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Authors: Marisa Chenery

Wild Craving (5 page)

BOOK: Wild Craving
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As Neha reached
for her other shoe, she wobbled, then stumbled. Right into Kiel. He
automatically put his arms around her to steady her. Her body became pressed
from chest to knee against his. Her arousal filled his head as he breathed it

With the wild
craving to claim his mate caused by the mating brand appearing on his skin, the
simple embrace was too much for Kiel. He couldn’t hold her this close and not
do anything more. Desire thrummed through him. He had to taste Neha’s lips, and
from her scent he was sure she wouldn’t mind.

He made a sound
between a growl and a groan, which caused her to lift her face toward him. Kiel
slowly lowered his mouth to Neha’s and brushed his lips across her soft ones.
As he settled his mouth fully over hers, she sighed and brought her arms up to
wrap around his neck. That was all the permission he needed to deepen the kiss.

Kiel licked the
seam of Neha’s lips until she opened for him, then pushed his tongue inside. He
dueled with hers as he got his first taste of her. Having her in his arms like
this ramped up his arousal even more. He hauled her closer, showing her exactly
what she did to him. His cock jerked, and she moaned. She buried her hands in
the sides of his hair and angled her mouth for a tighter fit, kissing him back.
That pushed a wolf growl out of him.

He tightened his
hold around her and lifted her off her feet to bring her even with his lips.
Much to his pleasure, she raised her legs and put them around his hips. The
bottom of her dress was loose enough to allow it and bunched at her upper
thighs. It also had her pussy resting against his erection.

Kiel shifted his
arms lower and held on to Neha’s bottom as he rocked into her. That felt damn
good, and from the way she moaned into his mouth, he guessed she thought so
too. He had to force himself not to take the steps that would bring them to his
bed and lower her onto it. If he did, he’d be well on his way to claiming her
as his mate.

Their kiss
became more carnal as they ground against each other. Neha tugged on Kiel’s
hair and sucked on his tongue. Another wolf’s growl pushed out of him before he
could hold it back. He ached for her. His cock throbbed in time with his rapid
heartbeat, and the bed became more of a temptation.

Before Kiel
could act on his body’s demand to do what he craved, there was a loud pounding
on his door, then it opened and two sets of heavy footsteps could be heard
entering the cabin.

“Anyone home?”
Rhett called.

Kiel groaned as
he pulled away from Neha’s lips. He looked at her to find she had her eyes
closed and her cheeks had taken on a rosy hue. Her lips were slightly swollen
from his kisses, which made him want to take them once more, but he didn’t.

“Where are you?”
Cyrus bellowed.

He bit back a
growl. Both his brothers knew from his fresh scent that he was in the cabin,
and that he had to be in the bedroom. Either they were being loud jerks to see
if they could bug the piss out of him or they did it for Neha’s benefit. He
hoped it was for the latter.

Neha blinked
open her eyes. She stared into his, looking as if she had a hard time shaking
off what had happened between them. She dropped her legs, and he slowly lowered
her to stand in front of him.

“My brothers
have rotten timing,” Kiel said in a low, husky voice. “Come on, I better
introduce you before they decided to look for us. They must have heard you’re
here and came to meet you.”

Neha silently
nodded. Kiel took hold of her hand before he led her out of the bedroom. He
would make the introductions, then kick Cyrus and Rhett out as soon as he


Chapter Five


Neha slowly came
out of the haze of lust that had descended over her as Kiel had held her in his
arms. That one light brush of his lips against hers and she’d been lost. His
delicious scent had grown stronger, causing an ache deep inside her pussy. She’d
been more than willing once he truly claimed her mouth, had even put her legs
around him so she could have a more intimate feel of what the crotch of his
jeans hid. Just thinking about how hard and big he’d been had her wishing for

If she was
honest with herself, Neha wouldn’t have stopped Kiel from taking exactly what
he wanted. The feel of him pressed along her, and his amazing scent, had had her
so aroused she couldn’t think straight. Even now her body wept for his. Only
his brothers showing up when they did had brought things to a standstill.

As she walked
out into the main room, Neha was very much aware of the man who walked beside
her, holding her hand. She’d dated some of the most well-known male models in
the industry, but none of them compared to Kiel. It surprised her since she’d
never thought she’d be attracted to someone like him. He wasn’t sophisticated,
and she doubted he was the type of man who cared much about clothes.

Kiel was so
unlike her last boyfriend, another model, who happened to be on his way to
Helena right now from Yellowstone. That was the risk she took by dating someone
she’d more than likely end up on a shoot with once their relationship was over.
It was too bad Neha hadn’t known how possessive and demanding Vlad was until
she’d wasted six months on him.

Neha brought her
thoughts back to the present as Kiel stopped to stand in front of the two men
who were just inside the doorway. Just like Kiel and his other siblings, these
two had black hair and light green eyes. Actually, all the brothers shared
similar looks, and anyone passing them on the street would have known they were

“These are the
last of my brothers you haven’t met. The one on the right is Rhett and the
other is Cyrus.”

Neha looked at
each man as Kiel introduced them. “Hi.”

“I hope we
weren’t interrupting,” Rhett said with a knowing grin as he looked at Kiel. He
then turned his attention on Neha. “Once we heard you were staying here, and
about the photo shoot, Cyrus and I had to come see you. We really don’t get
visitors up here so it’s kind of a big deal.”

“It sure is,”
Cyrus added. “I know I’ll be interested to see how everything turns out.” His
gaze flicked over to Kiel.

Neha looked at
Kiel to find him giving his brothers a hard stare, which they seemed to ignore.
If anything, Rhett and Cyrus acted as if there were a joke hidden in what
they’d said and only they understood it. On second thought, Kiel might as well,
but he didn’t find it funny. He continued to glare at his brothers.

“All right,”
Kiel said. “The two of you have met Neha. It’s time for you to go.”

Rhett shook his
head. “Kicking us out already? That’s rude.”

“I’m sure you
can live with it. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know Neha better since
she’ll be here for a few days. And no doubt you’ll drive her crazy.”

“We’ll go,”
Cyrus said. He turned to look at Rhett. “If we don’t, Kiel will more than
likely kick our asses out of here, literally.” His gaze settled on Neha. “It
was nice meeting you. Don’t worry. Kiel isn’t normally this rude. He just wants
to have you all to himself.” He winked.

Kiel shook his
head. “My foot will definitely be connecting to your asses if you don’t leave

“Fine, we’re
going,” Rhett said. “Do you want us to leave the door open to air the stink

Kiel quietly
made that animalistic growl he’d made in the bedroom, but this time she sensed
it was a warning. That caused his brothers to laugh as they stepped out onto
the porch, then the yard. It was Kiel who shut the door behind them.

“That was the
second time one of your brothers has said you stink,” Neha said.

“They’re just
being idiots. They think they’re funny.”

Neha smiled. “I
can relate. My brother has his moments where I’d love to smack him a good one,
or strangle him.”

Kiel chuckled.
“At least you only have one brother. Try having five.”

“Yeah, you would
have it worse than me.”

Their gazes met
and Kiel took a step closer. “What happened before my brothers showed up, I
want you to know I don’t make a practice of inviting women to stay over at my
cabin and then expect them to sleep with me. Truthfully, you’re the first one
I’ve brought here.”

Neha grinned. “I
kind of had a feeling I was the first, going by how your family acted as if me
being here was a big deal.” She paused. “And if you want to continue what we
were interrupted in the middle of doing, I’d be more than willing.”

Kiel moved so
fast she could barely track him. He closed the remaining space between them,
hauled her into his arms and took her lips in a hard, thorough kiss. Neha was
breathing hard once he released her mouth and rested his forehead on hers. Damn,
the man knew how to kiss. Just like that, he had her pussy aching to be filled
and her wanting to drag him to the bedroom, strip him naked and lick every inch
of his hard body.

“We’d better
stop here,” Kiel said. His voice had taken on a husky tone that made Neha’s
toes curl. “My mom usually makes dinner kind of early so it wouldn’t surprise
me if she comes by soon.” He pulled away and looked her in the face. “And just
so you know, I won’t spend the night in the cabin with you.”

Neha didn’t
normally do this, but Kiel made her want to throw caution to the wind and act
on her baser instincts. “What if I want you to stay?”

Kiel groaned,
the sound close to one of his animalistic growls. “My answer is no. Believe me,
I want nothing more than to do that, but I don’t want to rush things along.”

She put her
hands on the tops of his shoulders, went on tiptoe and kissed him lightly. “I’m
only going to be here for a few days. Wouldn’t you like to make good use of all
the time we do have to be together?”

Neha was rewarded
with that delicious scent Kiel gave off. She briefly closed her eyes and
inhaled deeply. Her pussy throbbed, and it took everything in her not to throw
herself into his arms and hopefully knock him over so she could have her way
with him on the floor. The idea of it was so appealing her leg muscles bunched
as she came close to doing what she’d just fantasied about.

Kiel shook his
head and stepped back to put distance between them. “I don’t want to screw this
up. I won’t be sharing a bed with you tonight. We should get to know one
another a little better before we do that.”

Neha was a
little disappointed, but kept it out of her voice when she spoke. “All right.
Then tomorrow night we’ll sleep together.”

He chuckled.
“You don’t give up, do you?”

She smiled. “No.
We’re both consenting adults and are attracted to one another. Why not act on

“So you’d be
happy with a fling rather than a relationship. Would you change your mind if
the latter is something I would want from you?”

Hearing that
Kiel would actually want to continue to see her past the time it took to
complete the photo shoot gave Neha a warm feeling. “It wouldn’t be something I
would be totally against, though long-distance relationships sometimes don’t
work out.”

“Maybe I could
convince you to stay in Canyon Creek and not go back to New York.”

Neha couldn’t
hold back a burst of laughter. “That will never happen. I’d have to give up my
modeling career, and I’m not ready to do that now.”

Kiel’s expression
became blank. “I need to cut some wood for the wood stove. Even though it’s
early summer, it can get a bit chilly at night.”

With that said
he walked out of the cabin and shut the door behind him. Neha stood there
looking at it, thinking she’d obviously said something wrong. There was no way
Kiel could expect her to give up her life in New York and move in with him
after only knowing him for a few hours. Maybe he was the first guy she’d met
who only did relationships. If he was, then she’d just have to convince him a
long-distance one was better than none at all.


* * * *


Kiel really
didn’t need to chop any wood, but he went to the shed where he had cords of it
stacked up the side and took an axe to some. Mostly in case Neha came looking
for him. He didn’t want her to think he used it as an excuse to leave the
cabin, when in actual fact, it had been.

Having her laugh
and say there was no way she’d give up her life in New York only reaffirmed
what he’d been thinking about Neha. His cabin couldn’t live up to the standards
she was used to living with. And there was the fact she’d have to give up her
career. He was pretty sure she made more money modeling than he did as a trapper,
which he only did during the winter months. What cash he earned from that had
to last him through the rest of the year until the snow returned.

Kiel really had
a lot of doubt as to whether or not he’d be able to keep Neha with him even
after he claimed her. Besides the mate brand that would appear on her skin
after he did, there was nothing to tie her to him. Like true wild wolves, wolf
shifters mated for life. For him, there would never be another woman. But Neha
was human. She might not make the same connection with him as he would with
her. And that concerned him. He wouldn’t have to worry about losing his
humanity after he made her his, though his life would be a very lonely one.

While he was out
there, Kiel cleaned up the yard a bit after he finished chopping the wood. It
wasn’t really messy, but he raked up some dead leaves from the previous fall
that he hadn’t bothered to get around to once spring arrived. With a photo
shoot taking place there, he didn’t want it to look uncared for.

The sound of
someone hissing in pain had Kiel looking up from what he was doing. He saw Neha
walking toward him in her bare feet. He dropped the rake and went to her. He
scooped her up into his arms, then carried her over to the large stump he’d
been using to chop the wood and sat her on it.

“Why aren’t you
wearing shoes?” he asked as he straightened.

“I thought bare
feet would be better than the heels, but I forgot there were rocks and pebbles
around.” She shaded her eyes from the sun with her hand as she looked up at
him. “I decided to come looking for you since you’ve been out here a while. I
hope I didn’t drive you away.”

He shook his
head. “No, you didn’t. I chopped the wood, then I thought I’d better clean up
the yard a bit before tomorrow. I don’t know where your photographer will want
to take pictures.”

Neha peered
around. “It’s fine. Are you going to hang around tomorrow and watch me work?”

Kiel smiled. “Of
course. And don’t be surprised if the rest of my family hangs around too.”

“That’s okay. We
had a bigger audience than that while we worked at Yellowstone. There were
other guests staying there as well, and they all had to come by and gawk. To be
honest, when I’m in the middle of a shoot, I focus so much of my attention on
the camera I rarely notice spectators.”

“So in other
words, I can expect you to ignore me tomorrow while you work.”

Neha chuckled.
“I don’t think so. I doubt I could, even if I tried. If anything I’ll have to
beat Mia, the other female model, with a stick to get her to stay away from
you. Or better yet, I might push her toward one of your brothers. All you boys
are easy on the eyes.”

“Talon is the
only one I’d be worried about. To put it nicely, he has a wandering eye. And if
any female he’s attracted to shows interest in him, he’ll take her to bed, then
move on to the next one afterward.”

“He’s one of
those, is he? A lot of male models are like that, so don’t worry about Mia.
She’s used to them and knows how to handle herself around guys like that.”

“What about you?
Can you?”

Neha stood. She
placed her hand on the center of Kiel’s chest and looked him in the eyes. “Of
course I can, but the only man I want to be handling right now is you.”

Her statement
and touch had Kiel’s cock suddenly rising to the occasion. He pushed aside
thoughts of what he’d do if Neha refused to stay with him. There was no point
stressing himself out about it. He’d do everything over the next few days to
get her to change her mind, even if that meant he had to keep her in his bed
and make love to her whenever she wasn’t busy with the photo shoot.

He covered her
hand with his. “I have to admit I like how you do handle me.”

She looked at
him coyly. “So does that mean you’ll spend the night with me tonight?”

Kiel shook his
head. “No.”

“What if I do

Neha dragged her
hand out from under his, trailed her fingers down his abs to the top of his
jeans. She didn’t stop there, though. She continued her caresses until she was
able to cup his cock. It jerked and she gave it a squeeze. The wolf part of him
didn’t understand why he didn’t take her right then. She was more than willing.
He pushed it down, determined to stay the course he’d set. He could wait until
tomorrow to claim her. Maybe. Hopefully.

She didn’t seem
willing to go along with his plan. Neha stroked his hard-on through his pants
as she went on tiptoes and kissed him. Kiel weakened. He’d let it only go so
far, then he’d stop. What she did to him felt too good to put an end to it just

Kiel picked her up
off her feet, which caused Neha to let go of him. She wrapped her arms around
his neck as he walked the short distance to the shed. He went inside and
blindly grabbed for the door before he tugged it mostly closed. To him, he felt
the cabin was too far away, and with the chance of any one of his family
arriving, he didn’t want them out in the open.

BOOK: Wild Craving
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