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Authors: Adriane Boyd

Tags: #contemporary romance

Walking Away (5 page)

BOOK: Walking Away
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I looked up just then and saw that Larkin had flipped his sign around. In huge letters it read: SHE SAID YES!!!!


Six months later, Charlie and I married in a small ceremony, with his brothers and father and Dali and Rudy in attendance. There were a few colleagues, and Abi and Colton in attendance as well. It was beautiful, simple and elegant.

Nine months later, Charlie and I welcomed our daughter into the world. She was absolutely perfect. We named her Lily Belle, after our mothers.

I heard from Blake one last time after that day I broke my hand hitting his truck. Abi and I had decided to take Lily to the park one day while Colton and Charlie worked on a new project. While I was watching Abi push Lily in a swing, I noticed Blake making his way up the path behind them. I stiffened immediately, but quickly reminded myself that he could no longer hurt me. Blake spoke to Abi as he walked past her, and I could tell by the look on her face that she was just as confused as I was at his presence.

“Hello Cora,” he said when he reached me.

“Hello, Blake. What are you doing here?” My tone was a blend of surprise and confusion.

“Your husband told me where I could probably find you. I was hoping that we could talk for a minute or two.” He motioned to a bench a few feet away.

“That would be fine,” I said and walked over to sit down on the bench.

Blake sat down beside me and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

“Why are you here, Blake?” I asked gently.

Turning to face me, he spoke. “Listen, Cor, I was wrong to leave you the way I did. It′s taken me this long to decide whether or not you should know the truth. I feel like I can′t go another day without telling you so here it is.

“I couldn′t give you what you wanted. You wanted a life and a family and I knew I couldn′t give you those things. No, not couldn′t. Didn′t know how. You needed someone who was going to be there for you through all of it. Someone who
to be there. I couldn′t do that. I couldn′t be that person. So, I did what I thought had to be done. I left. I waited for you to leave for school, and I packed my things and left. It had to be done, Cora. I wasn′t the guy you really wanted or needed.” He wrapped up his speech with pleading eyes, and I knew he was right.

At the time, I couldn′t see it. I didn′t want to see it. Blake had been mine for so long. He had been the one who I had made plans with for two whole years and I couldn′t see past that. So when he left, I was crushed. But hearing him say these things now, it all made perfect sense. It was the wake up call that I needed.

Blake stood up and I stood with him. Before he left, I reached out to him for a final hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I squeezed him around his neck. Stepping back and away, I looked up at into the face of the man I had pinned my entire future on for so long and said the only thing I could think of.

“Thank you,” I told him with a smile. “Hearing you say that, explain it, it makes me feel a lot less crazy. I really appreciate it.”

“You′re welcome.” Before he walked away he nodded in the direction of Abi who was still pushing a giggling Lily in the swing. “She′s beautiful.”

With that, he turned and walked out of sight leaving me with a sense of peace and realization. Blake′s leaving me made it possible for me to find Charlie, my happily ever after, and taught me the importance of walking away.

BOOK: Walking Away
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