Wild Rider (Bad Boy Bikers Book 2) (31 page)

BOOK: Wild Rider (Bad Boy Bikers Book 2)
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Lucius was clearly the more handsome of the two, and yet he had never interested Aeliana all that much. He was one of the few in the school who she could stand, who was actually genuinely interested in hearing what she had to say when she went off on one of her limitless explanatory tangents.

But something about Caius
her. Was it the lean cut of his jaw despite all that firm density in his body? Was it the broadness of his chest and muscles? The easy smile he wore, masking all that hurt?

For there
hurt there.

He acted like she had not offended him, and he acted like he was perfectly fine returning to the ludus, but Aeliana was not very much fooled by any of that. She had watched him break his rudis, and there had been—just for a moment—clear flashes of true sorrow on his face.

And how could there not? He had broken his very freedom by returning here. She had made out the decision as something of stupidity, instead of the clear desperation he must have clearly been feeling.

This wasn’t a man like Lucius or Flamma, seeking fame and glory. He sought something else.

She just didn’t know what that would be yet.

“Who’s this, then?”

From behind her, Chloe approached. Chloe was Aeliana’s assistant. Like many educated slaves, she was Greek—a region famed for its understanding of education and thought.  Her hair was thick and dark, and she had a stout frame capable of doing the oft-required heavy lifting of a medicae's assistant. At eighteen, six years the younger of Aeliana, Chloe still had much to learn when it came to medicine. And life, for that matter.

“It’s a fight. We’ve had a new trainee arrive.”

Chloe’s dark blue eyes lit up. She loved meeting new fighters. Despite Aeliana’s constant reminders not to get close to any of them—more than fifty percent of the fighters who came in were dead within a year, after all—Chloe never listened. She was the sort who thought her love and affection could change the terms of fate. Aeliana found this obnoxious, although she would never admit that she was also jealous of Chloe’s ability to feel so strongly for one man after another.

“I thought new trainees weren’t due here for another week?” Chloe looked down at the sands and then gasped. “It’s not a
trainee.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Don’t you know anything? That’s
. Look at him go!”

Chloe followed the fights with great zeal. She was a member of at least three fan clubs that Aeliana knew of. Gods forbid that any of the three might actually have to fight one another—she thought Chloe’s head might tear itself off her own shoulders if it did.

Aeliana, lost in her thoughts of watching Caius move, did not respond. Chloe rolled her eyes harder—and how was
possible?—and huffed out a dispirited sigh. “Ursus. Champion some three years ago? Undefeated for ages. He was a glory in the arena. You really should watch sometime.”

“I see enough from here.”

She cleared her throat and turned away from the window. Caius had unleashed a rather successful series of blows, swiping Lucius to the ground. Lucius rebounded quickly, rolling on his feet, but he was put clearly on the defensive.

Her heart caught on itself, and she felt herself urging Caius onward to victory—as if that mattered! As if anything she wished could matter for a stupid, stupid gladiator. That creeping flush—once strange and now quickly becoming familiar, slipped up her neck again.

She occupied herself with setting her jars of herbs back in order after refilling them earlier that morning.

“And,” she said, “Anyway, I know who he is. I met him this morning when he was on his way here.”

“No way!” Chloe did not tear her eyes from the match. “You’ll have to tell me all about it. Is he great? Is he as great as they say? You’ll have to tell me.”

“You’re the one watching him fight.”

Chloe made a noise. “They just ended. A draw. And...oh.”

The concern in Chloe’s voice brought Aeliana back to the window. A draw was the best possible outcome. Perhaps the fighters themselves even knew it. They had embraced readily, smiles on their faces. Enjoying the combat like the fools they were.

But now, below, she saw that Flamma had approached Caius, shoving him angrily. He pulled up his own training weapons, brandishing them before Caius.

Flamma scared Aeliana. If there was one fighter she would have preferred not to treat, it would have been him—or perhaps his underling, Cammedius.

Aeliana could not hear them, but she did not think she needed to.

The doctore, Murus, waited for a minute, eyeing Rufus carefully. After a slight nod, Murus gave the signal—and Flamma and Caius began.

* * * * *

mmediately, Caius knew he was outmatched.

The duel with Lucius had tired him out totally.

From the years of his peaceful absence, he knew that certain elements of his fighting ability would be lacking. His skill was still intact—the only reason he hadn’t embarrassed himself completely—but his endurance was all but gone. To fight in the arena, a man needed to be prepared to thrust, parry, block, and slash hundreds of times in the space of just a few minutes. Caius had gone at full speed for maybe five minutes, and his arms already felt like lead. He was barely able to get his shield up in time to prevent Flamma from braining him.

As he had fought Lucius, he had picked up on the courtesy of his brother-in-arms. Three times, maybe four, he had made mistakes that a fighter of Lucius’s caliber should have easily ended a fight following. But he hadn’t, probably not wanting to hurt Caius’s reputation so soon.

Flamma had no such sensibilities. He fought in the dimachaerus style—that is, with a sword in each hand. The swords in this case were wooden, of course, but that made them no less dangerous in the hands of a wild dog like Flamma. Caius was drenched with sweat, the training sword and loose in his hands.

Flamma swung low, and Caius could not block quickly enough. The sudden pain in his leg was a resounding fire, a signal to quit this madness immediately.

Somehow, when making the decision to return to the arena, his brain had focused only on the good parts. As if trying to convince him subconsciously, his memories had been pulled entirely from the glory of victory, the thrill of the crowd chanting his name, the exultation at a blow well struck.

But what he had forgotten was the constant pain. Flamma brought it all back now.

Around them, the crowd of gladiators had changed their volume from a cheerful, quiet roar to a hushed observation. Occasionally one of Flamma’s men would cheer his name, but that was all.

The other gladiators knew this was not a test of skill—it was Flamma sending a message.

The blow on his leg was followed by another, and Caius barely shoved his shield in to block the blow. That saved his leg from being broken. Having none of this, Flamma struck again at Caius’s shoulder, numbing it. He couldn’t raise his arm anymore. Swinging his sword to clear some distance, Caius backed up quickly, hoping for time. Just a little time to catch his breath.

Flamma approached, a great pot-bellied vision of terror. He feinted to one side and Caius bought in wholesale, tired and reeling. With his head turned the wrong way, Flamma had an easy time of slamming his training sword against Caius’s head.

He fell to the sand in a heap. Summoning all his willpower through the ringing pain in his ears, he held up the two fingers, asking for mercy.

Flamma did not look as if he would give it to him. The gladiator spat on Caius and grinned, hoisting his weapon up high.

“Flamma!” Murus voice was clear across the ludus. “Enough.”

An immense frown crested Flamma’s face. He spat again and stomped away through the sands. Mercifully, the ordeal was over.

But unless something changed, and soon, Caius knew he would only have more of that beast to contend with in the future.

Chapter 7


eptus and Lucius brought Caius up to Aeliana shortly after the sparring match with Flamma. He was out of his head from the blow to his skull, insisting on standing up for several moments.

“I am a
and I stand.” He sounded drunk, but it was just from the concussion force of the blow to his head. “I walk from place to place.”

“Of course you do, Caius,” said Septus. “You walked all the way here.”

He had not, of course. Caius had been half-dragged, half-led up the many stairs to the medicae’s office, held up by Lucius and Septus.

Septus put his hands on Aeliana’s shoulders. “You look after him, Faun. He’s a good man. And a good fighter, despite what you saw down there.”

That was clear enough to Aeliana already. Flamma wanted blood, and Caius was rusty. It would have been that way with anyone.

“Don’t call her that,” said Lucius. “She doesn’t like it.”

“What, Faun? Isn’t that her name?” Septus turned to Aeliana. “Isn’t that your name?”

,” said Caius, “and it’s very lovely.”

There was that flush again, creeping and tugging at her neck, like the knowing grip of a long-time lover.

Lucius turned to Aeliana with a great grin on his face. “Oh my. You two
come in together, didn’t you? Have you been prancing about with the bear, little faun?”

“You just told me not to call her that.” Septus frowned.

said it as her name. I said it in jest. It’s a world of difference.”

Septus bristled. It was a natural reaction for him. He was bristly. He slapped Lucius on the back. “Come on. Let’s get out of her hair.’

It took Aeliana a moment to realize that the entire interaction had passed without her saying a word. That was...unusual, to say the least. Her focused misanthropy when it came to the gladiators did not present itself in cold silence. More often than not, she was actively disparaging of their activities. But seeing Caius—enormous and strong—so readily vulnerable and in so much pain...it was a distraction. Her heat and attraction for him gave way to real medical concern, and she was a professional.

Next time she saw Lucius, she would stomp on his feet and call him a scum-sucking drunk bastard. He would laugh her off, like he always did, but it was something at least.

After they left, she kept Caius upright and conscious. Anytime she saw him on the verge of passing out, she administered some foul-smelling sulfur under his nose and his dark eyes jammed open. They retained a heavy glaze. A few hours passed like this, with Aeliana taking inventory of her supplies and sending Chloe down to the training grounds with solutions and bandages as the fighters there needed them.

Eventually, though, Caius’s head returned to him.

“Oh,” he said suddenly, voice clear. “Oh, ow.”

He put a hand to his head tenderly, feeling the bruise there. She had wrapped a small poultice around the large bruises in his leg and shoulder, encouraging the blood flow to rush there. There were no breaks in the bone, and his concussion seemed mild. He would need to take it easy for a few days, though.

She told him as much, and he listened patiently.

“I’m sure you’re excellent at your job. You’d have to be, in this place.” He spread his hands. “But, I can’t afford to wait that long.”

“Then you’ll injure yourself again and you’ll get hurt worse, and then you’ll
to be at bed rest.”

Caius frowned. “I’ll feel better tomorrow. I was just knocked loopy a bit. I know my limits.”

your limits. And then you came back to this awful place. For reasons I can’t understand.”

“What?” Caius smiled. “You’re not swept away by the honor and glory of a honorable fight and a glorious death?”

She bent over, looking at the wound on his head. He smelled like campfires and oak. The idle thought of bottling his essence somehow passed through her head. She could sniff at it at nights to feel this strange amalgam of heart-racing calm. An urge to kiss the top of his head took hold of her—to kiss him, and to cradle his face against her bosom—and she had to close her eyes and shake her head for a moment to exorcise the feeling. She felt like she was going mad.

Gingerly, she pressed in on the contusion. The swelling had gone down.

“I have to wonder whether you’re saying things like that because of the blow to your head or because you’re very bad at pretending. ‘The honor of an honorable fight!’ Surely you can do better than that.”

Her fingertips rested against his face for just a moment. But it was a moment too long if she wanted to have her emotions remain hidden. There was a flash in his eyes—a flash of want and desire—that she had never expected to see from a man such as he. A strong man. A handsome man.

A man that she hadn't been able to stop wanting since she had seen him earlier that day.

With startling quickness, he took her hand by the wrist. “You have soft skin.”

There was no way to hide the heat her entire body felt at such a touch. The best she could do to hide the sudden spike in sensations was to not hold her breath.

“Part of my job entails access to a great many lotions.”

His grip was not firm. Slipping away would have been easy. But she didn’t.

“It feels good. Do you lotion...everything?”

Now she
slip away, but only to hide that damnable flush again. She wished she were bigger. More skin for the heated blood to rise through before arriving at her face. More excuses as to why she could not keep her face from heating so in front of this man.

Behind her, Caius stood. “I thank you for your service for me. And, for your discretion.”


He put a hand on her shoulder. His strong fingers pressed against her back, and she had to gulp to resist the urge to purr. “You clearly know my feelings about being here are mixed. I would prefer that remain between you and me. Flamma might have been more agitated than I expected, and more early, but if other gladiators caught wind of my hesitations, I would be living among a pack of rabid dogs.”

BOOK: Wild Rider (Bad Boy Bikers Book 2)
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