Read Wild Child Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

Wild Child (3 page)

BOOK: Wild Child
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Their lips clung together while the waves pounded them, trying to wrench them apart now.

“Maybe we should relocate?” she said, closing one eye in a saucy wink.

“You’re going to need to walk in front of me all the way up the beach.”

“Oh, yeah?” She arched her brows and smoothed her hand down his chest and beneath the water. Her small hand wrapped around his cock. His breath hissed out as a wave rocked their lower bodies and jerked her hand. A streak of pleasure killed the remnants of his restraint. He dragged her hand away from his dick and propelled her back to the beach.

“What about our swim?” she asked, but he heard the underlying laughter. Wild child.
She was a minx, plain and simple, sent to turn his life upside down.

They made the trip across the wide expanse of sand in double-quick time. Her laugh, a carefree sound, pumped more blood to his erection, his lust rising, pushing at his control. He picked up the speed.

“What’s the hurry? We have the rest of the night.”

He stopped dead. “The rest of the night?”

“Yeah, you have a problem with that?” Her brown eyes were wide and guileless. He knew better. She was a temptation, a hussy.

He resumed his rush to the house, entering via the double French doors. Once they were inside, he yanked the vertical blinds into place to give them privacy and turned to wrap his arms around her. His mouth slammed down on hers as he backed her against the nearest cream wall. After flicking the back closure of her bikini top, he peeled the fabric from her breasts. He lifted his mouth from hers and gazed at the generous curves he’d revealed before tracing his finger across the golden skin.

“Do you sunbathe topless?”


Matt pictured her stretched out without a stitch of clothing and shuddered. “I don’t think I want to know the details.”

“Then you shouldn’t ask,” she said, winking. “Kiss me. My nipples, I mean. Take one inside your mouth and suck. Hard. I like that. It turns me on.”

A husky laugh escaped. “Appreciate the advice.”

“You gonna act on it, or do I need to have a party by myself?”

“Like hell,” he snapped. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve taken all the teasing I can handle.”



Chapter Three



Zoe pursed her lips, her dark eyes full of laughter. “Poor baby.”

“Damn straight.”

Matt flicked his fingers across her nipples and watched her body’s response. The expression on his face—one of intense concentration and latent sensuality—made her breath catch. He leaned down and lifted one nipple to his mouth, maintaining eye contact the entire time. Nerves hit without warning, her stomach cinching tight with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. This was a step into the unknown. What if it were a mistake? What if her actions changed everything between them, not in the way she wanted, but in a bad way? His mouth closed around her nipple, his tongue flickering across her achy flesh. Her breath hitched. Hot, sensual flames flowed over her skin. He drew hard, sucking just as she’d instructed, driving the worry from her mind.

Zoe moaned, feeling the sensation bungee straight to her clit. Heck, he’d merely touched her and she felt as if she might go off like a firecracker. Despite implying she’d masturbated last night, she hadn’t. After feeling his touch and seeing his hot gaze on her almost naked body, pleasuring herself had seemed like second best.

He brushed his thumb over her other nipple before giving it a sharp tug between finger and thumb. She clutched his head, wanting to be in a position to force his mouth right back to its current location should he decide to move or have second thoughts.

“You’re choking me.”

“Don’t stop!” A trace of panic threaded through her words.

“I can’t breathe.”

Okay. Perhaps she’d better lighten up if she wanted him to continue. It wasn’t good to appear so needy. She released his head to feather her fingertips over his chest. They drifted lower and scooted beneath the waistband of his swim shorts. Her hand glided lower still, and she curled her fingers around his cock. A satisfying moan filled the air.

After loosening her grip a fraction, she ran a teasing finger along his length. Although her hand cramped, there was enough room for leverage to tease. The idea of him changing his mind or stopping was abhorrent. She hastily stroked and taunted him some more, pushing him far enough to make him desperate for release. Zoe smoothed her thumb over the tiny slit at the tip of his cock, smearing a bead of pre-come over the smooth, broad head.

A powerful shudder racked his body. “If this is sin, bring it on.” His husky voice and intense gaze made her hand still. Her breath eased out in relief. He wasn’t going to call a halt. Not yet, anyway.

He released her breasts and slipped his thumbs under the elastic band of his swim shorts. With a groan, he pushed them down, maneuvering over his erection with care. Then he whisked her bikini briefs down too, leaving them both naked.

“Let’s move this to the bedroom,” he suggested, his gaze lingering on her breasts for a long moment before skimming lower. A breast man. Knowledge to file away for later.

“What, you don’t want to take me against the wall?” She batted her eyelashes and watched the gleam that entered his blue eyes. Her breaths became short. Choppy. Expectation made her pussy clench and tingle.

“Not this time.” He scooped her off her feet with an ease that made her smile. Tim, her best friend and sex experiment partner, always groaned theatrically when he attempted to lift her. After he’d nearly dropped her on her naked ass, she’d refused to cater to his pirate fantasy any longer. Any fantasies they’d played out had involved her walking on her own two feet. Matt hadn’t even grunted.

“You’re very strong,” she murmured, pinching his tattooed biceps lightly.

“What I am is a desperate man. This is the fastest way.”

He dropped her on the bed and followed her down, effectively caging her body in place on the cotton duvet. It made her feel small and feminine with his larger frame covering her. Yeah, definitely feminine and powerful. She smiled at him and reached up to trace his lips with an impudent finger. With each breath, she inhaled his spicy aftershave and the tang of the sea.

“So now you have me here, what are you going to do with me?”

“Fuck you hard enough that you won’t have the energy to make smart-ass remarks,” he retorted.


He grabbed her wandering hands and held them fast. “This is adult stuff, sweetheart. If a little frank language is going to outrage you, you’d better leave now. I like my sex hard and fast and gritty. And that’s exactly what I need right now.”

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip while her heart thudded anxiously. She studied his face, trying to second-guess him. In the dimmer light of the bedroom, his expression was harsh and uncompromising. “Are you trying to scare me? Because it won’t work. I want this. I want you, and I’m ready to fight for what I want.”

“Good girl,” he whispered, his harsh face softening. “That’s the right answer.” He released her wrist to thread his hands through her hair and lowered his head. “I mean it. I’m going to treat you exactly the same as I’d treat any of my women—”

“If you expect me to vacuum the house, think again.”

“I don’t believe I mentioned housework.”

“Oh, you mean sex.” Her left eye closed in a cheeky wink. “Better get to it, or I might come to the conclusion you’re all talk.”

A grimace tightened his mouth. “Mum and John should have smacked your bottom and washed your smart mouth out with soap.”

“Mum and Dad love me. They love both of us.”

Matt snorted, and the sound held little humor. “This is a new one. I have never, ever discussed my parents right before having sex.”

“Well, we can discuss my sexual fantasies if you’d like. Tim and I had a list of things—”

He slapped his hand over her mouth. “I don’t want to know what you and Tim got up to.”

They stared at each other during a lengthy silence where sensual tension ratcheted sharply upward. New aches sprang to life when she imagined their bodies sliding together in an intimate dance. And pleasure.
Oh, yes.
There was lots of drugging pleasure. Finally, a huff of frustration emerged from deep in his throat. The corners of his mouth twitched, so she knew he wasn’t really angry.

“New rule, Zoe. When you’re in my bed, there are only two people here. You and me.” He lifted his hand from her mouth, his gaze holding expectation.

Disappointment, especially his, was the last thing she wanted. “We can make our own fantasies, then.” She beamed at him, waiting for his bite. “I want to make love in a public place.” She waggled her eyebrows like a comedian trying for laughs. “Can we do that?”

He grabbed her by the shoulders and rolled her body so quickly, she barely had time to protest. She found herself facedown almost suffocated by the pillow. She shifted her head fractionally so she could breathe, then yelped.

He’d smacked her bottom. Not hard enough to hurt but certainly enough to make her buttocks tingle. His hand came down across her ass again. The stinging intensified, but with it came heat, a surge of sexual awareness. She moaned softly, anxiously awaiting his next move.

Instead of striking her backside again, he cupped one buttock with his large hand.

“You okay?” His finger slid between her butt cheeks and moved toward her aching core.

“Very okay,” she murmured, mentally willing that finger to slide right on down.

“Fuck,” he cursed softly. “Do you know what it does to me when you respond so sweetly?”

“I have no idea,” she murmured. “’Cause I can’t see your face.”

“Ah, Zoe,” he whispered. “Spread your legs a little for me. Yeah. Just like that.” The mattress moved when he stood, but he returned in an instant to lift her hips and place a pillow beneath her stomach. “You’re very pretty,” he murmured. “Just looking at you makes my cock swell. I want to plunge inside you with one thrust and stay deep inside while your pretty cunt squeezes me. And that’s just for starters,” he said in a thick voice.

A wave of embarrassment swept to her cheeks, and she was glad he couldn’t see her face or her reaction to his blunt words. The idea of him staring at both her naked butt and exposed sex was mind-boggling. And a real turn on. Her pulse elevated and a sensual tingle crept through her body, starting from the region of her heart and gradually traveling to her swollen core.

She felt his finger gently part her folds, exposing her fully to him. A soft groan whispered past her lips.
Hurry. Please hurry.
Speed was a very good thing. She bit back her silent demands, trembling with the intensity of her need.

“You’re wet for me,” he murmured. To her delight, he brushed his finger across her flesh, creating a shimmer of sensation. That special feeling needed bottling. If she could do that, she wouldn’t need to find a job—she could make a living out of selling flasks of sexual pleasure.

Matt moved again, tugging one of the bedside drawers open. He pulled out a box of condoms. The box creaked open before he chucked it on the top of the wooden cabinet.

An entire box of condoms. The tingles intensified until she thought she’d go mad. She wriggled, rocking her hips and trying to ease the sensual torture.


Her buttocks stung with the sharp blow.

“Please, Matt,” she pleaded, hardly knowing what she wanted. She raised her butt as high as she could without kneeling on all fours. He smacked her bottom again, and she groaned, feeling the gush of juices that ran down her inner thigh along with a ribbon of pleasurable sensation.

Foil crackled, then silence fell, and she heard nothing above her ragged breathing and the thunder of her heart. The mattress depressed with his weight. He parted her folds, then she felt his warm, moist breath on her sex. Her eyes fluttered closed so she could concentrate and savor every delicious sensation.

“Swollen,” he stated, satisfaction clear from his tone. His finger tapped her clitoris lightly, and a jolt seared the length of her body. “Responsive.”

His finger drifted away from her clit to make a brief foray down her cleft. He delved into the creamy moisture at the mouth of her pussy before sliding his finger inside. It wasn’t enough.

“More, please, Matt. I need more.”

“Shh,” he soothed. “I’ll make it better soon. I just wanted to make sure you’re ready for me.”

Any more ready and she’d explode. Jeesh, how old did he want them to be before they consummated this venture?

The finger eased from her moist channel so slowly she wanted to scream. He repeated the unhurried stroke. She half expected him to carry on the snail’s pace, but he cursed softly and moved. His hand gripped her hips. She felt the blunt tip of his cock at her pussy and felt like crying in relief. Secretly, she wondered if he was going to tease her with his cock just as he’d taunted her unbearably with the pump of his fingers.

But he surprised her.

He impaled her with one quick plunge. They both groaned, and her needy flesh clenched around his cock. He filled her beautifully, easing the empty ache that had assailed her for the last hour. He withdrew and set up a fast, stroking pace. Sensation layered on sensation as she struggled to keep up with him. The shimmery ache inside intensified. Each rapid thrust pushed her higher. His lips tickled when he pressed a kiss to the middle of her back.

“Come for me, sweetheart. You can do it,” he encouraged. “I know you’re close. I can sense it.”

She moved with him, angled her butt as high as she could. Each stroke hit the edge of her clit, the sensation growing intense and almost painful. Part of her wanted to halt the agonizing tingle, but she continued to rock against him, seeking to push past the ache into the pleasure she knew lay beyond.

“Zoe.” His teeth scored the tender skin of her neck.

She jolted, and the next surge of his cock pushed her over the edge into pleasure that made her body soar. Her pussy pulsed endlessly, clutching and grabbing at his shaft.

His strokes grew frenzied before he froze, his breathing hoarse as he catapulted into orgasm.

“Shit,” he murmured.

“Is that a good shit or a bad one?”

Matt grunted and withdrew. A snap of rubber sounded as he removed the condom.

When he returned to her side she still lay brazenly on her stomach, legs asunder and her ass poking in the air.

After removing the pillow and chucking it on the floor, he rolled her over and drew her close, their sweaty bodies sticking to each other. Lingering pleasure and the afterglow filled her body. She lay quietly and wondered what he was thinking. When the silence became too much, nerves made her chatter.

“So,” she said. “When can we try out anal sex, and where do you think is the best location to have sex in a public place?”


“How about we try the traditional missionary position before we get to the advanced stuff?”

Zoe smiled, the flirtatious sweep of her dark lashes doing things to him. “That’s a little boring, don’t you think? Lie back and think of England. Not much excitement there. Ooh, I’ve just had a thought!”

His theatrical wince belonged on the stage. Laughing, she pulled away to punch him in the arm, right on top of his Celtic tattoo. “Will you take me to a strip joint? Please?”

 “We’ll see. There’s plenty of time. Lie back and let me look at you.” He leaned over her to cup one breast in his hand. Although his hand was large, the plump globe overflowed his grip. “You never used to be so big.”

Her brows rose. “You looked?”

“Yeah. And felt as guilty as hell about it. I didn’t believe I should think about my stepsister and lust in the same thought.”

“You can look and touch as much as you want.”

“Just what I wanted to hear. Show me how you pleasured yourself last night,” he said. “I want to watch.”

Her mouth opened in surprise, and he noticed the rosy color seeping to her chest. “Your wish is my command, but you should know I fibbed. I went to sleep.” Her eyes fluttered closed as he imagined she considered touching herself in front of him.

“Show me. Open your eyes. I want to see them when you come. If you’re a good girl, I might help you along.” He punctuated his remark by tweaking one nipple. They both watched the tip draw tight.

“Do that again. Take me in your mouth. I like that.”

BOOK: Wild Child
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