Read Wicked Valentine (Sizzling Encounters) Online

Authors: April Angel

Tags: #erotic romance

Wicked Valentine (Sizzling Encounters) (3 page)

BOOK: Wicked Valentine (Sizzling Encounters)
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That was true enough. They’d learned that lesson with Alex’s previous boyfriend before she’d met Andrew. He’d gone from nice guy to complete bastard in the blink of an eye.




Max’s gaze strayed past Kelly’s shoulder to Sabrina and Alex.

“Max!” Kelly rolled her eyes “You’re not even paying me any attention. Even after I got you what you wanted.” She sipped her glass of red wine. “I swear if you weren’t my brother I’d have Peter kick your ass for being so rude to me.” She tisked.

He frowned, knowing she was being more dramatic than she was insulted. Besides, Peter, Kelly’s husband, would probably take Max’s side anyway. “Just tell me if she’s going.” He glanced over at Sabrina, or Nina as her cousin referred to her, and stared. She was eating the seafood pasta and enjoying every bite. He wanted to get up and ask what was wrong. He couldn’t figure her out. They’d had an amazing night two weeks ago, and ever since she’d acted as though it had been no big deal. It was as if that night, which he couldn’t think of without getting hard, had not happened.

“Did you hear what I said?” Kelly snapped.

“Sorry, Kel. What was that?”

She took a bite of her dessert and ate it slowly, just to annoy him. It was classic Kelly. For an older sister, she acted pretty childish at times.

“You remember that nice house you like that I said I’d do whatever I could to get you news on it?” He watched her lift her brows in interest. “I have news.”

“Fine. You big jerk.” She pouted. “Yes, she’s going.” Dropping the tiny fork with a clatter on the chocolate smeared plate, she grinned. “So, are you going to tell me what this woman has that’s so special? I mean, the Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball is not for the faint of heart. And you made us send her an invite through one of her clients.” She shook her head, still smiling. “You’re really lucky Peter knows so many people. Especially people that have dealt with your real estate company.” She turned to glance over her shoulder. “Which one is she?”

“Beige suit, hair up in a twist.”

“Oh, Max. She’s gorgeous. She’s got such a beautiful complexion, and look at the color of her eyes. Are they hazel? Or just light brown? She reminds me of an actress Peter represented during a divorce case. And check out those pouty lips.” She turned back to Max. “I’m jealous. Now I see why you wanted that invite.”

Max nodded absently. Peter was a well-known lawyer who had a lot of clients in common with Max. “Don’t worry. I know this event is your baby.” He looked over her shoulder again. “I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong.”

When Kelly placed a hand over his, he glanced back at her. A worried frown marred her brow.

“It’s not so much the event I’m concerned with. You know Peter and I organize and run this, but we never attend. A lot of Peter’s clients are on the list of invitees and so it made it easier to ask one of the ones you had in common to invite her. But some big names will be there, Maxwell. Do you think your friend will be able to handle what goes on in those rooms?”

He thought about their night back at the campsite, the way she’d shoved her hand into his jeans and ordered him to fuck her. “Yeah, she’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it. Besides, we’re not going to be using all the rooms, just a few.”

Kelly bit her lip. “But why don’t you just ask her out the old-fashioned way. I mean, this is pretty extreme, even for you.”

“Because,” he growled, “she’s been acting like I don’t exist. And I want to remind her that what we shared didn’t just go away.”

“You sound a little insecure there. And you shouldn’t be.” She squeezed his hand. “You’re not the geeky teen those kids made fun of.”


“Listen to me, Max.” Her voice had an authoritative tone. “You’re a very handsome man. And I’m not just saying that because you’re my brother,” she rushed to add. “You are successful. Owner of a top one thousand company, and you are still so young. Don’t let this make you doubt yourself.” She groaned. “Just because you like nerdy stuff doesn’t make you a bad match.”

He shushed her and glanced around to make sure nobody heard.

“Oh, honey.” She smiled softly. “I bet it won’t make a difference to her—if she truly likes you—that you go to ComiCon and used to play Star Trek games on the computer like they were real life.”

If she didn’t shut up soon he was going to kill her. He could only hope her voice hadn’t traveled to Sabrina’s table. “I want her, Kelly. I’ve wanted her for almost a year, but she’s always kept me at a distance. The whole ‘I’m the owner, and she works for me’ thing is frowned upon at the office. Not by me, but by Eve and other managers.”

“Max, you enforced the policy, so that makes it yours,” Kelly reminded him.

“I know that. Don’t you think I know that?” He took a drink from his wine glass. “She’s never done anything to call attention to herself. Until two weeks ago. When she let her body control her actions.” And he really wanted her to do it again. “But she is keeping me at such a distance I can’t even be in the same building with her, much less the same room. I want her to see how compatible we are in the bedroom. Maybe then she’ll be open to more.”

Kelly smiled sympathetically. “I know, Max. But if she’s not open-minded, you might end up in a worse position than you are now.”

“You don’t seem to understand. I feel like a lovesick fool. All I can think about is her. I’m willing to try anything at this point. Besides, if she agreed to the invite, she knows someone is going to be her partner for the night. So it shouldn’t matter that it’s me.”


“No. Listen to me. I know partners aren’t supposed to make things sexual unless the other person takes it there, but what if she does? I think she will and I want to be the person she spends the night with. I want another chance with her.”

“Max, we sent her a list of rules with the invite. If she does show up, which I believe she will, she’ll know what you can and can’t do with and without her permission,” Kelly said. “Don’t put yourself in a compromising position.”

He grinned and tugged at his tie.

Sabrina and her cousin stood to leave. Sabrina glanced at his table, her gaze straying to Kelly. She lifted her brows and pursed her lips. He watched her stroll to the entrance of the restaurant without sparing him a second glance. What the hell was wrong with him? By now he should know better than to pursue a woman that didn’t want anything to do with him. But the truth was he had a feeling that she was lying to herself about him. The way she’d responded to him during the retreat made him more determined than ever to get her to open up.

“Max?” Kelly glared at him again. “You know this whole going-into-another-world-while-I-speak thing is getting old. Pay attention!”

He chuckled. Kelly looked like she did when one of her kids ignored her- completely put out and aggravated.

“Sorry, big sister. Please go on. I’m paying attention this time.”

“Don’t play with me, Maxwell. Unlike mom, who dotes on you like you’re a newborn, I will kick your ass if I have to. Now, I was asking you what happened after you guys had the night of hot sex in the woods. So far that’s all you’ve mentioned. But what exactly did she do after?”

“That was the last night of the colleague-reconnect trip. She called in sick the minute we got back and has been working from home the past few days.” He pointed to the table she’d been sitting at. “This is the first time I’ve seen her without a client.”

“Oh.” Kelly tapped her fingers on the table and cupped her cheek with her other hand. Short blonde hair covered half her face when she cocked her head to the side. “Well, maybe she regrets it. You know it’s known to happen.”

It was a possibility, but he didn’t think so. “Sabrina isn’t a timid little thing. She dates and enjoys going out. She knows what she likes. And for that night she wanted me. And I want to expand on that. See where this can go.” He groaned. “This is ridiculous. I can’t believe I have to jump through all these hoops just to get some intimate time with her.” He glanced down at his dessert and opted for another sip of his wine. “Instead of being like most women, Sabrina isn’t open to dating and all that. So I end up being the one that’s getting turned away for even suggesting it.”

“Oh my god, Max.” She patted his hand on the table.

“What?” What the heck did he miss? He glanced down at his empty wine glass.

“You were a one night stand, honey. I’d call you a booty call, but well…I don’t think she called you.”

Max would have found it amusing if it wasn’t for the fact that he’d felt damn used after Sabrina didn’t answer his calls. It didn’t matter. He’d get his turn with her at the Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball.

“Don’t worry about me, Kelly.” He motioned the waiter for the check. “I’m more than capable of handling Sabrina.”


Chapter Four



Nina stared at the red invite on her bed as if it were a snake ready to strike. Why did she bring it home? She’d RSVP’d she’d attend, but she still had doubts about the entire thing. She hadn’t even bothered to read the invitation thoroughly, just a quick cursory glance and she’d decided on the spot to attend. The Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball. And she was a guest of honor thanks to her client. She snorted. All she’d done was sell the guy a house. Granted, it had been a mansion, but she wasn’t even that friendly with him.

The pretty, red-embossed paper caught her attention the minute she’d received it. It was thick and heavy and made from some expensive card stock, which made her wonder what this whole Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball was all about. Groaning, she crawled on her bed, dropped her head, her cheek resting on her folded arms, and lay there for a moment staring at the invite next to her head.

After a few restless minutes, she picked up the envelope. “Let’s see what it is about you that makes you look so damn interesting.”

She pulled out the red invite with a sexy, naked statue painted on the front. She noticed the guy wasn’t any regular statue. Handcuffs had been painted on his wrists. What kind of party was this? A note fell from the invite.

Thank you for honoring us with your presence at the Wicked Valentine’s Day Ball. If you have been here before, you will know the rules. If you are a new attendee, please pay careful attention. Your partner will meet you at the entrance upon your arrival. Note that this person will stay with you all night unless someone is accompanying you. Your night will be led by your choices, desires, and expectations. Enjoy.

Well, that was kind of cryptic. She wondered if she should go. There were specific instructions on what to wear. Nothing too strange. Maybe a little on the revealing side. If the word wicked was anything to go by, this would not be a boring party. And she really needed to get out.

There was no way she was going to let some jerk’s threats keep her locked inside. Besides, she knew how to defend herself if it ever came to that. She and Alex had a weekly date at the gym where they took boxing and other self-defense classes. Checking out the Valentine’s Day Ball was better than staying home alone and eating chocolates—only to feel guilty tomorrow—she winced and headed for her closet.

There was a row of dresses she referred to as attention grabbers. One after another, she flicked over the hangers and discarded dress after dress, until she reached
the one
. She pulled out the red-and-black mini with spaghetti straps that was covered in clear plastic.

Once she’d showered and lotioned her body down, she eyed the flimsy dress material. Maybe that one wasn’t such a good idea. Dammit but it was
. Just perfect for what had been described, and Nina was not a coward. She liked to think she looked good, considering she never lacked dates or boyfriends. It was the commitment part that scared her. She’d yet to meet a man to make her feel interested in more. It was usually the opposite. With most guys, after a few months of dating, she realized it wouldn’t go anywhere and broke things off. But not so that night with Max. He’d been the first to make her rethink of the dreaded commitment word.

,” she muttered and tore off the plastic covering the dress. Maybe she had been stupid, but now she needed to forget Max. She put the thin slip of a dress on and stared at her body in the mirror. She couldn’t wear a bra under the thin material, and her nipples instantly puckered with the rub of the soft satin. They were very visible, and unless she took a shawl, everyone would be able to make them out through her dress. Her gaze traveled down her body to stop mid-thigh, which was where the mini-dress ended. She nibbled her lip and twirled to look at her backside. If her ass wasn’t so big, the dress wouldn’t ride up so much.

She sighed. There was no changing that part of her heritage. All the women in her family had curvy bodies, herself included. She put on some makeup and lifted her chin. Screw it. It was Valentine’s Day, and she had a special invitation to one wicked ball.


* * *



Nina’s heels clicked on the marble steps, ratcheting up her excitement with each clack. When she reached the entryway, she noticed the two hulking men that stood guard.

One eyed her body boldly and smiled. “Invitation?”

She grinned. This was turning out better than she thought. She handed him her invitation. He passed it off to the second man, who promptly got on a phone and called someone.

After a moment he returned to her and the other man. “Ma’am, if you’d just head into our foyer, your companion for the evening is waiting for you there.”

Wow. They were really thorough. She hadn’t been sure they could find someone for her with a two-day RSVP, but she guessed they probably had men on staff just for that.

The other super sexy guy who had been giving her some hot looks winked. “Have a great time.”

She walked toward the foyer with a smile on her face. But the smile she’d been carrying slowly turned into an O of surprise as she stepped into a large, open room. A room filled with men. She gulped and stared at the multitude of handsome guys.


She whirled around. Her throat went dry. The way he looked at her, filled with open hunger, made her breath hitch.

BOOK: Wicked Valentine (Sizzling Encounters)
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