Read Walk among us Online

Authors: Vivien Dean

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Walk among us (6 page)

BOOK: Walk among us
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Calvin sucked in a breath when Matthew bowed his dark head to catch the left nipple between his teeth.

His hair was soft against Calvin’s palm as he cupped the back of his head, and a new image rose unbidden, unchecked, in front of his mind’s eye.

Still black and white. Pencils this time, to give him greater control over the depth of his lines. He wanted sharp not smudged. A study of light and dark rather than a contrast of shapes. A naked Matthew etched against black sky. Like a cutout with only the most necessary details filled in.

He touched those parts he would want to add. The sharp line of Matthew’s collarbone. There was a dimple where it ended at his shoulder that he longed to bend down and lick. His broad fingers. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Matthew straightened at the caress along the side of his face. Calvin waited for the question to come, but Matthew didn’t ask it, seemingly satisfied with whatever he saw in his eyes. He took Calvin’s hand and backed up the few feet to the bed. Without letting go, he stretched out atop the blankets, lying on his side.

Calvin lay next to him. Their mouths sought each other out. Fingers followed. Heat scorched at every WalkAmongUs:ACallingofSoulsstory

point of contact, like the tongue that swept along his, or the scrape of hair over his bare chest. This time when he felt Matthew work at his pants, he didn’t stop him. He joined in, wiggling to get free of them before setting to work on Matthew’s. When he pushed past the zipper, Calvin groaned at the thick length that met his fingers.

Matthew echoed the sound when Calvin began to pump it.

Their kisses grew rougher, their need breaking the easier rhythm. Matthew thrust into Calvin’s hand, the thick vein running along the underside throbbing hard enough for him to feel it on every stroke. His hands spread around Calvin’s hips, massaging his ass, and slowly, he shifted his weight until he bore Calvin down into the mattress.

It was a combination of everything—Matthew’s greater mass, the heat that poured from him, the sparks Calvin couldn’t deny every time their skin made contact. Calvin’s head spun. He couldn’t even consider the circumstances that had brought them together in that moment. He could only lose himself in the way Matthew plundered his mouth, the way he scrabbled at his skin, the way the soft sounds he made in the back of his throat went straight to Calvin’s cock.

He gasped for breath when Matthew started mouthing downward. Another bite at the opposite nipple preceded a long lick down the center of his stomach. With each inch closer to his cock, Calvin spread his legs a little wider, ready, waiting, hungry for what they both wanted. By the time Matthew dragged his tongue down the length of the shaft, Calvin ached to be filled.

Matthew looked up at him as he knelt between his legs. “You’re so gorgeous,” he said quietly. His hands danced as they smoothed over the crack of Calvin’s ass, sure and soothing as he worked the flesh. “I should have told you that sooner.”

Calvin flushed. He knew he wasn’t bad looking, but he’d hardly use the superlatives Matthew chose. His blond hair was getting darker as he got older, and it made his already light blue eyes even paler in comparison. The rest of his features were simply even and ordinary. If anything, his body might be worthy of a little praise, but his defined abs were due to constant hard workouts rather than anything genetic.

He was saved from responding when Matthew ducked his head to suck Calvin’s balls past his lips. Calvin cried out, bucking at the hard contact, but that drove his ass further into Matthew’s hands, giving him the leverage to spread the cheeks wide. His thumbs grazed over the tight pucker and the circular motions relaxed the muscle with each swipe.

Calvin fisted his cock. It wouldn’t surprise him if he came before Matthew even got inside him. He hadn’t felt this on edge in a very long time.

Matthew kept up the dual assault for endless minutes. When he tired of sucking on the sac, he licked up the length of his cock, dancing over the fingers until Calvin moved them out of his way. He massaged Calvin’s ass, his thumbs slipping more and more frequently past the tight outer ring. Matthew never bothered with his fingers. He stretched Calvin using first one thumb, then the other, and finally both at the WalkAmongUs:ACallingofSoulsstory

same time.

None of that would come close to the girth of his cock, though. Thinking of that made Calvin shiver in anticipation.

When Matthew closed his mouth over the dripping tip of Calvin’s prick, Calvin scrambled to push him away.

“Too much,” he panted. “You’ll make me come.”

Matthew’s lips were shiny when he looked up. “I thought that was the point.”

He shook his head. “Not if you’re not in me, it’s not.”

Pulling his hands away, Matthew crawled up the bed on his knuckles and knees until he hovered eye to eye with Calvin. His heavy cock weighed against Calvin’s, and he gently rocked his hips to share the wet friction.

“Why do you trust me?”

The question cracked the illusion they’d shared. Calvin stared up at him, drinking in the sincere confusion.

“Because you’re not going to hurt me.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Are you?”


“Then I do know that.” He glided his fingertips over the straining biceps. Matthew’s control was slipping with each passing second. “You told me what you see. I believe you.”

Their foreheads touched. “Nobody else does.”

His arms went around Matthew’s back, tugging him down. All it took was a slight tilt of his head to find Matthew’s mouth like he wanted, like they both needed. He refused to let Matthew pull away until his strain was completely gone.

“Don’t think about it,” Calvin said. “Just fuck me.”

Matthew did as he commanded, separating only long enough to slide a rubber over his thick shaft and slick it up with lube. He rubbed his oily fingers over Calvin’s hole, pushing them in to grease more of the way.

Calvin grabbed his knees in order to expose himself more, his heart pounding when Matthew grasped the base of his cock and angled it toward Calvin’s opening.

The fat, blunt tip pressed against his hole. He held his breath as he waited, longing for the flash-fire that came from being stretched, but Matthew took his time, working his cock in, inch by agonizing inch.

Calvin felt every bit of it. It wasn’t a fire so much as a slow burn, rolling in and onto itself, feeding both of their desires until it raged just within their means.

Sweat burst through his skin, making it harder and harder to keep a grip on the back of his thighs. His hands slipped, and he scratched himself as he struggled to find another hold.

Matthew stopped him. He took Calvin’s wrist and guided it to his shoulder, then carefully eased forward, WalkAmongUs:ACallingofSoulsstory

pushing in the final few inches as he covered Calvin’s body. He wrapped everything he had around Matthew and held him deep inside his body, their mouths meeting in a lingering kiss, the kind that made his tongue tingle and his balls ache.

Calvin didn’t want him to move. He didn’t want to break from his glorious mouth, and he didn’t want to lose this sensation of being utterly filled. He had a tendency to top more than bottom, but none of the men who’d fucked him over the years had been as thick as Matthew. He had a feeling he was going to be spoiled for a long time to come.

“I have to move,” Matthew said against his mouth. “I need to feel you. All of you.”

All Calvin could do was nod, but it was enough. Slowly, Matthew tilted his hips back. He withdrew just a couple inches before rocking forward again, and his heavy balls brushed against Calvin’s ass. He thrust his clever tongue inside Calvin’s mouth, coaxing the same responses his cock was. Calvin had always considered this sort of mindless, mostly anonymous fucking to be the best way to simply forget about daily stresses.

Being with Matthew was something else entirely.

Matthew kept his strokes short and shallow for several minutes. Calvin dug into his back for a stronger hold, rocking with him, rocking against him, drowning in the same brilliant hues that had surrounded him during their first hungry kiss. Every other thrust sent new sparks shooting through his body, singeing away his guilt, diverting his thoughts from graveyards and guns, to the electricity firing from his ass to his cock and back to his ass again.

When the drives began to grow in intensity, Calvin finally broke away to suck at Matthew’s slick, bare shoulder. He gulped for breath, wondering why it was this man got to him the way he did. He shouldn’t.

Everything about this should have been wrong.

But it wasn’t.

He hadn’t been this sure about anything in a very long time.

Matthew caressed his hip, but when he slipped his hand upward to curl his fingers around Calvin’s cock, he knew it wouldn’t be much longer. The heat was overwhelming. Consuming. Just a single touch made him shiver uncontrollably. Full contact of fingers and palm and long, hard pulls made him erupt within moments.

Stars exploded behind his eyes. His teeth clamped down on Matthew’s shoulder in reflex, and though he heard a vague gurgled cry, he was too far gone in his own pleasure to know if it was protest or encouragement or something else entirely. Come coated his stomach, and then Matthew slammed upward, pistoning into his passage with such force that Calvin’s cock jerked yet again.

It felt like eternity had passed before Matthew’s body began to relax against his.

Slowly, Matthew rolled away. The empty feeling left behind after he withdrew made Calvin want to drag him back, but his muscles refused to comply. They were too liquid to do much of anything but lay there as WalkAmongUs:ACallingofSoulsstory

Matthew rose from the bed and padded away into the darkness. He heard something slap lightly against something else. When Matthew returned, the condom was gone.

Matthew spooned behind him, his softening cock sticky and warm against Calvin’s sore ass. A tender kiss tickled Calvin’s nape, but the weight of Matthew’s arm around his waist felt even better than that.

“You can be on top next time,” Matthew teased.

Calvin laughed. “Better be prepared for me to melt on top of you after I come, then. I don’t think I have any motor control left.”

“I can think of nowhere else I’d rather you be.” Another kiss, even softer than the previous. “So you better rest while you can.”

He closed his eyes.

It was the first time in two days he felt purely and utterly complete.


Chapter Four

Calvin woke up parched.

The light still burned in the hallway, but Matthew had disengaged from him at some point in his sleep, rolling over to face the opposite wall. The broad shoulder rising like a bronzed statue made Calvin itch to reach out and touch the deceptively smooth skin. He almost did. Only his needy thirst kept him from doing so.

Grabbing his pants from the floor, he held them tight until he stepped out of the bedroom. He moved as quietly as he could, but the house was old, the floorboards against him. Every once in a while one would creak, and he hesitated often as he dressed and went off in search of a bathroom.

He found it, two doors down. Aging taupe tile lined the walls, while a darker brown toilet beckoned to him to take a leak. He did out of habit more than anything else, then used a cup on the sink to swallow long gulps of ice-cold water after he’d washed up.

He never heard a sound. Even the flushing toilet hadn’t seemed to wake Matthew up.

Briefly, Calvin debated his options. He wasn’t actually tired. It wasn’t morning yet, but he wouldn’t be surprised if they’d both slept most of the night through. He could finish getting dressed and take off, get out before the awkward morning after.

That seemed even more cowardly than usual for him. He didn’t want to be haunted by the disappointed look Matthew might have in his sad brown eyes when he woke up and found Calvin gone.

There were other possibilities. He could crawl back into bed with Matthew. Now that his thirst was quenched, he could focus on satisfying other urges, like the desire to touch that broad back. Sculpt each muscle with a curve of his hand. Matthew had expressed the wish to have Calvin ride him. It would be easy to grant. And tempting. So tempting.

But something else prevailed. Something else he wanted more than leaving Watson Park and more than the amazing sex Matthew offered.


He needed to know more about the man who claimed to see demons. Who was so moved by what he saw, he killed them in order to protect perfect strangers. After everything that had happened since first hearing Matthew’s claims, Calvin knew he had to believe him, but believing just brought more questions.

Calvin crept past the open bedroom door for the stairs. Every other riser creaked as he made his way to the lower floor, but there was nothing to be done about that except pray it wasn’t enough to wake Matthew.

He reached the front hall without incident, then paused as he debated where to go. The living room was off to his left. A lot could be said about the space a man spent his free time in.

The furniture was older but clean, free of stains and rips. It matched the worn-down atmosphere of the house, like it had been dragged behind a weathered pickup truck through time on a dirt road. A small TV

collected dust in the corner, while a much more expensive stereo system looked out of place next to it.

Books and CDs were everywhere. Calvin wandered to the nearest pile and tilted his head to scan the titles.

Most of the books were escapist fiction, but he frowned after he passed over a third Bible. He glanced at another row. Two more Bibles nestled between dog-eared paperbacks. When he pulled one out, he found colored tabs marking numerous pages, and the edges were soft from multiple handlings.

He cradled the book in his palm, allowing it to fall open randomly to a page. Considering how many Bibles he’d found, he wasn’t that surprised to see verses highlighted, different shades of yellow and orange indicating either different reading sessions or differing purposes. He glanced over it without much interest. Religion had never been his forte. He’d never managed to make it through the Bible even once.

BOOK: Walk among us
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