Read A Bit of You Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

A Bit of You (4 page)

BOOK: A Bit of You
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If pouting wasn’t going to work, as was clearly the case, Billy doubted tears would make a difference. Still, his eyes stung and a few drops of moisture leaked out from the corners of them. He swiped at them and dropped his gaze to his lap. Xavier had done so much for him; Billy didn’t want to be the reason for the brothers’ severing their relationship.

Surely Xavier would eventually resent him for it, and then what would happen to him? Billy didn’t know what he’d do if he lost Xavier’s friendship.


He peered up through his lashes and watched Xavier move closer. Xavier took one of Billy’s hands in both of his and rubbed gently. He had a sympathetic look Billy had seen before, and it always made him feel cared for, something he’d never experienced until he’d met Xavier.

Xavier sat on the side of the bed, the body heat from his hip warming Billy. “Look, whatever it is you’re worried about, don’t be. Randy and I will be fine. He’s an ass, but he’s still my brother. I don’t want him going on like he has been; I want the man back he used to be. If it takes going to jail or whatever to get that, then so be it. It’s just one more thing I’ll have to be grateful to you for. Now,” Xavier’s expression lightened and a mischievous grin turned his mouth up in a way Billy rarely saw any more. It made him happy despite his own fears to see it. “There’s a tall, dark and handsome FBI agent waiting to see you. I don’t know what you did to the guy, but he’s hooked. I thought I’d have to kick his ass to keep him from coming in here.”



Bailey Bradford



FBI agent?
Billy’s stomach twisted. He hadn’t known his mysterious would-be saviour was an FBI agent. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he thought it wasn’t good.

There were things in his past he didn’t think would sit well with a man who was sworn to uphold the law. And—“I didn’t do anything. I don’t even remember seeing him until he fell at my feet.”

“Yeah,” Xavier said after snickering, “it had to be kind of hard to miss him then. But Liam seems okay. If you want, I’ll let him come back after the doctor checks you out unless the doctor says otherwise.” Xavier’s amusement faded and his lips thinned as he glanced in the direction of the waiting room, as if he could see through walls. Billy wouldn’t have been surprised if he could. Xavier had this whole superhero thing going for him.
Come to think of it,
so does Liam…

“I don’t know.” Billy wanted Liam; he was just too hot for words. Even if it was only a quick hand job, Billy wanted to touch him, hear the sounds he made when he came. Maybe a one-off would be enough for both of them? But, if that was the case, why was Liam hanging around? Wasn’t it kind of an extreme thing to do if he was just hoping to get off?

“Let me know what you decide,” Xavier told him as a harried-looking doctor stepped into the curtained off area. “I’ll come back after the doctor is done.” Xavier squeezed his hand once then stood and, after a nod at the doctor, left the room. Billy hoped he’d know what to do about Liam. He’d never been so drawn to someone, or so conflicted about it, before in his life, and he’d only seen the gorgeous man for a matter of seconds before passing out like a shocked Southern belle.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Four

Liam shifted in the chair as he watched Billy sleep. His eyes were gritty, the lids heavy with the weight of exhaustion, but he refused to rest. Even though the doctor had said the little blond should be okay, Liam felt like he’d sort of be betraying Billy by going to sleep.

After all, if he really was going to be fine, then why had the doctor insisted on keeping him overnight for observation?

To Liam’s way of thinking, the doctor holding Billy here meant there was the potential for something bad to happen to Billy, and how was he supposed to relax if that was the case?

And how could Xavier have just left Billy here by himself?

Because he knew I’d stay.
Hadn’t Liam told Xavier he’d stay? So had Xavier left because of Liam was staying, or would he have gone home and left Billy alone all night even if Liam hadn’t stayed? Did Xavier trust him, at least a little, or did he just not care about Billy as much as it had seemed?

Certainly the guy had been concerned at first. He’d even insisted on Billy having a private room, which he’d said he’d pay for. As far as Liam could tell, Xavier was a force of nature, and no one argued with him for very long at all. Xavier had this…this authoritative presence about him that was undeniable. It kind of irritated Liam, but it was also amusing to watch.

At one point, Liam had thought Xavier might just rip the doctor’s head off when he’d had taken a condescending tone, but had Xavier been ticked off because his ego got dinged or because he’d been concerned about Billy? Liam didn’t think it was the former; Xavier had looked at Billy with so much affection and guilt that Liam had actually felt a little jealous, which he wasn’t proud of. Whatever was going on between Xavier and Billy, he didn’t think it was sexual.

A soft groan slipped past Billy’s swollen lips. Liam frowned and looked at the bottom one. It seemed to him Billy’s busted lip could have used a couple of stitches. A pink tongue darted out and slicked over the split skin. Even in the dim light, Liam could tell there wasn’t any moisture left behind. A second moan slipped free and Liam leant forward. Billy moved



Bailey Bradford



his hands restlessly, making little fidgety gestures. Liam caught one hand and cradled it between his own. He rubbed it gently before bringing it to his lips.

Or almost to his lips. Billy’s stuttering exhalation made Liam pause, and his cheeks went red-hot when he looked up to find Billy watching him. Liam stopped himself from going through with the sappy impulse, instead turning to rub his cheek against the back of Billy’s hand.

It was ridiculous, he thought, for him to be so…so attached to this man whom he’d barely exchanged more than a few words with. It was ridiculous for his cock to be half hard as it had for hours now that it shot to fully erect at the first brush of Billy’s soft skin over his cheek. It was ridiculous for him to be feeling such a strong need to protect and possess Billy—but, despite how absurd it all seemed, it was true.

Liam wasn’t ready to throw himself at Billy’s feet and proclaim undying love and eternal devotion, but he knew the little blond had the potential to make him do both of those things.

Billy’s lids dipped low. He started to speak and coughed, then promptly brought his other hand to his head. “Ow.”

Liam’s lips twitched. Billy was just too adorable. And hurting, he reminded himself., which wiped away his potential smile. Liam stood, still keeping Billy’s hand in one of his as he watched him for any signs of more intense pain. Billy darted his pink tongue out again and Liam’s cock jerked. God, what kind of pervert was he, getting turned on by a man lying injured in a hospital bed?

“Water?” Billy scraped out, bringing those pretty eyes back up to look at him.

Liam shook himself out of his recriminations and set Billy’s hand back on top of the blanket. He turned and poured some water from the pitcher on the stand into a plastic cup. It felt tepid, but it was the best Liam could do without ringing a nurse.
Although, maybe I should.

The whirring sound the bed made as Billy pushed the button to elevate his upper body seemed obnoxiously loud in the room. He turned and passed the cup over, holding it to Billy’s lips before slowly tipping it forward. Billy’s gaze stayed locked with his as the blond drank. Liam wanted to look down, wanted to watch that slender throat as Billy swallowed.

He didn’t even realise he was reaching for him until his hand touched warm, smooth skin. Billy’s made a soft, wordless sound as Liam caressed his throat, feeling the muscles



Bailey Bradford



work and the bob of Billy’s Adam’s apple under his hand. It was all too easy to imagine Billy swallowing something else; the promise was right there in the look Billy was giving him.

The hand holding the cup of water shook, sloshing the liquid over Billy’s top lip, spilling it down his chin. Liam raised the cup and stared down at him, need coiling in his groin until he nearly vibrated with it.

Liam looked away long enough to set the cup down then he faced Billy again. The blond licked his lips again, this time leaving the swollen flesh glistening wet. Desire tightened Liam’s body; his cock oozed out a warm spurt of pre-cum. Billy moaned quietly and shifted on the bed.

The movement drew Liam’s gaze down the slender body to Billy’s groin, where the blanket was tented. The covers twitched and Liam’s mouth watered. Unless he was wrong, Billy was sporting a damned nice erection, one sure to stretch Liam’s mouth wide and make his jaws ache.

Yeah, he was definitely a perv, because he’d go right down on this man if he could. As if he knew Liam’s thoughts, Billy moaned again and pushed at the blankets until they rested below his waist.

“It’d make me feel better,” Billy rasped, tipping his hips up. “And it’s only my face that’s hurt.” He pulled the hospital gown up to his armpits then thrust again. The tip of his cock peeked out from under the covers, and Liam figured he was just going to be damned to hell, but it’d be worth it. Scooting closer to the bed, he reached for the material and slowly pulled it lower, uncovering Billy’s cock and balls. Billy’s erection was flushed dark, the head broad and flared perfectly. In fact, Liam thought Billy’s entire package was perfect. Not too long, probably average, and thick, so thick with veins he just knew he’d feel thrumming under his tongue.

A short patch of nearly white pubic hair framed the base of Billy’s cock, and his balls were small and fuzzy, perfect for rolling in Liam’s mouth. There were some men who preferred their partner to be hung like a horse, but Liam had never been one of them. He liked a cock he could swallow whole and a sac he could suck into his mouth without worrying about hurting his lover.

Still, after what had happened in the alley, Liam couldn’t help but hesitate. He dragged his gaze up to Billy’s and fought with himself to keep from touching the beautiful man.

“Billy, last night you were assaulted—”



Bailey Bradford



“Don’t,” Billy growled in a surprisingly low voice. “Randy didn’t get to do what he wanted, and I don’t want to think about him, or last night, except for the part where you showed up.” Billy gave him an impressively fierce look which made Liam’s already aching cock even harder. “I’m not some flighty twink who doesn’t know what he wants or what he can handle!”

What was that all about?
Liam could understand the part about Randy. Xavier—who had turned out to be a pretty decent guy—had filled Liam in on Randy’s previous assault on Billy—and it
assault, as far as Liam was concerned. Xavier had said Billy told Randy no but still felt as if he had no other choice but to blow the fucking pervert. Xavier thought Billy had been afraid of causing an even greater rift between the brothers. Liam would like to cause a permanent one and put Randy’s useless ass six feet under.

But the denial about being a flighty twink had been said with so much vehemence there was no way Liam could have missed the importance of it to Billy even if he’d had his ears plugged. Billy obviously felt like people didn’t take him seriously, and maybe he was right. It was all too easy to judge someone by their appearance, and Billy was beautiful and happy so a lot of people would assume both of those enviable qualities equalled vacuous and easy.

Not Liam, even though, as he watched, Billy reached down and pumped his cock once.

Liam followed the movement visually, nearly whimpering when a drop of liquid dripped from Billy’s slit. The attraction between them was so strong it thickened the air in the room.

Liam didn’t think that was the case for every man who found Billy attractive. This was something special between them, and, even though it scared him a bit, Liam wasn’t going to turn his back on it or on Billy.

Liam debated the best way to make them both happy. As much as he’d love to just crawl into bed with Billy, he’d have a hell of a time explaining his presence there to a nurse.

If he was seated in the chair, though—

“Can you roll on to your side, facing me?”

Billy started to nod then stopped with a grunt. He rolled to his side and Liam grabbed the chair, pulling it up close before sitting in it. He smoothed one hand down Billy’s side, starting high on his ribs and stopping on one lean hip. Billy’s skin was silky smooth and creamy pale, and Liam wanted to devour him entirely.

But he’d settle for something else.



Bailey Bradford



Liam leaned in and, trying to keep his gaze locked with Billy’s, he licked at his balls.

Billy murmured something Liam couldn’t hear, then raised his outer leg, bending it at the knee and propping his foot on his calf—opening himself for Liam.

To show his appreciation, Liam opened his mouth and sucked Billy’s sac right in, lapping at Billy’s nuts with his tongue. Billy’s scent surrounded him, filled his nose and lungs, seeping into his very being and spurring his arousal to a painful point.

Billy’s hand hovered over Liam’s head. Liam hummed around his mouthful and Billy’s hand dropped as he gasped. Thin fingers tightened in Liam’s hair as Billy began moving his hips, small, slow movements as Liam suckled his balls. He brought one hand up to fist the base of Billy’s dick and moved the one on Billy’s hip down over his lean thigh, then further down and back until he could brush his fingers over Billy’s perineum.

Then he really got to work on blowing Billy’s mind. Liam sucked, nipped and licked Billy’s nuts, scraping his teeth over the wrinkled skin occasionally just to hear Billy whimper.

BOOK: A Bit of You
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