Read Virgin's Folly: Seduced, Ravaged, and Pregnant (Breeding Erotica) Online

Authors: Nicole Snow

Tags: #breeding, #domination submission, #virgin sex, #losing virginity, #virgin deflowering, #older man younger woman sex, #breeding sex, #breeding erotica, #impregnation sex, #virgin impregnation

Virgin's Folly: Seduced, Ravaged, and Pregnant (Breeding Erotica)

BOOK: Virgin's Folly: Seduced, Ravaged, and Pregnant (Breeding Erotica)
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Virgin's Folly: Seduced, Ravaged, and


By Nicole Snow


Content copyright 2013 Nicole Snow. All
rights reserved.

Smashwords Edition.


The following ebook is a work of fiction. Any
resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is
only coincidental.


All individuals depicted in this work are
adults over the age of eighteen years old. None of the characters
in this story are blood related.


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Kaylee's first summer after High School is
boring her to tears. The only bright spot is seeing more of best
friend Holly's handsome father, a big and intimidating man whose
presence invites her deepest temptations...


Successful, strong, and gorgeous, Mr.
Langern's held his lust for far too long. One night, little Kaylee
finds him alone during Holly's summer party. He takes the young
woman's hand and begins to dance, amazed as her touch ignites very
old, carnal, and primal desires.


Now, Mr. Langern won't let the shy virgin's
first dance be her last. And he certainly won't let her go until
she's been hauled to bed, ravaged, and relentlessly filled with his
potent seed...


Warning: This story
features hard breeding sex, virgin seduction, and explicit
Word count: 14,500+ words.


I: Unavoidable Mistakes...


My best friend Holly was babbling about some
new hottie at her summer job when I saw him. Mr. Langern rose from
the waters at the other end of the pool, planting his huge hands on
the warm tile and lifting his immaculate body toward the buttery

God, even his back was ripped. His whole
body showed its hard experience in every deep fissure between
muscular slabs, like a Delta Force commander who'd just finished a
three year stint in the desert.

Wet heat flooded the emptiness between my
thighs. I watched his glistening body bulge, oozing power as he
gently shook off the shining droplets, flexing his arms high above
his head.

He spread himself wide at the pool's end,
facing the sun, like a Pharaoh paying respect to the only thing
more powerful than him. The sun's blinding rays hit his tanned
flesh, stretching his long shadow across the shining waters.

Kay, are you listening?”
Holly smacked the side of my arm.

Yeah, I heard you. So, is
this Charlie guy gonna be at the party on Friday for the Fourth?” I
flopped back in the metal chair, scooting it a little closer
beneath the huge umbrella shading us from the July fireball in the

He fucking better be! I'm
wearing the sexiest thing that stupid Mister Parker will let me get
away with tomorrow to give him his invitation.” Holly crossed her
legs, tilting her dark red toenails toward me.

It's amazing how the paint never chips, even
after we've been swimming all morning. I guess money really does
buy quality.

I'll bet you're looking
forward to being done in a few more weeks. Why did your Dad make
you get that job, anyway? It's not like you really need the

Holly flashed me a smile and rolled her

Ha! Tell me about it. He
says it builds character and discipline. Pssh!” Her equally red
fingernails sliced through the air.

Sometimes, I think that's
all he cares about with all this time on his hands. Dad really
needs to get out more and go somewhere besides his corporate
office. It's not like they need him down there anyway – the whole
thing runs on autopilot these days. Maybe he needs to start dating

My eyes widened. I looked past her, fixing
my gaze on Mr. Langern as he dove into the pool again.

His huge arms powered through the water
effortlessly, pushing it away to make way for him like Moses. He
swam the same way he tackled life, hard and relentlessly.

All this wealth the Langerns had piled up
hadn't appeared just by wishing. Holly's old man worked tirelessly
to build his company into the biggest employer in town.

I remember her nanny picking her up from our
after school piano lessons when I was ten. It was shortly after her
mother died, victim of a cruel and swift cancer, the same time when
my new friend became my Best Friend Forever.

Does he really date
anymore?” I asked, hoping my question didn't seem weird.

Holly cocked her head and looked at me. She
curled her moist hair into a ponytail and pursed her lips.

Nope. He's flirted with a
few younger ladies at the restaurants and bars, but he's left them
high and dry, as far as I know.

Hey, come on, we've got
better things to talk about than my Dad's gross love life. How
'bout you, Kay? You're still saving yourself for college this
Fall?” She flashed her stainless white teeth.

I blushed. Holly was one of the few people
who actually knew I was still a virgin. Not that it was difficult
to figure out.

Everyone called me a 'beautiful eighteen
year old young woman.' But I didn't feel it.

I'd never had a man's touch to verify their
claims. As much as I wanted it, I'd held off, waiting for Mr.
Perfect and finding only gangly boys more interested in playing
X-Box than learning how to please a woman.

But my purity wasn't something to be proud
of. It just made things more awkward.

There I was, lounging with my best friend,
who'd already fucked enough guys to form a whole team. Holly had
carnal knowledge, the very same dark wisdom I craved, if only I
could let go of my ridiculous standards and impossible

All of her hookups had been just as handsome
as all star players – hell, a few of them were. That's what happens
when you're the school's prettiest cheerleader.

That's right. No time for
boys this summer.” I laughed nervously. “But, hey, at least without
a job this summer, I don't have to worry about crushes giving me
hang ups.”

At least I've had my
V-card stamped two years and running.” Holly stuck out her

Underneath the playfulness, I detected
venom. My best friend had always been like that, though.

I cut her some slack, figuring it had
something to do with leaving her mother at such an early age. And
Mr. Langern's sky high expectations had only catalyzed her razor
sharp confidence.

You girls keeping

A shiver rippled up my spine as a low,
smooth voice washed deep inside my ears. I turned and looked up,
straight through the dark shadow leering over us.

We're fine, Daddy.
Really.” Holly didn't even make eye contact, reaching for her
oversized shades instead. “I think we're almost done out here. Tell
the maintenance guy to dial down the chlorine a little next

Mr. Langern frowned. “Yes, I'm well aware
that it's a little high. Better that than catching some dreadful
tropical disease. It's been hot as Satan's kitchen lately. Won't be
surprised if malaria starts popping up around here.”

Oh, please.”

I laughed, knowing Holly rolled her eyes
even behind her dark glasses. My giggle screeched to an abrupt stop
when he turned toward me, the tight crease in his strong face
evaporating into a shallow smile.

And what about you,
little Kaylee? I hope you're not letting my daughter walk all over
your opinions? Some of us are very interested in hearing

Damn it. It's too light out here. This shade
isn't dark enough to keep him from seeing my stupid flush.

I hated the creamy white skin I inherited
from my Mom and the nervous temperament. I'd been born a bad liar,
and thanks to that, I couldn't hide anything.

Not at all, Mr. Langern.
Chlorine or not, it's been a lovely swim. If Hollster hadn't
invited me over here, I think I would've roasted!'

You're looking a little
red.” He paused – a little too long for casual commentary. “Next
time, don't hesitate to ask for sunscreen. You can't go off to
college with your beautiful ivory skin looking like a lobster's
shell. I can even help you apply it so you end up with a healthy
bronze like this...”

He flexed his arms and I nearly died. My
heart skipped several beats.

Did he really call me...beautiful?

Flames danced inside me. I hardly noticed
Holly lower her shades, giving me a strange look.

Daaa-aad! That's fucking
gross. Kay needs somebody her own age rubbing her body down – not
some guy who's old enough to be her father.”

I nibbled on my lower lip. If only she

My eyes turned on my friend like heat rays,
wishing they packed the power to turn her into a little puddle
underneath my feet. At least then I'd be alone with Mr Langern, the
man who'd materialized in my dreams and dominated my daydreams
since before my Sweet Sixteen.

Nonsense. I was only
offering my considerable experience,” he snapped. “And you watch
your mouth, young lady.”

Holly twitched her tight lips, annoyed. But
she stopped herself before going off again.

It hadn't gotten easier over the years, but
Mr. Langern still commanded respect from his bratty little
daughter. And for everyone else, his tone caused us to fall into
line, as if he were the President himself issuing an order.

That's very kind, sir. I
wouldn't mind if you showed me something in the future. I know
you've spent enough time in the Caribbean to know a thing or two
about sunning without getting burned. My skin gets red and cracked
so easily.”

And he did. I remembered the weeks when
Holly and her Dad disappeared, sometimes during entire winter
break, returning with flesh turned to sun kissed gold – never the
raw, red burns I'd gotten used to over many summers.

His face brightened. “Ah, I miss those days.
It's been a long time since I went on an excursion that far abroad.
If you get the chance, little Kaylee, take full advantage of your
school's study abroad option.”

Thanks,” I said, trying
to keep the quirk in my lips from breaking into a full on grin.
“I'll do that.”

Of course, I doubted that the bland State
university I was due to attend in a couple months had many
international opportunities. We weren't all bound for Ivy League
wonders out East like Holly.

She grabbed at my wrist and slid out of her
chair. I stood reluctantly, embarrassed at the way I'd have to
slink directly past Mr. Langern to get to the back door.

Sure, he'd seen me in a bikini before. But
thinking about him looking at me when my back was turned sent
heatwaves roaring through my bloodstream.

Oh, stop it,
a wry voice inside me said.
That's just more wishful thinking. You really think a
successful older man like him wants to stare at teen ass all

Hint: he can have just about any single lady
in town. And she isn't gonna be you.

Let's go, Kay. I'll show
you what I'm gonna wear when I invite Charlie over here for my

Mr. Langern,” I muttered,
respectfully bidding him farewell as Holly grabbed my hand and
pulled me along.

He nodded back, but he wasn't smiling. His
eyes were darker, focused, as if he were evaluating unseen threats
– or opportunities.

Just before we slipped inside the tall glass
door to retrieve our clothes and go to her room, I threw my head
over my shoulder.

Mr. Langern's eyes were harder and brighter
than ever. Unblinking, and completely locked onto my flesh.


Waiting the next few days until the big
night were torture. No matter how I tried, I couldn't stop thinking
about Mr. Langern's look, the brutal and hungry gaze that turned my
tight young ass into his personal target.

I fantasized. I masturbated. I even dreamed
about the impossible.

The devilish visions kept coming whenever I
closed my eyes and let go. I saw myself getting into my beaten up
Toyota and driving it over to the secluded wooded enclave where
he'd built his mansion.

BOOK: Virgin's Folly: Seduced, Ravaged, and Pregnant (Breeding Erotica)
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