Read Vinny: Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Vinny: Alvarez Security Series (6 page)

BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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Turning back to the attendant, whose body language had stiffened, he gave their order before giving Annalissa’s hand a gentle squeeze. He felt her pull her hand away from his and place it in her lap.
Shit, I would have to run into someone I’ve fucked before.

Leaning back he closed his eyes, his mind whirling.
What is it about Annalissa?
The attendant was exactly what he had been going for ever since getting out of the Army. Stacked. Exuding confident sex. Easy.
Easy? Yeah,
he admitted to himself.
Always easy. Nothing I had to work for. No one to have to explain things to, make excuses to.
Relationships took too much work and when he had been in the Army and since working for Tony…that was all the work he wanted to concentrate on
. No one to impress other than my prowess in bed. Get ’em off, get me off, and get outta there.

Opening his eyes as their drinks were served, he noticed a different attendant now.
Good. One less thing from my past right in my face.
Looking sideways at the woman next to him sipping her juice, he was overwhelmed with the desire to know her. Really know her. He snorted.
But what the fuck would she want with me? At least we have several hours together.

“Tell me how you got started with the harp?” he asked, hoping she was still talking to him. Her shy smile was the response he craved.

“My mother was a violinist. She was amazing,” she said with conviction. “Not just with her musical talent, but as a person.”

“Was?” he asked, curious, then instantly hating the sadness that flashed through her eyes.

“She died about five years ago. I had just finished the music conservatory when she lost her battle to cancer.” Lifting her gaze back to his, she added, “But she did get to hear my senior recital. They wheeled her in from the hospital just so she could be there.”

“That must have meant a lot to her. And to you,” he said simply.

Nodding, her gaze was unfocused, years away in her mind. “Yes,” she agreed softly. “She said…” her voice broke and she swallowed several times to battle back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

He sat perfectly still not wanting to interrupt, but watching her carefully. He saw her battle back the tears and lift her chin a little higher.
She does that,
he realized.
When she’s steeling herself for strength, she lifts her chin.

“She told me,” Annalissa said, her voice stronger, “That listening to me play the harp was like listening to the angels welcoming her into heaven.” Neither of them spoke for a moment and then she added, “The next day, mama died peacefully.”

He looked down at their clasped hands, not even remembering when he reached over to take hers. Her tiny, yet strong fingers, were intertwined with his.
When was the last time I held hands with a woman?
He could not remember, but this felt right.

Rubbing her palm, he began to feel the tingles of electricity jolting between them. Her gaze shot up to his and he knew she felt it too. Jerking his hand away, he cursed himself.
Keep your mind on the job. But damn, I didn’t even give her time to finish telling me about her music.
Glancing back over, he saw her turn to the window effectively blocking him out.

Disappointment flooded her as she felt him his hand move away. Turning she looked out of the window again, the clouds below them, and wishing once more that her mom was still around for her to talk to.


Vinny saw that
Annalissa had finally fallen asleep and leaned his head back as well. Movement to his left caught his attention as the older man in the seat across the aisle loosened his tie, grimacing. His complexion was pasty and Vinny was instantly on his feet, his Army medic training kicking in.

“Sir, do you have chest pain?”

The man nodded as Vinny assisted him in removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. The man’s wife began to panic, trying to grab her husband while Vinny spoke to calm the woman. The flight attendant moved over quickly and said, “I’ll alert the captain,” before moving away. Another attendant came to assist and Vinny barked, “Get your AED.”

Annalissa was instantly alert, watching the activity across the aisle from her, wishing there was something she could do. Seeing the wife getting in the way, she maneuvered past Vinny in the aisle and moved to the empty seat behind the woman. “Ma’am, please come back here so your husband can lay down.”

In her panic, the woman appeared unable to understand, crying and grasping at her husband. Annalissa stood and placed her hands on the woman’s arms, pulling them away. Speaking sharply, she continued to talk and pull the woman back. The wife finally turned and looked at Annalissa, fear in her eyes.

“I’ll help you, but you must move to let them help your husband,” she said, more gently. As the woman finally understood, she allowed Annalissa to assist her over the back of the seat. It was rather undignified, but with the help of a gentleman in another row, they managed to get the wife settled where she could see but not be in the way.

Vinny glanced at Annalissa as he laid the man down across the double seats, shooting her a look of gratitude. By then the attendant returned with the AED. “The captain needs to know if you have done this before.”

“Army Special Forces Medic,” Vinny answered, gaining a nod of approval from the attendant. With Vinny attending to the man, Annalissa sat with her arms around the now crying woman, soothing her as best as she could.

The Captain announced that they would be making an emergency medical landing in Kansas City and shortly they began their descent. Vinny and a nurse from the back of the plane had the man as stabilized as they could, but he was hoping they would land soon. He did not like the coloring of the man’s face, nor the erratic heartbeat.

Suddenly, the plane lurched slightly and Vinny was immediately aware that the plane was at a slight angle at it came in.
What the fuck?
He jerked his eyes over the seat to Annalissa knowing she hated landings. “Hold on,” he shouted to her as the plane landed hard, veering to the right. The shuttering of the aircraft told him that they had landed too hard on one of the wheels, but the pilot managed to right it so that they were able to come to a stop.

The hard landing caused the oxygen masks to fall from the overheads and the screams of several passengers could be heard.

he cursed looking at the dismay on Annalissa’s face as she sought his eyes for reassurance. “We’re okay, babe,” he said, reaching back to grab her hand.

She gave him a curt nod, keeping one arm around the woman. The captain explained that they were safe, but that an ambulance would be out to remove the ill passenger and then the aircraft maintenance would need to see about the plane. All passengers would have to disembark and be moved to the terminal for the duration.

This was, of course followed by apologies from the Captain and grumblings from the fellow passengers. The ambulance arrived shortly and Vinny stepped back to allow them access as they removed the ill man and his wife.

He looked down at Annalissa seeing the affects of stress etched on her face, and without thinking pulled her into his arms. Tucking her in tightly, he cupped the back of her head against his chest, her face resting against his heart. The other hand encircled her small waist, pressing her into his warmth.

She went willingly, enveloped in his protection. Comfort. Care. After a moment, she was aware of the sensations of being held so close by such a virile man. She felt the strength of his arms as hers gripped his biceps. She was aware of her breasts pressed against his stomach. And against her stomach…she could feel the bulge of his arousal.

Vinny’s awareness was also heightened. Her breasts, which had seemed much smaller than he was used to when holding a woman, pressed firmly against him and he could swear her nipples were actually poking his abdomen. Her check against his chest had his heart beating loudly, sure that others could hear as well. And his dick…it had a mind of its own and right now was telling him that this woman in his arms was all woman. And very desirable.

Pulling back regretfully, he kissed the top of her head saying, “Let’s go, babe. We need to get off with everyone else.”

Sorry for the loss of his heartbeat against her face, she knew that he was just comforting her. Nothing else.
Even if he called me ‘babe’. I’ve never been anyone’s ‘babe’. But I know him…he probably calls everyone that.
Determining to be brave, she pushed away, nodding.

“I thought you said this flight would be uneventful?” she joked.

Shaking his head, he smiled at the beauty in front of him. “Guess I was wrong about that. But surely we’ve had our share of excitement for one trip. Hopefully, it’ll be smooth sailing the rest of the way.”

Chapter 5

ours later, the
hotel near the Kansas City airport was filled with the passengers from the flight. The airline determined that their flight would be canceled and they were shifting the passengers to other flights. Wanting one more day with her, Vinny agreed to take a flight the next day and she readily acquiesced. Once again, they had connecting rooms in the nearby hotel. Easnadh had been unloaded along with their luggage and they were comfortably settled.

Vinny called Tony to give him an update before calling Gabe. Assuring them both of their safety and comforts, he hung up listening to Annalissa talking to her father.

“I’m fine. We just had an emergency landing and are having to spend the night in a hotel in Kansas City. Yes, Easnadh is with me. Yes, right here in the room. No, I haven’t checked her but the landing wasn’t that hard. Yes, dad, I’ll take her out tonight and make sure. Mr. Malloy is in the room next to mine. Dad, I’m not leaving Easnadh with him. The harp is perfectly fine in my room.”

Vinny listened, his anger growing.
The man hardly asked about his daughter, only caring about the instrument.
He heard her hang up and moved away from their connecting door. Waiting a few minutes before knocking, he entered. She sat on the bed, a faraway look on her face. Startled, she jumped when she saw him standing there.

“You were lost in thought,” he said, slowly walking toward her.

“Yes, I was…um…just…well, I had to call my father,” she stammered.

Vinny noted her demeanor.
Back to being shy. Cowed. Now I understand why.
She not only has Todd and Gordon bullying her, it appears that her father is the worst bully of all. And the last thing she needs is another dominant man in her life. And that’s what I am.

Looking at her tired face, he thought, s
he needs someone soft. Someone who will let her…
He realized that he wanted to be what she needed but had no idea if he could or not. Shaking his head, forcing the battle of thoughts from his mind, he stuck out his elbow and quipped, “May I have the honor of taking you to dinner, Ms. O’Brian?”

She giggled, the first laugh she had had all day. Standing and taking his arm, she agreed. “Why yes, Mr. Malloy. It would be my pleasure.”


Once again Vinny
laid in bed, his thoughts a tangled mess.
What the fuck happened to the man who had all the answers?
His mind wandered back to the dinner he had shared with Annalissa.

She asked about being a medic in the Special Forces, really listening as he described what he did. Well, the gentle version. He did not think that she could handle the realistic version.
But then, she’s stronger than she seems. Stronger than she thinks.
Her gaze focused on his eyes as he spoke. Not looking around to see if there was someone else who would be a better catch for the evening. He had always taken pride that most hook-ups considered him to be the prize but now realized that it was due to what they thought he could do for them in the sack…but not him as a person. This was different. She smiled when he talked about being a twin and laughed at his jokes. And all it took was one look at her guileless face to know that she was as sincere as she appeared.

When was the last time I had that? Have I ever had that?
He told her tales of his brothers-in-arms, now coworkers for Alvarez Security. He talked about his friends and the women they had all fallen in love with and saved.

BOOK: Vinny: Alvarez Security Series
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