Read Watch Me Take Your Girl Online

Authors: Tina Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance

Watch Me Take Your Girl (9 page)

BOOK: Watch Me Take Your Girl
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You’re beautiful
,” Tyson said, watching his new bride sit on the bed in a plain white dress. It wasn’t an official wedding gown but it might as well had been because they were husband and wife. He didn’t waste any time making her his, true to his word. There was a one-day delay, however, as they had to first sign documentation for a marriage license, then they headed for the beach house he’d reserved in Rodanthe, where they had exchanged vows.

It was chilly this time of year, but Rodanthe was still a natural beauty with green weeds dancing in the sun. The sand was cool. The water was cold.
The sky was a perfect blue during the day and at night, every star in the dark sky was visible.

They both had qualms about not having their family here
, but the family would get to celebrate soon enough. Right now, it was their turn.

Tyson sat on the bed next to her, raking her hair away from her shoulder, pressing his lips there instead while feeling her body jerk in reaction to his presence. He also felt her reluctance to let go and be comfortable with him. She
was uptight and afraid. That’s why he’d had that talk with her at dinner a couple of nights ago. His intent wasn’t to make her nervous. Instead, he wanted to see how open she was about lovemaking after the bad experience she had with Dilvan. He’d known that Dilvan had forced himself on her. Just the thought of it happening was enough to make him want to choke the life out of Dilvan, even now.

“I can feel you becoming afraid,” he told

“Sorry...I don’t want to feel
this way. I just...”

Tyson stood up in front of her, extending his hands to hers.

Gabrielle grasped his large hands and stood in front of him. He unbuttoned his shirt and placed her small, trembling hands flat against his firm pecks.

“See...this isn’t bad right? You’ve touched me here before.”

“Yeah, but—”

He silenced her by placing his index finger over her lips. Then he carefully flicked the straps of her dress
, watching it fall to the floor. Satisfied, he kissed her lips with force, sucking them, tasting their pouty goodness. He stopped for a moment and staring at her with dreamy eyes, he said, “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

Gabrielle said just above a whisper.

He unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor, joining her dress.
Placing his hands on her face, he stared at her adoringly, thinking about all the things he wanted to do to her.

“Tyson,” she gasped at the fire burning in his eyes.

“Yes, my love?”

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

He bit his bottom lip. His mouth watered. He could devour her in one massive bite, but he had to take things slow for her sake.

“You’ll see.” He kissed her again, then slowl
y allowed her to sit on the bed where she laid down flat on her back and stared up at him.

His mouth watered more. She was wearing a pair of lacey, see-through whit
e panties with the matching bra. It was a beautiful ensemble and looked perfect against her chocolate skin, but he preferred to see her naked and ready for him.

He straddled
her, moving gracefully while sending kisses from her navel to her breasts, feeling her shiver wherever his lips made contact. He lowered the straps to her bra, then unclasped it, setting her soft mounds free. He wasted no time tasting her sensitive buds, alternating with massaging one, while devouring the other with slow, soft sucks. He greedily captured each one in his mouth, teasing her with his teeth, then finishing with soft kisses.

“Oh...Tyson,” Gabrielle whimpered. She’d never felt this
tingling sensation tickling her chest before. Never had a man touched her there. Never had she felt a strong ache for more of what he was giving. “Oh...”

“Mmm,” he breathed. “You’re so soft, baby.”

Tyson rose up to his knees to lower her panties slowly down her legs. He dropped them on the floor, while staring at her core, reaching out and stroking her there with the tips of his fingers, watching her jolt like she’d been struck by a steady current of electricity. He was just getting started.

“Tyson...” she whimpered, her chest moving in and out quickly as she filled her lungs with much needed air to continue with lovemaking.

“Do you like that, Gabrielle?” he asked, still touching her there.

huh,” she whimpered.

“Good. Then you’ll love this.” Tyson laved his tongue around her navel, forming a trail to her moistened center. He licked her there,
watching her quiver even faster.

She screamed out to him. This was foreign to her, but it felt forbiddingly good as he used his tongue in ways that should be outlawed. She c
ould only close her eyes tight as she felt something momentous happening with each stroke of his tongue. Something her body had never experienced.


She belted his name when her body crumbled and fell apart underneath him in one tremendous, electrifying climax.

Tyson kissed another trail from her core to her chest. Staring down at her lips, he asked, “Did that hurt?”

“No,” she whimpered, still trying to catch her breath as his engorged tip poked her below.

Before she could fully recover, Tyson covered her lips with his mouth,
consuming them with an intense hunger. Then he kissed and sucked on her neck again before sucking on her ear lobes. “Touch me,” he whispered.

“” Gabrielle said between heated breaths.

“Put your hands on my back, baby.”

She did as he asked, feeling the ripple of muscles on an otherwise smooth back.

“Okay, now with just your fingertips, I want you to stroke me softly, up and down.”

Again, she obeyed
, watching him close his eyes and bite his lips in satisfaction.

Mmm...yeah, that’s it.” He moaned, just by her touch alone. Then he poked her down below, introducing himself into her warmth, priming her.

“Oh...Tyson,” she wailed, pinching her eyes closed again.

Tyson slid his shaft gently inside her, allowing time for her body to stretch to accommodate his size. She had a lot of stretching to do.

“Tyson,” she said again, with moans, groans and wails of pleasure. She’d since stopped stroking
his back. Instead, she held on tightly...fingernails and all.

“Gabrielle, you feel so good, baby,” he told her while
getting comfortable inside of her body.

“So do you, Tyson,
” she panted.



Tyson gave her soft strokes, staring down at her face for her reac
tion to each one. She loved it, he could tell, and her body fit him well, to a science almost. He just had to loosen her up a bit and he would with the strokes he was delivering at calculated, steady intervals.

“I can’t believe I’m inside of you
,” he said. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted this, much I love you.”

“I have an idea,” she forced out.

Tyson licked her lips with the tip of his tongue, then took her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking it. Tasting it. He kissed her again, losing his tongue somewhere in her mouth as he owned her, rocking back and forth below while French kissing her – two parts of his body inside of her at the same time.

“Mmm...” Gabrielle moaned. “Oh...oh...Tyson,”
she cried, feeling yet another climax building inside of her.

felt it too. He quickened the pace of his strokes, still with her pleasure in mind, wanting to feel, see, hear her arrive to oblivion yet again more than he wanted his own gratification.

“Gabrielle!” he hollered, his body bucked, sending him into a tailspin as he filled her cave with his release.

Gabrielle’s body spasmed again for the second time. She dug her nails in his shoulders as he continued his strokes, making sure she was fully pleased. Thoroughly seduced. Intoxicatingly satiated.

Their bodies rested in the dim room.
Tyson remained lying on top of her, still buried deep inside her chasm – their breathing patterns in unison, their sweat blending with the heat of their skin. Neither wanted to move, to break their tight bond. If they could stay this way forever, they would.

“I love you,” Tyson said, staring down into the eyes of his wife.

“I love you too, Tyson,” she whispered in response, still reeling, coming down off of a high she’d never felt before and finding herself near ecstasy again at the slightest movement against her sensitive flesh.

don’t want to leave your body...I like it here,” he said between kisses.

“I like you here,” Gabrielle told him. She wasn’t sure if
she would be able to handle the act of making love after her bad experience with Dilvan, but turns out, when the man actually loves you, it’s pure unadulterated pleasure.

kissed her lips again, then eased off of her to lay beside her instead, pulling her close to his chest while their bodies cooled down which would prompt their breathing to return to normal.

“We are going to be so happy together, Gabrielle Alexander.”

A faint smile touched her lips. “Yes we will,” she responded, batting her eyes, almost giving way to sleep. “I think our parents are going to hate us for this, though.”

“I don’t.”

“How can you be so sure when I haven’t even met your parents yet, Tyson?”

“Because my parents know me well enough to know that I wouldn’t marry anyone who was subpar
...someone they would disapprove of.”

“What if they don’t like me?”

“They’ll love you. Do you know why?”


“When they meet you, they’ll know I married my soulmate.”

Gabrielle smiled.

“You are the eggs to my cake batter, baby,” he told her, then laughed.

Gabrielle laughed
, too.

the chocolate chips in my cookies.”

Gabrielle giggled more, snuggling tightly against his chest.

“You’re the love of my life,” he said, brushing his fingers across her hair, near her temple.

heart was full. Anymore love tonight and she’d explode. Tyson was indeed her soulmate and she looked forward to spending the rest of her life making him happy.






Chapter 18



Dilvan paced the
room after Heshan told him the news. He rubbed his head, feeling defeated. In many ways, he was, but due to his own actions.

“And they were ma
rried yesterday?” Dilvan asked, looking confused.

,” Heshan said. “Why do you care, anyway? It’s not like you wanted her. I heard you were dating Isabella Torres.”

“I went out with her once.”

“Well, go out with her again because Gabrielle is taken.”

Dilvan shook his head. “Mother was right,” Dilvan admitted.

Heshan sat up tall. “Did you just say
Mother was right

“Yes. I’m
not ashamed to admit that now.” He silently paced the floor then asked, “Was I really that bad to Gabrielle?”

“Yeah, you were. I watched you dash a glass of water in her fac
e among countless other things. The best thing you can do for Gabrielle, now, is to let her be happy. Tyson loves her.”

, forget Tyson. I’m your brother and you seem to have Tyson’s back on everything, but when it comes to me—”

“I do have your back when you’re doing
things like you’re supposed to.”

“Now you sound like Mother.”

“Come on, Dilvan, you really think I would have your back with the way you were treating Gabrielle? I may be single, but even if I was in a relationship, I would never treat a woman the way you treated her. Never.”

Dilvan sighed.

“Never, ever, ever.”

“Okay, I get it,” Dilvan said, agitated.

“You’ve learned a lesson,” Heshan told his brother, “Now move on. There are other women. You have women falling at your feet. Why don’t you pick up one of them?”

“Because I don’t want one of them.” He paced the floor again, in deep thought.
“Gabrielle thinks Tyson is so she doesn’t know why Desiree left him.”

“You don’t know either, so stop speculating.”

“Speculating? You and I both know he was a sniper for the government. And trust’s not a coincidence that his best friend, the one who ran off with Desiree, just so happened to die in a store robbery. Tyson is unstable, and I don’t care if you tell him I said so.”

“I’m not telling him
anything because there’s nothing to tell. You just need to leave Gabrielle alone is all I’m saying.”

Heshan’s advice went in one ear and out of the other. Dilvan had one more hand to play in order to get Gabrielle back. If he told her his suspicions about Tyson, would that be enough to place doubt in her mind about him? He would find out soon enough.


BOOK: Watch Me Take Your Girl
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