Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Wicked Series Book 3] (7 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Wicked Series Book 3]
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When he stilled, Jessi stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. The air was cool against her moist skin and she shivered, a small tremor spiraling through her limbs until she felt drunk and languid.

Christian's head was resting on her shoulder, his breath warming her neck. She heard him sigh, his full weight coming down on top of her for a brief moment before he lifted his head and looked down at her.

She stared up at him and watched a slow smile curve his lips before she grinned. “Well, was it good for you?” she asked.

He laughed and kissed her, rolling to his side and pulling her with him. Their limbs entangled, wet kisses stealing her breath. When he finally pulled back to look at her, the tenderness she'd seen when he made love to her was shining in his eyes again.

"It was exactly what I've been waiting for."

Jessi laid her palm to his cheek and sighed, snuggling against him. His arms wrapped around her waist, his fingers tickling along her back.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

"If you want me to."

His arms tightened around her waist. “I do."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 5

Jessi slipped her boot on, then ran a hand through her hair, finger combing the strands into some semblance of normal. She vaguely remembered Christian telling her the night before that he had a television interview to do this morning, which explained why she'd woke to an empty bed. She wasn't sure if she was glad she didn't have to face him this morning or not. On the one hand, waking up with him would have made the whole night seem more real. After spending hours drowning in his kisses and letting him have his way with her, waking up alone left her feeling slightly dejected. On the other hand, not having to deal with more silence was a godsend. She didn't think she could go through that again. It was nerve wracking trying to think of something to say and this morning would have been worse. What do you say to a guy after he's given you his virginity? Thanks?

She laughed and stood up from the bed, walking into the other room and looked around. Christian wasn't there but a single white rose was laying on the dining table. She smiled before walking across the room and picking the rose, and the note that was lying under it, up.

I don't know what you have planned for today, but I'd like to see you again if you have any free time. You know where to find me.


Jessi smiled as she smelled the rose before slipping the note into her pocket and turned, walking to the door. She eased it open and glanced outside.

The sun was shining brightly, the reflection off the pool near blinding. A quick glance around showed no one lurking about. Walking outside, she pulled the door shut behind her. She stood there for a moment, turning her head left and right. For some reason, getting caught sneaking out of Christian's room was unsettling. It was silly, really. She was a grown woman but she felt almost juvenile. If anyone saw her, they'd know
she was still there. And that was the problem. She barely knew Christian. She'd met him twice and only had a brief conversation with him one of those times. Last night was the first time she'd actually talk to him in any great length. Having someone know she'd jumped into his bed so quickly left a bad taste in her mouth. She wasn't easy. Would others think she was?

Deciding a hasty exit was best, she hurried around the pool, dodging the chairs that had been pushed askew and headed for the archway that led to the main building. When she reached it a flash of color to her left caught her eye.

"Well, good morning, Cinderella. If I'm not mistaken, you missed the coach last night. Your pumpkin is still parked out front though, shriveling in the Vegas heat."

Jessi held back a smile as Roxy laughed, followed by Holly. The girls were lounging in the deck chairs, both in their bikinis.

"Let me guess,” Holly said. “It was so late, you just didn't have the energy to walk back to the hotel last night?"

"Oh, I'm sure she didn't have the energy."

"Don't you two have anything to do,” Jessi said, finally grinning.

"We are. We're catching some rays and giving you a hard time."

"Go grab your swimsuit and join us."

"I'd love to,” she said, “But I need to find Joan and go over the shots for the wedding."

"Any plans tonight?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Well, you know where we are. There's a call button on the front door. Just hit that and one of us can buzz you in."

"Will do.” She gave them a wave and walked through the main building, out the front door and across the courtyard toward the hotel. She wondered for the first time since the night before if Faith had made it back to the hotel. She felt bad for practically ignoring her friend all night but she hadn't seen her since the limo ride. “She's a big girl,” she said to no one. “I'm sure she's fine."

She entered the main hotel and made her way to the elevators, the rose Christian had left for her still in her hand. She stared at it while waiting for the lift and was surprised by the tingles that raced up her spine. A smile crept slowly over her face and the thoughts of seeing him again caused butterflies to dance in her stomach. As odd as she felt sleeping with him so soon, she couldn't help be excited by it all and the fact he wanted to see her again. She was pretty sure it wasn't just for sex. He'd made love to her twice more during the night and from the look on his face as he did, she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want something more serious out of their budding friendship. His little game of “what are you looking for in a man” told her he was interested. The way he made love to her told her more than that. Of the few men who'd been in her bed, not one of them was as intense as Christian. He may have been a little clumsy and unsure of himself but the look on his face was one she'd never forget. He saw nothing but her. With every touch he inflamed her senses, every sigh pierced her soul until he consumed her.

"You going up, Miss?"

Jessi lifted her head, seeing a man inside the elevator holding the door for her. She smiled at him and walked inside, hitting the button for her floor before sighing heavily.

She looked back down at the rose and remembered the note in her pocket. Christian wanted to see her again and no matter how it made her appear to others, she was looking forward to seeing him as well. She looked up at the numbers inside the lift as they illuminated each floor and smiled.
Wild horses couldn't keep me away.

* * * *

"Someone is awfully quiet today,” Mick said.

"I noticed that too,” Luke said. “It can only mean one of two things."

"Don't even start,” Christian said.

"She either left him hanging..."

"Or tore him up..."

"From the floor up."

Christian listened to them laugh and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He stared straight ahead, watching the scenery pass by the limo windows.

As far as he knew, none of the guys were aware that Jessi had spent the night with him ... but that didn't keep them from the usual barbed jokes.

He knew his silence would tip them off but he couldn't help it. He knew if he opened his mouth, he'd spill more than he wanted to. No one besides Jessi knew his little secret and he wanted to keep it that way. He still couldn't believe he'd told
. He hadn't planned on it but once they were inside the cottage and she questioned him as to why he was so quiet, he knew if he didn't tell her, he'd fuck the whole thing up and make a complete fool out of himself.

She'd made it a lot less painful than he thought it would be. He'd imagined more horrible scenarios than were necessary and had worked himself into a gut wrenching fear by the time he actually had her alone. It had been damned near perfect, though. He knew she was the reason for that. He barely knew her but that didn't keep him from wanting her. And it wasn't just the sex. He'd wanted her before she let him touch her. Before he even knew her name. The minute he saw her at the photo shoot, he'd wanted her and drove himself half mad with longing.

The limo came to a stop and he was the first one to the door. He waited for Curt to exit and looked over at him. “Anything else for today?"

"No. We're all done."

"Good.” He turned toward the hotel, making his way through the courtyard at a quick pace. His intention was to leave the note and wait for her to come to him but as the morning progressed, his desire to see her overrode everything else. He couldn't wait and was almost positive she wasn't waiting in his cottage. His blood sang through his veins with the need to see her. To touch her, just to look at her and see her smile.

He made his way to the concierge desk and asked for her room number.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but we're not allowed to give out that information."

"Can you ring her room for me, then?” he asked.

"One moment, I'll check."

Someone behind him said, “She's in room 812."

Christian turned his head and looked behind him. It was Jessi's friend, Faith. He smiled at her. “Thanks."

"No problem,” she said.

He nodded his head at her and started to walk away when she yelled out to him.

"Hey, wait up a second."

He stopped and turned back to her. “Yeah?"

"How long are you guys staying in Vegas?"

"A few more day,” he said. “Why?"

"No reason,” she smiled. “Just curious."

She walked away and he turned and made his way to the elevator. The wait, and ride up to the eighth floor, was like torture but the moment he stood in front of Jessi's door, a small tingle of fear prickled his spine. What did he say to her? What would she say?

Maybe I should just wait for her to call me, he thought, fear of the unknown making his stomach tighten. What if she doesn't want to see me again? What if she shuts the door in my face?
What if you just stop being such a puss and knock on her door.

He shook his head, clearing the negative thoughts trying to worm their way into his mind and took a deep breath before reaching out a hand and knocking on the door. When it open, he forgot to breathe.

"Well, are you coming in or are you just going to stand there gawking at me?"

"Definitely in,” he said, smiling as he walked into the room, pushing the door shut behind him. She'd apparently just come from the shower. Her hair was damp and laying in clumps over her shoulders. A white towel was wrapped around her body and it hid very little of her. “Do you always answer your door dressed like this?"

"Only when there's a gorgeous rock star on the other side."

He felt his face burn hot and knew he'd blushed. The smile on her face confirmed it. He cleared his throat and said, “Get many of those?"

"Not lately."

She ducked her head slightly and looked up at him through her lashes. Neither of them spoke for long moments and the silence was so thick he could have touched it. He wracked his brain trying to think of something to say but seeing her standing there in a very small bath towel left him more speechless than normal.

Luckily she still had all her mental facilities. With a hesitant smile, she walked to him and wrapped her arms loosely around his waist. “I thought I was supposed to come see you?"

He smiled and hugged her to him. “I couldn't wait."

"I'm glad.” She kissed him and it was like coming home. It felt so right; his arms around her, her scent tickling his senses. He wasn't sure how he'd managed day after day without her or how he would once they had to leave. He only had three more days in Vegas before the band was on the road again. Another long line of endless cities. Another string of endless days thinking about her.

He wrapped a hand in her hair, fisting the damp strands between his fingers and angled his head, deepening the kiss. She moaned into his mouth and the sound of it caused his cock to throb and thicken. Deft fingers lifted the edge of his shirt, tickled along the waistband of his jeans before dancing over his erection. He gasped and broke the kiss, looking down at her.

A sly smile played on her lips as he felt the button on his jeans pop loose. The zipper being pulled the only noise in the room other than their harsh breaths. When she sank to her knees in front of him, burying her face in the small space at the opening of his pants, his heart nearly exploded out of his chest.

She pulled down the front of his underwear, exposing the head of his cock and took a slow, long lick. “Jessi..."

His legs were shaking. Jessi could feel the tremors as she held onto his hips. His eyelids looked heavy and drooped over his eyes. He licked his lips as he watched her and she extended her tongue, circling the head of his cock and smiling when he groaned and threw his head back against the door.

She pulled the material of his pants further back, exposing most of him before diving back in. She took him in her mouth, running her tongue over the velvety softness and taking as much of him in as she could.

He gasped and grabbed the top of her head. She glanced up at him, smiling around his cock at the look on his face. His mouth was open, his eyes tiny slits under brows drawn tightly together. He was panting for breath as she sucked him in as far as she could, curling her tongue around him as she pulled back.

Grabbing his jeans, she pulled them down his hips, exposing him completely before reaching around him, grabbing his ass in both hands and holding him to her. His breaths grew harsher, small guttural sounds escaping his lips as he started rocking his hips towards her waiting mouth. She raked her nails down his smooth buttocks, listening to him curse under his breath before his hands were on her shoulders, pulling her away from him and dragging her to her feet.

His mouth descended on hers in a rush. Hungry nips of his lips and teeth grew more demanding as the seconds ticked by. He backed her against the wall, the towel she wore pulled from her body while his hands roamed every inch of skin he could touch.

Jessi wrapped her leg around his hip, urging him on by thrusting her hips forward. He took the hint, angling his body until his cock penetrated her. She gasped at the intrusion, her head falling back against the wall. “Oh god, don't stop."

BOOK: Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Wicked Series Book 3]
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