Read A Delicious Taboo Online

Authors: Jennifer Cole

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

A Delicious Taboo (4 page)

BOOK: A Delicious Taboo
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“Nonsense, I feel like one of the family now.” She chuckled.

Enjoying the sensual sway of her backside as she walked across the room, he muttered under his breath, “Not yet, but soon.”

Mel didn’t quite hear him, but when she asked him to repeat himself, he just shrugged, saying he hadn’t said anything.

After cleaning up the deck and kitchen, the five moved their party to the cozy living room of Calen’s and Van’s home. The men each had a beer, and Philip replenished Melanie’s wine glass, with the bantering still going on full strength.

Suddenly Mel’s eyes shot to Van. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” she asked, thinking the wine was making her hear things she wanted to hear.

“I said a few things, Melanie…how far back do you want me to go?”

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“I think all the way,” she said with furrowed brow.

“Well, I said, we have an ulterior motive for inviting you here tonight.” He gave a casual nod toward the other three men in the room, and her breathing increased as she made eye contact with each of them. “The four of us want to be with you.”

Calen waggled his eyebrows from the tan leather recliner beside the black suede sofa where she sat.

Leaning against the door frame leading into the kitchen, Philip offered a sexy wink and seductive grin.

From the barstool in the corner across the room, Jake blew her a kiss.

Seated to her right, Van ran his tongue along his lower lip.

Melanie shivered.

“Pardon?” She felt dumb asking Van to repeat himself yet again.

The four of them chuckled.

She sat stunned. “What do you mean you want to be with me?”

Jake stood and, like a lean panther, sensually stalked toward her. “Your smell drives us crazy, Melanie. We want to touch every inch of your hot body,” he said softly as he knelt before her.

“We intend to taste your skin, devour your breasts, and suck on those hard, tight nipples that have been begging for our attention all night. We’re going to make you come and lap at the wet creaminess of your cunt,” Van continued. The back of his fingers brushed her thigh.

At their boldness, Mel sucked in a deep breath and held it. She brought a hand up and stroked her fingers along the length of her throat.

A chill ran up her spine.

A Delicious Taboo


“And we want you to feel what you do to us.” Philip pushed off the doorframe and crossed the room. He settled into the cushion on her left side, crowding her personal space in an erotic way. “You will use your hands to stroke us, feel our heat for you. You’ll flick that cute pink tongue of yours over our nipples and the tips of our shafts, take our cocks into your mouth, suck us hard and deep,” he said, barely above a whisper.

Calen sat forward on the recliner, his elbows rested on his knees, drawing her attention. “Then, we’re going to lay you down, spread your thighs wide, and take turns sinking our cocks into your tight, wet cunt, fucking you until you can’t see straight,” he finished their to-do list.

“Wow. That’s, um, quite a…a…wow,” Mel said roughly. “It sounds like maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a little while.” Could it be? she thought hopefully.

“Six months,” one of them said, but she wasn’t sure who.

She sat silent for several minutes. “That’s about how long I’ve been at the club,” she said in a whisper.

All four of them nodded in agreement.

Nervously, she bit her bottom lip. Four tortured male groans echoed in the room.

“Do you have any idea what that nervous habit of your does to our cocks, Melanie?”

Calen asked huskily, rubbing his growing erection.

She chuckled nervously. “Oh, shit, you guys can’t be serious.” Her nipples were so excited, they felt as though they were about to bust out of her shirt. To boot, she was about to come in her panties. Surely they couldn’t be serious. They’re just teasing me again, she thought.

The four hunks stood, T-shirts were shed and dropped to the floor. Four zippers descended their tracks, and denim joined the discarded shirts. Four pairs of boxers quickly followed.

Mel looked her fill at the perfection standing before her.

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Four sexy naked men had their eyes glued on her, each one magnificently sculpted.

Van and Jake had several tattoos, and Philip’s nipples were pierced. The only blemish marring any of them which was not by choice was a faded two-inch scar on the right side of Calen’s abdomen. Four semierect, long, thick cocks bobbed before her. Even at half-mast, they looked dangerous.

Mel gulped a breath and tried to swallow. “I guess you guys are serious,” she mumbled.

“Very serious, baby.” Jake’s eyes burned into her core as he flashed a seductive grin.

Proud, he stood before her, unabashedly displaying his nakedness. “Now it’s your turn.” He winked, a playful challenge glinting in his eye.

Feeling tingly all over from their verbal seduction, she was not about to pass on taking up his challenge. Standing, Melanie took a couple of leisurely steps forward, unfastening the button of her jeans and unzipping the fly. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband, she wiggled back and forth slowly, sliding them over her hips and down her smooth legs to the floor.

Groans of approval encouraged her to continue. Her nipples were hard, tight peaks straining against the material of her lace bra. Totally caught up in the sexually charged excitement of the moment and feeling an unfamiliar sense of power and control, Mel dropped her guard and grabbed the hem of her knit T-shirt. Biting her lower lip, she pulled the fabric over her head and shook her hair loose. Dropping the garment to the floor at her feet, she suddenly realized what she’d done.

Standing in front of Jake, Philip, Calen, and Van, she wore nothing more than her pastel blue push-up bra and matching boy-cut panties. With no sound in the room, she glanced up at the naked men standing around her. Their expressions were unreadable to someone who hadn’t seen them before. Four sets of full lips were drawn thin, fists clenched tight at their sides. They had momentarily ceased to draw breath.

Instinct took over, and her arms crossed protectively over her belly. Embarrassed, Melanie stood frozen in place, reluctant to finish removing her clothing. She was so very A Delicious Taboo


self-conscious of her body. Although she’d been intimate with two past boyfriends, aside from doctor’s appointments, no one had ever seen her naked in the light. She’d never allowed it. The warm luminescence from the table lamps cast a soft glow throughout the living room. Far too much light to continue undressing, she told herself. The temptation to reach down and snatch her shirt back was great.

Closing her eyes, Mel used the brief moment to gain some strength. When she reopened them, the four men she’d so desperately wanted to make love with were looking her body over with anticipation, admiration, and appreciation. No one had ever looked at her that way.

Not one of them had flinched, but Van knew they all saw exactly what he did.

Melanie’s flesh bore the markings of a childhood of torture, not unlike his. Although Van’s wounds still ran deep, his were not visible, as Mel’s were.

His heart broke, and he knew he wasn’t alone.

Usually hidden by clothing, Van spied the evidence of numerous cuts and burns that had been strategically inflicted over time. Faded circular scars from cigarette burns ran together with angry lines that Van was sure were left by the sharp blade of a knife.

He now understood why Melanie only wore crew-neck T-shirts instead of the nightclub-issued barely-there-style tank top, which accentuated the female employees’

breasts and bare midriff. Her torso had been used as a tic-tac-toe board for some psychotic bastard’s amusement. Without looking, he knew her back would be worse.

He felt her embarrassment and knew she was having second thoughts. Not with the physical act of being with all four of them, because just moments before her eyes had given her arousal away. The second thoughts were connected to allowing them to see her body.

They definitely had their work cut out for themselves in showing Melanie they loved the 28 Jennifer Cole

beautiful woman she was inside. The fact her body was marred was of no concern to any of them. Everyone has scars, he reminded himself. Some are just more visible than others.

“Don’t cover yourself, Melanie. You’re beautiful.” Calen spoke first.

Her eyes lowered, showing her shame, and her body started to shake. “Please don’t…”

she whispered. “I know I’m not beautiful.”

Calen closed the distance between them and used his finger to lift her face to meet his.

His heart lurched at the sight of the unshed tear in her eye. “Beauty is in here, Melanie,” he said, laying his hand against the middle of her chest. “Whatever has happened in your life up to this moment, good and bad, has played a part in making you the person you are today.

And I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.” He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her with fervor.

Calen’s hands began to roam her body with possessive intent, and Melanie was instantly lost in his touch, until she felt the heat and fur of a solid masculine chest press against her back. Another pair of large hands settled on her waist, and hot breath caressed her cheek and neck as Van’s deep, sultry voice caused her to shudder. “I think you’re beautiful too, baby.”

Mel gasped against Calen’s mouth when she felt Jake and Philip close in on either side of her. “And so do we, sweetheart.” As she turned her head to meet Philip’s voice, he leaned in to her, sucking the air from her lungs as he took possession of her mouth.

Between the four hulking bodies surrounding her, Mel’s body trembled, and her breathing grew harsh. Van’s hands stroked up her belly and released the clasp at the front of her bra. Her breasts sprang free from the lacy material restraining them and heaved with her raspy inhalations. Losing herself in their touch, she chose to enjoy.

Two hands cupped her bare breasts, squeezing her nipples between thick fingers.

Moaning low into Philip’s mouth, she tipped her head, resting it against Van’s chest. His lips A Delicious Taboo


pressed against her ear, his tongue swirling against the curves and crevices, driving her pleasure higher.

Mel felt Jake’s lips pull on the flesh of her neck, his breath hot as his teeth nipped at her. The soft hum in his throat reverberated through her.

Kneeling on the floor, Calen tugged her panties down, and nudging her legs apart, he stroked his tongue up the length of her smooth thighs. “Oh, look what I found.” His voice was faint in her ears. “A beautiful, bare pussy.”

Masculine groans sounded all around her. “I need a taste,” she heard him say. At the same instant Calen’s tongue slid between her plump, smooth labia, Philip’s mouth closed over the engorged nipple he’d been tormenting. The throbbing in her clit grew painful as it distended with her arousal.

Reaching behind, she wrapped her fingers around Van’s thick cock poking the cleft of her ass. Stroking the heavy length elicited a sigh from him.

Mel’s fingers tangled in Philip’s hair as he suckled her nipple.

The warmth of Van’s strong hands splayed down her lower abdomen, where he spread her plump lips open for Calen, who growled against her mound as his lips closed around her swollen clit.

Her body shook.

Jake whispered in her ear, “Calen eating your pussy feels so good, doesn’t it, baby?”

“Oh, God,” Mel muttered, barely coherent, continuing to caress the cock in her hand with firmer strokes.

The four men continued to work her over with their mouths, their hands. Their dominance drove her to near madness. Possessive hands commanded her response, demanding every passionate whimper of sound she uttered. The moans and groans filling the vast living room pushed her to the edge.

“I’m…going to…come,” Mel declared shakily.

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Calen lapped faster and sucked harder on her swollen clit, pushing two thick fingers into her wet heat. Philip’s mouth continued to finesse her throbbing nipple. The sultry verbal encouragements whispered in her ears by Van and Jake finished her off. Her body trembled violently between them, their strength alone holding her up when her knees gave out as climax ripped through her.

“That’s it, baby, come for Calen. He’s wanted to taste you for so long,” Van purred in her ear. “We all have.”

Mel sobbed out her release with a hoarse cry, the orgasm coursing through her like nothing she’d experienced before. A subtle movement and cool air brushed against her hot, wet pussy. The coolness was immediately replaced with heat once again as another mouth suckled her throbbing, aching clit.

With an effort, her eyes fluttered open as Jake drove his tongue into her pussy.

Releasing Van’s shaft, Melanie grabbed the two cocks rubbing against her sides. Between the cheeks of her ass, Van gently ran his heated cock up and down, teasing the delicate flesh.

Mel’s body stiffened again as they brought her to another orgasm. A torrent of cream flooded her sex as she came against Jake’s tongue. Faster, his tongue stroked along her opening, thrusting inside as he eagerly lapped up every last drop she offered him.

“Ah…ah…ahhhhhhh…” she cried out again under their relentless ministrations.

Feeling her knees would fail to hold her upright if the men released their hold on her, Melanie’s body continued to shudder well after her explosive release.

“That’s our girl,” Philip cooed against her neck. “But we’re not finished with you yet.”

Taking turns, they kissed her and their respective lovers, continuing to stoke the fire raging between them. She stroked them all and reveled in their hands touching her body, making her feel beautiful despite the hideous scars. Melanie felt safe, secure -- a sense of being loved, and most importantly, accepted. It was a far cry from her encounters in the past.

A Delicious Taboo


Following her parents’ arrests, she’d been left to fend for herself her last year of high school. Her first taste of sex had been abysmal. A date with the linebacker of her high school football team when she was a senior that went from dinner to dumped in four short hours.

BOOK: A Delicious Taboo
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