Read With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 Online

Authors: J. L. Langley

Tags: #Romance

With Caution: With or Without, Book 2 (29 page)

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Sterling, however, wasn’t at all impressed. He glared. “Y’all are freaking me out.”

Patting Remi’s back, Jake grinned. “You gonna make it?”

Remi nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. His mind had snapped, that was his only excuse.

“Well, who’s going to show him?” Jake asked.

Rhys growled and got up from the couch. Walking over to Sterling, he put his hands on Sterling’s shoulders and peered over his head at Remi and Jake.

Remi resisted the urge to tell Rhys to get his hands off Sterling, since Rhys hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d been absolutely wonderful at looking out for Sterling. In fact, Remi couldn’t have asked for a better guard, but somehow the sudden protectiveness made Remi’s hackles rise.
was supposed to take care of Sterling. Sterling was
responsibility, not Rhys’. “I’ll show him.”

Standing, Remi stripped his shirt off and started to work on his jeans.

Sterling looked at Rhys. “What’s he doing?”

“Shh… It’s okay, kiddo, watch.” Rhys’ voice was so gentle, it made Remi pause. He hadn’t heard that particular tone come from Rhys.

Apparently, neither had Jake. He was staring at Rhys like he’d never seen him before.

Remi shook himself out of his daze and finished undressing. He’d worry about the change in Rhys later, with all the other things on his list to worry about. First, he had to put his baby brother at ease. Rolling his shoulders back and stretching his neck out a few times, Remi began shifting.

His eyes changed first. Instead of blinking through it like he normally did, Remi just closed them and let the change overtake him. His teeth lengthened, poking out from under his lip. Then the goose bump sensation that came with growing fur hit him in a wave, rushing up and down his arms and legs.

He heard Sterling scream, like he was in a well. It sounded hollow and distant. Remi resisted the urge to stop and comfort him, knowing Jake and Rhys would take care of him. This was something Sterling had to see.

Remi’s joints popped as his legs and arms reformed. It happened so quickly he was standing one moment and on all fours the next. The pulling sensation of his snout almost tickled as it lengthened. Last, the prickle along his spine that signaled his tail forming occurred and he was completely transformed.

The sound of rapid breathing breached Remi’s senses, along with the occasionally whispered, “Oh my God.” Slowly, Remi opened his eyes.

Sterling leaned back against Rhys, his face pale and his eyes unblinking. He stood there staring for several seconds, then a slow smile crept over his lips. “That is so freaking cool.”

Getting up from the love seat, Jake knelt beside Remi and stroked his fur. When Sterling came forward, Jake moved back, allowing Sterling to touch Remi.

Rhys stood perfectly still, but Remi wasn’t fooled. He was beginning to realize that Rhys was ready for anything. As if Remi would harm his brother. But then, since they’d found him a few hours ago, Rhys wasn’t being exactly logical where Sterling was concerned.

Oh man.
That’s when it hit Remi. Sterling was Rhys’ mate. Rhys acted like Jake did in regards to Remi. He was overprotective.

Petting Remi’s fur, Sterling dropped to his butt and looked Remi in the eye. He touched Remi’s nose. “Remi?” Scrunching up his nose, Sterling grabbed Remi’s face in both hands and looked at him. “It is you, isn’t it?” Sterling started laughing and launched himself at Remi, wrapping his arms around Remi’s neck and nearly knocking him to the ground.

Letting out the breath he’d been holding, Remi lapped at his brother’s cheek. He should’ve known Sterling wouldn’t freak. Hell, he should have known Sterling would think it was cool.

“I’ve always wanted a dog.” Laughing harder, Sterling ruffled the fur on the top of Remi’s head.

Jake and Rhys both groaned. One of them mumbled, “Wolf not dog,” but Remi would have laughed if he’d been able. Sterling was taking this very well. Much better than Remi had. Remi had fainted when he’d found out. That still chafed at his ego.

Suddenly, the laughter ceased and Sterling’s arms disappeared from around his neck. “You asshole.” Sterling shoved him hard, nearly knocking him down, then his brother jumped to his feet.

Stumbling sideways, Remi tried to figure out what the hell had happened.

Jake was there instantly, putting himself between Remi and Sterling. “ Sterling?”

“No.” Walking to Jake’s side, Sterling glared at Remi and pointed his finger. “You didn’t tell me. How could you keep something like this from me?” His face grew red with anger. “You lied to me, Remi! This is where you’ve been. Hunting, my ass.” Scoffing, he turned away.

Remi changed back so fast he got dizzy and would have fallen if Jake hadn’t caught him.
Clutching his mate’s arms for a minute, he tried to get his bearings.

“Slow down, pup. He’s had a shock.” Jake tipped his chin and kissed him.

Easy for you to say.
Remi let himself lean into the kiss for just a second before letting Jake go. “Sterling, we couldn’t tell you. Would you have believed us?” He felt a little on the ridiculous side, having this conversation naked. Where were his fucking clothes?

Rhys was talking to Sterling, trying to get him to understand.

“What is the world coming to? What is with all the damn lies? First Mom lies then—” Sterling stopped. “Oh God.” He looked around, suddenly frantic. “Where is it?”

Remi froze. “Where’s what?”

Sterling started lifting couch cushions. Running to Rhys, he grabbed his arms and tugged. “Where is it? Where’s the book?”

“What book?” Jake asked, handing Remi his jock and jeans.

“The diary.” Sterling jerked on Rhys’ arms again. “Where is the diary?”

Rhys untangled his forearms from Sterling’s grasp. “Shh… Calm down. I got it, it’s in my car. Let me go get it.” He headed for the front door and Jake followed, standing at the door watching as Rhys went out.

As soon as he jerked on his jock and jeans, Remi went to his brother. “Sterling?”

He blinked at Remi. “I found it in my nightstand today with a piece of paper between the pages. She must have put it there.”

Rhys came back in with a leather-bound book, and Jake locked the door behind him.

Racing over to Rhys, Sterling snatched the book and began thumbing through it. “She claims that Dirk killed someone.” He stopped and frowned at Remi. “Did you have a friend named Billy?”


* * *


“I don’t like him going with Rhys.”

Jake sat on the edge of his bed, feeling tired to the bone. What a day. “I know you don’t, but it’s better than him being here. If Dirk comes here with the police to get him back, he’s shit out of luck.”

Remi dragged his hands through his hair. “I know, but—” Wincing when he hit a tangle, he put his hands down. “He’s Rhys’ mate. You realize that, don’t you?”

Jake had decided the same thing, although Rhys hadn’t said so.

“Sterling is too young for a relationship, he’s just a—”

Remi didn’t honestly think… “Remi… Rhys is a lot of things, but he’s not some sicko pedophile. With Rhys, Sterling is completely safe…from everyone.”

Remi sighed but he nodded. “I just worry about him. How long do you think it will take Rhys to get that diary to the FBI?”

“He and Sterling are going tonight. He said he’d call when he had it in the hands of the authorities.” Jake heaved himself up and snagged his mate’s hand. “Come on, we need a shower. You’re covered in dirt.” And Jake didn’t want to think about why Remi was filthy. That wreck was going to haunt him for weeks to come. He pulled Remi toward the master bathroom and started undressing him.

Remi just stood there, still thinking things through, Jake supposed.

“You want to drive my bike or the Tahoe until we get you another vehicle?”

“Huh?” Looking down at Jake, Remi stepped out of his jock and pants. “Jake, I can’t afford another vehicle right now. You said you thought Gadget might be able to fix it.”

If anyone
fix it, it would be Gadget. He’d gone to pick it up, but Jake hadn’t heard anything back from him, not that he expected to tonight.

Standing, Jake turned on the shower to let the water heat up. After getting them both towels, he shucked his own pants. He’d taken the rest of his clothes off in the bedroom while listening to Remi fret about every little thing. “You’re getting awfully lippy lately.” He swatted Remi on the bare ass. “Get in the shower.”

Chuckling, Remi climbed into the shower and held the glass door open for Jake. “I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“Don’t we all?” Jake shut the door, hauled Remi under the spray and kissed him. “Trust me. Everything is going to be okay. Rhys will get the book to the FBI and get them to re-examine the case. Dirk will go to jail. In the meantime, Rhys will keep Sterling hidden and safe.”

“He’s mad at me, Jake.” Remi’s shoulders hunched. “He was really pissed about me not telling him about wolves.”

“He’ll get over it.” Catching Remi’s chin, Jake made him look up. “The important thing is that he’s alive and now he’s gonna be damn hard to kill.” He caressed Remi’s cheek with his thumb, staring into his pale green eyes.

Remi melted and nuzzled like he always did.

Brushing his lips across Remi’s, Jake pulled him close and rested their foreheads together. “You scared me tonight. I thought I might have lost you.”

“I’m sorry.” Remi caught Jake’s lips with his teeth and wrapped his arms around Jake’s waist. His cock began to harden against Jake’s hip, and the smell of arousal filled the shower.

Jake rubbed his body back and forth, touching Remi’s, enjoying the feel of the hard warmth on his own. He loved the way Remi felt and how Remi responded so quickly to his touch. His prick was rapidly approaching hard. “No more pulling away. I’m not letting you go. Whatever comes, we’ll get through it together.”

Snaking a hand down to capture Jake’s erection, Remi tilted his head and offered his throat. “No more, I promise.”

Jake growled, spun Remi around and put his back toward the spray. “Put your hands around the showerhead, pup, and don’t move them.”

“Yes, sir.” Remi’s gaze skimmed over his body. When it got to Jake’s cock, he licked his lips.

Good God, he’d missed that eagerness. Groaning, Jake grabbed the mesh sponge and shower gel off the shelf to Remi’s right. He soaped the sponge and let his gaze linger over his mate.

Remi swallowed hard and his belly contracted. Was that a small shiver?

Working up the suds, Jake put the bottle back and started on Remi’s arms. He took his time running the sponge over the planes of Remi’s firm chest and shoulders. When he got to the cobbled stomach, he couldn’t help but play a little and follow the intriguing ripples of Remi’s abs. Slipping further, he grazed Remi’s cock with the sponge.

Remi moaned and went on his tiptoes, arching his hips toward Jake, but he didn’t drop his hands.

Good. Jake decided to reward him for it. Squeezing the suds onto Remi’s cock, he wrapped his hand around it. Damned if Remi didn’t whimper. Jake stroked up and down a few times, enjoying the way Remi’s prick tensed in his palm. He kept it up until Remi started fucking his hand, then he let go. “No one gave you permission to move, pup.”

“Unh.” Dropping his chin, Remi relaxed. His damp hair hung in front of his face and onto his chest. His prick bobbed out, begging to be touched.

Desire speared through Jake, but he wasn’t going to rush this. He hadn’t gotten to play with his mate in days. He wanted Remi mad with lust and to forget about all their problems for a while. Hell, he wanted that himself. Quickly, he washed Remi’s legs and feet.

Remi peered down at him through a web of wet black hair. His canine green eyes glowed almost eerily, and the tips of his fangs peeked out from under his lips.

Standing, Jake kissed him and let his tongue slip into Remi’s mouth for a brief caress. “Turn around and put your hands back around the showerhead.”

“Yes, sir.” Remi turned, presenting Jake with a delectable view of his pretty little ass.

Fuck me.
Jake shook off the need in favor of tormenting his mate, but it wasn’t easy. His cock was aching to be buried inside Remi’s body. Already precome was seeping from his prick, and he knew Remi’s was as well, he could smell it.

Jake dragged the sponge down Remi’s spine so faintly he knew it tickled, but Remi stood still. Making small circles, Jake lathered the wide shoulders, narrow waist and firm globes of Remi’s butt. He worked his way down one leg, then up the other, pleased with the sounds of pleasure echoing in the stall. Washing out the sponge, Jake stood back and admired the view.

White suds cascaded down Remi’s body, mixing with the water swirling around his feet.

Jake moaned. He would never get tired of looking at this man. “Lean back. Leave your hands where they are and step back. Stick your butt out.” He’d only meant to guide Remi into the spray to rinse the soap, but damned if that wasn’t a nice position.

Remi stood there with his ass presented so nicely. A shudder wracked his body, making the skin on his back ripple and the scars dance.

BOOK: With Caution: With or Without, Book 2
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