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Authors: Marina Maddix

Vegas Knights (6 page)

BOOK: Vegas Knights
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Their mouths locked onto each other as their hands roved across their bodies. Tasting her own juices on his lips drove her wild. He would alternate his rhythm, sometimes moving in and out of her at full speed, sometimes slowing to a crawl so they could catch their breath.

Kelly was nearing orgasm again. As Rick pounded into her, she could feel herself tensing. When his fingers started rolling and gently tugging on a nipple, she slipped over the edge and was falling, his name on her lips.

Her muscles clamped down onto his shaft, and he could no longer contain himself. He drove hard into her, deeper than she thought possible, and released with a shout.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, he nuzzled into her hair, breathing hard. "God, you're amazing."

Kelly gave a shaky laugh. "Me? What about you? I've never had more than one orgasm in a lovemaking session before."

He leaned up so he could look at her, holding her head in his arm like a treasure. "I guess you bring it out in me, beautiful."

Kelly wanted to laugh it off, or turn away out of shyness, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from his gaze. He looked at her for a long moment, then leaned in to give her a sweet kiss.

Not for the first time since meeting Rick, Kelly felt a connection between them that seemed deeper than just carnal attraction. But those kinds of thoughts and feelings were dangerous when you were at the beginning of a short fling. Still, she was powerless to stop them.

He rolled off and helped her under the covers. Exhausted, they lay in each others' arms, drifting off to sleep. As she was diving into slumber, she could have sworn she heard a voice murmur, "Amazing..." and then she was gone.

Chapter Four

Kelly stepped out of the scrungy motel's scrungier shower and recalled the peace she felt the next morning waking up snuggled in Rick's arms. As the thin towel roughed its way down her body, she was reminded of the rough knots on the quilt in the tiny room. She'd woken up twirling one in her fingers.

She could still smell the cedar paneling of the room mixed with Rick's masculine scent. It was a combination she could breathe every day for the rest of her life and never tire of it.

She'd woken up on her side with him spooning her from behind. Warm and content, she thought how nice it would be to just stay here all day, making love and enjoying each other. But she also knew Rick had urgent business in Las Vegas, so that little daydream was just that.

She didn't want to disturb him but she couldn't resist wriggling a little deeper into his body. Any big movements would surely wake him, so she closed her eyes and fiddled with the little woolen knot to work out her excess energy. It didn't take long for her to realize that Rick
awake — the proof was pressing into her behind, and growing ever larger.

"Good morning, gorgeous." His sleepy voice made Kelly smile. She half-turned her upper body to give him a peck on the lips, and then snuggled even deeper into him, rubbing against his erection playfully.

"It could be," she answered.

Rick growled from deep within his chest and clutched his arms around her, burying his nose into her hair and breathing her in.

"Boy, you don't waste time, do you?"

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, we've got some miles to cover before we get to Vegas so I thought..." Kelly trailed off suggestively, but Rick didn't respond, or at least not the way she'd hoped. Instead of taking her cue and ravishing her, he gave her a squeeze, rolled away from her and then sighed heavily.

She flipped to her other side so she could see his face. He lay on his back, sprawled across the bed, his eyes closed. She settled into the crook of his arm and played with his sparse chest hair. "What did I say?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. It's not you, Kell. I'd just rather stay here in this room with you for the next couple of weeks than spend a moment in Vegas."

Kelly heard tension, and possibly anger, creep into his voice.
Whatever he has to deal with there must not be pleasant.
"I was thinking the same thing. So why don't we?"

He looked down into her hopeful face, then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him. "Tempting, but I can't."

He pushed himself up so he was leaning back against the log headboard, pillows fluffed behind him. She sat up with him, pulling the sheet up to cover herself. She felt self-conscious this morning, as if he might realize what a mistake he'd made if he saw her in daylight. She knew he noticed her movement but thankfully he said nothing.

Again tucked into his chest with his arm draped across her shoulder, Kelly whispered, "I understand."

Rick tipped her chin up and devoured her face with his eyes. He sat there just looking at her face, but not saying a word. "What?" she asked.

"Just as beautiful this morning."

Kelly's breath hitched in her chest. Rick lowered his head and let his lips graze hers before settling into a soft kiss. He pulled back a fraction of an inch, his forehead resting on hers. "Kelly..." he breathed.

"Hmmmm?" She was floating in his embrace.

Clearing his throat, Rick sat back and faced the window. "Take a look," he said, nodding at the window.

It took a second for Kelly to register that the moment they'd been sharing was over. He'd switched gears for some reason. She dragged her gaze away from his face to the bright rectangle across from her.

"!" Why had she not noticed this before now? Rick had said this was his favorite room in the house and that in the morning she'd know why. Did she ever.

"Yeah, you understand now, right? It's the only bedroom in the house with this view."

Kelly was speechless. The window took up much of the small wall, and offered an unparalleled view of a lake surrounded by forest. Not another building was in sight, just a long dock extending out from the house and then nothing but trees and water. Birds — hundreds of them — skidded across the surface as they landed, while others peacefully paddled their way around.

"There's, like, a million birds out there!" Kelly didn't know so many birds could inhabit one spot. Sure, she'd seen some documentaries that showed bird breeding grounds but this was different. She felt like she was in the middle of a flock.

Rick chuckled. "Probably not quite that many, but there are a lot. They use this place as a refuge."


"Don't ask me how, but they seem to know they're safe here. It's all private property and no hunting is allowed."

"Just" She relaxed into Rick and gazed with wonder outside the window as birds flew back and forth, creating an idyllic scene just for them. His arm was wrapped around her shoulder, his thumb tracing lazy circles on her upper arm.

She'd always been self-conscious about her flabby arms, rarely wearing sleeveless tops and hoping her boyfriends didn't notice how much they jiggled, but she barely felt a twinge of insecurity lying in Rick's arms. It felt like home.

An alarm bell rang somewhere in her subconscious, warning her that she was venturing into dangerous territory —
territory. She ignored it.

"Want some food?"

Food? What's food?
Who needed food when life was this perfect?

She wondered if Rick heard the bells, too.

~ * ~ * ~

In the daylight, the house seemed even more homey than the night before. Warm light cast long shadows here and there, accentuating the golden hues of the logs. They were snuggled up in comfy robes on a log-frame couch covered in puffy pillows and neatly folded quilts after a quick breakfast of steel-cut oats and fresh fruit. Kelly was tucked into his side as they discussed the day's ride.

"I know it's warm right now, babe, but you need proper gear for this trip."

She had insisted that riding in just her skirt wasn't a problem. The wind whipping across her legs was positively sinful, the occasional gust working its way up between them, cooling and titillating her at the same time. Plus, as ridiculous as it sounded, she was afraid bulky leathers would make her look fat. Of course she could never tell him that.

"Let's go into the back room," he was saying, pulling her up by the hand. "I think we can find something that will work."

The back room was filled with motorcycle gear, from parts to clothes to helmets. There was even a vintage Peterson-Knight in mint conditions, painted breathtaking midnight blue with lighter blue flames hand airbrushed on the gas tank. Rick went to a rack of well-worn leathers, selected a set and handed them to her. "Here you go."

She took them and looked around for a place to try them on. Rick leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, smirking.

"Um, where can I..." Her eyes pleaded with him for mercy.

"Darlin', I've already seen you naked. Why on earth do you suddenly need privacy?"

Kelly flushed. What if they were too small and all her bulges hung out? The thought was mortifying, but he was clearly not letting her out of this, so she stepped into the bottoms.

She couldn't do it facing his grin, so she turned away and shimmied her ass into the pants, letting the robe cover all the jiggly parts. They fit perfectly, she was happy to discover, with maybe even a little extra room. She didn't even have to suck in her tummy to button them. Dropping the robe, she shrugged on the jacket, and it too fit, almost as if it had been made for her.

Delighted, she turned to face Rick, jumping when she saw he'd closed the gap between them and was standing in front of her. She was even more surprised to see his erection standing out proudly from his open robe, pointing right at her. And he still had that grin on his face.

"Damn, look what you do to me!" He grabbed the front of her jacket and pulled her into a hard, needful kiss. He ran his hands under the jacket and up to her breasts, skimming them before snaking around her back and hugging her close. His need for her slid across her bare belly, eliciting a small moan from her.

With an urgency that matched their first time together, Rick worked to get her bottoms off her hips. She helped by wiggling as he tugged. Ducking down to help her step out of them, he paused to press his face into her apex, his tongue slicking along her already wet slit. Her knees nearly buckled as his tongue explored her folds. She gasped as she reached behind her for something — anything — to support her in case the world continued to spin in such a pleasurable manner.

Taking pity on her, Rick slid his hands down her trembling legs to help her out of the pants. Finally freed of them, she moved to shoulder off the jacket but Rick stilled her. "Leave it," he growled, that wicked grin reappearing.

He pulled himself to his full height, towering over her like a predator. Shudders of desire, not fear, ripped through her, flooding her. And when he lunged at his prey, he met no resistance.

His lips crushed hers, his tongue forcing hers into battle, his body overwhelming her. Hands roamed every part of her body, confusing her senses. Were they running across her bottom or skimming her back or fingering her throbbing core or hefting a heavy breast? Her thoughts were too befuddled to follow each one's movements across her burning skin.

Breaking away from the onslaught, Rick spun Kelly around and bent her over the vintage bike, running his hands down the back of the leather jacket to her round ass. Holding a globe in each hand, he knelt and buried his face in her. She could feel his tongue probing her most sensitive places and lost herself in the sensation, moaning his name.

While his mouth was at work, his hands slid down her legs to her ankles, easing them apart, then skimmed back up to join his tongue in probing Kelly's every secret. She felt pressure building inside her. If he kept this up, she'd be over the edge within moments.

Almost as if she'd voiced the thought, Rick sucked at her pulsing nub one last time before standing, positioning himself behind her and working his tip into her dripping opening. With a fierce thrust, he was buried to the hilt.

Their mingled cries of pleasure reverberated around the room but were unheard by the lovers. His lust was so strong, so overpowering that it was all she could do to hold herself upright as he pounded into her.

With a groan, he pulled free of her but maintained his grip on her ass. "I can't hold out with you," he gasped. "You make me crazy."

He nestled his turgid cock in the valley between her cheeks as his rough hands skidded up and down her thighs and hips, making their way under her jacket to her dangling breasts. He pulsed against her ass when his fingers found her taut nipples. Letting go, he knelt again, spreading her apart.

"Everything about you..." His words trailed off as he lapped at her. She had no idea how he did it, but he managed to consume her completely from top to bottom in each mouthful, sending her into spirals of ecstasy. She whimpered with need for him. Just as she was nearing the edge, he pulled away and reentered her.

He moved more slowly this time, with more control. Kelly loved the position for the depth at which he could penetrate her, but she needed some friction to finish the job so she reached down between her legs. She let Rick's slick cock lubricate her fingers, causing him to groan loudly in the process, and then started rubbing her nub.

She matched his speed as he thrust, and she could feel him turning to steel inside her. The harder he thrust, the faster she rubbed, until they both cried out in unison and the universe evaporated.

The release of tension overwhelmed her, forcing her emotions to the surface. She'd never come so hard, never felt such passion, and when he looked at her, she never wanted it to end. But she knew it would, and that was too much to bear. A sob wracked her body.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Rick's voice was full of concern. "Did I hurt you?"

BOOK: Vegas Knights
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