Read Yesterday Online

Authors: Lora Leigh

Yesterday (6 page)

BOOK: Yesterday
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Chapter Eleven

How much longer could he stay away from her? Blake watched that evening as she puttered around the kitchen, her slender body graceful, sensuous. God, how many times had he fantasized about just this? Watching her move about their home, doing the little things that women do to make life paradise.

She was too much a part of him. He couldn t shake the bonds she had placed on him so long ago. The ones that wrapped around his heart and soul and left him awake and aching, tormented beyond belief as he fought to find a way to take out DeMorga. Every minute had been a temptation to call her, to go to her. Each second was a reminder of the danger he would place her in if he did so.

And now? He watched as she sipped at a cup a coffee before returning to the kitchen table and the laptop set up there. Mike played quietly with a small truck beside him, occasionally watching one of the few cartoons Anna allowed him.

She was writing. He swallowed tightly. He had made the mistake of choosing one of the books earlier and flipping through it. His cock hadn t softened since. It was fully erect, engorged and dangerously aroused.

His To Take had been the title of the story. The sexual intensity of the tale had been explosive. An innocent young woman and an alien determined to have her. Blake swallowed tightly. The hero had taken her too. In ways that had Blake s teeth gritting now in hunger.

Were those his Anna s fantasies? Had fate somehow given him a woman years ago, who would fit his every sexual fantasy as he grew older. A woman who could and would meet his desires.

He glanced at her again. Her face was a bit flushed, her eyes narrowed as she typed. Was she aroused? He shook his head, unable to watch her, slowly dying of the hunger eating him alive.

Glancing down at his son, a smile tipped his lips. Mike was fast asleep, cuddled close to Blake s side, the toy truck gripped firmly in his little hands.

Shaking his head he picked the little boy up and moved from the hallway. He was aware of Anna glancing at him in surprise, the click of the computer keys stilling.

Turning back to her he nodded at the laptop. Finish what you re doing. I ll tuck him for you.

A frown had settled on her brow, as though she were somehow uncertain about allowing him to do so. Did she sense what he was up to? Blake turned from her and headed for the little boys room. It didn t matter if she did. He was home. This was his family. His woman and his child and he would be damned if he would give either up now.

Long minutes later, with Mike tucked in and the television turned off, Blake wandered out to the back yard. The silence of the night here had always soothed him. The stars glittering in the black velvet sky seemed close enough to reach out and grab. The woods around them echoed with nightlife and stilled a restlessness inside him that he hadn t known existed until he returned.

This was his home. His world. He had settled here with a hunger for peace and found so much more than he had ever expected. And now

Sighing deeply, he lowered himself on the cushioned porch swing and stared into the night. He had returned to claim his woman and found his child as well. His hunger for Anna was eating him alive, but no more than his guilt was. He should tell her the truth he thought. He should tell her what had happened, why he had been away, and the dangers he had feared would follow him if he revealed his identity.

This was his family. How do you hide the truth from your family, from the woman you love more than life itself?

Devon? Anna s softly voice question had his head turning slowly to the French doors.

She was framed by the low light within the house, her slender body outlined with a halo of gold.

The memory of the first time he took her slammed into his brain. In the garage, her body braced on the side of the car as he slammed inside her tight pussy. He barely contained the shudder of remembered pleasure. She had been wet, so damned wet it had been like sliding through warm syrup and ultra tight silk.

Sorry. He breathed in deeply. I was just enjoying the night.

You seemed preoccupied. She sat in the chair across from him. Tempting him.

Blake wondered what she would do if he went to his knees before her and ripped the shirt from her back before making a meal of her hard little nipples? Damn, his mouth was watering for the taste of her.

Devon? She questioned him again

He cleared his throat, realizing he had perhaps been staring a little too hard at her breasts.


Is everything okay? You ve been acting strange this evening. Are you tired of hanging around here?

Tired of what? He shook his head in confusion then. What the hell would make you think that Anna?

Well I don t know, Devon, she suddenly snapped back. It could be the way you re prowling the house like a caged animal the last two nights. I m sorry I asked.

She stood quickly to her feet. She was going to leave. Leave him alone in the night with a hard on that was killing him and the scent of her in his head. He didn t think so.

Don t leave. He surged to his feet then.

He only meant to delay her. He didn t mean to back her against the side of the house, he was certain. And he really didn t mean to press his hips into hers. But he did, and the hint of softness between the layers of clothes was making him crazy.

I m going crazy, he whispered into her surprised expression. Feel how hard I am Anna. I ve been like this the first day I showed up here. I m so desperate to fuck you I can barely breathe for it.

Her indrawn breath had her breasts lifting, grazing his chest, causing his gaze to drop.

I m going to touch you if you don t run like hell right now, he growled. He couldn t restrain himself. God help him, he was a desperate man. And once I start, Anna, I might not stop.


She stared up at him, surprised, almost dazed, her pale face luminous in the light spilling from the house.

Her hands gripped his arms as his hands settled on her hips, holding her close to him. Her small movements, whether to move from him or closer to him, was making him crazy.

Anna, let me kiss you. She stilled as he lowered his head and whispered the words at her ear. Let me taste you, before I go crazy with the need.



Anna felt Devon s lips at the shell of her ear, whispering a need that thundered so hard and hot through her bloodstream that fighting it was becoming impossible. She wanted his lips on hers, wanted to feel the kiss that tempted her dreams since the first night had slept within her house. And it terrified her.

She hadn t known an arousal like this since Blake. She closed her eyes, seeing his smiling face, his eyes, so like Blake s. But had his touch been this determined? Had she ever known a hunger like the one wrapping between her and Devon now.

She was almost panting with her need to be kissed by him. Her desire to feel his body hard and hot, tense with desire as he took her.

Anna couldn t still the whimper of longing that escaped her throat as his fingers threaded through her hair, holding her still, his head raising.

Look how pretty you are? He crooned, his voice dark and rough. That s how I dream of you, Anna. Staring up at me just like this, your lips damp and parted for my kiss. Let me taste you baby, before the need kills me.

Oh God, he was just talking to her. His voice low but throbbing with lust and her pussy was burning for him.

I want you Anna.

She shuddered when his lips touched hers, the words throbbing against them.


Oh God. She couldn t breath, couldn t draw in enough air as her lips parted further for him.

There baby. Shhh now. He soothed her gently as his tongue painted her lips with the lightest caress. I m here.

Blake. His voice was Blake s but his kiss was pure carnal heat and lustful intent. His lips covered hers, his tongue pressing into her mouth as she moaned into the possession.

As though that fragile sound was all he awaited, his hand slid beneath her top, one going to her back, the other shocking her as he cupped the weight of her breast. All the while, his lips moved on hers, stroking flames she didn t know existed inside her, sending waves of heat and shocking sensation to spear into the aching emptiness of her cunt.

Her head fell back as he dragged her closer, never releasing his possession of her lips as his fingers closed on one hard nipple.

Electricity raced through her system, sensitizing her nerve endings and overloading her body with such pleasure she could feel herself weakening, humming her hunger into his kiss as she released the fragile threads of her control.

God yes! Devon tore his lips from hers, moving back only enough to strip her shirt from her body and toss it carelessly to the porch below.

Time seemed to stop. He stared down at the pale mounds, his hands cupping them reverently, his tongue moistening his lips as Anna watched, dazed, dumbfounded by the lust building so high, so hot between them.

I won t be able to stop, he whispered then, his gaze rising to hers, the dark depths somber and regretful. Do you hear me Anna? If it goes any further, I won t be able to. If you want me to stop, say so now, baby. Please.

Stop? If he stopped now she would die from the need whipping through her system. Her hands lowered, going to the snap of his snug jeans, her gaze holding his as she loosened them slowly.

I want you, Devon, she whispered then, unable to deny the desperation clawing through her body. Please, don t stop.

His jeans came free, the zipper lowered over the thick erection pulsing beneath it. Devon stood stone still, his expression tormented, lustful as he watched her in silent question.

Her lips trembled within the steadily building lust and emotion she could feel rising inside them both.

I haven t

She swallowed tightly. Not since Blake

Shh. He lay his finger over her hips, his throat working desperately as her fingers smoothed over the cotton boxer briefs that hugged his cock lovingly. No past, he whispered. Just us. Just this, Anna. Let me give you this.

The bed? He asked her then.

Anna wondered if she could bear waiting that long.

Here, she whispered then. Beneath the stars Devon. I ve never been taken beneath the stars before.

It was one of her greatest fantasies. In the open, wild and free with the night whispering around them. And Devon wasn t giving her a chance to change her mind. Before she could do more than gasp he had her jeans released and over her hips, bending before her, lifting first one leg then the other to get them off her. She expected him to draw her down to the porch. To lay her back on the smooth wood and come between her thighs, she didn t expect what he did next.

He spread her legs slowly, his gaze level with the smooth, bare flesh of her pussy.

You re wet for me, he whispered, his breath blowing across the heated skin in a caress that had her gasping. So wet, and so soft. Nothings ever looked so pretty as this Anna.

She cried out as his fingers eased slowly through the narrow slit, parting the folds of flesh, stroking heated sensations through her womb as he caressed her.

Devon, her hands gripped his shoulders desperately. I don t think I can stand Hold onto me tighter baby, he whispered again. I want you just like this. Just like this Anna while I have desert. I missed that tonight. Remember?

Her cry shattered the night. One hand held her steady as he delivered a kiss so mind shattering Anna wondered if she would survive it. His tongue circled her clit, the swollen bit of flesh there sent arcs of pleasure so destructive through her body that she trembled beneath it.

He licked and stroked, humming against the slick curves as he took his fill of her need.

Sucking her clit into his mouth, he had her crying out his name in shameless yearning, her hips tilting, encouraging him in the lustful feast he was partaking.

God. Devon. Devon please, she was chanting his name as he moved lower, his diabolical tongue creating havoc through her nervous system as he drew steadily closer to the weeping center of her body.

It had been too long. Toys, no matter how advanced, how perfectly designed could ever make up for a man who knew his way around a woman s body, When his lips covered the entrance to her vagina and his tongue slowly, too damned slowly, penetrated the aching flesh, Anna lost all control. She exploded in a orgasm that shocked her, terrified her and left her jerking in his grasp as he began to plunge his tongue inside her, riding her through the explosion, drawing in the heat and moisture that spilled to his lips.

The stars came down from the sky and exploded around her. Bright, thunderous, their power roaring through her veins as the keening cry of completion shattered the night.

Heat and magic surrounded her, her body throbbed with the exploding bursts of sensations and trembled in his grip as he drew yet more of her wet heat into his mouth.

Fuck. Anna. He drew back, only to reach behind him and jerk the cushion from the swing to the floor of the porch before pushing her to her knees upon it and bending her over in a position that left her vulnerable, open to him in a way she had never imagined.

I don t want to hurt you. He came behind her, raising her hips for him as she felt the broad head of his cock nudge against the folds of her pussy.

He was breathing hard, heavy, his hands clenching on the curves of her hips as he positioned himself firmly.

Anna. Baby

Anna s breath caught in her chest as he began to stretch her flesh. Searing hot, branding her with his arousal as his cock worked slowly at loosening the tightened muscles he was possessing slowly.

Devon, she cried out his name in wonder, in heat as the head of his erection filled her.

You re so fucking tight, Anna. He came over her, his thighs bracing hers as his hips worked the hard length of flesh deeper inside her. So hot and tight, baby. Yeah, oh fuck yeah baby, take me.

His voice was rough, the words course, but they only fueled her own lust higher, drove her to thrust back, to moan in increasing pleasure as her body accepted him.

This was what she needed. A pleasure and pain that that burned clear to her soul as Devon buried his rock hard cock to the very depths of her hungry pussy.

Yes, she moaned as she felt the length of him impaled within her, throbbing against vulnerable tissue and sensitive nerve endings as they both fought for control. Now Devon. She could wait. She was on fire. The need to climax was howling through her system, clawing at her womb. Fuck me now, she cried out, bucking against him as she heard him groan roughly at her ear. Now, Devon She didn t expect what came next, but she wasn t about to protest either. Hard, long strokes that build in tempo. His cock plunging inside her, the sound of wet heat and hard flesh echoing around her as he fucked her with powerful, hard strokes. His voice was broken, hoarse, praise for the snug fit, the heat, desperate words that poured from his throat as he gave her everything she had begged for and more.

Anna s fingers clawed at the cushion beneath her, her hips tilting back, taking him deeper has his fingers tightened on her hips and each thrust stroked the intensity of her pleasure ever higher. She was soaring, flying, exploding Devon

She tried to scream his name but she could do no more than whimper as her orgasm ripped her through her. She was flying, flung into a strange new world of pleasure and exacting sensation every nerve ending in her body began to echo in release.

Distantly, she heard his groan, felt him come over her, his body jerking, the feel of hot semen jetting inside her, spiking her release, prolonging it as they collapsed together, weak and trembling in its aftermath.

BOOK: Yesterday
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