Read Wrecked Book 4 Online

Authors: Rachel Hanna

Tags: #romance

Wrecked Book 4

BOOK: Wrecked Book 4
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Author’s Note

Other Books By Rachel Hanna

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9




Wrecked Book 4

By Rachel Hanna


Author’s Note


This is book 4 in the Wrecked series. There will be 5 books in this series, so if you don’t want to miss the release of book 5 in a few weeks,
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Other Books By Rachel Hanna


Stand Alone Books



Love In The Falls

Christmas in Magnolia Cove



Second Chance

A Cowboy for Christmas

One More Try


Warwoman (historical romance)



The Coulter Brothers (Contemporary Western) series


Lost And Found

Breaking Away

Night And Day


The January Cove Series:


The One For Me

Loving Tessa

Falling For You

Finding Love


The Ruined Series





Chapter 1


Addy, I think I

m in love with you.

There were two things I knew for sure. First, people didn

t change

and I was as guilty as anyone. Second, people didn

t fall in love after only a few weeks.

Logan stared at me with those deep, stormy blue eyes as though he could look into my very soul. Sometimes, I really felt like he could, but I knew it was just my imagination. And hormones and lust and all kinds of things that were going on inside me that made me feel like he was somehow different from everyone else.

And I think you do, too,

he told me seriously, almost demanding that I confirm his suspicions.

But I couldn


I didn

t even think I could repeat it. I shook my head and started taking a step back as I said,

No. No way. Things like this don

t happen. Whatever

s between us, it isn

t love. We

re not that crazy, not that young and stupid. We barely even
each other!

But Logan wasn

t letting me back away. He stepped closer to me, both of his large hands coming up to grab my upper arms. It would have been terrifying, really, if it were anyone else. If I didn

t know him like I did. But I could feel the slight trembling in his hands, the hesitation before wrapping his large fingers around me. He was still scared of the kind of man he was, but he was holding on to me to prove a point

to me and to him.


ve changed me, Addy,

he told me, sincerity so clear that it was like a wave pouring out through his voice.

Changed me just by being in my life. From the very beginning. It doesn

t matter how little time we

ve had together or how different we are or anything.

He pulled me closer and, damn it, I didn

t resist. He was so close now that I could feel the heat radiating off his body, so near to mine. So close that I wanted to be closer, to wrap myself up in him.


d only been together once like that. A moment of weakness for me, a moment of strength for him, but it had changed the both of us. He knew it, professing it to me in this very moment, but I wasn

t ready to acknowledge it yet. I couldn

t. I knew that he had altered the kind of person I was, but I didn

t know how yet and I was still so busy still trying to pretend to be another person, that I didn

t even know what kind I was supposed to be anymore.

I felt like some kind of hybrid between the girl I was and the girl I was pretending to be and whatever girl he was making me.


I murmured, hating how low my voice was, how quiet and soft and

tender it was. I shook my head, but he wasn

t done yet.

I know that

that whatever this is between us scares you,

he told me in a rough tone filled with emotion.

But there
something here and I know what that is. Maybe you don

t yet, or maybe you just don

t realize it, but don

t tell me that you don

t feel what

s between us, because I don

t believe you. This is real, Addy.

I wanted to argue with him, to tell him that there was nothing here, but the way his hair hung into his eyes, even though it was pulled back, and the way his eyes were swirling with every shade of blue, shining with hope and certainty, I couldn

t. I couldn

t tell him he was wrong.

When he leaned into me, his face inching towards mine, all I could think was
. I

d been waiting for him to do this again, even though I knew I

d been fighting it and I knew I had to let this go, it was all I wanted in this moment.

His hands moved upwards from my arms, going to my shoulders, so gentle it was almost a glide more than a touch. I felt his hands along my neck, feather light touches that were like whispers against my skin. Then his hands cupped my cheeks, large and warm and still trembling.

He pulled me the rest of the way to him and our lips collided in something that was caught between tender and passionate

like everything between us seemed to be.

My eyes fluttered shut, unable to stay open as I lost myself in the feel of his lips pressed tightly over mine. How soft and warm they were.

A flash of our time together raced through my mind. His hands sliding over my skin, so careful as he took off my clothes. My hands tracing along the graceful lines of his tattoos, the thick scars beneath them ridges that marked his past.

Logan pulled me closer to him, his arms sliding down from my face to wrap around my waist as I lifted my arms to link behind his neck. I wasn

t thinking about it, just feeling, my body reacting all on its own. Maybe his was, too.

When we came up for air, his eyes were sparkling with something bright that I couldn

t chalk up to just lust, no matter how much the rational part of me might try. I couldn

t explain what it was, couldn

t blame it on hormones or a natural biological reaction or anything else scientific.

There was only one word for the look in his eyes, and I wasn

t ready to use it.

I said, and I didn

t know what words would follow his name and I would never know, because right then I saw them.

Walking together, both laughing loudly, boisterous and unsteady on their high heels, was Lexie

. They were dressed in skirts way too short for the weather, their make-up done extensively and their hair looking like it
been set perfectly

before they got to wherever they

d just come from. Now, with the way they looked and the way they swayed to and fro, leaning on each other for support as they laughed hysterically at nothing, I knew they were drunk.

It was like ice water on my body, letting me know that everything in this moment was

I planted my palms against Logan

s chest and pushed, breaking away from him and backing away to put some much needed distance between us. I was breathing heavily from the kiss

and maybe a little from the panic that surged through me at seeing Miranda,

s little sister
, swaying drunkenly in the night

and as I tried to catch my breath, I saw him frowning.

He moved as though to take me up into his arms again (I could only imagine what my expression must have looked like), but I saw Lexie and Miranda pause, glancing over in our direction. I took another, larger step back from Logan. I shook my head adamantly and said,

No. I can

t. We can


He looked more confused than I think I

d ever seen him and I tried to explain to him. But Lexie and Miranda were still looking in our direction, watching me like a hawk. Suddenly, they didn

t seem so intoxicated. They seemed like they were staring with eyes as sharp as daggers, judging me for crimes I wasn

t sure I

d committed yet.

We can

t do this,

I told him and before he had any sort of chance to argue with me, I pressed forward.

I have to go. I know you think this is something real, but it

s just physical attraction. You

ll find some other girl and she

ll be the one, too, and then you

ll move on.

I ignored the seizing of my chest and added,

You won

t even remember what you were so insistent about. I

ll just be another girl.

BOOK: Wrecked Book 4
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