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Authors: Charisma Knight

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Wolf's Obsession

BOOK: Wolf's Obsession
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Wolf’s Obsession – Part 1, 2 and 3

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Night Owl Romance

Copyright © 2009
Charisma Knight

Title: Wolf’s Obsession – Part 1,2 and 3 Copyright © 2009
Charisma Knight

This is a work of fiction. All places, events and characters are crafted from
the author’s imagination and any resemblance to currently alive or passed people
and events are coincidental.

Cover art by Tammie King

Wolf's Obsession

Thorne Cloudfeather returned to Club Ravenous a second evening in a row, eager to
see “her.” This town, nothing like his New Orleans disgusted him completely. A
certain “aura” hung over the city like a dark cloud. Thorne was here for one
reason, and one reason only, to claim his mate and return to his precious New

As he strolled into the club, human scent and sex tainted his nostrils. As he
confidently walked through the crowd, he exuded the appearance of a predator.
His demeanor was that of a leader, laced with a hint of danger. Women shot
appreciative glances at him, hoping to land him as one of their clients for the

She was human, so hard to believe a mere human woman could entice him in this
manner, especially never having laid eyes upon her. She was here, his instincts
led him to this town, and her scent led him to this club.

Thorne found a vacant seat at the end of the bar, and sat down. Ordering a
scotch, he scanned the room for “others” of his kind. Oddly enough, neither
werewolf nor vampire lurked within, although he had sensed a few vampires in
another part of the town.

In New Orleans, werewolves and vampires thrived, secretly among the humans.
Thorne planned to maintain peace with the bloodsuckers, until his clan, The
Black Claws recovered from the brink of extinction. Thorne planned to run the
vamps from New Orleans. He did not care where they went, as long as every one of
them evacuated New Orleans. Apparently, this town was crawling with the vile
fiends as well.

The view was excellent, his stomach churned with anticipation of seeing “her”
again. The evening before, she was actually entertaining a couple. It was hard
for him to leave her, especially with those horny young human males. Tonight
would be different; he would have her in his bed before daylight approached.

The music ended, and the lights dimmed. The bartender sat several large white
pillar candles along the edge of the stage, lighting them with a cigarette
lighter. “She” was going to dance next. Every muscle in Thorne’s body tensed,
and the very site of her caused his cock to swell! She was beautiful – wearing a
black leather bikini adorned with studs and chains. Breathless, Thorne imagined
her riding him with nothing except her thigh high leather stiletto boots.

The girl seductively gyrated to “It’s a Man’s World.” She was awesome, athletic,
and the acrobatics she performed on that pole caused his cock to twitch with
anticipation. Mesmerized, Thorne’s eyes scanned every luscious inch of her body.
Inhaling her womanly scent caused precum to form on the head of his engorged
cock. A low growl formed within his throat as he shifted in his stool.

No woman had ever held such control over him as the woman who dominated the stage
at this particular moment. No one managed to hold his attention for this long,
not the way she had. Scanning her entire body again, he searched for the shred
of proof that would bond her to him for the rest of their lives.

Three women approached Thorne, hoping they would obtain the chance of retaining
him as a client. The name of the game was persuading clients to the champagne
room. Politely dismissing them, only one decided to push her luck.

“I possess no interest in you; however I do not mind giving you a tip.” Thorne
confessed dryly. “Please leave me alone and be on your way.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing out on honey!” The woman said.

“I’m waiting for her.” Thorne insisted, gesturing toward the stage, handing the
scorned dancer a five-dollar bill.

“Ok darling, suit yourself. You can put it in my g-string.” The dancer turned her
bottom towards Thorne, trying to entice him.

“I would advise you to take it or leave it.” Thorne growled a warning, as he was
not a man of patience and did not take kindly to repeating himself.

Sensing the danger in his voice, the girl turned, snatching the bill, heeding
Thorne’s warning, but not before rolling her eyes at his rejection of her.

Exhaling sharply, Thorne directed his attention to “her” again. He was successful
in capturing the woman’s attention. Her voluptuous, statuesque figure glistened
with moisture. As her eyes held his, she seductively released her full breasts
from the bikini top, causing Thorne to moan with want. His jaw clenched as he
gripped the glass of scotch in his right hand, trying not to shatter it.

Glancing around the bar, Thorne noticed others watching, waiting to buy her a
drink. Beckoning the bartender, Thorne purchased a $1,000.00 champagne bottle.

“You have exceptional taste, my friend, the bartender grinned. Starr is one of
our finest women. Hey, weren’t you in here last night?”

“Yeah,” Thorne replied. She was busy with a couple of her best clients, I would
assume. Give me another scotch please, make it a double.”

“You’ve got it man! I’m Randy, let me know if you need anything else tonight” The
bartender happily obliged, since Thorne was a great tipper.

The man with the dangerous eyes mesmerized her. Starr noticed him moments before
stepping upon the stage, although she pretended not to. She loved dancing, but
put on an especially seductive show for him, since he had paid her a visit the
evening before. She tried in vain to break free from her customers; the couple
she entertained often. This awesome stranger waited for her until the bar
closed. Unfortunately, her customers bought her out when the bar closed. She
could have sworn the handsome stranger was angry. For some strange reason, she
knew he would return.

He spoke to her with his eyes, almost controlling her. Dressed in a black
short-sleeved shirt, the man possessed expensive tribal tattoos and a wolf’s
head on a medicine shield around his left bicep. His features were sharp,
exquisite, as though chiseled from marble. His high cheekbones and hooked nose
proudly announced his Native American heritage. He was completely bald and
clean-shaven, with the exception of a small patch of hair along the cleft of his
chin. His ears and nose were pierced with small golden hoops, and his large
fingers sported gold bands, displaying exquisite tribal designs.

His enticing gaze touched her in a way she had never experienced from any man
watching her. Highly aroused, Starr seductively slid down the pole, spreading
her legs while giving Thorne a glimpse of her saturated flesh. Starr’s third
song was approaching, and she decided she would give Thorne the best floorshow
of her life.

The lit candles portrayed adorning the stage displayed an ancient, seductive air
of mystery, eroticism, and sensuality. Starr seductively picked up a neatly
folded black velvet wrap, gracefully laying it on the stage floor. Mea Culpa
echoed through the sophisticated bar, all eyes glued to Starr. She elegantly lit
a long tapered white candle from one of the pillar candles.

Thorne’s heart raced, and his eyes narrowed in anticipation of her next move. His
hard cock oozed a thick glob of precum. Starr gyrated around the pole, as if it
were her lover, and turned towards Thorne, spreading her thighs, bending down
without bending her knees, seductively sliding on the velvet wrap, allowing
Thorne to see her ass and pussy. There was no shame in her game.

Commencing to pour hot candle wax over her entire body, Starr stuck out her
tongue; licking her lips as if invisible drops of cum rained upon her. Thorne
thought he would shoot his load into his pants. His painful erection, strained
against his tight leather pants forced another low growl to form within his
throat. The air sizzled and cracked with sexual tension as the pair met one
another’s gaze once more.

The beast within howled, craving freedom, and the opportunity to mate with the
sex goddess before him. Starr looked as though she were experiencing the time of
her life, spreading her legs, allowing hot wax to drip down her cunt. Nipples
standing erect from the wax dropping upon them, Starr stimulated a sensual
gyrating movement, as though she were fucking an invisible lover.

The song seemed to last forever, in Thorne’s mind. He wanted to claim her right
there, on the stage, despite the crowded bar. Once her act was complete, she
gracefully exited the stage, picking up the velvet wrap, careful not to allow
wax to fall upon the floor, out of respect to the next dancer. The crowd cheered
and whistled at the seductive event. Thorne, unable to think clearly, stared in
awe at the woman he planned to claim.

“You may want to go back to the Champagne room dude. If I know Starr, she is
changing into a nice evening gown, and changing hairstyles. Here, have another
one on the house. The other girls will continue to hound you as long as you sit

Taking Randy’s advice, Thorne strolled over to the booth, wishing Starr would
hurry up. Taking a swig of scotch, Thorne lit a cigarette, thinking of the
survival of his clan. Females were scarce, and many of the males fought amongst
themselves in an effort to gain human mates. Unfortunately, it was rare for a
human to survive the bite of a werewolf. Thorne hoped it would not be the case
with Starr. There was so much more to her, there had to be for him to sense her
from another state. Thorne inhaled deeply, knowing Starr was approaching. Her
scent caused him to lose his head.

“Hello, how are you?” asked a soft, but stern voice. She was a vision, indeed.
Her long black shoulder length hair was pinned up into an exotic style, allowing
some pieces to fall to her shoulders. Her rich, dark brown skin appeared
flawless under the lights of the room, and that black form-fitting evening gown
was classy, yet revealing.

“I’m good, darling, how are you?” Thorne asked, standing to greet her.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, I just had to get all that candle wax off my
body,” Starr said shyly. “Randy said a few of the girls were bothering you. Some
of the girls can be so catty.”

“Hey, I was good. I knew what I wanted, I sent them packing. Of course, I tipped
them for their troubles.” Thorne grinned, flashing his white teeth.

“You’re quite the gentleman,” Starr said, not understanding why she felt the way
she did in the presence of this man. “What’s your name,” she asked, trying to
clear her head.

“I’m Thorne Cloudfeather.”

“I take it you’re not from around here. I detect a Southern drawl,” Starr
exclaimed, sipping on her champagne.

“I’m from Louisiana.” Thorne said dryly, taking another swig of scotch, and
extinguishing his cigarette. Sitting back on the sofa, he eyed Starr up and
down, allowing his imagination to run wild.

“You’re turn.” He coaxed.

“What do you mean? I’m Starr. Randy was your bartender. I’m sure he has already
told you my name.”

“No, what’s your real name?” Thorne asked, in a stern voice, penetrating her soul
with his gaze.

“Starr,” she insisted, avoiding looking into his eyes, nervously drinking the
champagne. “What does it matter to you,” she asked. “You buy me a champagne
bottle, and now you think you own me?” She asked, anger rising within her voice.

“Wow, take it easy Starr,” Thorne laughed. “There is no need for hostility; I
think you’ve been cooped up too long in this hole in the wall. Come on, leave
with me tonight. A woman like you should not be in a place like this.”

“Are you crazy? I’m not allowed to leave with customers,” Starr laughed.

“Oh, only the ones that pay you well enough?” Thorne asked, anger permeating from
his eyes. “How much of the money do you actually receive? I would figure, by the
time you tip the bouncers, doorman, and the bartenders, would it even be worth
your effort?”

“I don’t think this is working out,” Starr said, throwing her hands in the air as
she turned around to exit the champagne room. Thorne grabbed her wrist, pulling
her to him, pressing himself against her, staring deep into her eyes.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” Thorne whispered in her ear, pressing his body
tightly against hers. There were those eyes again, mesmerizing, soul searching.
Thorne grabbed her hair, and roughly inserted his tongue between her lips,
exploring her tongue. Moisture pooling between her thighs, Starr sucked his
tongue greedily, moans escaping her lips as she slid her hand to his swollen
cock. Purposely, she bit his lower lip. A low growl forming deep in his throat,
he broke the connection, staring deep into her seductive eyes, still holding a
handful of her hair.

Nostrils flaring, he wrapped his hand around her neck, gently tugging her hair.
Thorne planted a kiss on her cheek, tracing a trail with his tongue down to her
neck, leading Starr to believe her skin was on fire. Nibbling at her neck,
Thorne left his mark without Starr noticing. She was too busy, lost in the
throes of heated lust.

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