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Authors: A. E. Via

You Can See Me (9 page)

BOOK: You Can See Me
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Chapter Fifteen


“Show me your place, baby. It looks beautiful in here.” Ric got up off the floor and adjusted his hard cock before helping Pres off the couch.

“Okay. I think I have enough blood back in the head on my shoulders now.” Pres grinned wide and started walking toward his showpiece—his kitchen.

Ric was impressed with Pres’s spotless condo and how gracefully he moved through it without his cane. Needless to say, everything was organized and orderly. The furniture was large and spacious but left enough walking room. There was nothing protruding out into the floor or scattered objects that could cause Pres to trip and fall. He turned the corner and was floored at the luxury gourmet kitchen.

The floor was a polished mahogany wood. All along the borders of the kitchen were neutral-colored bricks, giving the room an earthy feel, though all the appliances were stainless steel and state-of-the-art.

The wraparound breakfast bar had a brown marble top. There were four stools on the opposite side, and each seat had a small but elegant place setting with a fluffed napkin hanging out of the coffee mug.

The stove was equipped with a grill and six gas burners. In a separate section was a large microwave set atop a double convection oven. All the cabinets were the same mahogany brown as the floor and reached almost to the ceiling except for the bright green ferns that hung over the edges. The wrought-iron chandelier overhead cast beautiful warm lighting throughout the room.

Ric had a feeling that Pres would show him this room first. His man was a chef, and from what he’d read, a damn good one. Ric walked around looking at all the gadgets as Pres poured them two glasses of water. He spotted a neat little appliance that was shiny and had a lot of buttons.

“Hey, Pres, what’s this do?” Ric asked while pressing a neon green button on the machine. It came to life with a loud, shrill buzzing sound. Ric jumped, and repeatedly pressed the button, but nothing happened. “Shit, shit, shit!”

The sound was loud and annoying in the quiet condo. He looked at Pres and saw the man was cracking up as he casually leaned against the refrigerator, sipping his water.

“Can you turn this thing off, please?” Ric yelled over the noise.

Pres curtly walked over to the little noisemaker and pressed a neon blue button, ceasing the noise.

“Thank you. Goodness. What is that thing?” Ric continued staring at the contraption.

Pres laughed harder. “It’s a juicer. You load the fruit up here.” He lifted a long cylinder and pointed into the hollow opening. “Then the juice comes out of here.” He pointed to the wide opening on the other end.

“I see. What happened to good ol’ fashioned—”

“Squeezing it by hand?” Pres interrupted Ric and rolled his eyes at him.

“No…buying it in a carton at the supermarket.” He grabbed Pres around his waist and dropped a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Oh right, of course, what was I thinking? You go to the grocery store for fresh-squeezed juice.” Pres shook his head in amazement and smiled. “Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat. I know it’s late, but I can whip up something real quick.”

“No. If I eat this late, then I’ll never get to sleep. Besides, you really should take a pain pill and get some rest. Your hand will be very uncomfortable in a few hours after the numbing completely wears off. I wouldn’t mind taking you out to breakfast, though,” Ric said into Pres’s ear, smiling at his shiver.

“Okay, that sounds nice,” Pres admitted.

Ric could see that Pres really wanted him to stay, and his face wasn’t hiding his disappointment.

“Hey.” Ric raised Pres’s chin and kissed him again on his lips. He kissed his cheek, his forehead, and both his eyes. “I will be back in the morning. If I get in your bed with you, Prescott, I can’t be sure I’ll control myself. Believe me, baby, I don’t want to leave you right now…but I think I should. I don’t want you to doubt my sincerity.”

Ric led Pres to the back of his condo, toward his bedroom. “I want you to seriously consider if you can have a relationship with a man. I can understand you being nervous about being hurt, but honestly, I’m more afraid of you than you are of me. I haven’t taken the chance to fall in love in over eight years. If you suddenly decide you don’t want to be gay, or a pretty woman advances on you, how do I know I won’t be tossed aside like yesterday’s trash?”

Pres reached his hand up toward Ric’s face. Ric met his hand halfway and rubbed his cheek in his palm. “I guess we both have some trusting to do,” Pres said and opened the door to his bedroom. “Good night, Sunshine.” Pres closed his door.

Ric let himself out of Pres’s condo and locked the door behind him. As he walked the four doors down to his own condo, he realized that Pres had called him “Sunshine,” and it made a warm smile spread across his face.

He desperately hoped that Pres could love him because he believed he was already falling for this sensitive man. Ric hadn’t felt this strongly about a man since his high school sweetheart.

God. I’ve watched this man come and go for weeks. It’s just something about him.

Ric knew he was taking a large gamble by falling for a straight, or at minimum bisexual, guy. The fact that Pres was blind only meant that Ric had to be extra careful that Pres wasn’t entertaining the thought of being gay only because he was lonely.

It was four in the morning, and Ric was exhausted. He took a very quick shower and flopped down on his king-sized bed. Ric was a tall man, standing at six two, and his feet were touching the footboard. He thought he would fall right asleep, but his mind was occupied with thoughts of the intriguing Prescott.

Ric thought about how sexy Pres sounded when he came in the shower at the hospital, then the hot and heavy kiss they’d shared in Pres’s den. The rock-hard cock that had been pressed into his abs told him Pres was just as turned on as he was. Ric remembered Pres’s soft tongue, so scared and shy at first and then becoming bold and adventurous as he explored every inch of Ric’s mouth.

It was the most action Ric had had in months. He’d refused to sleep with the few men he’d dated over the last couple of years. All of them were only interested in his looks as they paraded him around their friends.

I hope I’m not dating a blind man only because I don’t want a man that’s hung up on my looks.

“Hell no.”
Why would I even think that? There’s no way I would do something like that. I’m just crazy about him…plain and simple.

Ric was glad he’d made the decision to go home and not stay at Pres’s house. He could clearly see the man wanted him to stay…but not for the right reasons. Pres just didn’t want to be alone tonight, especially after what he’d gone through.

Fuck. But I want him so goddamn bad.

Ric tossed and turned for another fifteen minutes, his mind replaying the kiss over and over. He brought his hand up to his lips and rubbed them the same way Pres had. Ric stuck his tongue out and wet the tips of his fingers and dug his hand inside his pajama bottoms to caress his balls. “Aughhhh… Fuuckkkk,” he drawled slowly.

Ric rolled his balls around in their sac so torturously slow that his legs anxiously moved up and down on the soft sheets. He reached over to his nightstand with his unoccupied hand, grabbed his lube, and applied a small amount to the head of his blushing cock and the sensitive skin underneath his balls. He didn’t rush it. Ric hadn’t had good jerk-off material for a long time, and right now, his head was full of Prescott Vaughan.

Ric raised one leg up and took his lubed middle finger and pressed into his aching hole all the way to the knuckle. His strong back bowed off the mattress.

“Pres, mmmm, want you to fill me up so bad, my sexy man,” Ric moaned into the empty room. He took his other hand and gave his fully erect cock one long, slow stroke from base to tip. “Mmmm. Fuck. Damn, been too fucking long. Aughhhh.”

Ric set a slow rhythm as he stroked his cock and pushed his finger in a little deeper. He wanted to use his dildo but didn’t want to waste time pulling it out now. He wasn’t going to last much longer anyway.

Ric wished he could’ve left Pres’s scent on him. Lord knows after the man had showered in the hospital, he smelled so good. Ric wanted to suck on his neck until he was forced to stop. He found himself wondering if Pres was jerking off to thoughts of him as well. When he pictured Pres stroking his own cock and yelling out his name, Ric’s muscles tensed, and streams of hot white come shot out of him before he could even react.

“Aughhhh. Gawdddd!” Ric yelled and aggressively milked the last of his orgasm.

He prayed that Pres would learn to trust him quickly because he needed Pres to fuck him, like, yesterday.

Chapter Sixteen


Ric finally dozed off after his much-needed release. He was sleeping like a rock when he heard a loud, piercing siren in his head.
Damn. Did I forget to turn off my alarm clock?
Ric pulled his plush down pillow over his head and squeezed his eyes shut tight at the irritating noise. His brain was too sleep deprived, and he was not thinking clearly. The shrieking alarm was so loud that Ric raised his head suddenly while glancing at his alarm clock. It read seven forty-five in bright green neon. His dark drapes were pulled closed, but he could see the sunlight filtering in through the cracks. Then, as if he was knocked over the head with a cast-iron skillet, he jumped out of the bed at the sound of the building’s fire alarm.

“Shit. Pres!” he yelled.

Ric stumbled out of his bedroom, shirtless, and ran full speed to his front door. He unlocked the locks and slung the door open so hard the knob hit the wall and went into the drywall. Ric noticed the entire floor’s tenants were moving quickly to the ends of the hallways. More than a few people were panicking and knocking others over as the sounds of the fire engines came into range. Both ends had elevators and stairwells, but Ric was focused on four doors down.

He moved quickly, trying not to knock anyone over in the process. He got to Pres’s door, arm poised to pound on it at the same time Pres opened it.

“Pres.” Ric pulled the man into his arms. He closed them back inside Pres’s apartment, letting the other people scurry through the hall.

“Ric, what’s going on? Is this a drill?” Pres said around a yawn as he stood there rubbing his tired eyes. His hair was smashed to one side of his head, and he only had on tight black boxer briefs.

Ric thought he looked adorable. But now wasn’t the time. This was no fucking drill, as Ric heard the sirens get louder.

“No, Pres, this is not a drill. Hurry up and get something on. We need to go, now.” Ric watched Pres take off to his bedroom, cutting and running around the corner effortlessly.

Ric ran after him. “Where’s Josey?” He raised his voice to be heard over the building’s alarm.

Pres threw on a T-shirt and sweats that were neatly arranged in an armoire at the far side of his room. “My assistant picked him up at seven. He’s at the groomer’s.”

“Okay. Let’s go. We need to leave now, Pres,” Ric said hurriedly.

They moved back through the apartment and opened Pres’s front door. Ric grabbed Pres’s cane from off the hook and pressed it into his hand. “Just in case you need it, but hold my hand, okay?”

There was no one in the hall now, and Ric’s heart hammered inside his chest. What if the lower floors were on fire and he’d waited too long to get Pres out?

Ric led them to the stairwell, knowing better than to use the elevator. He didn’t smell smoke or feel any heat.

Pres spoke up. “I smell smoke, Ric.”

“You do? I don’t smell anything.” Ric pulled Pres up close behind him. He quickly counted the stairs. “Let’s just go. Twenty flights, babe. Ten steps, then turn left on the landing, then ten more steps, and turn. Got it?”

“I got it,” Pres stated and fell in step behind Ric.

* * * *

Pres was actually sleeping better than he had in ages and dreaming about him and Ric being in a relationship, when he heard the horrible piercing in his ears from the damn fire alarm. He thought about not even getting up, figuring it was just a false alarm. Then he heard all the scurrying and panicked voices moving quickly in the hallway. His thoughts immediately went to Ric, and he slung his door open and was smacked in the face with the man’s warm, spicy scent. Ric had come for him…shirtless.

They moved quickly down the stairs, Pres counting as he went, not wanting to trip and fall into Ric. Ric had a firm grip on his hand and was reading off the floor about every three levels. Ric stopped suddenly at level four, causing Pres to run into his back.

Ric turned and whispered in his ear while stroking his back tenderly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. There are about forty people on the stairs, and they’re moving very slow.”

“Why?” Pres’s brow creased. He could hear a few people grumbling and urging people to “Move faster!”

“Do you still smell smoke, Pres?” Ric asked.

“No. I smelled it stronger on my floor. Then it faded as we got lower. Probably someone had a small kitchen fire.” Pres talked into Ric’s bare shoulder. He was standing on a stair above him, putting them at just about the same height. Ric smelled so good. Pres turned his mouth into the crook of Ric’s clean neck and licked him before he could think better of it.

“You sexy boy,” Ric growled while turning his lips to Pres before kissing him lightly on the mouth. “You miss me, sweetheart?” He nuzzled Pres’s face.

Ric turned back toward the crowd and saw a man in about his early forties appearing disgusted at their display of affection.

“What’s wrong, Ric?” Pres asked. He could feel the tightness in Ric’s shoulders. Something had him upset.

“There’s an asshole staring at us like we both have glitter thongs on.”

Pres chuckled at Ric’s twisted humor. “What?”

“We’re in the middle of an emergency. Can’t you wait to do that nasty mess when you’re back in your own apartment? I didn’t even know we had queers in this nice building.” The man’s rude comment drew a few gasps from other people.

This man had chosen to butt into someone else’s business that didn’t have a damn thing to do with him.
Great. Bigoted asshole.
Pres tightened his grip on Ric’s arm.

“Do you have dental insurance?” Pres heard Ric ask the man in a manner that was too calm for Pres’s liking. He was sure the man had a seriously perplexed expression on his face at Ric’s off-the-wall question.

“What…dental insurance? W-w-why?” the man stammered.

“I was wondering if you could get your teeth replaced when I knock them down your fucking throat.” Ric bristled with anger, his voice a snarling whisper.

Pres was glad he wasn’t yelling. He didn’t want Ric to draw too much more attention than they already had.

“Ric, please, don’t hit him. I don’t like violence.” Pres spoke quietly against Ric’s ear. His hand was on Ric’s large bicep, and he could feel it flexing with the man’s growing anger. The concern and worry in Pres’s voice must have had an effect, because Ric immediately took it down a notch.

Pres lifted his head in the direction of the man who had insulted them. “Sir, I suggest you turn your head in the future if our display of affection is too much for you to stomach. Otherwise, next time, neither he nor I will be very forgiving of your derogatory comments.”

“I disagree. I think you should knock his lights out,” a lady’s voice chimed in a few steps below them. “We don’t want any bigoted jerks in our building. As a matter of fact”—the woman spoke even louder—“what’s your apartment number? I’m going to report you to the committee.”

Pres heard several others agreeing with her.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay? Calm down.” The man hurried to recover, his surrender obvious. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to offend you. Let’s just get out of here safely. I don’t want any trouble.”

Ric turned to embrace Pres. “Nicely done, baby. I’m sorry I got so upset. I just don’t want anyone mistreating you. I’ll try to be a little calmer, okay?”

“Okay, Sunshine.”

BOOK: You Can See Me
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