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Authors: H.P. Landry

Wrecked (9 page)

BOOK: Wrecked
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“Mylie, you coming?” Xavier asked, as I watched Malory and Rhonda drive away.

I nodded, and we walked through the lit parking lot. The ocean breeze always relaxed me, and I had a genuine smile on my face.

“What has you so happy?” he asked.

I turned to see Xavier watching me. Normally it would have freaked me out, but the look in his eyes was pure amusement.

“The beach. I love the aroma of the ocean, ya know what I am talking about?”

“Of course, that is why I have a house on the beach, and I drive to Pointe Hope every day.”

“Seriously? I am so jealous. I love the ocean. It must be relaxing to sleep there.”

“Why Mylie, is that your way of asking to stay the night?” he teased, but there was hope in his eyes.


“Mr. Bane, what would the neighbors think? And just imagine what your momma would say?” I used my best impression of a southern belle. He roared with laughter, and I felt relaxed.

“Mylie, you know, I would have offered you a guest room, but you are right, it was presumptuous of me,” he smiled weakly. I lightly shoved him, but my heel got caught in a crack sending me sailing into his strong arms.

“Easy there, are you okay?” He held me close, and I felt safe as he searched my face for confirmation.

“Yeah my heel– oh no, it broke! Son of a fucking shit! Mother fucking fucker,” I yelled out.

“Whoa, sailor, I thought you wanted to be a lawyer?” He winked, and I covered my mouth.

“I am so sorry,” I said sheepishly.

“Oh calm down, I’m just teasing you,” he kidded, and I laughed for the first time tonight.

Lord knows I need to.

“How do you like being the prodigal child of Lucas Bane? Is it all it’s cracked up to be?” I watched his face, and there was a slight crease between his brows.

“I don’t really speak to my father anymore. After he left and I took over, he left everything to me due to medical issues.”

He shrugged, and we walked toward a very flashy sports car. Not really sure why I was surprised. I stared at the sleek design and flashy exterior.

“Car enthusiast?” he asked, as he walked past the car in question to a flat black Chevy lifted pickup truck.

“Uh… no.”

Oh my goodness, it wasn’t his car
Shit! Will I keep making a fool of myself in front of him?

“Admit it Mylie, you thought that was my car!” He was roaring with laughter.

“I did no such thing– aw, damn,” I shook my head because I knew I had been caught. “Yes, I did, but knowing your family’s history I kind of assumed—”

He smiled and opened the door, but I couldn’t lift my leg with my tight dress. Not good.

“Aw, crap Mylie, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this would be an issue. Do you mind if I help you?” He looked completely embarrassed for the mishap, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Mr. Bane, are you sure you’re not trying to have your way with me?” I teased.

He shook his head with a slight grin while his firm hands wrapped around my waist. He pulled me close to his body. His body heat shot a thrill through me, and with all the ease in the world, he lifted me into the seat of his truck. I was starting to believe that Xavier could be the solution to all my problems.

We drove silently, and I drifted off to asleep. I heard Xavier quietly waking me, and my eyes opened to see the sign, “Welcome to Pointe Hope.” My home, which always welcomes people to the fragrance of orange blossoms, had always been calming, but tonight I couldn’t fight the lingering thoughts of the night’s events. I was so confused.

“Tonight was crazy,” I finally said, more to myself than to Xavier.

“What’s crazy is that I can’t wait to see you again, and I am actually prolonging asking you where you live,” he said solemnly.

Everything in my body was screaming release from the stress of today’s events, but my heart was saying don’t do something stupid.

I don’t have to have sex with him if I ask him to stay, right?

“Um--,” I mumbled, clearing my throat.

God this was so hard to say.

“You don’t have to go.”

“Sure I do--,” he turned to look at my face. It finally registered what I was implying, and he quirked a brow.

“Just to talk more and get to know each other. I’ll make you some coffee and breakfast, since we were interrupted at the diner.” I smiled reassuringly, and he just smiled and shook his head slightly.

“Yeah, why not—let’s talk.”

Lord, what am I doing?

Chapter Nine

“So you’re telling me, that you’ve never?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting his reaction to be, but this wasn’t it.

“I can’t believe it—I have never met someone who hasn’t,” he exclaimed, his face registering complete disbelief.

“So what, I have never seen
Star Wars
. What’s the big deal?” I shrugged.

“Everyone has seen
Star Wars
. It’s a rite of passage. You, my child, have been denied the wonders of the galaxy and beyond.”

He was grinning, and I couldn’t help but feel butterflies in my stomach. I started to laugh and changed the subject quickly.

“Okay my turn— first kiss, how old were you?”

“Easy. I was twelve, and it was with Christy Foster while playing twenty seconds in heaven at Brandi Mitchell’s thirteenth birthday party. You?”

“I was eighteen, with Miles Alexander III, at his winter formal,” I shivered at the memory.

“Seriously, eighteen? So, you had your first kiss five years ago?” I nodded slightly. “When did you lose your virginity?”

Oh dear God.

I desperately cleared my throat and my face was burning. I felt my heart racing. Never had I felt this nervous before.

Why now

“Um—I haven’t.” I looked down at my damask comforter and waited.

“Mylie, look at me.”

His voice was soft, and I lifted my head and gazed into his gorgeous eyes.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I think it’s amazing.”

He searched my face in wonder, and I couldn’t fight the urge to kiss his full lips. I noticed how his tongued glided across his bottom lip, leaving it moist and delectable. My heart was racing for whole new reason. He tucked my hair away from eyes, placing the strands behind my ear, while staring at my lips.

“I’m going to kiss you Mylie.”

Please do!

I bobbed my head in agreement. His lips seared mine and awoke every nerve ending in my body. I moved my body closer to his, the rush of excitement and lust had me purring in ecstasy. He smelled so delicious. My other senses were focusing in between my thighs. I moaned. I was in utter bliss from his intoxicating kiss.

“Baby, you keep making those sounds, and you won’t be a virgin for long,” he groaned while I felt his erection pressed tightly against my belly.

I was panting. Most of me wanted to go with my desires, but my mind was telling me to stop. I didn’t have to ponder my decision for long because Xavier pulled away. His fingers slid the satin spaghetti strap down my shoulder and kissed my beauty mark.

“You’re perfect.”

He caressed my shoulder tenderly, following the path of my arm until he reached my hand. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my palm. There were no more words, just a clear understanding that he would wait until I was ready. I thanked the Lord for this man, but especially for his patience because I still didn’t understand my feelings, and I felt conflicted. We crawled under the covers, and he snuggled close to me but never touched me inappropriately. We fell into a blissful sleep.

The following morning, I woke up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast while putting on a pot of coffee. My bare feet padded against the hard cherry-wood floors as I pulled out the griddle. I was making the batter when I heard a knock on the door. I looked down, realizing I was still wearing my satin spaghetti strap nightgown with the matching robe. I walked to the door thinking it was probably just Mrs. Pierson. The panel glass was frosted, so I couldn’t tell who it was, but the silhouette reminded me of Nik, so I opened the door quickly.

“What, you forgot—,” I didn’t finish the sentence because before me was the man who had been plaguing my thoughts. “Uh—Hi?” I swallow the large lump in my throat and stared at his clear blue eyes.

“Did I wake you?” his voice conjured memories of our kiss, sending chills down my skin.

“What’s for breakfast babe?”

I heard Xavier’s voice moving down the stairs and turned to see him wearing nothing more than a white towel wrapped around his perfect body. His hair was still wet, and he had droplets of water flowing down his chest. I felt my mouth fall open.

Am I drooling?

“Well if it isn’t Thor himself,” Damien quipped, while Xavier glared in response.

He walked quietly, never showing any emotion on his face, clearly learned from years of him practicing law. He possessively wrapped his arm around my waist.

Jeez, could this get anymore awkward?

“How’s it going teach? Screw any students lately?”


I watched the exchange, shocked. I just wanted to hide, and they had answered my silent question: yes, it could get more awkward


She was with Thor? How could she do this?

I watched as her eyes followed the drops of water that glistened off his skin, and then he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Now, Mr. Bane, we all know that I am not the one who has a new assistant every month. What number are we on, thirteen?” I asked sarcastically.

“What do you––,” Xavier started to say, but a soft hand touched his chest, and he looked down to Mylie.

The way he searched her face for confirmation made me sick. It made me wonder what had happened between them. He nodded slightly and returned in the direction he had come from.

“Why are you here Damien?” Mylie’s sweet voice cracked, but I was livid. We had shared a kiss last night, and she already had another guy in her bed?

“What the fuck Mylie! What about last night,” I said through clenched teeth.

“You left! You said that you weren’t good for me and that I should be with Xavier, so that’s what I am doing.”

Why was I angry that she literally took my warning and did exactly what I told her to do?

“You’re right. I’m sorry. But I wasn’t prepared to see him in a towel after a night between the sheets,” I replied, with a touch of bitterness.

I never saw it coming.


She slapped me!

“You bastard! Get the fuck out!” she screamed at me.

She slammed her hands into my chest and pushed. She hit me hard enough for me to lose my balance, causing me to struggle to regain my footing. Only I didn’t see that I was on the edge of the step. I went flying down the stairs of the front porch, landing on my back.

I see stars.

“Oh my God!” She ran down the stairs, a frantic look on her face and tears on the brink of falling.

“What the fuck is your problem!” I seethed as I groaned. I tried to get up, and she reached out, offering her hand.

I put my hand into hers. Then I thought for a second before I yanked her down. When she lost her balance, she fell on top of me. She scrambled to get up, but I encircled her waist with my arms.

I whispered in her ear, “You’re mine.”

I felt her gasp for air as soon as I said the words, and I let her go. She leapt off of me, stumbling while running up the steps. She looked over her shoulder briefly and then slammed the door behind her. I got up casually, and dusted myself off. When I looked up at the windows of the old Victorian, I saw a familiar face. I just laughed and went on my way.

I walked down the sidewalk until I heard an elderly giggle. I turned to see that Mrs. Pierson was in her garden with a clear view of Mylie’s front porch.

“That was quite a show Professor James,” she had a twinkle in her eye and smiled.

“Was it now?” I asked casually.

“You play a dangerous game Professor. It would be wise that you do not show your hand too early in the game.” She got up and walked through her yard going towards the front door. “Are you coming?”

“Yes ma’am.” I followed her up the steps.

What have I gotten myself into?

Chapter Ten


I had folded Xavier’s washed clothes and placed them on the bed while he was in the restroom. So why had he came down in his towel? I couldn’t deny that I was still reeling from Damien’s claim nor could I deny the pleasure I had felt. Lost in thought while flipping griddlecakes, crisping bacon, and scrambling eggs over the stovetop, I didn’t sense Xavier as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. I relaxed because he made me feel safe, but I still felt conflicted about my feelings towards Damien.

“Smells delicious,” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver in response. “Mmm, I love when you do that.”

“Mr. Bane, I will surely burn your food if you keep distracting me,” I teased.

BOOK: Wrecked
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