanie’s cheeks tinted rosy pink. “Three years of culinary school. I have my chef’s papers.” She shrugged insouciantly.

“That’s terrific,” Van said. “Why don’t you open your own place? Or at the very least work in some five-star restaurant or hotel or something?”

“It’s really no big deal. I only did it because someone once told me I couldn’t. I love to cook, create, but I don’t know if it’s what I want to do forever.”

“Well, you really are terrific at it, baby. I’ll think we’ll let you cook for us all the time,”

Calen said.

* * * * *

With dinner long over, the four hunky friends ushered Melanie into the bedroom for their evening entertainment. They had some sexually kinky positions they intended to unleash on their thus far eagerly willing female third. The four men had no intention of letting Mel leave them now.

She was theirs.

“I’m going to fuck your cunt, Melanie, while Jake fucks your ass at the same time,”

Calen purred in her ear. “What do you think about that, baby?”

Mel quivered between Calen and Jake, her mind spinning out of control. Their hands stroked her possessively. She’d never even heard the words spoken aloud, let alone done anything like Jake and Calen were proposing. She was excited, horny, and heady with need.

Desperately, she wanted them, all four of them, to take her, to use her as they needed to, as they wanted to.

Calen lay back on the bed, his stiff cock standing straight up in the air. “Climb on top of me, Mel. Sink yourself over my cock,” he said huskily and helped her to straddle his hips.

Her body trembled with excitement, anticipation.

A Delicious Taboo


Using his fingers to spread the folds of her pussy, he aligned his cock with the mouth of her sex. Van’s hands settled on Mel’s hips, forcing her to impale herself on Calen’s shaft.

“That’s it, baby, take him inside you,” Van whispered into her ear. He pulled her hips up until Calen’s cock nearly slipped from her body, then pushed her back down.

Mel groaned low in the back of her throat. “Oh, God…oh, God.” Van’s hands released her, but not before urging her forward to lie atop Calen’s chest. Calen’s lips closed around hers, and he gently sucked her tongue into his mouth. Her sudden gasp drew his breath into her lungs, giving her an electric rush. Mel ground her pussy against Calen’s groin as she felt the heat of Jake’s chest press along her back. The soft hairs of his chest stimulated her now ultrasensitive skin as he rubbed against her. The smooth head of Jake’s cock nudged her ass, and Calen’s hands grabbed her cheeks firmly, pulling them apart.

Philip’s voice barely broke through the pleasurable haze clouding her brain. “Come on, Jake, babe, I want to watch you sink your cock into this tight little hole and fuck Mel’s ass.”

At the statement, Mel felt a finger stroke gently across the rosette of her ass. She then felt cool lube being spread over her bud seconds before a single thick digit delved inside, coating her entrance.

Then she felt the pressure. Jake pressed the head of his cock against the tight muscles of her anus and pushed, breeching her opening.

“Christ,” Jake ground out.

“Ahhh,” Mel panted, pulling away from Calen’s kiss.

He brushed his lips along hers again. “Relax, baby. Let him in,” he whispered. “We want to make you feel so good. Let us love you, baby.”

“Deeper, Jake…push your cock deeper,” Philip growled.

Jake pushed deeper, spearing Mel from behind. She stiffened and gasped for breath, sweat peppered her soft skin as Jake continued to feed his cock into her. Once balls deep inside her ass, he expelled a shaky breath.

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“Tell us how she feels, guys,” Van said in a raspy breath.

“Her pussy got so much tighter when Jake shoved into her.” Calen groaned. “Jesus, guys, her pussy feels so good. Wet. Hot. So fucking tight…ahhh…”

“And her ass, Jake, tell us about her ass.”

Sweat beaded Jake’s forehead. His lower lip quivered, and his body shook. All he could do was whimper slightly as he withdrew his shaft from the heat of her body. He plunged back in. “Unh,” he grunted.

“How do you feel, Mel?” Philip’s voice asked from the background.

Mel moaned and wriggled between the two men sandwiching her, oblivious to the question posed to her.

The bed dipped as Van took a position in front of Mel, his knees on either side of Calen’s head. His stiff cock jutted straight out from his body, inches from her lips. His tight, swollen sac dangled teasingly above Calen’s face.

Van reached down and with a finger under her chin, lifted her face until she looked up at him through heavy lids. “Tell us, honey…how does it feel to have Calen fucking your beautiful cunt and Jake fucking your sweet ass, hmmm?”

The pleasure the two men were bringing her made it impossible for Mel to locate her voice. Her mind was gone, and she’d lost the last of her control as Calen and Jake began to move in sync, driving her body toward madness. A hand grabbed her left breast from behind as Van reached down and cupped her right one. Fingers from both hands plucked at her tight, puckered nipples until she cried out from the pleasure-pain they created.

“Tell us, Melanie. Tell us how it feels,” Philip coaxed her.

Mel couldn’t speak if her life had depended on it. She was consumed with the carnal activities she was sharing with the four handsome men. “Uh, uh, uh,” she groaned between thrusts. “I’m…so full…burning…good…fuck…don’t stop…please…”

A Delicious Taboo


Mel was unable to move as Calen and Jake took possession of her body, mind, and soul.

Her eyes closed again, completely lost in the pleasure, with the exquisite fullness of having both her pussy and ass full of thick, delicious cock. The smooth head of Van’s shaft rubbed against her parted lips. Opening her mouth eagerly, she ran her wet tongue around the soft, silky smooth head.

“Suck me, Mel. Suck my big cock dry, baby,” Van commanded softly and pushed further into the depths of her hot mouth.

The bed dipped at the foot, and Philip’s husky voice spoke. “Lean over more, Jake. I need to fuck your ass while you fuck Mel.”

Mel felt the pressure of Jake atop her, pressing her against Calen. The hands on her tits continued to torment her as the moaning, groaning, and grunts echoed loudly in the bedroom.

Philip smoothed cool lube against Jake’s anus just before his hard cock pressed into his opening. The four fucking bodies fell still as Philip seated himself deeply inside Jake.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Philip growled low.

The extra pressure from behind caused Mel’s ass muscles to clench, and moans escaped her, Jake, and Calen. Philip drove his cock into Jake’s ass as he continued to torment Mel’s left breast, reaching around to tug at Jake’s right nipple at the same time.

BOOK: A Delicious Taboo
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