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Authors: Cora Blu

Wait for Me (19 page)

BOOK: Wait for Me
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She grouped her arms around his neck to ride up and down over his thick shaft deep inside her, stretching her walls. Jonathan lived a dangerous life and wanted her to be a part of it.

“I scared you…” Nudging her with his chin. She held her face up, water pouring over her eyes to slip between her lips. His scent filled her nostrils him biting on her bottom lip. She molded her breasts tighter to his muscled chest trying to get closer to his heartbeat. She became his rhythm, his pulse…his every breath. “I need you, Kenya…I’ll protect you.”

He slapped a hand to the tile, changing his position, and burrowed deeper into her heat.

She gasped under the pressure, her legs opening wider. “I’m still scared…I wanna hate you, Jonathan…hate that you came back into my life but I can’t stop loving you.” Kissing those lips, Kenya bit and sucked. Jonathan was danger and her heart erased every line she would never cross to be with him. Grinding her hips down, she felt him hit the end of her cervix and it wasn’t close enough. Closing her arms around his head, she adjusted him until her breast slipped into his mouth. He sucked gentle and tenderly mounding the underside with one hand brought the tears faster from her eyes.

“I know, babe. I hate that I can’t stay away from you…can’t be without you.” The tender skin of Kenya's inner thighs tingled under each thrust from Jonathan. Slowing down his movements until they swayed under the spray of water, Jonathan moaned against her face. “My life’s screwed six ways from Sunday, but I can’t let you go. I need you.”

Feeling him going impossibly deep, Kenya sucked in a breath, then said, “You’re screwing up my life…” she cried, wanting to scream she loved him and never wanted to leave. Instead, she buried her face into his shoulders and let the tears mingle in the water from the showerhead. She began crying harder behind each stroke of his hips. His body continued to smack against hers. The wet hairs of his chest rasped rough against her breasts as she licked the light dusting of freckles on his shoulder. "You have too much control over me." 

“Sue me…” he mumbled, face tight, rocking deeper. Gripping her thighs tighter, Jonathan plunged his stiff body in and out of her swollen folds. Kenya couldn’t stop the flow of tears. “Oh, babe…you feel so good. This is us, Kenya. We belong together and I’m not letting you go.” 

“Stop talking and make love to me,” she cried as his mouth closed over hers, kissing her deep and moaning words in Gaelic. Her body shuttered under the first climax.

Two hours later after waking in the bed alone, Kenya stumbled to the bathroom and threw up.

Oh Lord, no!




The weeks passed slow since Kenya left Jonathan in Ireland and she could only pray he forgave her for what she had to do. She’d convinced him she needed time away from all the violence, which he’d fought, but she couldn’t do what she had to with him in the States. Brian would see them together, find out she was carrying Jonathan’s child, and come after her. At least this way the baby was safe. She’d hated lying to Jonathan, but she couldn’t help him over there. She was doing it for all of them.

“How long do you think you can keep it from Jonathan, Chica? He’s gonna find out you’re pregnant and when he does, I don’t envy you.” Julia kicked off her shoes standing by the front door in Kenya’s apartment. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, Kenya moved to the sofa.

“Another month. The doctor warned against stress the first trimester if possible. I’m almost two month’s Julia. Every time I think about I was pregnant fighting Morgan out in that field and careening down the mountains confirms I have to stay out of his life for a while.”

Julia padded through the living room to drop down on the sofa. “I can’t believe you left and he hasn’t come for you. I know it’s only been two weeks, but Jonathan’s possessive.”

Kenya could still hear the pain in Jonathan’s voice. She’d left the castle after she woke. It was only a day early, as she was scheduled to leave the next morning. But after what she witnessed the only way to stop Brian was to take him money and freedom away. She had to get started on finding the money and clearing both their names. When she'd gotten off the plane, and the nausea was still there, she'd confirmed her suspicions by stopping at the airport pharmacy and bought four pregnancy tests. Between Brian blackmailing her, breaking up with Jonathan and the new position she’d missed not having her cycle at all. Kenya looked up as Julia cleared her throat.

“Kenya I can’t believe Jonathan just said okay goodbye. He loves you everybody knows that,” Julia said curled up in the chair. 

Kenya dropped her shoulders.  That was the very reason she couldn’t let him in on what she had to do. “Julia this is killing me. We’ve had a few exchanges and I told him if his life was ever free of Brian to call me. Until then I can’t be with him.”

“And he bought that? “Not really,”

“How long before you think he comes barreling through that door?” Julia flung her hand out pointing toward the front door.

“He had to take care of something there said we’d talk about this at the end of the month when he got back to the States. He hasn’t been back to the States…I haven’t answered his texts. Julia I know I’ve seen two of Brian’s men the first week I got back. But this last week I haven’t heard a word. I want them to report back that Jonathan hasn’t been here. Taking his calls will only bring him back too soon.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“Do you have to ask? I’m in love with him and carrying his child. But I have to keep at this until I clear his name. I’ll have something concrete by then. I’ve uncovered some things about Graham the accountant. He had an account at my back. I have to do this slowly or it’ll raise flags that I’m looking into a missing man’s files.” 

“I hope you find your smoking gun, soon.”

“I know there’s something we’re not seeing and I have to find it.”  Kenya let her attention go to the window where she could see snow falling. This time next year she’d be sitting there with her and Jonathan’s child and all she could do was pray he understands. He can’t fight Brian alone. “You think Brian’s watching Jonathan and will follow him to the States if he knows you’re pregnant?”

“This is the heir that can keep him out of the castle. He’ll have me run off the road coming home from work one day.”

“What if you go through all this clearing both your names from the money Graham stole and Brian’s deposit if Jonathan has moved on? What if he won’t forgive you, Kenya, are you ready for that?”

“You better have room for a woman with a broken heart and a baby, because it’s the risk I’m taking on this one. I’ve learned so far that Brian used Graham's account to hack into my account transferring the funds he embezzled from the farmers to look like Jonathan and I were working together. Once we had the money Graham mysteriously turns up missing just as Seamus is ready to sign over the estate to Jonathan and his personal accountant has to step in. It’s was very well orchestrated. ”

“What about when he deposited the money into your account? Doesn’t that prove where it came from?”

“There’s no record because his goons are computer literate. One of them erased all history of the first deposit…except for…Ricoh.” Kenya preened. Her least favorite place in the bank became her ace in the hole.

“Ricoh, I hadn’t thought about that. That computer server backs up all night and it goes to an offsite drop box.”

“Brian has no idea how fast the records were stored. It’s right there clear as day that he sent me the half million dollars and hacked my password.”

“So why haven’t you gone to Jonathan and the police?”

“David Spencer from Global Learning had to postpone our meeting when I got back but rescheduled for next week. If I can get David to admit that Brian promised him that Blakemore Incorporated would contribute if he became my client I have enough to stick Brian in a hole he’ll rot in for years, and Jonathan can live in peace.”

“How did Brian even know about you? Seems Fiona told him Jonathan was dating a woman from Universal Funding after we met on the bus for the ski trip. She thought I was after Jonathan’s money so she was all too eager to tell him my name.”

“How did she know where you worked?”

Kenya folded her legs on the sofa and picked up her tea. Taking a good drink she set it on the coffee table then replayed the scene for Julia. “On the bus, she asked if I worked for Jonathan. I told her innocently the company name thinking nothing of it. The woman has money why would I even think she remembered what I said?”

“You’re crazy about the Irishman aren’t you girl?”


“Well you know I’m right here.”

“My friend to the end…and I think we’re at the end.”

Kenya, stepped from the shower, blotting the soft towel over her skin absorbing the excess water. Humming along with the radio, she smoothed cocoa butter lotion down her arms, legs, reaching around she made certain to get her shoulders. No Jonathan to get her back, her arms dropped to her sides. These last few weeks she's avoided him and his lifestyle the best she could. It was dangerous; she'd call in a few weeks once he stopped cursing her out for leaving.

She'd paced that suite for hours waiting to hear something anything and all he would say when she finally spoke with him on Sophie's phone was, just stay there. She loved him down to her toes, but it wasn't fair to keep her in the dark and expect her to just agree with whatever he said, did, or thought was best. She had no choice but to help; she had to play the game she knew to win. Find the man Brian used to get to her at work. Its possible Brian’s blackmail also extended to this man if he could guarantee her the GL account.

She slipped on her bra and panties, noticing her little clock on the shelf and dressed faster.

Her account rep, she’d anticipated meeting for weeks, is scheduled to meet her in an hour at the restaurant. Ever since Brian tried to bribe her with his account, she's anticipated this day.

She left work early to get cleaned up, leaning over she brushed her hair out, flipping it back, smoothing it off her face. Her hair hung like a fall of chocolate rain down over her shoulders. Her hairdresser had flat ironed it hair until it glowed.

Crossing from the bathroom, cinching her robe, she sat on the edge of the bed and rolled the black thigh highs up her legs. Imagining Jonathan's fingers smoothing up her skin, the way he loved removing her stockings said it reminded him of when they'd first met and he undressed her for bed. Kenya felt her body tingled with the thought of his hands sliding down her skin. Lord she had to stop thinking of him, at least for a while, no matter what wiggled beneath her heart…inside her body. 

"I'm doing this for all of us little one. Your daddy may hate me for the rest of my life, but after I took the test, I thought about it. I'm the only protection between you and a bullet…the decision was made for me."  




The restaurant hummed with lunch patrons as Kenya crossed through the archway, the aroma made her mouth water. David stood out among the other patrons. Polished onyx wrapped in brown, tweed three-piece suit, that's the first thing she thought seeing him at the bar. It reminded her of a professor from the gaslight era. She caught herself looking for his cane and top hat. Smooth. That was the best adjective to explain his ensemble. 

David rose from the bar as she made her way over to him. Smiling, he extended a hand. “David Spencer," he greeted in a commanding yet professional tone. "You must be Kenya Claiborne?”

She gave a quick nod and smiled. “It is nice to meet you, Mr. Spencer. I’ve heard very impressive things about you and your business.”

“Glad to hear I have some fans out there.”

“Global Learning is a respected name in the education world. I’m proud you thought of Universal Banking for your expanding financial requirements.”

“Universal Banking has been on my radar for some time now, and what I hear from some of my colleagues, you, Ms. Claiborne, know your stuff.”

She hoped this person wasn't on Brian's payroll. Global Learning has a great product and to have him on her resume as a client was the gold star she needed, but if he wanted to play dirty, she came prepared.

David Spencer held her hand a minute longer than what she thought was proper and was grateful when the host came to her rescue.

“Your table is ready sir. If you will follow me,” the well-dressed man said before turning to cross into the dining room. The caress of a large hand on her back had her bowing away from the overly familiar touch. Walking faster in four-inch stilettos only accentuated the sway in her walk.

A familiar scent hit her radar and the room appeared to grow and fill with people. It became too large as she scanned the tables, and then dug her heels into the carpeted floor as moisture built between her thighs…Jonathan. Red hair feathered just above his ears the way she loved it, could run her fingers through the soft edges when she fell asleep on his chest when he came over after work. She hadn't seen him since she’d left him in Ireland. He wouldn’t tell her what happened and secrets weren't something she could live with.

Stepping away from his table, he blocked her way. She jolted as David’s, unable to stop soon enough, body brushed along her back. She became a deli meat sandwich between the two men.

“Kenya, a pleasure to see you,” Jonathan greeted his accent sensual and warm as it slid over her skin caressing every inch of her body. Her sex pulsed between her thighs the closer he came, leaning in to brush a kiss over her cheek. Aluminum blue eyes blazed from his handsome face, his lips brushed the edge of hers, and his sweet breath coated her face. Jonathan being there was messing up her plans. He did that on purpose.

“Mr. Blakemore,” she greeted politely, cautious of holding his stare too long. She wasn’t a robot. Jonathan could make her panties wet with one kiss, "I had no idea you were in the states." A slight crook in his brow said he wasn’t amused by her indifference to his presence.

“We need to talk after your luncheon meeting. I'll see you home.” No broken phrases yet, a sign he'd hit his limit on patience and her trigger to puddle on the floor with arousal and make a fool of herself. His anger hadn’t reached the level she expected knowing how they left things in Ireland unresolved.

BOOK: Wait for Me
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