Walker (Bad Boys of X-Ops #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Walker (Bad Boys of X-Ops #1)
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Brodie Steele finally made his way over as he noticed the tight knot of our group relaxing after one more round of drinks.

“Walker, dude. Didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”

I met his hand. “Chick troubles.”

He snorted. “Heard that one before. Got my own now. Ashe is pregnant.”

“You’re fucking with me.”

“Nope. First time out of the gates.” He rubbed a silver-ringed hand across his chest. “
. Best thing that ever happened to me.”

Big brother Boomer turned up tableside. “Someone say woman problems?”

He scanned the interior of the crowded MC until his gaze lit upon one female in particular.

She was foxy with a capital Fuck Hard, and I vaguely recalled her as the maid of
at Hunter and JB’s wedding.

Rayce. That was her name.

Boomer tore his attention away. “Tell me all about it. Who doesn’t have woman problems?”

, plural.” I clarified.

“Damn. Playing one against the other or what?” Cole reappeared on the scene.

“Not like that.” If only it was so simple. “Take one international specialist—female—and a Middle Eastern princess on the run. Those kinds of first world problems, yeah?”

“I’d say those are third world problems.” Bo tanked his beer to the last drop.

“Sounds like heaven,” Boomer said.

The guy called Handsome appeared, a denizen of Retribution. I almost didn’t recognize him. He’d gotten his fucking hair cut and packed on some muscle.

“You got a woman to spare?” the dude asked.

Tail, another Retribution MC officer, entered the fray, flipping his pool cue from hand to hand like a Samurai sword. “Hey. Time to break up the Loserpalooza already.”

He was king of the pool tables and lord of the honeys. Babes followed him with their hips jutting, their cleavage showing, and lots of eye-fucking.

“Enough talk about the chicks.” Tail broke the pool balls with one strong thrust of his cue. “Let’s show ’em how you wield your stick.”

Chapter Eight

Casa De Hell




I CUT OUT AN hour later with a back slap from Hunter and fist bumps all around, stating I had to get back to the
little women

The two little women. Yeah, right. One who could kill me in my sleep then roll over to catch another forty winks, no doubt, and the other one was Number One on Interpol’s buzzfeed.

I slammed the front door loud and clear, locked it, set an alarm. I stomped up the stairs, making sure they heard me, and entered the guest room where Jade and Madge were tethered together like two of the most unhappy prisoners I’d ever seen.

Double bondage.


They didn’t seem to think so, although as per usual Jade was the most vocal.

She didn’t even stop for a breath. The second I entered the bedroom, her verbal barrage railed on me hot and fast and filled with criticisms.

The bottle of whisky was half empty, though.

Kneeling down, I whistled, unlocking them from a pretty cushy imprisonment.

I set Jade free last, quickly leaping back from what I knew was coming next. She rushed to her feet all fight and fury.

I never underestimated Jade.

My traitorous body bent toward her. Wanted more. Every damn mudslinging part of her.

She was alive. And here. And so fucking fearless.

Madge watched us with unveiled interest.

Hair tousled, mouth firing off, anger in every single tensile muscle, Jade absolutely sprung at me, claws bared.

Laughing freely, which only pissed her off more, I caught her in my arms, the only place I wanted her to be.

She slapped my face and even that sting was potent and lusty.

She ended her tirade with, “I WANT MY BLOODY WEAPONS BACK, WALKER!”

Rubbing the side my burning cheek, I unwisely enjoyed the rush sparring with her always brought. “Maybe if you behave yourself tonight I’ll think about it.”

“How long have you two known each other?” Madge asked, standing to the side.

“Too fucking long,” Jade spat.

I tuned out her bitching while I made sure their blood circulated to their wrists with the least pain possible.

Jade screamed something like, “Sadist! Arsehole! I should put the world out of its misery and kill you now!”

I chuckled. “Don’t know how you can complain about this plush lock-up.” Catching her bare feet against my thighs, I massaged the turn of her ankles, the skin of her soles, down to her toes. “Short duration. Carpeted room. No danger, practically a spa vacation, and you should be damn grateful.”

Smiling widely, I bent over her feet.

She kicked at me, but I didn’t care.

This kind of fighting was going to end differently. I knew it. And it made my skin hot as a flashpoint wherever I touched her.

My hands roamed up her calves to her knees, and she locked her legs together.

I sat back, punching my fists to my thighs. “You done with the invectives yet?”

“I’m surprised you even know the meaning of that word, you bastard.”

I eyed the bottle of fifty-year-old whisky then glanced back at her. “Enjoyed the drink?”


I laughed from my stomach, helping Madge to her feet. “Who wants a shower?”

Both their hands shot to the air, but Jade made sure to tack on a few more insults . . . in foreign languages she knew full well I understood.

“Guest bathroom is”—I guided Madge into the hall, opening one door after another until I came up trumps—“here. I’m sure there are towels and shampoo, soap and shit somewhere in here. After that, hit the sack. No telling what fresh hell tomorrow will bring. Turns out you’re a very popular woman, Madge.”

She stopped me before I took my leave of the tiny bathroom. “You’re going to set the alarm?”

“Oh yeah. Sure thing. Already did.”

“You’ll be on guard tonight?” she asked.

“Of course. Gonna walk the perimeter of this middle class, Middle American neighborhood all night long. Absolutely.”


Majedah drew herself up. “You have no intentions of doing so?”

“Listen, lady. We’re in exactly Nowhere, United States. No one’s going to find us tonight.” I glanced at Jade who silently simmered in the hallway. A smile curved my lips. “Of course, you could always sleep with us. Nothing says welcome to the States like a hot, raunchy threesome.”

Madge shoved me out and slammed the door.

Jade grabbed my arm. “Sleep with

“This is how I see it. Madge ain’t going nowhere without you. And you? You’re not going anywhere with me glued to your back. So do you want to shower first, or should I join you?”

“Bugger that! You’re a fuck. I’d rather sleep with
.” She slammed the door of the master bathroom in my face just like Madge had.

Maybe I’d paired up with one too many females. International wars? Forget that. I was in danger of Estrogen Wars.

I listened at the door in case Jade got any funny ideas about trying to slip out the small, square bathroom window I’d bolted shut earlier. I heard her quietly investigating and then volubly swearing when she discovered the fresh screws drilling the window tightly closed.

Not that Jade could’ve made it through the little aperture anyway. Sure, she was fit as fuck, ready for a mattress workout, but she wasn’t what I’d call dainty.

Flexible, maybe.

In fact, if she were capable of contorting her body I’d probably be on board with defiling her upside down, inside out, and backward.

“I hate him. Hate him. Hate him,” she muttered from behind the closed door.

The shower powered on, and she railed some more. “Unbelievable ass—”

I’d take that. I did have a pretty good ass.



“Taking over the mission. Thinks I can’t just slit his throat.”

I listened to her splishing and splashing. And hissing.

“Locks me in a room . . . forcing me to . . .”

I stepped back, shaking my head. The woman was unreal. She talked a blue streak even when she was alone. Not a good trait for someone in the espionage biz. But kind of endearing. Except for the
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him

Attempting to ignore the tempting idea of her one door away, standing under the shower spray with suds floating all over her wet naked body, I paced a circle in the bedroom. Probably made my own track marks on the carpet. My cock was rampant hard. My nerves on high alert. And I knew I’d get no stress relief in the form of a hot fuck tonight.

Sex was the only part I liked about being on R&R. Of course, this wasn’t R&R. It was shaping up to be sheer torture. The bodily kind.

Maybe I could rub one out in the shower after she was done, but the danger of loudly grunting Jade’s name as I imagined nailing her might put a damper on my cock calisthenics.

Before I knew it, I had my ear pressed to the door again. No unusual sounds. No hot moans. No scream of my name as she creamed between her fingers.

My dick reached new proportions of erectness. I could probably beat nails into wood with the thing.

It jumped in my jeans when the doorknob turned, and I jerked back.

Jade swanned out, wrapped in two white towels—one around her hair, the other slung tightly over her body, barely covering her from the crests of her tits to the tops of her thighs.

I didn’t even bother pretending I wasn’t staring.

Growling low in my throat when the clinging towel slipped a millimeter lower, I asked, “Do I need to drag your ass into the bathroom with me or will you behave?”

She licked her lips, her gaze aimed way south of the border and landing on my groin where my blatant hard-on punched a thick ridge inside my jeans. “I . . . I’ll stay put.”

Her eyes darted to the closed bedroom door and back.

I squinted at her, taking one step forward.

“Walker.” Her fist tightened on the towel at her breasts. “I promise.”

Relenting, I turned on my heel. “Guess I trust you. Just this once.”

I made quick work in the bathroom, hauling my shave kit from my pack and digging out the necessaries. I hated scruff on my face, and three days’ worth made me feel even dirtier than the layer of scum clinging to my flesh.

My jaw and face scraped clean, I did the tooth-brushing thing while I stood under pounding hot water. Fuck. It felt good, erasing the events of the past thirty-six hours from my body—the dust, the blood, the grit that got everywhere.

The only thing that could make this better would be a sweet wet pussy to sink my dick into.

The dick in question pumped up proudly from between my legs, fully engorged with blood and in no way ready to stand down. I sure as hell did not trust Jade enough to take the time to paint the tiled walls with jets of the white stuff from my cock, but the build-up in my balls was becoming unbearable.

Not helping matters was the idea Jade had stood, bare-assed, slippery wet and hot, exactly where I was no more than ten minutes earlier.

I wondered how big her nipples were, because I liked to bite and suck and pinch. I imagined she had a soft tight strip of black hair above her cunt, and that her clit—unhooded—would juice up beneath my tongue.


With a loud grunt, I unwrapped the hand I’d begun fisting up and down my cock without even realizing it.

The dick-stick between my legs wagged like a goddamn flagpole, tall, thick, and dark brownish-pink. The head gleamed, swollen and leaking.

Punching the wall, I hung my face under the water, letting it stream down my back. After a final glare at my stiffie, I cut off the water and stepped out. I wiped down, ran the towel over my hair then finger combed it. Slinging the damp towel around my hips, I stepped out of the steamy bathroom.

Jade half-reclined against the headboard, the covers draped up over her tits.

She watched me approach, shifting her legs beneath the blankets.

“I sleep naked.” Her green eyes curved at the corners. “Hope you don’t mind.

I suppressed the urge to rub my hands together. “Me too.”

Chapter Nine

Beneath the Sheets




DROPPING MY TOWEL IN the middle of the floor, I prowled forward.

My muscles dripped with diamond drops of water that trailed down my pecs to my abs to my hard cock.

Jade’s eyes turned deep, dark, almost black-glassy-green. She followed every step I took, her gaze locked on my advancing form. The wet slap of my long black hair down my back mirrored hers, which fanned out across the pillows, drying in long luscious waves highlighted with the vibrant, rich red.

Her breaths fell faster. Mine heated up. There was a heartbeat throbbing in my cock, and my balls swelled bigger with each brush of her eyes up and down my body.

Dragging her gaze back up my body, she whispered, “That’s a magnificent tattoo.”

I rubbed my hand across the ink that spread across my upper chest to my shoulders. Her gaze followed the motion, and the bed dipped when I placed a knee on it. The tribal markings were outlined in black, but the feathers had been colored in azure blues and royal reds.

“A Thunderbird,” I explained in a voice that was as deeply thunderous as the mythical bird’s flapping wings.

She gulped.

I smiled, pretty sure it was a feral flash of my teeth. “My spirit animal. The courage of a warrior. The strength of a fighter. Honor.” I slid beneath the covers. “Power.” My voice deepened even more. “

Jade squeaked, I would’ve sworn it.

“What tribe do you belong to?” Her words shook.

She stared at me, riveted, rooted to the spot on the other side of the mattress I was slowly encroaching.

“Lakota. Our name for the Thunderbird is
. Sacred winged. Like the eagles that fly over our reservation.” For the first time in a long time, I felt a flush of pride at belonging to my great nation instead of the grief I never buried deeply enough.

Jade hesitantly reached out, and when her hand rested on the taut skin of my chest, a breath exploded from me.

Her hand fell to her hip, and her eyes blinked up at me, her curiosity unconcealed. I flipped her in my arms, coiling my body around hers. The damp heat of our skin combining and igniting. Stretching over her, I turned off the light, leaving us blanketed in darkness cut only by our ragged breaths.

“I should check in on Majedah.” Jade struggled ineffectually.

I crushed her against my chest, my arms winding around her. “You’re going nowhere.”

“This is getting a little too cozy for my liking, Walker.”

“You’re the one who said you sleep nekkie.”

“I didn’t think you meant you’d be
glued to my back

My dick curved between the sweet hot hills of her ass, sending jolts of fire through my system. I repositioned my arms around her, crossing one over her waist and the other over the swell of her tits.

“Walker. What are you doing?” She wiggled, seating my dick even deeper in her cleft.

“It’s either this or the handcuffs again.” Fucking fantastic idea in a situation like this.
Jade bound for my pleasure.
“Can’t have you sneaking out on me with our prisoner.”

“If I promise to stay put, will you let me go?”

“Not a chance.” Moving one hand, I palmed a lush heavy mound and pinged the peak of her nipple. “You feel too fucking good.”

Walker . . .” Arching her neck, she bit her lip and grinded against me, setting off ten thousand bolts of destructive desire.

I squeezed her breasts, the wonderful weights more than filling my hands. “Goodnight kiss?”

Turning her face, she threaded her fingers through my hair. “This is a really bad idea.”

“The worst.” I pulled her around, seating my cock between the hot lush swell of her slit.

“Because I don’t even like you.” Her breath pulsed against the corner of my mouth.

“Pretty sure I hate you.” Dipping my head, I slanted my lips to hers.

Our lips met. Softly. Slowly. Tasting. Touching.

The second Jade hoarsely panted my name, I lunged deep with my tongue. I cradled her head in my hands and crushed my mouth to hers. Dipping inside, I pulled her tongue into my mouth, and she took charge, pushing me to my back. Full breasts against my chest. The wet glide of her tongue echoing the drenched heat of her cunt sawing up and down the length of my cock.

She broke away with a whine. I snaked up to lick at the small silver stud above her lip.

Whipping back her hair, she rose above me. “I’m going to kill you, you know?”

“Dying for you would be worth it.”


I blinked awake, immediately reaching for my KA-BAR and coming into contact with soft feminine flesh instead.

What in the fuck?

The dizzies and confusion came fast—a hazard of the job, one that didn’t really mix with the hazards of
The Job

Beirut. The bomb. The boat . . .


JB’s house.

I worked quickly forward until all the messed up, fractured puzzle pieces made some semblance of sense.


The kiss.

And her cunt so close to my cock.

Morning wood was more like redwood. I gently flittered my fingertips up over the swell of her hip, down the indent of her waist, and around one dusky plum-colored nipple.

She was soft and sleepy and luscious, hugging against me. And I was hard. Hard as hell.

Her nipple peaked beneath my thumb moments before her cat-like eyes blinked open. Her moist lips stretched into a lazy smile as her eyelashes fluttered up and down.

“Fuck, Jade. Your eyes.”

“What?” She arched slowly up to her elbows half on top of me, and her tits—warm and round—hung down, caressing my chest.

Beating my head back as her incredible heat stole through me, I threw my forearm across my face. “Nothing. Forget it.”

She tugged my arm away, sensuously rubbing her breasts against me. “Come on. Don’t be shy. What about my eyes?”

“They’re . . .” I squinted at her, considering. “Scary. Eerie. Kind of demonic.”

“Walker!” She slammed her hand over my mouth.

“Sexy,” I mumbled. “Definitely haunting.”

“You’re terrible. You’re not even a very good spy. And I can’t believe I let you talk me into bed with you.”

I flipped her onto her back, using my weight and naked heat to press her down. “Woman. You were practically begging me to bed you last night.”

“Once again you have the wrong end of the stick.” She squirmed beneath me, and I didn’t mind that at all.

Her sexy body hit me in all the right places, her legs parting so my thick cock wedged against her more than wet heat.

Leaning down, I kissed her raw. Kissed her rough. Took her moans and her tongue and her hungry little licks.

Her arms wound around my neck, her legs over my hips, and she slid her cunt up and down the underside of my cock.

I pulled back with a grunt. “I’m more than ready to give you the right end of the stick.”

Jade wrestled me off her, rolling me over and leaping from the bed to land—absolutely completely naked—on the floor. Her eyes sparkled, and her grin grew as she stood, staring down at me.

I laughed uproariously. Without doubt, she was a worthy opponent in every sense of the word. Sex. War. Intellect. Espionage.

“Think that’s funny, do you?” She slammed me in the face with a pillow until the seams burst and feathers floated all around us.

I hooked an arm around her waist, tumbling her down to me.

“Oh, bugger. Allergies!” Her eyes watered, and she sneezed five times in succession.

“I don’t even know how you can function as an operative, lady.”

She came up, completely clear-eyed, with my previously hidden KA-BAR in hand. “Gotcha!”

All kidding aside, I rose to my feet. “Give me the blade, Jade.”

She didn’t. Instead she stepped closer, doing something dangerously sexy.

Jade drew the sharp, sharp blade up the flexed muscles of my inner thigh, testing the cool edge against the tendon at the top, really goddamn close to my ballsack.

Heat erupted throughout my body, and—unbelievably—my cock pulsed with obscene need.

Jade’s eyelids drooped over heavily dilated irises. Her tits rose and fell with fast panting breaths as she admired her handiwork.

“You like being taken to the edge, Walker.”

The tip of the knife moved lightning fast with the slightest bite just under the head of my cock, and—
Wakan Tanka
help me—I almost came on the spot.

The cords of my neck strained. Muscles tensed all over my body. My seed was ready to spill over.

I fucking widened my stance and pushed into her touch.

“Not gonna hurt you. What a waste of an amazing cock that would be.” Her voice dropped, her free hand too.

She cupped my tightening balls in her fingers, gently rolling them, while she drew the cold blunt side of the blade down my dick. It bumped over the rigid veins all the way to the base.

Jade lowered to her knees, holding the flat of the knife against the tensed flesh of my thigh, and my cock towered above her parted mouth.

My breath chugged in and out.

I grabbed her hair in a white-knuckled fist. “You bite me, I’ll make you bleed.”

She sent the KA-BAR end-over-end across the room until the tip planted into the wall with a quiver.

“I already made you bleed.” She licked her lips before pressing her mouth to the tiny drop of blood beneath the thick ridge of my cock.

I groaned, on the verge of spurting all over her face.

She engulfed my cockhead with a soft kiss before gliding back and jumping to her feet.

My cock arched from my groin, ready to blow. I clenched and unclenched my fists. “Next time my dick’s that close to your mouth, I’m coming inside it.”

“Should I take that as a warning?” Jade wiggled her ass as she burrowed into her pack.

Retrieving my knife, I pretended my cock wasn’t leading me around the room like a dowsing rod in search of something wet—her pussy—to sink into. “Yeah. That.”

She hummed, laying out her clothes. I snarled, trying to coax my dick to a more bearable angle other than one hundred percent upright.

Jade, naked, in daylight. No way would I ever forget the vision. Goddamn her bouncy tits and her silky-looking, slightly tawny skin. My eyes glued to the neat black arrow of her landing strip and her bare, succulent pussy lips. That shit needed a warning of its own: Danger Zone.

Perky nipples, nice curves, and no superfluous flesh, because the woman killed people for a living.

“Damn. If I’d known you had all that under your usual uniform of black-on-black I probably would’ve kidnapped you a lot sooner.”

“You didn’t kidnap me. I let you rescue us.” She drew a brush down the long waterfall of her hair. “Won’t happen again. And no more kisses.”

“Keep telling yourself that, Jade.” I advanced, grabbing her to me for a wet, fiery kiss.

The hot suction of our lips parting sank down to my forever-hard dick.

She pulled something over her head after sneaking on the tiniest pair of sheer panties I’d ever fucking seen. And I’d seen a lot of panties.

“What the hell is that?” The dress wasn’t slutty or even vampish. It didn’t have to be.

It was understated and all the hotter because Jade wore it like she frigging owned it. The dress was short, slinky tight, but went all the way to her neck. It had a wide belt she cinched at the waist, giving her even more of an hourglass shape.

“A dress. Brooks Brothers for women.” She pushed her feet into heavy-soled black combat boots that took the look from High Street tailored to sexy gung ho. “When I’m not busy with the dark ops action I like to shop. And look like a lady.”

I mashed my palm against my forehead.

“Trying to unsee me naked?” She gave a husky laugh.

“Yes,” I gritted out.

She tossed clothes at me then swished to the door. “You’re underdressed, Walker. I could probably make an escape right now.”

The fastest dresser in the West or East or wherever—fuck, too many countries, too few days—I yanked on my clothes and caught Jade’s hand. “Let’s go check on our prisoner.”

“You have got to stop calling her that.”

“Who? Madge?”

“That too.”


A few days to get my bearings would’ve been a motherfucking blessing. ’Course there was no such thing as laying low in this business.

I’d put my burn cells on silent where Blaize was concerned but got a continuous feed from Storm, Justice, and Bane. Their intelligence left a lot to be desired.
? Jesus. Christ. The dudes were at least one screw loose in their heads, sending me stick figure memes about porn and cheesy pictures of Grumpy Cat.

BOOK: Walker (Bad Boys of X-Ops #1)
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