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Authors: Hazel Gower

Winning Her Love (8 page)

BOOK: Winning Her Love
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“What the fuck is going on?” Chad growled as he pushed past David. Steph followed Chad inside.

“Nothing. David was just worried because he called and I didn’t answer and haven’t been home. Why are you both here?”

“You left Mum and Dad’s hardly saying a word. I wanted to talk. I wanted to have more time with Olivia.”

Lana stared at Steph, still hurt that she had kept what she knew from her. “I felt like an idiot. How could you keep something like that from me? I’m your best friend. You took fucking bets, for Christ’s sake. Maybe if you had told me I would have known about Olivia.”

Steph stared at her, and Chad came forward and reached for her but she avoided his touch. “Lana, don’t—”

“No. Don’t, Chad. I’m tired. I just want to go to bed. I want you all out.” She looked around and saw David still standing by the door, taking everything in. Lana walked over to him and held the door open. “Out, all of you. I’m tired and need sleep. I’ll phone you tomorrow.”

Steph left and a reluctant Chad followed his sister, promising he would be back to talk. As much as Lana wanted Chad to stay she knew after the weekend they’d had she needed a night to herself. A night to think.

David waited until Chad and Steph had walked away. “I see how he looks at you. I’ve seen Olivia, and I can see who her daddy is. Does what just happened have anything to do with that?”

Closing her eyes on a sigh, she nodded. “Yeah, I must be blind if even you, who only met him once, can tell.”

“Nah, I just know what to look for.”

Lana opened her eyes and smiled at David, grateful for his lie. “Thanks.”

“How do you feel?”

She took a deep breath and slowly let it out, thinking about her answer. “To tell the truth… I really don’t know.” She stared into his dark blue eyes. “I’m sorry. I wish I did.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “Give me a call if you know what you want.” He walked away, and Lana shut the door and locked it.

She went down the hall and checked on Olivia, kissing her cheek and making sure she was tucked in. Lana walked back to her bedroom and lay down, hoping sleep would claim her.


Chapter 4


He’d been an arse all morning, brutal with everyone at training, especially Tim the wanker. Chad was pissed at the way he’d treated Lana on Friday. He now sat in Matt’s car with Bob, going to lunch.

“What the fuck is stuck up your arse? Shouldn’t you be all happy and shit after the weekend you had with Lana?” Matt didn’t even glance his way as he spoke. He kept his eyes on the road.

“No, because she went home. Last night I went around after she left my parents’ and a guy was there and all she had on was a shirt.”

“Really?” Bob sounded as surprised as Chad had been when he’d seen the guy there.

“I know nothing happened with the guy. I’m pissed off that she didn’t talk when she left my parents’ house and when I came around she told me to leave.” He scrubbed his face. “I don’t know what to do now. Do I wait for her to come to me? Or do I go to her? If I do go to her, how long do I wait?”

“I’d love to give you the right advice, but damn, Chad, neither Bob nor I have girlfriends, let alone a woman we feel about the way you feel for Lana. What do you want to do?”

“I want Lana. I want the mother of my daughter.”

“What the fuck?” Bob almost choked out.

Chad grinned at his friends. “Lana’s kid is mine. You know the house party I had years ago when Lana and my sister came before she left for England? Well, that was the first night I ever slept with her, and Olivia is a result from that night.”

“Man, she kept your kid from you?” Matt sounded angry.

Chad ran his fingers over his head. “No. Lana doesn’t remember that night. She didn’t know we slept together, and she didn’t know she was pregnant until she was in England.”

“Oh. Do you still want her?”

He didn’t even have to think of his answer. “I’ve waited years. I’m done with waiting. I went from sleeping alone to having her curled up against me for two nights. Last night was hell. I tossed and turned and couldn’t get comfortable. Fuck, I’m not usually the cuddly type, but I don’t want to sleep tonight without her in my arms. I don’t want to go another night without knowing when I wake up my daughter will be in the next room and her mother will be next to me.” Chad groaned as he realized how he sounded. “God, even I can hear how sappy I sound.”

Matt parked the car. “I’m glad you’re thinking like that, because I asked Steph where Lana worked and…” He pointed to the shopping center in front of them. “Come on. Surely she has a lunch break. I think you need to talk.”

Getting out of the car, Chad wished he’d worn something nicer than his tracksuit pants and white wife beater. He knew where Lana worked, she’d told him about her job over the weekend. It was just after midday, and he knew Lana had been there to open the store today.

He paused at the window of Pick a Bunch and looked in to see Lana with a megawatt smile on her face as she spoke to a customer. She wore black pants with huge black wedges to help her height, and a red shirt which was covered with a black apron with the store name and logo on it. Her hair was in a plait off her face, which lit up as she showed the customer some flowers.

“Do you need us to come in with you and hold your hand?” Bob patted him on the back, and Chad stuck his middle finger up at him.

Clenching and unclenching his fists, he took a deep breath and walked into the store, going to the counter to wait for Lana.

* * * *

Lana had a doctor’s appointment at two-thirty. She was skipping her lunch and taking it later so she could make her appointment. She knew if she was going to be with Chad she needed to be on the pill, because anytime she was with him she forgot all sense and never used protection.

Last night she’d had time to think, and she knew she couldn’t pass up the chance of being with Chad. Not only did she want Olivia to know her father, but Lana wanted a chance with the man she’d thought herself in love with for years.

It helped that they had everything she read about in her books, chemistry and an easy going togetherness. They could talk or just happily sit in silence. Lana had fun with Chad. It wasn’t all roses though. There were things she wasn’t sure about, like his reputation, his fame, and his all-around take over ways and attitude. She was scared of how he would be with Olivia. She didn’t want him to make promises he couldn’t keep or do things Olivia may come to expect and Lana couldn’t provide without him.

After her doctor’s appointment she was going to call Chad and see if he wanted to come around to dinner and talk. They had so much to talk about.

Mondays were one of the busiest days in the shop besides Friday and Saturday. It seemed Monday was the day men sent apology flowers. She’d spent her morning doing up bunches of roses and writing out apology notes. She had a bunch more to do before she left, but right now she was talking to a bride about her wedding they had booked. Today was the first consult, getting a feel for what she wanted. Lana’s boss, Ann, was letting Lana organize this wedding all by herself, and Lana was excited to do her first wedding.

“Oh God, the reason I watch Rugby League just walked in. I wonder who he’s buying flowers for. I didn’t think he had a girlfriend.”

Lana stiffened at her client’s words. She knew what Rugby League man the woman was talking about, she could feel his eyes boring into her. Lana didn’t turn but smiled at her client. “Even Rugby League players need flowers.”

“Go over and serve him. Find out who he’s getting flowers for.”

Lana waved her hand. “I’m sure Ann will sort him out.”

The woman grabbed Lana’s hand. “I’m sure she could, but come on, it’s Chad Douglas. He’s gorgeous. Who wouldn’t want to have a chance to stare into those green eyes? I love my fiancé, but damn, to have Chad Douglas, one of the sexiest men in sports...”

She sighed, and Lana groaned as jealousy coursed through her. Did she say something and maybe embarrass her client or did she keep quiet? On a moan she turned around and saw Chad. He was so hot in a white singlet, showing off his muscular arms, and black tracksuit pants with his joggers. He looked larger than life. A huge, dimpled grin spread across his face and the woman beside her sighed again.

Ann came over with a secret smile on her face. “Go talk to him before I have my store overrun with sighing females.”

Lana groaned as she gazed around, noticing that what Ann said wasn’t far from the truth. Damn the sexy man. “Excuse me for a moment. I’ll be right back.”

“I wouldn’t be if I could be with him,” her client said.

Lana felt her face heat, and she knew she must be as red as a tomato.

Walking over to Chad, she made sure she stopped just out of his reach. “I was going to call you later,” she whispered.

She didn’t step back in time when he stood forward and gathered her to him, brushing his lips over hers. “Were you now?”

Wiggling in his embrace, she gave up when his hold only tightened and his lips stayed inches from her mouth. “I was. I have a doctor’s appointment at two-thirty. I figure someone has to be responsible, because anytime I’m near you protection goes out the window.”

“I told you I was clean.”

Rolling her eyes heavenward, she shook her head. “You know I’m not just talking about that.”

“I think you’d look hot round with my child. In fact, I like the sound of that. I would like to watch this time.”

Taken aback by his words, she stared speechless at him for a moment. “You have a way of stunning me with what you say. I…well...we… Look, this isn’t the place or the time to discuss this.” She looked around and saw quite a few eyes on them.

“Come have lunch with me.”

“I can’t. I have a client here, and I’m taking a late lunch so I can go to my doctor’s appointment.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you to that.”

“Ahhh, no you won’t. Come by my house about six, that’ll give me time to pick up Olivia from daycare and get home and start the nightly routine.”

Chad stared at her for a while before slowly letting her go and nodding. “Fine. I’ll see you tonight.” He leaned down and kissed her, not giving her a chance to stop him. She reminded herself she was at work, but as soon as his lips took hers she knew she was a goner. When they pulled away she was panting for breath and scared to see the faces around her.

“See you tonight, angel.”

She watched him as he walked away and tried not to look at his arse, but she couldn’t help herself, and her eyes focused in on one of her favorite parts of him. When he was gone she took a deep breath and walked back over to her client.

“Well, now I know for sure I chose the right florist. You have good taste. How on earth did you bag Chad Douglas? And don’t say you didn’t, because I could feel the heat from you two over here.”

Lana sighed in relief at her client’s positive attitude. Ann winked at her and the tension about how she’d just acted at work eased. The problem was she had to calm her body down. Right now, tonight couldn’t come fast enough.

* * * *

Chad parked his car in front of Lana’s house and got out. He walked to the front door and knocked. Minutes later, Lana answered the door with a pink robe wrapped around her.

“You’re early,” she said.

He was a good ten or so minutes early. “Yep.”

Lana stepped to the side and he came into the house.

“I haven’t even had a chance to shower. Olivia fell asleep in the car and I laid her in bed. I don’t know if she’ll stay asleep. I was hoping while she slept I could get a shower.”

“Does that mean you have nothing on under your robe?” He reached for her, but she dodged his hands.

“Maybe, but you’re not going to find out. You’re going to go wait for me in the lounge room.”

He shook his head, and this time when he reached for her he caught her. “No, I’m not.” He slid the robe down her body and sat her on her table.

Catching her unaware, he took her mouth to his. Chad’s lips brushed hers, experimenting at first, before he nipped her bottom lip and soothed it with his tongue. When she didn’t open, he bit harder. She gasped, and he slipped his tongue inside and found hers.

His hands smoothed up her body, pausing to caress her breasts and tweak her puckered nipples. He took all she had to offer as he settled between her legs. His mouth left hers and he nibbled his way down her neck. “I’ve been waiting for you all damn day. When I saw you at lunch that only fueled my need for you.”

As he pulled Lana closer to the edge, she almost slipped off, but Chad grabbed her legs and wrapped them around him. Her hands came up to grip him to help her balance, and he laid one hand on her back, the other on her arse.

“Chad, we can’t. Olivia is just down the hall,” Lana panted out.

Grinning at her, he winked. “I promise I’ll be quiet. Can you?”

Lana groaned as he moved down her body, eager to taste her. She put her hands on the table, steadying herself, and eased her legs further apart. Settling between her spread legs, he buried his face between her thighs and licked her pussy. Her taste exploded on his tongue, and he drove in for more, encouraged by her moans of pleasure.

“Oh, Chad. Yes. Right there. Oh, Chad.” She gasped breathlessly.

He thrust his tongue deep into her core and gripped her thighs as he lapped her clit and sucked her pussy. Her thighs tightened around him, and he eased his hold and let one of his hands explore, dipping in and out of her core and settling to rub her clit in a circular motion.

She moaned and ground herself on his face. Biting her lip, she mumbled as she came on his face, “Oh God, Chad.”

Hard with need, he stood and gathered her to him. A squeal escaped her as he walked toward her bedroom.

“Shh, we need to be quiet. Olivia is in the next room,” Lana said, her voice muffled against his neck, as she wrapped her legs and arms around him.

He laughed and brushed his lips against hers. It felt so good to have her naked in his arms. “I’m not the one who was squealing and moaning.” He gently placed her down in the middle of the bed before he hovered over her. “Olivia will have to learn that Mummy and Daddy need special time together.”

BOOK: Winning Her Love
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