Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)
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ubree looked
at me with those big brown eyes, waiting for a response. My relationship with her father was complicated. It was a web of lies, deceit, and the breaking of too many laws to even keep track of. Keeping the doc’s secret was what gave us leverage, but now, with our new deal, we wouldn’t need that leverage anymore. However, that new deal was made so he could keep his family in the dark of his shady dealings.

I shouldn’t care. Shouldn’t give two shits about airing the doc’s dirty laundry, but it was more than that. What I knew. It could destroy everything that Aubree ever knew. She would learn that the life she had been living was a complete and total lie. Her father wasn’t the man she thought he was. And I wasn’t sure if I was man enough to ruin her life.

“Cash, please. You’re the only one I trust to tell me the truth.” The desperation in her voice damn well undid me.

I grabbed her hand, and yanked her down the hall. “Not here,” I muttered, and guided her out to her car in the parking lot.

We got in, and she turned in her seat. “Talk.”

“It’s not safe. Your dad’s inside. He can come out any minute and see us. Go to my house. I’ll tell you everything when we get there.”

“Promise?” she asked.

I took her hand in mine, lacing my fingers through hers. I pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Promise.”

The drive to my house was short, and I wished it lasted a little longer. I wasn’t ready to let go of Sunshine’s hand, and I sure as hell wasn’t ready to turn her world upside down by filling her in on her father’s misgivings. She pulled up in front of my house, and threw the car in park. She was out of the car, and standing at my front door, before I even had the chance to open the door.

Sunshine wasn’t the same girl who hopped on the back of my bike that night. The events over the past few weeks had changed her, and I knew, once she heard what I had to tell her, she would never be the same.

So, while I was in no rush to get in my house, she stood impatiently on my porch, tapping her foot. I wondered, if she would be so anxious to hear about her father, if she really knew what I had to say about him. There was no use delaying the inevitable.

I lit up a cigarette, and walked up the porch steps. I leaned against the railing, and took a long drag before opening the door. I held the door open for Aubree and, as she walked in, I flicked my stog.

Aubree spun toward me. “We’re completely alone now,” she said, then started laughing manically. “Unless some gun wielding psycho is hiding out in your bedroom.”

Past the laughing, I could see the fear hiding beneath the surface. It showed in her eyes. Eyes that had once been bright and filled with a love of life had turned dull and lifeless. Fear that was never a part of her would probably be imbedded in her soul, and stay with her forever. The laughing continued giving way to small bouts of sobs. I watched her with trepidation. She was stronger now, but she had fucking killed a man to save my life in this very house. I didn’t know if she had really dealt with it, or if she pushed it to the back of her mind. I told her to forget about it. Convinced her to forget, and only keep the knowledge that I was the one who took the kill shot. Had she been able to do that? Put it out of her head? Or were these rounds of laughter and sobs she was experiencing now her way of trying to purge herself of the memory?

The crazy laughter gave way to silence, and I took her in my arms. I pushed her hair out of her face, and urged her to look at me. I needed to know that she was okay. “How have you been doing?”

She abruptly pulled away from me. “I’m fine. Stop trying to get off topic. How do you know my dad?”

“I can’t sit here and talk to you about this shit storm unless I know you’re okay.” I sat down on the couch, and held my hand out to her. She slipped her fingers into mine, and I slowly pulled her to me until she was on my lap. I ran my hand down her cheek, wanting to feel the softness of her skin. “Before I tell you what you want to know, I need to know that you’re okay. Need to know that you are going to be able to handle this.” I drew her forehead to mine, linking my fingers behind her head and drew in a deep breath that was all Sunshine. .

“I’m good,” she assured me. Her hands came up to mine, and she removed my hold on her. She stood defiantly in front of me, making it clear that whatever I had to say she would handle.

“A few years back,” I started. “Your dad came to the club. He had made a few bad investments. Lost a shit ton of money. He was desperate. He wanted to strike a deal with us. Your dad is a very smart man. He knew our game, and he said he could help. Prescription drugs are a big business on the streets. Pills go for ten times what they’re worth on the street. One Vicodin pill at retail is something like a dollar fifty. On the street, you can get anywhere between five and twenty-five dollars a pill. Your dad wrote false prescriptions, and we filled them. Sold them on the street, and gave him a cut of the profit.”

Aubree stepped back, stumbling into the chair across from me. Shock tainted her beautiful face. Her entire life was crumbling before her, and I was the goddamned wrecking ball that was doing it.

“Want me to stop?” I asked, concerned it was all too much for her.

“No, keep going.”

“Are you sure?”

Her face went void of any emotion. “I said, keep going.”

“He had access to the shit at the hospital, too. Made it easy for us to sneak in and out, taking what we could without anyone noticing.”

“How long?” she asked. She blinked up at me, her brown eyes now full of so much shit I couldn’t tell what she was feeling. “How long?” she ground out.

“It started a little over four years ago.”

“My college tuition,” she mumbled. “That son of a bitch. I got notified by the admissions office that there was a problem with my check. I called him, and he told me it was a misunderstanding. That he accidentally sent a check from an account he just closed, and that he would take care of it. I never thought to question him further. I believed every word he said. I trusted him.”

“Of course you did. He’s your father. If you can’t trust your old man, then who can you trust?” My old man might have been on the wrong side of the law, but he was one of the few people I had trusted with my life. I understood what it meant to put your faith in someone completely, but I had no idea what it felt like to discover that same person was a complete and total liar. That everything you thought was the truth wasn’t.

“I did. I trusted him and for what? He’s a criminal. He won’t even talk to me since I was with you because of what you are. But, who is he to make that judgment? He’s no better. If anything, he’s worse because he took the Hippocratic Oath to uphold certain medical standards. How does selling drugs uphold those standards? Damn it, how can he pretend to be so above you? Act as if you’re low life scum, and well beneath him, when he’s doing all the same things. What gives him that right?”

I shrugged. “He’s a doctor, Aubree. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. He’s educated, has a real profession, so he’s still better than me.”

“No!” she exclaimed, and shot to her feet. She came to me, dropping to her knees, and taking my hands in hers. “He’s not. You’re telling me the truth right now, and not trying to cover it up with some bullshit story. In my book, your honesty and integrity make you far superior to him. My father is nothing more than a lying drug dealer.”

“He lied to protect you.” The words came out, and I had no idea why I was defending him, but she was right. I wouldn’t lie to her, and, because of that, she needed to know the truth from both sides. “It was the only way he knew how.”

“That’s bullshit!” she yelled. “It’s bullshit, and you know it. He was trying to cover up his own ass. Hide his mistakes by making bigger ones. And for what?”

“I don’t have the answer to that,” I said, squatting down beside her. “Only he knows that.”

A tear slipped down her cheek, and she swatted at it angrily. “I’m not going to cry. He’s no longer worth my tears,” she uttered.

I wanted to take her into my arms and comfort her, but the wild look in her eyes made me keep my distance. She didn’t need me right now. She needed to figure this shit out on her own. “It’s okay to cry.”

“No, it’s not! I’m not weak. Not anymore. Not after everything I’ve been through, and everything I know.”

“It won’t make you weak,” I said, and she blinked up at me. I could see a crack in her wall, so I tucked her hair behind her ears, cupping her face.

“Yes, it will.” Wrinkles formed on the bridge of her nose, and, while her will to fight was strong, the tears were stronger.

“Then I won’t tell anyone,” I said, and her gaze met mine. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips and a laugh slipped out. It was the sweetest goddamned sound I had ever heard. It was pure, just like my Sunshine. I was afraid that, after everything, her pureness would be gone, but it was still very much a part of her.

Tears mixed with laughter and I smiled, running my thumb gently across her cheek. I swiped away the wetness from her skin, and relished in her warmth. Loving how soft she was beneath my rough hands.

“What do I do now?” she asked.

I wished I could tell her. Make the hard decisions for her, so she wouldn’t have to carry the burden, but I couldn’t. This was all on her.

“Whatever the fuck you want,” I finally said.

She linked her fingers with mine, her grip tightening, as if she was trying to draw strength from me. She didn’t realize that she didn’t need my strength. She was a tough little thing on her own. “I have to talk to him,” she said.

The problem was, I hadn’t taken my new deal with the doc to church yet. Once Aubree spoke with her father, our part of the deal was already squashed. We gave the doc our word that we wouldn’t tell his family. That we would keep his secret from getting out. By telling Aubree the truth, I betrayed my club.

I could ask her to hold off. To give me time to get to the guys, and put an end to this, but that wasn’t an option. This wasn’t my game anymore. This was Aubree’s life, and she deserved to have control over it. She lived her whole life with people making decisions for her, and controlling everything she did. There was no way in fucking hell I was about to become one of them.

“But not tonight,” she said. “Can I stay here with you?”

“Always. However long you want to. This place is as much yours as it is mine. It might not be the mansion you’re used to, but it has a roof, a working bathroom, and me.” I winked, and another sweet laugh tumbled from her lips. She threw her arms around my neck, and I hugged her tightly.

“I couldn’t ask for better,” she said, and, as her warmth mixed with mine, I swore to myself that I would never let her go.


the sleep out of my eyes, and ran a hand over Aubree, curled up into my side. We were on the floor still, and must have fallen asleep. I scanned the room, unfortunately a career hazard, making sure we were alone. Those goddamned pain pills knocked me the fuck out.

Aubree looked so peaceful, and I didn’t want to wake her. She had a rough day, and needed her sleep. I managed to sit up, resting my back against the couch, but not letting her go. A whimper rumbled up her throat, and her body twitched.

I ran my fingers along her hair, hoping to soothe her and wash away whatever was going on in her mind. Her body twitched again, but this time a little more violently. She twisted and turned, rocking back and forth in my arms.

“Sunshine,” I said, shaking her arm. “Wake up.”

She continued flailing and pain etched at the corner of her eyes. “No!” she cried out, her breaths coming in short loud gasps. Her fingers clawed at me, and I gripped her wrists, holding on as tight as I could.

“Aubree.” I shook her harder, trying to bring her back to me, ignoring the pain it caused in my arm. “Aubree!”

Her eyes shot open wide, and she scrambled to sit up. She looked at me, and, suddenly, all the emotions she had been holding back exploded. I grabbed her shoulders and drew her against me with my good arm. “It’s okay. Shh. Shh. It’s okay.” I ran my hand across her back in long, calming circles.

When she pulled back, I took her chin between my fingers. “What was that about?”

She smirked and then shrugged. “A side effect of killing a man.”

“This happens a lot, then?”

“Every night. Sometimes, he kills me before I wake up. Other times, I win and I get the shot. The worst though… the one that scares me the most… is when he kills you and there’s nothing I can do. I watch you bleed to death. Watch the life drain from your body as he strangles me. At that point in my head, I’m begging him to kill me. To take away the pain, but he never does. He holds me in place, and makes me watch you slip away from me completely.”

I snaked my hand around her head, bringing her forehead to mine. “That will never happen. You’re safe now. I would never let anything happen to you. I promise.”

“I don’t care about me. I couldn’t live if something happened to you. Promise me, that no matter what, you will always come back to me.”

It was a promise I didn’t know if I could keep. In my life, tomorrow was never guaranteed, but, if Aubree was choosing me, I would always find a way back to her. “I promise.” She crushed her lips to mine, plunging her tongue into my mouth. With my good arm, I grabbed her ass and hoisted her into my lap.

“This time, we’re not getting interrupted,” I growled against her lips. Everything around us faded away as I allowed myself to get completely consumed by my Sunshine. I knotted my fingers in her hair, and pulled her back from my mouth.

I dragged my tongue down her neck, showing her that I was going to taste every inch of her. Savor her sweetness, and take all that she was willing to give me.

I slowly moved down her body, hooking my fingers in her shirt, and yanking it out of my damn way. My gaze swept over her, taking in the red lace bra. “New?” I asked, running a finger along the edges.

Her teeth slid over her lip and, damn, if that didn’t turn me on. “Do you like it?”

I clasped her hips and moved her beneath me. “Fucking love it,” I growled, tracing my tongue where my finger just was, and bringing my mouth back to hers. I kissed her and coaxed her lips open to let me in. I nipped gently at her lip, and then continued my way down her body.

I cupped her tit, molding it between my hand, loving the feel of lace against my skin. I skimmed my lips across her forehead, her nose, her cheeks and her chin, dragging my mouth ever so slowly down her neck. I pressed a kiss to her shoulder, pushing the red strap down her porcelain skin.

“Take this off,” I said, tugging at her shorts.

She slipped them off, and tossed them aside, revealing matching panties. All the blood rushed to my cock, and I unsnapped her bra, letting the cups fall from her perfect tits.

She sucked in a quick rush of air, as I bent my head and took her nipple between my teeth. I pinched the other one in sync with the laps of my tongue. Aubree arched into me, pressing her center against my raging hard on.

“Do you feel how hard I am for you?” I asked, and she responded with a sexy as hell moan.

Her hand slipped beneath the waistband of my jeans, and she cupped my cock. I sucked in a sharp breath as the cool touch of her hand settled around my shaft. “I want to taste you,” she said, a plea in her eyes to give her exactly what she asked for. “I’ve never…I’ve never done it before. I want to be dirty for you.” She blinked up, her innocence fading to a sexy little vixen. “Please.”

I unzipped my pants, and let my dick spring free. I stood up to give her better access, ripping my shirt off and discarding it. The corner of her lips curled up as she crawled toward me. Her small fingers wrapped around my thickness, as she touched her tongue to my tip, tracing slow toe-curling circles.

She pulled back, opening wide, and sliding her pretty little virgin lips onto my throbbing cock. Her head drew back, her tongue swirling as it went. My fingers knotted in her hair as the pressure began to build in my balls.

Her head continued to slide up and down, each time taking a little more of me until my cock hit the back of her throat. She choked around my thickness, the vibrations sending goddamned chills up my spine. I held her hair, and gently eased her back. She grabbed my base, and brought her mouth back down my shaft, greedily sucking and taking every hard inch.

Her lips tightened as she went up, strengthening her grip on my base. I needed to taste her, too. The desire grew with each swipe of her tongue. I bent down, grabbing her waist, ignoring the pain coursing through my arm and flipped her upside down. I held her up as her mouth found my cock. I ripped the red lace out of my way and sunk my tongue into her sweet cunt.

Cries of pleasure muffled around my cock, and it only fueled my hunger for her. I lapped her juices, loving how fucking wet she was for me. I flicked my tongue across her clit, and her body arched, her tight little pussy rubbing back and forth against my mouth.

Spit dripped down my cock onto my balls. She tore her mouth from me, and used her spit as lube, stroking my shaft before guiding it back into her mouth.

I walked us to the bedroom, my cock pushing deep in her mouth with each step I took. I dug my fingers into her ass, spreading her wide, and sinking my tongue in as far as I could.

When I got to the bed, I eased her mouth off of me, afraid that, if I didn’t, I would shoot my load in her mouth. I laid her down on the bed, and quickly spun her with my good arm, until her ass was at the edge of the mattress. I dropped to my knees, and dove back in, licking and tasting every last drop.

“You taste so fucking sweet, Sunshine,” I said, pulling away from her pink pussy, and swiping my tongue back against her clit.

Her body arched again, pushing her cunt flush against my mouth. I planted my hand on her stomach, and pressed her down into the mattress, as I thrust a finger into her wetness.

“Oh my God!” she cried out, her hands finding my head, and holding on for the ride.

I worked my finger in and out of her, her juices soaking me and making my skin glisten. I pulled out of her slowly, and held them up to her. “Do you see how wet you are for me?”

Her eyes fluttered open, heavy with lust and desire. “Always,” she said, wrapping her hand around my wrist, and dragging me to her. She brought my fingers to her mouth, and I ran them across her lips. Her tongue snaked out, and she ran it up and down my pointer, before taking two in her mouth. She sucked my fingers like she did my cock, and then pulled away.

I dragged them down her lip, chin and neck before thrusting them back into her pussy. Her hands smacked down on the mattress, her fingers digging into the comforter and balling it in her fists.

“I need you inside of me. Now. Please, Cash.”

I swiped my tongue against her clit one more time, before sucking on the swollen nub. Her body convulsed beneath me. I stood, wedging my leg between hers, and spreading her wide, before shoving my cock deep into her tight cunt.

Her body pushed against mine, and I tucked my bad arm under her, holding her tight against me. I rested my forehead on hers, wanting to see the lust in her eyes. How much pleasure I brought her by being buried deep inside her.

Her nails dug into the skin of my back, and she held on, as I plunged in and out of her. It wasn’t enough, though. I needed more. I captured her lips with mine; shoving my tongue past the divide, and plunging into her mouth.

She groaned and arched, her body taking everything I was giving her. Absorbing every thrust and blow, and begging for more. She caused an insatiable hunger inside me, and I didn’t think I’d ever get enough. I clasped her hips, and flipped until she was on top riding my cock hard.

I looked up at her and her perfect tits, bouncing as she rocked into me, her long brown hair cascading down her back. She was like a fucking angel hovering above me. “You’ve destroyed me,” I said, holding her hips, and letting her take complete and total control. “All I’ll ever want is you.”

She bent down, her tits grazing my chest. Her hand grabbed my face, and she held me close to her. “And you’ll have me,” she said. “If I have to choose, I choose you. Always.”

I sat up, taking her face in my grip, and kissing her hard and long. I slid to the side of the bed, and our hips synced, rocking back and forth.

In that moment, I realized I wasn’t fucking some girl. I was making love for the very first time in my life. I rested my hand on the back of her head, kissing her forehead, her nose and finally her lips.

I poured myself into that kiss, showing her everything I couldn’t say. Her pussy tightened around me, and I rocked into her until she spiraled over the edge. The pressure in my balls built up until I couldn’t hold it back anymore, and exploded, shooting my load deep inside her.

Neither one of us moved. We stayed wrapped in each other, holding onto the moment, savoring every second since we never were able to before.

“We’ve only known each other for a short time,” Sunshine said, pressing a line of kisses on my shoulder. She looked up locking eyes with mine. “But I think I’m falling in love with you. And, maybe that’s crazy, but you make me feel things I’ve never felt before. Make me feel alive and…”

I kissed the words right off her mouth, looking for the strength to finally say all that shit I was feeling. I pulled back. “You’re not crazy, Sunshine. I fucking feel it too.”

Her lips captured mine, and we spent the night tangled in each other.

BOOK: Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)
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