Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It (9 page)

BOOK: Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It
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My cell phone was constantly going off with calls and text messages from Chass, I couldn’t talk to her, I didn’t WANT to talk to her.  I knew Jerod had already told her what had happened, and I had talked to Mitch briefly after the coroner
had removed their bodies.  I couldn’t keep ignoring Chass so I finally answered.  She sounded sad and defeated that I was so short with her during our conversation.  I needed time away from her, we needed time away from each other, all I could think was how she should feel relieved that dad was dead since he had killed her dad.  Something just hadn’t felt right since I had gotten back from Boone, something was wrong and I didn’t know what I couldn’t put my finger on the problem between Chass and me.  So I decided to do the chicken shit thing and ignore her, I couldn’t fight with her right now.  When she mentioned that she wanted to come spend time with me after she got back from a football game in Texas I knew that our problem was me…I don’t trust her any more than she trusts me.  I loved her but she deserves to be with somebody that can trust her and make her happy in life instead of constantly upsetting her.

I had called the college to let them know what had happened, and told them I wasn’t going to be coming back for at least a month.  They were very understanding and the professors said that if I could do some of the assignments online I would be able to maintain a good grade average. 
My uncles agreed that dad would be cremated and buried out at the family farm away from mom.  We had a nice service for her, watching Marvin’s heart break was horrible, he truly loved her and his time was cut short because of Nathan.  The anger that I harbored inside of me because of this was getting to be more than I could control.  A couple of days after mom’s funeral Jerod’s dad gave him a ride back to the campus, I wasn’t ready to go back yet.  First thing Jason and I did was withdraw all the money from the bank account that dad had told me about in the letter, we paid for his funeral expense and paid for moms. 

Marvin told us there was no way he could continue living in the house, “I’d love to burn it down but I don’t think they would like that too much.” He told Jason and I one evening as we sat the motel room drinking a beer.  Marvin would stare off into a blank stare, then his eyes would flood with tears, white knuckles from his grip being so tight on the beer in his hand.  “That son of a bitch had to have known I was going to be out of town, he had to have
known…I would have shot him in the god damn head had he tried to talk to her.  It took me a long time to get her to trust me and love me because of that asshole.  (He shook his head) I just can’t believe this, my first wife cheats on me with my best friend,  my second wife that I love with all my heart is murdered by her psychotic ex-husband.” He said and started sobbing.  After a few minutes he wiped at his eyes, “I’m selling the house, I can’t live there, I just can’t.  You guys understand don’t you?” He asked.  Jason and I both nodded.

One week later we had the house cleaned out, repainted all the walls and put it on the market.  Marvin moved into his old apartment and took a month off of work to get all of
mom’s life insurance paper work taken care of, and he said he just needed time to be alone.  Jason went back to Ohio and back to work about a month after we buried mom. 

I went to the bank one day to see how much money dad had deposited for Chase, the clerk punched in his account number then handed me a slip of paper with the about written on it,
  “Sir it’s also noted here that he has a safety deposit box.  Only Jet and Jason Crow can access it.” The clerk told me then asked if I wanted to go look through it.  I handed her my ID and told her yes.  When she took me into the vault where they kept the safety deposit box’s I wasn’t expecting to find what I did.  The clerk pulled the shoe box sized box out of the safe, handed me the key and left.  I opened the box, there was a key to his house with a note “
Please go to my house and get rid of what you don’t want.
”  I laid the note with the key to the side and lifted up a divider.  There were numerous savings bonds for Jason and I that totaled up to one hundred thousand dollars for each of us.  Also their marriage license and divorce papers laid folded at the bottom along with the wedding ring mom had left him with when she left with Jason and I that night years ago.  After I left the bank with the money from the savings account for Chase and the savings bonds for Jason and I, I drove the one hour drive to his house. 

The house was a small house set bac
k behind some overgrown bushes.  The little grey house looked run down and worn from years of neglect.  I used the key to let myself in the front door, stale cigarette smoke lingered in the air, the TV was on but only static filled the screen, and a small light was on above the kitchen sink.  I walked down the hallway, the first door I opened was his bedroom, a small single bed with only a pillow and a quilt laid on it.  There was a three drawer dresser, I yanked all the drawers out and dumped them on the bedroom floor.  He had only a few different changes of clothes and nothing hidden in the drawers.  I looked under his bed, between the mattress and box springs, then in his closet.  I opened the door and there staring back at me were all of the trophies he had won when he raced.  I pulled all of them out and carried them into the kitchen, then went back down the hall and opened the other doors, one was a small linen closet, one was a small bathroom, and the other was to a small bedroom that still had a few boxes of dads neatly stacked against the wall.  I carried the boxes to the living room and started unpacking them.  The first box had clothes that belonged to Jason and me when we were little, on the inside of the flap there was a note written in black marker;

I kept these for you boys in case you ever wanted to come see m
” I put the clothes back in the box and set it off to the side.  The next box was smaller, when I opened it there was mom’s wedding dress, dad’s tuxedo he wore for their wedding, a wedding photo album, and more pictures of him and her before they had kids.  I shook my head and put that box off to the side.  My cell phone started ringing, I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was Mitch calling.  I hadn’t talked to him since the day after mom was found, so I decided almost a month was long enough. 

“What’s up?” I answered.

“Motherfucker, do you know that you’re losing Chass?”


“You heard me, why the fuck are you pushing her away?”

“It’s nice to talk to you too Mitch…We just need time apart okay.  We’ve got some trust issues and with all the shit that has happened I can’t be with somebody right now.”

He snorted, “Well when you lose her don’t expect me to fucking help get her back.” He said rudely. 

“Is she seeing somebody else?” I asked. 

“That’s not any of your concern I guess.  Listen I’ve gotta go, I just wanted to let you know you’re losing her…” he said then hung up before I could respond. 

I didn’t bother looking through the other
boxes I carried them out to the pickup then all of his trophies and drove back to the hotel.  Once I was back in the hotel room, I showered and laid down on the bed.  I grabbed my cell phone and looked through my old text messages.  The ones between Chassis and I dated back to a month and two days before, I read them and could sense the hurt I was causing her by pushing her away.  I started to type out a text but cleared it out, I went to her number in my contacts list and hovered above her name.  I wanted to call and visit with her and apologize to her, but I figured it was something I needed to do face to face.  I loved Chassis, everything just seemed to fall apart fast over my insecurities. 

I stayed for another week because I had to put dads house on the market to sell, I had it set up that no matter what the offer was to sell and put the money into a savings account for Chase that I had set up at another bank. 

I had been gone from campus for close to two months, Jason couldn’t handle having to go through mom and Nathan’s personal stuff so that’s why I was gone longer.  When I did finally go back to campus I wasn’t expecting to get the shock of my life.



I had started spending more time with
Brody, he helped keep my mind off that fact that Jet was no longer talking to me. No matter how many times I called or text Jet, he would ignore me.  Brody and I went on a few dates as friends, he knew that I wasn’t going to jump into a relationship until Jet and I had talked about our relationship. 

One evening after we had been to
a party, Brody invited me over to his place, I agreed to go because hanging out with him really was fun.  His roommates were pretty awesome too, we always pranked Brody but most the time he paid us back twice as bad.  His fear of monkey’s though made it way too easy to actually scare him.  When we got back to his house, everybody was gone.  He sat down on the couch, “Chass come sit.” He said in his deep raspy voice.

I sat down beside him, tucked my leg under me and turned to face him with one hand on my leg my other elbow propped up against the back of the couch and my head resting on my hand.  He nervously ran his hands down his jeans then looked at me.  He turned to face me, then raised his hand and with one finger traced my jaw line and tickled his finger across my lips.  “You’re so beautiful, I’ve been dying to get a taste of you Chass…Can I kiss you?” he asked and stared into my eyes. 
I closed my eyes as he ran his finger down my neck then to the back of my neck and stopped.  I opened my eyes as he slowly pulled me closer to him, “You say stop and I stop okay?” he whispered in his deep voice.  I nodded my head yes and licked my lips as he slowly moved his face closer to mine, “Relax, I promise…I’m not going to go any further than you want.” He said as he looked from my lips back at my eyes.  I closed the space between us until our lips were softly touching, I shifted so that I was leaning into him putting more pressure against his lips.  I felt him smile against my lips so I pulled away.

“What’s so funny?” I asked trying not to blush.

He shook his head, “That was a NICE kiss but come on Chass I know you can do better!”

I raised one eyebrow at him, straddled his lap and waited for him to move in for the kiss.  We sat there looking into each other eyes, “Show me what you got Romeo!” I said with a smile.  He cupped my face in his hands, and pulled me closer to his lips once they touched he licked my top lip with the tip of his tongue, “Open up!” he whispered
, as soon as my lips parts he plunged his tongue inside of my mouth.  I moaned as he slid his tongue gently against mine when his tongue touched the roof of my mouth behind my front teeth I nearly melted on his lap.  I was enjoying the kiss, then I started to rock my hips against his hardening cock.  He shook his head, “Don’t do that because I’m trying real fuckin’ hard here to not throw you down on this couch and fuck you until you pass out.” He said then moved his lips from mine, kissed down my jaw line and to my neck.  He licked circles against my pulse point and moaned when he felt me shiver.  I rocked my hips again trying to get some kind of friction going on, “I don’t have to fuck you to make you cum, you know that right?” he asked then nibbled on my ear lobe causing me to shiver again.  

“How are you going to do that?” I breathed out and rolled my head to the side as the nibbled and kissed on my neck.  I felt him smile
as he kissed his way back to my lips, then lightly sucked on my bottom lip and pinched between his teeth. 

“I know that your pussy is soaked Chass, I can feel the heat through our clothes, (he pushed down on my hips and ground our centers together), imagine me having you laid out on the bed.  Your arms tied to the head board, I gently tie some silky fabric around each of you
r ankles then secure the other in to the side rails of the bed.  You watch as my hands slide up the inside of your creamy white thighs until my fingers spread open those swollen wet pussy lips,  Imagine the sensation as I oh so slowly run my tongue from your tight pussy hole up to your clit, all while never taking my eyes off of your eyes.  Your clit is swollen and just begging for me to latch on to it and nibble on it and flick it, while I push one then two fingers deep inside that wet pussy.  You’re so close to cumming, and pulling against the ties but I won’t let you cum and I won’t untie you.”

My underwear were no doubt soaked from him talking like this and gently rocking my hips against his. 
I closed my eyes as Brody continued talking.

“You start to beg me to fuck you but first I want you to watch me as I stroke my thick hard dick until the pre
-cum drips on to your smooth pussy.  You watch as I slide my, thick, black, hard, cock deep inside of you hitting your cervix just enough to make you want more pain.  As I pull out of you, you look down and see your pussy juices and how they make this big fucking black cock shine.  Mmmm your pussy feels so good I push back inside of you harder and faster but you want more, you want control.  I untie your hands and ankles allowing you to climb on top of me and straddle my cock.  You slide down and throw your head back as you feel my thick shaft pulsating inside of you as I try not to cum before you.  You about ready to cum Chass?” he asked with a smile against my lips.

My breathing ha
d quickened, my clit was swollen and rubbing against my panties that rubbed against my denim jeans.  I nodded my head yes and swallowed as my head  fell back.  My body was on fire, and he hadn’t even touched me down there.

“Your nipples are peaked and begging to be sucked, so I sit up and take one into my mouth and suck on it causing just enough pain to make your pussy clench.   Then I do it to
the other, until you gasp and start rocking your hips faster and faster.  I reach between us and start pressing against your clit, your breathing is so fast you feel like you are going to pass out.  Before you can cum I flip you over onto your hands and knees, I straddle your legs and waste no time plunging back inside of you.  I pull some of the wetness from my cum soaked cock up to the tight puckered hole of your ass.  You gasp when you feel one finger circling the muscle, then when I push it in you scream out as I continue to push this massive cocker deep inside of you with every thrust.  With my other hand I spank your creamy white ass cheek again and again until your pussy is flooding with your cum again.  I whisper in your ear for you to fuck your own clit, so you slide your hand down and start rubbing faster and harder circles on it.  I push my cock inside your pussy and pull my finger out of your ass.  Then your pussy clamps down on my cock as your orgasm shatters you and then I cum shooting my hot fucking load deep inside of you causing you to shudder and moan with each burst of hot semen I’ve buried in you.”

Then my orgasm hits me and I quiver as I place my forehead against his shoulder, completely embarrassed, and not wanting to look at him.  How did he do that? Without actually touching me other than the gentle friction every so often from our jeans rubbing. 
Brody’s hands were gripping my waist as I tried to get my breathing back to normal.

“That was…” I started to say.

“Intense?  Fucking awesome?  God damn woman you have no idea how hot you look when you cum!” he told me. 

I could still feel his cock was hard underneath me, “What about that?” I asked. 

“Not gonna lie, I’m gonna go shower and jack off.” He said and laughed. 

“I can help you know…”

“Chass, I think if you touch it I’m going to explode so it wouldn’t be a good idea.”

I chewed on the inside of my lip, then crawled off of his lap and knelt between his feet in front of the couch.  I pushed my hands up his thi
ghs to the button of his jeans.  His cock was pressing so hard against the zipper I started shaking afraid I would catch the skin in the zipper.  Brody took his shirt off, “This will help with the clean-up.” He said with a nervous laugh.  “You really don’t have to do this.” He told me. 

“Shut up Brody.” I told him then pulled the wais
t band of his boxer briefs down.  His cock sprung free and landed against his small patch of black trimmed pubic hair.  I looked up at him then back at his massive cock, I swallowed hard then leaned in and licked from his balls to the tip.  He had his bottom lip pinched between his teeth as he watched me take the head of his cock in my mouth. 

“Fuck!” He moaned and grabbed my pony tail as I bobbed my head up and down.  I gripped his cock tighter, each time my hand reached the tip I would rotate my wrist and circle the tip.  “Chass…fuck…I’m gonna cum.” He tapped my cheek, but I pushed his cock to the back of my throat, “Fuck…fuck!!” He growled then I felt the ribbons of his hot cum flowing down my throat.  He grunted with each release, then blew out a hard breath and released my hair.  He pulled me up so I was straddling his lap and sitting against his semi hard cock.  “God dam Chass…” He cupped my face in his hands and started kissing me hard, “Get in that bedroom, I’m going to eat your fucking pussy woman.” He said and lifted me off his lap and practically dragged me to his room.  “Chass I know you and Jet aren’t broke up, so I’m not going to actually fuck you, I know the minute he comes back I’ll be history but until then…I’m going to enjoy time with you.” He said as he started stripping my clothes off.

“I don’t want to cheat on Jet and I think that’s what I’m doing.” I told him and tried to cover my body. 

Brody shrugged his shoulders, “I guess you can leave, I’m sorry…” he started handing me my clothes and buttoned his jeans. 

I threw my clothes on the floor, turned and walked over to his bed, “Brody, get over here.” I told him and crooked a finger at him.

“No, it’s not going to be good if I do, fuck I already feel guilty for what you did out there.” He said and crossed his arms over his solid muscular chest.

“Brody!  So you’re going to watch me do this?” I asked with one eyebrow raised, I slid my fingers down my body then parted my pussy lips.

“Chassis…don’t you dare.” He growled, I could tell he was fighting with himself on coming to me or watching.

I pushed one finger inside of myself, slowly pulled it out, and started circling my clit.  With my other hand I started massaging my breasts and pinching one nipple then the other.  My eyes closed, my head fell back, then I felt the bed dip and Brody’s body was between my legs.  He yanked my fingers away from my pussy, stuck them in his mouth sucking the juices off of them.  Once his tongue met my clit, my hands fisted the sheets below me my eyes rolled back and my breathing became deeper and faster.  “Mother fucker your pussy is sweet…” he said and pushed his two fingers deeper then turned them and wiggled them. 

“Brody, oh fuck…”

“That’s right Chass…give it up!” he said and licked the spot just below my clit until my orgasm rolled out of my trembling body. 

After that night Brody and I spent more time together, we didn’t always do things together, some nights we just did homework and watched
TV.  We never did cross the line and have sex.  Every morning he would meet me at my dorm so we could go for a run at the track before class.  We had no classes together, so I would see him at football practice.  Asher was curious what was going on between us, I told her that we weren’t dating, we hadn’t had sex that we had “messed around” but that was it. 

“Chassis, how do you suppose Jet is going to like that?”

“Asher…do you know that it’s been almost a month since I’ve talked to him?  He’ll talk to everybody else except me.  It’s like it’s my fault his dad did what he did or something.  Maybe time apart will be good for us, we were starting to fight non-stop after Boone anyways.  He claims I don’t trust him and he admitted that he doesn’t trust me, this all came about because I made him wear a condom so I wouldn’t get pregnant since I forgot to take my pill two days in a row.”

“OH…(she looked out at Brody and Mitch on the field) They are both pretty fucking hot.” She said and smiled.

“He knows that until Jet and I actually get to talk about everything that “friends” is as far as anything will go.  I know that what I’m doing with him is probably cheating, I’ll tell Jet about it and let him decide what he wants.  I don’t feel the spark like I do with Jet, but Brody is like a comfort zone to me.”  I told her.

“Well I can tell you Jet is going to be furious that another man has
touched you, I can’t believe he still won’t answer your calls or text.  I don’t even know if Mitch has talked to him, I haven’t seen Jason around at all.  Jerod is pretty quiet in class and hasn’t said much about everything.  I know Jet’s hurting obviously both the boys are, I just don’t understand why he pushed you away.” She told me. 

The rest of practice we watched and laughed at the way the players would start acting like teenage boys when the coach wasn’t looking. 

Saturday morning when Brody and I went for our morning run at the track, he brought a football along, “You throw it, and I’ve gotta catch it.  If I drop it, I have to do twenty pushups.  The coach said something about me having butter fingers!”

“Does the coach know what you do with those fingers?” I asked and started laughing.

“Really woman?” He groaned, slapped me on the ass and took off running.  He turned and held his arms out “Hit me!” he yelled.  I threw the football he ran two steps towards it and caught it then tossed it back to me.  We did this for a few laps, he ended up only having to do a few sets of push-ups, he finally caught on that I was throwing it short just so I could watch his muscles bulk up after each push up.  We ran about ten laps then started walking to cool down, he handed me the football and started walking to the football field.  He turned and walked backwards, “Here’s the deal hot stuff, if you can get by me without getting tackled we go back to my place and watch TV like to good college students.  IF I tackle you, we go back to my place and I get to see how slick these butter fingers can get.” He said giving me a crooked grin. 

BOOK: Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It
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