Read A Bit of You Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

A Bit of You (7 page)

BOOK: A Bit of You
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Liam kept Billy’s hand in his, ignoring the occasional sneer or muttered insult as they entered the hotel and made their way to the hotel room. Even in the elevator, Liam kept hold



Bailey Bradford



of his man. If anyone didn’t like it, they could take the damn stairs. One couple did so and he and Billy smirked at each other and shrugged. They weren’t doing anything wrong. It wasn’t like they were all over each other…yet.

By the time they reached the sixth floor, Liam was mentally chiding himself to slow down. As much as he wanted Billy, he wanted even more to make sure Billy felt cared for, and if Liam could manage to blot out some of those bad memories from before, well that would make him happy, too. He wanted to make love to Billy so thoroughly he’d never remember another man having him. Maybe such a thing wasn’t possible, but Liam would do his best to ensure Billy would remember he’d never had someone love him like Liam was going to.

Once inside the hotel room, Liam could tell Billy expected him to just jump to it, but Liam had other ideas. He pulled Billy close and kissed him as tenderly as he had earlier, keeping his hand at Billy’s waist even though he itched to knead Billy’s ass.

Billy, however, wasn’t nearly as patient and tried to climb him like a jungle gym. Liam found himself grunting as he was kneed in the thigh, then he finally got his hands where he’d longed to have them, cupping the mounds of Billy’s ass as Billy locked his ankles behind Liam’s back. Liam tried to keep the kiss tender despite it all, but a switch seemed to have flipped in Billy and he was attacking Liam’s mouth with a force that had to be painful for Billy’s lips. Liam tried to lift his head away only to have Billy fist his hands in Liam’s hair and pull with strength and body weight, keeping Liam’s mouth on his.

“Billy,” Liam mumbled, “Billy, stop—” Billy’s tongue swept in and tangled with his own, and Liam nearly gave up on the slow seduction he’d planned. Billy was grinding against him, his cock pressing against Liam’s belly as soft whimpers bled into Liam’s mouth.

It’d be so easy, he thought, to jerk Billy’s sweats down and free his own dick. He could be inside Billy’s tight sheath in a matter of seconds—but then he’d be just like every other man who’d had Billy, a thought which doused some of Liam’s arousal.

“Billy, stop,” he gritted out, ignoring the strength of Billy’s grip long enough to lift his head. He looked down at Billy, at the bruised, cracked lips and the flushed cheeks, the closed eyes, one swollen and black, ringed with thick blond lashes and the flaring of his nostrils as he breathed. It was almost too much, but seeing the damage from last night’s attack fortified Liam’s resolve, and he managed, with no help from Billy, to prise the sexy blond off him.



Bailey Bradford



Billy’s eyes snapped open, confusion filling them as his feet hit the floor. “What? Why—

I thought you wanted—”

“Not like this,” Liam said, cutting him off. He didn’t have anything against fast and hard, but, to him, Billy might as well have been a virgin. Now wasn’t the time for anything other than tender loving, which was exactly what Liam was going to give Billy.

“Not like this,” he reiterated, sliding his hands up Billy’s back. “Let me make love to you, like we both want.”

“Oookay.” Billy frowned slightly. “I thought that’s what we were doing?”



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Seven

Liam couldn’t help smiling and dropping a kiss on Billy’s upturned nose. “No, we were fixing to be fucking, which is all good sometimes, very hot, but not what I meant. Trust me?”

Billy didn’t even hesitate, his head bobbing, or maybe it was all of him bobbing, Liam couldn’t quite tell. “Okay, I will, I mean, I do. What, er, what should I be doing, then?”

Liam could see some quip forming on Billy’s lips, but he didn’t feel much like letting the blond turn this into a joke. He kissed Billy breathless, then raised his head and tipped his chin towards the bathroom. “Let’s get cleaned up. I want to touch every inch of you, feel your skin slick and wet, watch you tremble as I show you what it means to have someone who cares about your pleasure above their own…”

Billy nodded so vigorously Liam feared Billy might hurt himself. Before he could say so, though, Billy grabbed his hand and all but ran for the bathroom. Liam’s long legs had to work fast to keep up; he hadn’t known the smaller man was so quick.

As soon as they stepped inside the bathroom, Billy reached for the hem of his shirt and started to pull it off. Liam stopped him with one hand then brought his lips back to Billy’s, kissing him slowly, trying to share some of his control.

It might have worked had Billy not made the sweetest sound. It shot straight to Liam’s cock then he stripped Billy down in a matter of seconds. His gaze darted from Billy’s tiny pink nipples to the thick, darker pink cock, the head flushed almost purple and glistening with pre-cum. He reached between Billy’s thighs and cupped his balls, rolling them in his palm.

Billy’s breath stuttered from him as he leant back against the countertop and spread his legs. “Please,” he whispered, thrusting his hips and making his cock bob.

Liam wanted to drop to his knees and swallow Billy’s dick whole. His jaw still twinged from the blow job earlier, but he could handle doing it again. As long as… “How quick is your recovery time?”

Billy snorted and pumped his hips again. “I’m twenty-two, how quick do you think it is?”



Bailey Bradford



Liam remembered twenty-two, a good decade ago. He’d pretty much walked around with a boner, it seemed. Without answering, he slid to his knees. Billy whined and raised up on his toes, bouncing in place in such a way it made his cock dance and tap at Liam’s cheek.

He tugged gently on Billy’s balls, then ducked his head and replaced his hand with his mouth. The keening sound Billy made as Liam sucked on his sac sent a shiver down Liam’s spine. He reached for Billy’s shaft, the girth of it well past average. He thought again how much he loved a jaw-stretching dick. Billy wasn’t particularly long, but he certainly had a fat cock, and Liam knew he’d love feeling it splitting him open. The way Billy was built, his crown would rub against Liam’s gland so perfectly… Liam almost asked to bottom, but Billy seemed eager to feel Liam inside him. This was about Billy’s wants and needs, not his, Liam reminded himself.

He suckled Billy’s balls, catching the fine hairs between his teeth, pulling just hard enough to make more of those delicious sounds slip from Billy. With his hand, he pumped the fat cock, delighted when Billy’s thighs began to quiver.

Liam released Billy’s balls with a sloppy slurp then rose up and enveloped Billy’s crown. He looked up and saw Billy’s full lips parting on raspy breaths. Billy’s gaze found his then Liam smiled as much as he could and sucked Billy’s cock right down. He kept his lips sealed tightly even though his jaw protested, and he swallowed, teasing Billy’s tip mercilessly.

Billy’s hips jutted and Liam laved his way back up Billy’s cock. He brought a finger to his mouth and slicked it as well as the hard flesh between his lips, then he reached behind Billy, his hand sinking deep between Billy’s rounded cheeks. He found Billy’s core and teased at the wrinkled skin as Billy stilled. Liam bobbed back down, drawing Billy’s cock in as deep as he could, and Billy bucked, his temporary bout of nerves obviously gone.

Liam pressed against Billy’s hole as he worked the thick cock, sucking and licking every bit of it. Billy let go of his hair and grabbed Liam’s shoulders—then he rocked back, shoving his ass against Liam’s hand. The tip of his finger breached Billy, and between Billy’s exultant shout, the hot cum pouring into his mouth, and the even hotter grip of Billy’s hole rippling around his finger, Liam was hard pressed not to come in his pants. He was panting pretty hard himself when Billy’s climax finally ended and Liam had licked his dick clean.

Billy wore a strained expression once his orgasm ebbed. He reached for Liam with something he feared was guilt tinged with desperation. Liam didn’t want Billy making him



Bailey Bradford



come out of some warped sense of obligation, so Liam withdrew his finger then stood and stepped back, turning around after to fiddle with the shower knobs.

“Liam?” Billy said, so much uncertainty in his voice it made Liam’s chest ache. He left off adjusting the water temperature and turned back around. Two strides had him in front of Billy. Liam realised his mistake then. He shouldn’t have turned from Billy in the first place.

He should have held Billy and soothed him, reassured him that Billy didn’t have to, shouldn’t, worry about taking care of Liam.

But it wasn’t too late, Liam thought as he wrapped his arms around Billy. “It’s all right,” Liam assured him, hoping Billy knew what he meant, because Liam didn’t think he could articulate it just then. He had to try, though. “That was for you, Billy. It isn’t something you have to repay in kind. Now, let me show you more about this whole making love thing.”

The uncertainty lingered in Billy’s expression, then it vanished and a brilliant smile stretched his lips. “Okay, we can…we can do whatever you want.” He bounced up and placed a kiss on Liam’s jaw then settled down and arched a brow at him. “But I do get to participate, other than coming, right? I mean, it was great and all, totally turned my brain to mush, but I want… I want to do stuff to you, too.”

Liam groaned as his body flushed with heat. “Yeah, I want you to do lots of things to me too, as long as you get what I’m saying. This isn’t a quid pro quo thing. I mean, we’re both going to enjoy the hell out of it, but it isn’t like you
me one, you know?”

Billy scrunched his nose and looked up at Liam through his lashes. “That’s what the quid pro quo means? Like, doing equal things to each other? Because then I’d actually owe you two.”

Liam shook his head and tipped Billy’s chin up, gazing at him. “You don’t owe me anything, Billy. Everything we’ve done together is a gift—to me, and hopefully, to you as well.”

“Oh yeah,” Billy sang, bobbing again with so much energy Liam could feel it spreading to him. “Gifts are good, very, very good! So let’s get to more of them, can we?”

Liam laughed and had Billy off the floor and in his arms in no time. “Oh yeah, indeed, Billy. Let’s get right to that.”



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Eight

God, he couldn’t ever remember being so nervous, but Billy thought he was hiding it pretty well. He was used to covering his true emotions with a careless grin and a happy laugh; in fact, he was a master at it. Surely Liam, who didn’t really know him, wouldn’t catch on to the act. They’d had a quick shower, and now Billy once again found himself being lifted, held.

Liam’s arms around him felt so good. He was strong—and it wasn’t like Billy weighed very much. He didn’t even have much in the way of muscles; he knew he was flat-out scrawny, but Liam didn’t seem to mind. In fact, considering the way Liam was looking at him as if he’d like to devour Billy entirely, Billy had to think Liam really liked the way he was built.

It boosted Billy’s confidence a little, but he still couldn’t figure out why Liam was bothering with him, why he was being so…so—well, why he wasn’t just jumping right on him. Why he thought Billy was special enough to deserve this, or why he was special at all.

Nothing Liam had said had really cleared that up for Billy, but he wasn’t going to question Liam and risk bringing this very enjoyable and sort of scary experience to a halt. And he wasn’t going to waste any more time trying to figure out
it scared him to have Liam treat him like something more than a quick fuck.

Liam gave him a tender look that plucked at Billy’s heart, making his chest burn, then those firm lips pressed to his and Billy couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but cling to Liam and open for him. He was vaguely aware of being lowered to the bed, the feel of cool material beneath him then Liam came down on top of him and pressed him into the mattress.

Waves of heat engulfed him, swamping him from every point where their bodies touched. As Liam slowly lowered himself down until he covered Billy from mid-chest to his toes, Billy was sure he’d just ignite in a bright explosion of lust—especially where Liam’s wet-tipped cock was rubbing against his thigh.

Billy groaned into the kiss, his lids dropping shut as he held on to Liam’s shoulders, delighting in the play of muscle and damp skin under his hands. He arched his back what little he could and ground his cock against Liam’s hard hairy belly and nearly lost his mind.



Bailey Bradford



Liam shuddered above him and buried his fingers in Billy’s hair, holding his head still for a rougher plundering of lips and tongue. There was even a scrape of teeth against his bottom lip, and Billy couldn’t help it. Although he didn’t care for pain, the scrape didn’t hurt—instead it spiked the arousal already shorting out half his nerves and he mewled, clawing at Liam’s shoulders, trying to get closer, trying to melt right into the other man.

“Calm down, sweetheart, I’ve got you. Just…let me love you,” Liam purred, his breath teasing Billy’s swollen lips. Billy cracked his eyes open, his ears filled with the sounds of his own harsh panting. Liam’s face was blurry this close, but Billy just knew Liam looked like sex incarnate. He sure as hell felt like it with his hard length pressed against Billy.

Billy blinked, trying to process Liam’s words but his mind was focused on one thing only—getting Liam’s cock inside him as quickly as possible. He flitted his hands over every bit of skin he could reach before finally cupping Liam’s stubble-rough jaw. His gaze locked with Liam’s, and something he saw there calmed him, soothed the swelling panic Billy hadn’t even realised was trying to bubble over. The thought of Liam leaving, of him just geting up and walking away, denying Billy this thrilling experience, had been an unacknowledged fear—until it had driven Billy to act in desperation.

BOOK: A Bit of You
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