Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1)
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Sophiana Theromvore wore a white dress with golden trim that flowed behind her which complimented the robes her husband was wearing nicely. Nim's notes said that she was as beautiful at thirty eight as she had been when Theodrik had married her nineteen years before, and seeing her now Victor didn't doubt it as she seemed to float forward beside her husband. Dusty blonde hair flowed over her shoulders, framing her petite features, and accenting her sea-foam green eyes. Some of the Queens in the past had come from families that had sent their daughters to train with the knights or the mages, Sophiana was not one of those. She had been trained as a noble, and most considered her nothing more than a pretty face. Those that thought of her thus were wrong. She possessed a keen intellect and a deft mind for the politics of the world. In a sense she was more of a Queen than those who had been fighters or Mages.

“His Royal Highness, and Heir to the throne, Prince Theodrik Theromvore the third. Her Royal highness, Tatiana Theromvore, and His Royal Highness, Theodore Theromvore.” The man intoned in the same attention commanding voice.

Theodrik the third was a head shorter than his father and a hair taller than his mother. He had just celebrated his eighteenth birthday last month which was the Time of Storms. Dressed in a much more comfortable looking outfit than his father, you could tell that he was in a shape superior to that of his father. His hair and eyes were a near match to that of his father's. As expected of the Royal heir he trained with the Knights daily, and would until he took the throne.

Tatiana Theromvore looked much like mother must have when she was ten years old, though her hair was a bright red. Her green eyes were of a much clearer quality than that of her mother's however, and Nim had said that it seemed as if the girl could look into ones very soul. Victor now understood what he meant.

Theodore Theromvore age six trailed after his brother and sister in as regal a manner as he could. He seemed to be a mix of his mother and his father, with a light brown hair color and hazel-green eyes. He would begin his training with the church of Cypheria soon as a cleric or a priest.

“His Majesty's Royal Advisor's; Miss Analya Theromvore, Battle Sorcerer and daughter of High Lieutenant Commander and Lord General Theromvore, and her husband Lagelion Daystar, former member of the High Elven guard of Eske'Taure.”

Analya Theromvore was a member of the Sorcerer's council, and a very powerful Battle Sorcerer. When the Sorcerer's guild had approached her father with the intent of training Analya the Lord General of the Infantry was appalled by the idea, he had said his daughter would not be a weak Mage! It was then that Simon Windsbane, who had been Tetriarch of the Sorcerer's at the time, had assured her father that she would be trained as a Battle Sorcerer. Since the General had been greatly impressed by a young Battle Sorcerer named Zander Halcyon he agreed to let her training proceed. He has commented since then that he is one of the proudest father's in Safeharbor. Analya possessed the beauty of her mother, who would be on the landing shortly, in a less grand scale. Her sandy blonde hair fell to her shoulders, and her sky blue eyes shown brightly. She stood a head shorter than her Elven husband.

Lagelion Daystar was large for an elf, not abnormally tall, just large. His muscles were less of a dense concentration than many others of his race, and more like those of a human warrior, bulky and intimidating. Like most elves he stood over six feet in height, his face was slender, and his lobe-less ears ended in points. Not even Nim could find out much about Lagelion, the Government of Eske'Taure wouldn't comment on his current position, and rather seemed to ignore that the man existed. It was known that he is three hundred and forty eight years old, still below middle aged for an elf. His hair was a silver sheen, and his eyes the color of mercury. His pale skin also possessed a slight silver sheen.

They King stood at the head of the steps with the Queen on his right and his heir on his left followed by the princess and her younger brother. Analya took up a position to the right of the Queen, with Lagelion to her right and slightly behind in a clearly protective position. The next few people to come out of the doors would file in to the left of the royal family.

“Arch Magus, Simon Windsbane”

Simon Windsbane was the Arch Magus, which was the head of the council of the Mages, Sorcerer's, and Priests. Nim knew for a fact that the man was one hundred and thirty four years of age, yet he still moved like a man a third of that. His gray hair was short, and his face was clean shaven as a silent protest against the classic depiction of older Mages, which he despised. He was considered the strongest Mage in the world, and perhaps the strongest that has ever lived, and it's said his intelligence matches his power. His sky blue eyes almost crackled like lightning crossing a clear sky. His presence was awe inspiring, Victor had to stop himself when he realized he was gaping, and he was glad he was in front of the rest of the crowd so that no one, but those above him could have seen him doing it.

“High Mage, Dodrick Flanteel; Tetriarch, Zander Halcyon; and High Priestess, Megan Lane.” The little man said with a pause slightly longer than it should have been, Victor was glad that the old Mage had effected the announcer as much as he had himself. When the remaining three members of the Mages council stepped forward to take their place beside the Arch Magus Victor was yet again gaping open mouthed, and noticed that Nim was making sure that no one had seen him gawking.

Dodrick Flanteel was one of the few Dwarves in the history of the Protectorate to take up the mantle of Mage. Sorcerers were becoming more common amongst the Dwarves for the reasons of blood that everyone knew some of, but not many spoke of. He moved up through the ranks of the Mages due to his keen intellect and sheer strength of will, which Victor could see was quite substantial. Nim's notes said the Dwarf was Four hundred and fifty six years old which is pre-middle aged for the Dwarves. His Red hair that covers his head and face were a match for the fiery temperament and the little bit of patience that he held for fools. In this, Nim and Victor were of the same mind as he.

Tetriarch Zander Halcyon stepped up next to the sturdy dwarf, and Victor heard a collective intake of breath from many of the women in the room, and some of the men. This was a man that legends were made of, and whose exploits would be sung for a thousand years to come. At forty seven years of age this man was in a shape that anyone would be proud of, even amongst the ranks of the Knights of the Protectorate, let alone a sorcerer. His corded muscles were that of a arena fighter, and he had the grace of one who is intimate with the dance of the blades. Not only was this man a sorcerer, but he was also the highest ranking Battle Sorcerer.

The battle sorcerers emerged some time after the reforming of the city, and had become instrumental in it's defense ever since. They are sorcerers who focus their powers into things that aid in battles. Whether that be throwing a fireball or bolts of lightning at the enemy, or Shielding their forces from another Mage. It is said that not many survive the training in which they subject their pupils to, but if they cannot handle the training, it is believed amongst their order that they would not survive the battlefield either. Ever since their inception they have been regarded even above the clerics and priests in import on a battlefield, which of course the churches bristle at if anyone dares to point it out. All of which only half explained the awe that Zander inspired amongst the crowd.

Everyone knew that he hated his position, he found it weak and demeaning, and just another thing that took him away from the battlefield which he insisted needed him more and more each day he was in office. The only reason he accepted the position is that he and many of the other sorcerers knew that he was the right man for the job. The fact that he didn't want it, and yet carried out the duties of his office without fail stifled any objections there may have been from within the order.

It was said amongst the soldiers, that Zander had won more engagements for the Protectorate than the Knights had, and not many were willing to dispute that fact. A joke had spread a few months earlier in the form of a list that some soldier or another had compiled and titled 'Top targets of import for the Dracair' which listed Zander Halcyon as number one, two, and three on the list followed closely the Arch Magus. It is said that Zander is near equal in power with the Arch Magus, but no one held the Arch Magus in higher regard than Zander did. When he was training with the Sorcerers it had been Simon Windsbane that had taught him many of the spells which he used in most of his battles.

His fierceness on the field of battle is the manifestation of the love that he harbors for the citizens of the Protectorate. When he is not on the field of battle or otherwise predisposed with his position as Tetriarch he can be found strolling the landscaped gardens of the parks, or talking with people near the temples at the Hall of the One God. Some find it hard to believe that this soft spoken man could be the same man who is considered a force of nature unto himself on the battlefield. A man who has granted mercy to the Dracair as often as one of the wolverines have left Death's Edge(which has only been reported once, and the claim is suspect). Anyone who has truly looked into the eyes of this man however cannot doubt that his fierce love can quickly be focused into near certain death for any Dracair crossing his path.

Zander's smooth scalp seemed natural with the ebony grace of his corded body, and the violet sheen in his eyes allows people to see his gentle nature, and for those who look deeper, the power that seethes within ready to be released.

Megan Lane coming in beside Zander seemed small in comparison in size and power. Yet anyone who called this woman weak in the earshot of others would probably be challenged to several duels by soldiers, if not pummeled on the spot. She is the High Priestess of the council of Churches, coming from the church of Cypheria, which is the largest church in the Protectorate. That alone would have been enough to garner such support from the men of Safeharbor, but to her eternal chagrin it was not the main reason. At fifty two years of age, she still maintained the figure that she possessed when she was twenty. Her strawberry blonde hair fell to the small of her back, and her sky blue eyes have made more than one man stop dead in his tracks. Many of the soldiers harbor a secret love of this woman, and rarely has she been known to reciprocate these feelings. Her figure could only be called supple, and she remained in shape to serve where she was needed. The powers which she calls upon through the goddess Cypheria are only rivaled by one other in the church according to Nim's notes. Victor then remembered the name which had been written as a side note after the comment, and thought of the conversation Ashur and Nim had earlier, wondering if there could be two Dunnagan's.

The Mages took their places lining up along the railing to the left of the royal family and Dodrick chanted a few words and lights erupted above the nobles in a display as grand as any fireworks. Which earned him a glower from the Arch Magus, and a slap on the back followed by a hearty chuckle from Zander, which Dodrick reciprocated with a wink for the Arch Magus. He then turned to Zander chuckling which soon turned into a full belly laugh for the pair when the Arch Magus without saying a word turned Dodrick's clothing to that of a jester, and quickly back again which made Victor wonder if it had really happened or if it had been only an illusion.

“High Commander of the Knights, Steward Cantel” The Announcer continued seemingly unperturbed by the display.

The man who came out was completely hidden behind the Royal family until he stepped out to the right of Analya and Lagelion. At just short of five feet Stewart Cantel did not appear to be the man one would be expect to be in charge of the entire military strength of the Protectorate. However, he was considered almost as dangerous as Zander Halcyon. His keen intellect has been disputed to be equal to if not more than that of the Arch Magus Simon Windsbane, and on several occasions the Arch Magus has said that he would not wish to match wits with the High Commander. His Brown eyes were reflecting that intelligence well, and Victor noticed that Stewart's hair was cut regulation length.

Nim had gone into great detail about the battle prowess of High Commander Cantel and his skill with the short swords he now wore at his sides. It was a running joke amongst the knights that either Stewart's daggers had grown long from the speed in which he moved, tempering the weapons like a blacksmith, or that his swords had grown short out of respect of the man's stature. It is also said that he only wears armor when he heads home to his wife. The closest description Nim could ascribe to the Commander in a battle was that he had the senses of a spider and the reflexes of a cat, if ever there were lords of the respective species. At forty eight Nim said he hadn't slowed a whit since he was twenty, and Victor knew that if Nim couldn't notice a difference, there either wasn't one, or it was replaced by skill and experience to make up the lack.

“High Lieutenant Commander Elyse Winterstar-Theromvore”

It is said that when Elyse Winterstar agreed to marry Adrian Theromvore she broke more hearts in a single night than had been broken in the time since the disaster. Even at forty six she was still the ideal dream that any soldier held for a woman warrior. Her golden blonde tresses and her piercing blue eyes have made more soldiers follow her her blindly than even her strong battle presence could account for. Her skills were considered superior, even in a land where the common man has to be as well honed as a elite soldier on one of the other continents on Terrazil. Just as supple as she was thirty years before when she was sixteen and training with the knights, and twice as toned. She also wore her longsword at the ready. Before taking her place beside her commander she stopped next to Analya and gave her daughter a hug.

“Lord General Adrian Theromvore, Calvary Commander Rigel North, and Admiral Abe Swiftflow” Announcing the last three men who would appear the announcer stepped back from the landing to disapear through a side door.

BOOK: Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1)
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