Read Where the Sun Sets Online

Authors: Ann Marie

Tags: #friendship, #suspense, #mystery, #abduction, #abuse

Where the Sun Sets (20 page)

BOOK: Where the Sun Sets
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Chapter 21


Harold arrived at Tweed-New Haven Airport
just as the sun was setting. There was a chill in the air but he
never felt it. A cab ride to the police station was all that was on
his mind. And once inside the cab, all he could do was reminisce
about the past.

The view of New Haven, through the window of
the cab was a site to behold, or would have been for anyone else.
Harold could only see Antonia. He imagined what she would look like
laying in the hospital. How many times had she been shot? He could
not remember. His heart hurt for her. He was not going to let her
down again. He would stay by her side until this evil was removed
from her life or he would die trying.

His arrival at the precinct was anything but
eventful. Harold was pushed to the side as the discovery of a
murder victim was the buzz of the evening. Harold stood back in the
shadows and watched with amazement. The rush attached to the latest
event was overwhelming. It wasn’t until the name Dal Santo came up
that he came to his senses and remembered where he was and why he
was there. Walking over to the closest desk, he inquired as to the
whereabouts of Lieutenant Barsky. “Sorry sir, you just missed her,
she went home for the evening.”

“I was told she would...that she often stayed
well into the evening.”

“Yes sir, that is correct. However she wasn’t
feeling well. Of course now with the death of Bernie, perhaps she
might be back.”


“You’re not from around here, are you

“No. No I am not. I came in to see the
Lieutenant about Antonia Dal Santo.” Harold pulled out his

“Chief Inspector? Sorry to keep you waiting
sir. Had I known I would have…”

“No need to explain, I would like however to
speak with someone. Anyone involved with Ms. Dal Santo’s

“Well, it’s kinda not a good time here at the
moment. Maybe in about an hour someone can sit down and fill you

“An hour, huh? Well, then maybe I will take a
ride out and see her. Ms. Dal Santo I mean. Maybe ask her a couple
questions myself.”

“I don’t think that will be possible yet sir.
I don’t think she is up to questioning yet. Although she is...well
I mean to say that...if anyone would be up to it, it would be her.
Who knows?”

“Wouldn’t by any chance be a car headed out
that way now, would there be?”

“Out to the hospital? No sir, that wouldn’t
be possible.”

“Well, then perhaps I could call a cab?”
Harold motioned for the phone on the desk.

“Sorry sir, you would need to use the pay
phone. It’s down the stairs to the left of the door.” The officer
on desk duty scribbled down the number of the local cab company and
handed it to Harold.

“If Lieutenant Barsky stops back, I will tell
her that you came by. Why don’t you give us a call before you leave
the hospital? Perhaps by then someone will be available to answer
any questions you may still have.”

Harold left the station feeling as if he were
a balloon that someone had slowly let the air out of. He would go
and see Antonia. He needed to go and see Antonia. “Could you maybe
suggest a good place to eat?” Harold tossed the question towards
the first person he saw outside the station. He was hungry all of a
sudden. He would eat and then see Antonia.


Chapter 22


The police had succeeded in suppressing
traffic from entering Josephine’s street. But still it was
difficult for her to maneuver her car past all the anxious
photographers awaiting her return. Her patience was truly tested
during the twenty minutes it took for her to get through the crowd.
The drive up her street to her home was like the first time for her
somehow. The houses all looked strange; the landscaping different
somehow. It was as if she had never seen any of it before now. And
there were no visible signs of life. No one gardening, no children
playing. Not a squirrel or a bird. Josephine could not relax until
she pulled into her own drive. As she waited for the garage door to
open for her, she noticed Billy and Justin arguing on the front

Josephine exited her car, where it was in the
driveway, and walked over to the men. “What the hell is going on
here?” She demanded. The screaming halted and the two men looked at
her heatedly.

It was Justin who spoke first. “The video is
missing.” Josephine looked cautiously at the two men.

“Missing? How is that possible?”

“He was the last one with it.” Billy was
quick to declare his innocence.

“We were watching it in the great room. I
wanted to see it before...I thought I should see it.” Justin
Pictella was insecure in his defense.

“All I know is, I came into the room and he
was watching the video. Right away everything was my fault. Where
were you? How could you let this happen? Josephine, you have to
believe I would never let anything happen to either of you. You’re
like family to me.”

“Family who pays you to do a job.” Justin
threw a verbal jab in Billy’s direction.

“Hello?” Josephine had to be the one to
regain some kind of authority. “What happened to the video? Come on
guys, I have had a very long day and I would like to take a nap
before I go down to see Anthony. Justin?”

All eyes were on him. Justin Pictella was
feeling like the seven year old who got caught eating the candy
bar. With the chocolate ring around his mouth he had difficulty
denying his involvement. “I don’t know where it is. It was in the
machine when I went into the kitchen. When I came back it was gone.
We think...I thought perhaps Chloe took it. Maybe she saw the
video. Maybe she watched with us while she was doing, whatever, I
don’t know, dusting or something. And perhaps she too took it down
to the station.”

Josephine ran her fingers through her hair
and pulled it back away from her face. “Did we ask Chloe?” Billy
looked over at Justin before he spoke.

“She’s not here right now.”

“Where did she go?”

“She never said anything to me.”

Josephine let her gaze return to the garage.
The door was still open to allow entrance for her car. The BMW was
still sitting in the driveway. “Are either of you sure she was in
the house when you were watching the video?”

Justin jumped to his own defense. “I saw her
when I arrived. She let me in. I think she was putting away

“So how do you suppose she went to the
station?” All eyes followed her gaze to the garage. Chloe’s car was
still parked inside. Without Josephine’s BMW to block the view, you
could not miss the wagon.

Justin responded slowly. “I called for her.
Inside the house, I called for her. She never answered. I just

Taking a slow, deep breath Josephine closed
her eyes to calm herself before saying, “OK, well this was fun. I
am going in to take a nap. I suggest one of you go inside and find
Chloe and ask her personally. When you find the video, I want you,
Justin, to personally take it down to Lieutenant Barsky. She will
be expecting you.” Josephine started to walk away. Justin reached
for her arm.

“Wait a second. Expecting me? Why would she
be expecting me? You didn’t go back there without me, did you?
Josephine, you did not...tell me you did not mention the video. I
thought we agreed not to mention the video.”

Josephine looked at the hand that held her
arm. “You are treading on very thin ice here Justin.” He released
his grip. “I do not recall ever agreeing with you on anything in
regards to this subject. I want the video given to Barsky within
the hour. Do you understand me?” Josephine took a step towards
Justin. Looking up into his face she controlled her anger by
clenching her teeth as she spoke. “The man who is responsible for
Anthony being in the hospital is on that tape.” She glanced over at
Billy briefly. “Billy is not on the tape. He is not responsible for
the shooting. Without that tape, the only people who know who the
shooter was, are standing right here and lying alone in a hospital
bed. I am banking on the gunman not knowing we got it all on tape.
Therefore, in his mind, the only eyewitness would be Anthony, since
she was staring right at him. Sure the yard was full of party
guests but Anthony saw him before the shooting started. The whole
incident was over in seconds. Until he is caught, Anthony is in
danger.” She took another step towards Justin. “I may not be
someone you can count on. But I promise you this, Justin Pictella.
If anything else happens to Anthony, I will see you penniless and
begging for death.”

With that, Josephine turned once more towards
her front door. “Billy put away the Benz.” She shouted over her
shoulder. The two men looked at each other as they both had the
same thought.

“Wait, Josephine, stop!” She stopped and let
her head fall in defeat. She was too tired to turn around. They ran
over to where she stood. “Chloe didn’t answer when I called

“Justin, I wouldn’t answer if you called

“Josephine,” Billy started, “think about it a
moment. Her car is in the garage. She could not have gone anywhere.
So why wouldn’t she answer when Justin called her.”

“Hey, here’s a thought. Maybe she was taking
a nap.” Her tone of voice had risen with each word. The word nap
came out like a slap in the face for Billy.

“Josephine, please, just humor me here for a
moment. Please just wait outside while we check the house.”

“I am very tired. Do you not understand this?
T-i-r-e-d. I want to go inside and lay down.”

“I know, I know and I am sorry. But I can’t
let you go in there before I am certain it is safe.”

“Why, how could it not be safe, Billy? You’re
insane. You were in there, Justin was in there, and Chloe was in
there.” She threw her arms up in frustration. “Fine, go, go check
the house. I will be the good child and sit on the steps and wait.
But please, do make it quick. I wouldn’t want the neighbors to see
me sleeping outside.”

Billy grabbed the walkie talkie hanging on
his belt. Within seconds two uniformed men were entering the
dwelling behind the men. Josephine was so very tired. She sat on
the steps and looked out onto her street. The day had turned
chilly. ‘When had that happened?’ she wondered. Wrapping her arms
around herself she looked skyward. The sky was full of big fluffy
clouds. August clouds, her mother had called them. The kind that
could turn themselves inside out during a storm. They were pretty
though. It had been years since Josephine had sat and stared up at
the clouds. She smiled to herself as she leaned back to rest her
head against the wall.

The sound of a small plane broke the silence.
‘Damn paparazzi.’ She thought as she felt the anger rise inside.
She spotted the plane and followed it for a moment with her eyes. A
bit of sun snuck out, from behind a cloud and caught her eye. A
sharp pain sliced across her forehead causing her to slam her eyes
shut. She felt light headed and perhaps a bit queasy. ‘Relax.’ She
told herself, as she controlled her breathing and once again
allowed the fog to chase away the pain.

Her mind followed the sound of the plane. It
took her back to Anthony. Josephine was immediately comforted and
relaxed. Although she could not see her through the fog, she knew
Anthony would be there. She had called her from the plane. She was
coming home. Josephine had little time to don a disguise. She threw
on a nasty orange wig and a pair of big sixty style sunglasses. A
plaid scarf covered her head helping to secure the wig. She had
grabbed one of Chloe’s lumberjack looking coats and tried her best
not to get a ticket as she raced to the airport. She ran the whole
way from the parking garage to the gate. Jumping up and down on her
toes as she tried to find Anthony in the crowd. She was
unforgivably too short and had to stand on a chair to get a good

And then she saw her. Her breath had caught
in her chest. She could not scream her name. All she could do was
stare. Anthony was darker than Josephine had ever seen her. A
beautiful bronze tone. Her hair was cut in a tossed two inch style.
Her lack of locks only helped to direct the eyes down her neck.
Uncontrollably, Josephine’s eyes followed to the shoulders, draped
with teasing spaghetti straps. They were attached to an amazing
silk, opal sun dress that did little to hide Anthony’s perfectly
cut body. Josephine had not seen Anthony since they had left
school. They talked on the phone often. Anthony had even written a
couple times. She was sure Anthony had even sent a couple photos
over the years. But Josephine could not recall ever witnessing such
a breathtaking woman. It couldn’t possibly be Anthony. But it was
and Josephine was both afraid and excited at the same time.

Anthony walked down the aisle as if oblivious
to the stares she was getting from several pairs of eyes in the
crowd. Carrying on a conversation with the man walking next to her.
Smiling and laughing, not a care in the world. Josephine removed
her sunglasses to get a better look. This action unfortunately,
only helped to heighten her desire to stare. It just wasn’t
possible to get enough. The contrast between the sun dress and
Anthony’s tanned body was magnificent. Josephine felt as if she was
drowning. And she had no desire to come up for air.

She never heard the calling out from the fans
that had recognized her. But it was the sound of people shouting
Josephine’s name that had helped Anthony locate her. She was
chatting with the body builder looking fellow. Waving her hand to
let Josephine know she saw her. “Hey Joe!” Anthony shouted up to
her friend, standing above the crowd. “Do you like what I brought
you?” Anthony had mis-interpreted Josephine’s expression. She
assumed the mouth open gawking was meant for Billy. Numbly
Josephine extended a hand in Billy’s direction. “I thought maybe
you could take him on as a body guard. Or you know anything else
you may need him for.” Joe’s lack of words concerned Anthony. “Joe,
you OK? If you don’t like him, I can take him back.” Anthony’s
words were light hearted and full of affection. When their eye’s
met, Josephine’s were full of tears. “Joe...” Anthony let it hang
in the air a moment as she asked Billy to clear the crowd away. “Do
you need some air?”

BOOK: Where the Sun Sets
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