Read Worth Taking The Risk Online

Authors: Kate Bennie

Worth Taking The Risk (27 page)

BOOK: Worth Taking The Risk
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Chapter 38

“Mitch, Keller don’t just stand there! Come and greet the family.” Emma said really cheerfully while Mitch glared at her.
“Is this her definition of small party?” I asked as we walked down the rest of the steps.
Mitch scowled at the crowd. “I’m going to tell dad.”
I snorted. “Like that’s going to work.”
He chuckled and we started greeting people. I forgot their names as soon as they said them but I’m sure I can place who’s the aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparent.
I also felt so out of place. Everything seemed so fancy, everyone invited had this wave of superiority and I felt so small and insignificant next to them. Of course I didn’t show it. On the other hand Mitch seemed to fit right in. He moved around with so much grace, he talked with so much authority that I couldn’t stop staring at him.
“Kells.” I turned around at the sound of my nickname. Only few people called me that and I smiled. Finally some familiar faces!
I excused myself, leaving Mitch’s side and heading towards Ambrose and the rest of my family.
“When Emma told us about coming over for dinner,” Maggie shook her head. “I didn’t image it’ll be like this. I should’ve dressed differently!”
“You look beautiful to me.” Dad complemented and placed a swift kiss on her lips.
I. Am. Traumatized.
“So what is this all fuss about?” Chad said in a unemotional tone. He’s been doing that lately. Detaching himself from the rest of us and it worried me.
I’ve known him all my life and it hurt to see him in pain, it hurt even more knowing I was the one causing it.
“It’s a surprise.” I smiled, he gave me a small one in return.
“I get it!” Chris said suddenly, smirking, looking at my hand. Which I quickly, but discretely, placed behind my back out of sight.
“Mitch is pregnant?” Ambrose took a wild guess.
“What?” Chris looked at his boyfriend as if he’d grown another head.
“I’m what?” Mitch came beside me with a worried look.
Ambrose shrugged.
“Is something wrong?” I asked Mitch.
He shook his head and whispered. “My granny is here.”
“Anne?” I asked just to make sure.
Mitch nodded.
Damn. I think that woman hates me.
“We should go greet her before she hangs us both.” Mitch said.
“Um, guys I’ll be right back.” I told my family.
“Feel free to roam around. This is your home.” Mitch said and we left to the kitchen.
The kitchen again?
There she was, wearing an extravagant cherry red dress with a glass of wine on her hand.
“Mitch! I am so glad to see you.” she smiled warmly at him and continued to hug him while I stood there awkwardly.
After a few minutes Mitch pulled away and came to stand by me. “Gran, this is Keller my girlfriend.”
“We’ve met before haven’t we?” she said in that cold tone of hers.
“Yes, at the family reunion.”
Her stare is making me feel really small.
“Are you guys faking again? If not then what Is this all about?” she asked.
“It’s not fake.” Mitch smiled and then turned to look at me. “I think we shouldn’t wait more.”
“What’s going on?” Anne asked.
“You’ll know in a second.” Mitch smirked and we walked back to the living room. “Attention! We have an important announcement to make so please everyone keep your mouths shut and eyes this way.”
Some people scowled at that and some laughed.
“Alright first things first, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Keller.” he pulled me against him. “Only a few of you know about this but she’s carrying my babies. Yes I mean that as in more than one ‘cause we are having twins!”
Then cheers!
I smiled and so did Mitch.
“There’s one more thing I want to announce. Since I love her so much, yesterday I proposed and she said yes. So people I am getting married!”
More silence.
More shock.
I think Anne is having a heart attack.
Slowly everyone began to clap and someone yelled: “About time!”
“What do you mean about time?! I am only twenty!” Mitch yelled back and people began to laugh and then turned to do their own business.
“Emma how can you let this be?” Anne started.
“Mom they love each other and are having a baby, it’s only logical that they marry.”
“But they are so young!”
“It’s not like we’re marrying tomorrow.” I mumbled.
“We aren’t?” Mitch faked to be hurt and I rolled my eyes.
Anne glared at her grandson and then sighed. “I want to be on the front row at the wedding.”
Mitch grinned. “Of course!”
Once again everyone went back to talking and I found myself engulfed by the various hugs my family was giving me.
“I told you I knew!” Chris mumbled as he hugged me and I couldn’t help but laugh.
This is one of the best days of my life.
*Two Months Later*
“You look beautiful Maggie.” I commented as we finished helping her change into her wedding dress.
“Of course she does, all brides are beautiful and woman you’re shinning!” Emma smiled.
“No crying!” I scolded as I saw Maggie’s eye shine with unshed tears.
“Alright. Sorry, I’m just so nervous!” Maggie then giggled.
“Don’t worry Richard, Mitch, Chad, Ambrose, Chris, Alan, Nathan and Brady will make sure Ed doesn’t try to escape.” Emma took a deep breath. “God so many men in our life!”
“Tell us about it.” Maggie winked at me and I smiled.
She looked beautiful today. It was a simple dress but it make her look stunning.
“We shall have a glass of wine to numb the nerves.” Emma said and poured two glasses, the she handed me a bottle of water. “I’m sorry hon but no alcohol for you.”
“Don’t worry I know.” I sighed. “For the beautiful bride and the amazing years that are to come.”
Right after three rounds of wine and water…
“Alright, ladies get it together its time. The groom is waiting.” a woman around her twenties said. She was one of the wedding planners.
In ten minutes we were all on our designated places as Maggie began to walk down the isle with Chad. My father waited a bit impatiently as he kept tapping his hand against his leg.
Then it started.
I was lost in the moment that it went by so fast because suddenly I was hearing the ‘I do’s’ and then dad and Maggie were walking down the isle to their car. A car that will take them to the airport. Once they boarded the plane they’ll be heading to Hawaii.
“Hey, why are you crying?” Mitch asked as he came behind me to hug me.
“I don’t know. It’s just…they looked so beautiful.”
Mitch chuckled beside me. “Well this is the first wedding I’ve attended to that doesn’t have a party. It’s like they were eager to be alone and just go-”
I elbowed him gently. “Shut up, its my dad you’re talking about.” I groaned. “God I wont be able to look at him in the eye anymore.”
Mitch laughed and then kissed me. “I love you. I love you so much it hurts.”
“It better stop hurting because that’s the least I want you to do.”
“It’s a good kind of hurt, baby.”
It’s been a week since dad and Maggie went. They wont be back for another three weeks.
Chad and I were staying at the house, I knew Mitch didn’t like that but it’s not like I could let Chad die out of hunger. He didn’t know a thing about cooking.
I’d also stopped working for the Gaynor’s since they insisted on canceling the contract because now I will be marrying their son.
I tried looking for a job but Mitch insisted and begged for me not to. He said: ‘There’s no way you’re working. I want you to enjoy yourself, I have enough money to take care of everything,’
He can also be very convincing…
“Are you going to tell me what you’re drawing?” I asked Mitch as we sat in my bed.
“Its just some changes I want to make to our new house.” he mumbled and kept drawing.
“Since we are having twins I have to add more rooms since I am sure they wont want to share them once they are older. Plus we never know if we’ll have more kids-”
“Mitch what are you saying?”
“I’m sure they’ll like to have a game room, a place where they can bring their friends and have some fun. I think the pool is big enough, I mean its bigger than the one I have at home.”
“You bought a house?”
“Of course I did. We are going to be parents and will be marrying soon, I am not going to make you live with my parents so it’s only logical that we move in together.”
It must be the pregnancy or I must’ve caught something because lately I’ve been too sentimental. And today wasn’t the exception. I began to cry so hard it was getting difficult to breathe.
“Baby are you okay? Does something hurt? God what’s wrong?” Mitch cradled me on his lap.
“I don’t know why I am getting so sentimental lately. God it’s just…do you really want to live together?”
Mitch scowled. “What did you expect? To get married and each of us live with our own parents? That’s not happening, not in a million years if I can help it. I want you and our kids all to myself. Call it being selfish if you want but I am not letting any of you go.”
And that made me cry even more. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” he mumbled against my head as he ran a hand down my back in soothing motions.
He sighed. “So what do you say we start packing and move to our new home tomorrow?”

I think that’s perfect.”
We went to bed together, like we’ve been doing for nearly three months. It felt so unreal, but so right.
I never thought that I would end up engaged with him or carrying his babies or have anything to do with him. In all honesty I thought we would end up hating each other or fighting all the time, but for some odd reason we worked out.
Yes we still fight, but what couple doesn’t? Its always insignificant stuff and we end up making out a few minutes after.
Love is a complicated thing, but with the right care you learn to endure the things that it throws your way.
I love Mitch. I wont say I always loved him because I’ll be lying, but now I love him more than anything in the world and I know he feels the same.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked as he took off his shirt and pants, standing only in boxers while I was already laying in bed.
“You.” I said simply.
Something bright shinned in his eyes and he slowly smiled at me, then he got on the bed and pulled the covers.
We laid there staring at the ceiling for around three minutes until he gently pulled me, pressing me against his chest. “You were too far away.”
I chuckled as he kissed my forehead. “I love you.”
My heart swelled. “I love you.”
“You better.” he gently kissed my nose and then hugged me tight, running a hand over my already growing belly. “Want to go catch a movie tomorrow?”
“I would love to.” I placed soft kisses to his chest.
“It’s a date.” he said a little breathless as I kissed along his neck, I stopped and he groaned. “Tease.”
“Soon.” I promised and Mitch laughed.
We didn’t say anything after that, we didn’t need to. Minutes after, I heard his even breathing. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep too, not wanting to be anywhere else but here, the place where I belonged.







The End








BOOK: Worth Taking The Risk
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