Read Vampire Awakening Online

Authors: Eliza Gayle

Vampire Awakening (9 page)

BOOK: Vampire Awakening
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From the corner of her eye, she caught the sight of her pad of paper and pencil on the breakfast bar, she again hesitated, considering Caleb. No. It was for the benefit of them both if she broke away clean. It did no good to worry what he’d think when he found out she’d disappeared. What would she tell him anyway?

Dear Caleb, sorry I had to leave, but not knowing who I am drives me crazy, not to mention the scary ass dreams of creatures with fangs I keep having.

Abby scoffed.

Oh yeah, that would convince him to wait for her. Wait for her? She wanted to bang her head on a desk until she knocked some sense into herself. She was not attached. And she was certainly not in love. Falling for someone in a week was impossible.

Her gaze surveyed the room at the only familiar surroundings she had as butterflies of nerves gripped her belly.
Stop that.
She pushed her doubts away, forced herself through the front door and into the front yard. She tossed her bags into the trunk and slid the top down on her Miata. The dreams were right. It was time to wake the hell up.


* * * * *


Caleb woke again with a heavy sense of foreboding. Except it wasn’t danger he sensed this time. Yesterday there had been an overload of vampire energy and today there was simply nothing. He remained still, as the stink of his own fear seized him. On a deep breath, he reached out for both Abby and Russell, sensing neither. “Fuck!” Where the hell were they? He tried again, seeking any other vampires in the area and again--nothing.

He jumped from the bed and threw on clothes as quickly as he could. Inside of a minute, he headed straight for the garage and his motorcycle. The sun still shone on the horizon, but he knew waiting wasn't an option. Abby was gone, and likely Russell had followed. That thought had him turning back to his private vault. The basement not only served as his bedroom during the day, it was also where he stored his cache of weapons. He grinned to himself. Maybe he didn't really need this big a stash, but nonetheless his private collection of heavy artillery thrilled him. Some of his favorites were the sniper rifles, grenades and handguns, one of which he slid into the holster he strapped to his right leg.

Donning as much protective gear as he could, including his favorite pair of dark shades to protect his sensitive eyes, he raced into the dusk outside, heading for The Drummer. With Abby carrying his mark, he would be able to track her, but if he had an idea of where she was headed, it could save him a lot of time. He thought about the night’s events and regretted not going back to find Abby. Obviously, his persuasion had not had much of a lasting effect, and her fear had won out.

Thinking about where Abby might run, he quickly processed through everything he'd learned about her since they'd met. It had been quite a shock to him to learn that her memory was gone. He didn’t believe for a second she’d developed amnesia in a car accident like she believed. If Russell was involved, he’d somehow wiped her memory and now sought her to do what? His directive had not included any details on how Abby was connected to his cousin. How had he not known someone in his own family commanded that kind of power? The more he thought about it the less the pieces fit together. Caleb tightened his hand and pushed the bike for more speed.

Finding Abby was imperative.

The lady was a bit of a mystery in and of herself. From the beginning, she'd been rather resistant to his persuasions. He chuckled to himself. Why didn’t it surprise
him that the woman he wanted to claim could easily resist him? And if he knew nothing else at this point, he was certain she was his. He would find her and claim her despite Russell's dubious plans or the coven rules. She was his.

Russ. The rogue vampire had gone off the rails for no apparent reason. And now he wanted Abby. Caleb hissed. No other male would be wise to touch her at this point. None that wanted to live, anyway.

He pulled into the packed parking lot of The Drummer and knew immediately he wouldn’t find Abby inside. The usual crowd had gathered but he sensed neither vampire nor his missing woman. He spied Betty crossing the parking lot and moved to intercept her.

“Where’s, Abby?” He didn’t waste time with pleasantries; he was on a tight time clock.
“Hello to you too.” She shifted her purse closer to her body and sidestepped Caleb.
“Come on, Betty. I need to find her.”

She turned and speared him with her no nonsense gaze. “Look, Caleb. I don’t know what happened between you and her, but she hightailed it out of here this morning in a damned hurry. Says she had somewhere urgent she had to go and it couldn’t wait. Danny ain’t happy about losing the best singer he’s ever had in this place,” she leaned closer, “but if you ask me she hasn’t been the same since she got that mysterious picture in the mail. I hope she finds whatever it is she’s looking for.”

That was all the confirmation he needed. Abby had headed to Tennessee.

“Although… Now that I think about it. That was the night she met you.”

He didn’t wait for Betty to finish her thought. From experience he learned once she got started it could take her forever to get to her point. He revved the engine to life. “Thank you, Betty. I hope you’re right and Abby gets everything she deserves.”


He didn’t wait for her to finish what she wanted to say. He had a woman to find and a murderer to catch. It was time to move on.

Caleb drove through the night, arriving in Holly Ridge at two in the morning. Holly Ridge wasn’t much more than a hole-in-the-wall town nestled in the mountains of Tennessee. Mom and pop stores lined the single main street that didn’t even have a stoplight. Not that he imagined they needed one. In the last hour he’d passed only a single car as he made his way up the mountainside. Lush mountains in a variety of sizes surrounded the town. He imagined the sunrise would be spectacular here without city smog to mar the view.

He didn’t know much about the community other than the welcome sign had informed him there was a population of three thousand residents. It made sense. This far from civilization and other vampires made the perfect hideout for someone like Russ.

Caleb breathed deep, taking in the fresh mountain air. Abby's essence was strong here, and he knew she would be nearby. Driving through the quiet streets, he pulled into what looked to be the only gas station around. He removed his helmet and went inside to ask around and pick up a few extra supplies he might need. The attendant of the store stood close to the register and watched him like a hawk as he approached. Caleb imagined a six-foot-four-inch man dressed in head-to-toe black leather wasn't a usual occurrence around here. His tongue ran along the tips of his sharp fangs; he didn't know the half of it.

“Good evening,” Caleb said. “I'm new in town, and I'm trying to find someone. My girlfriend arrived here today, and I'm afraid she’s found herself in some trouble. She’s tall with long black hair and violet eyes, her name is Abby. Have you seen anyone like that today?” The attendant shook his head, but Caleb had spotted the quick aversion of his eyes before he answered. The man lied.

He stalked around the store, picking up the items he thought he might need to capture Russell. That was the plan anyway, unless he'd dared to touch Abby. Then he wouldn't care. Russell would be hard pressed to live through the night.

“Is there a bar here in town? Somewhere a weary traveler could enjoy a drink?”

“Sure there is.” The attendant relaxed as he began to process Caleb's purchases. “About two miles up on the right you'll find the Iron Thunder Saloon. You don't have much time, though, they close up at three.”

“Thanks, man.” He grabbed the sack the clerk handed out to him before striding back outside.

On the short ride to the bar, Caleb realized he would definitely find Abby there. Should have known.

Pulling into the parking lot, he heard the unmistakable sounds of a live band playing a song he knew he could never forget. Her song. Obviously, the call to sing was too strong to deny. Why not? Her talent was amazing.

He walked into the joint on the final notes of Abby's voice, stilling his heart for a brief moment. Her siren song swept through him, capturing his very essence as her own. Looking toward the stage, he caught her eye on the last bar. The crowd broke into thunderous applause, and Abby walked from the stage.

Without pause, he went after her, determined to stop her. He made his way through the crowd with little effort as the patrons sidestepped away from him. He caught up with her as she stepped outside the back door.

“Running away again, Abby?”
She froze mid step at the sound of his voice. “What are you doing here, Caleb?”
“You left without saying goodbye.”
“I thought it would be easier to make a clean break.” Her voice shook when she responded.

“Did you really think I was just going to let you leave like that? Have you learned nothing of me since we met? I'm not the kind of male who lets go of what's his.”

She turned to face him. “What's yours? What exactly do you mean by that? And what do I know about you other than you’re really good at making me come and you disappear every morning before I wake up.”

He grabbed at her shoulders and pulled her roughly to him, dragging her soft female form against his hard male flesh.

“Do you really want to get into this here?” There were too many people hovering nearby. “Why don't we go for a ride and find a private place to have this conversation.”

A slight tremor from her body vibrated against his burning skin, causing the tension between them to ratchet to an all-new level. Hers due to the fear he sensed, and his from the anger and pain her reaction created.

“I—I don't think that’s a good idea, Caleb. I'm tired from the drive and the work tonight and need nothing more than a solid eight hours.”

“What are you afraid of, darlin’?” he drawled. He didn’t want to force her to go with him so he figured he’d catch more flies with honey than vinegar. At least that’s what he kept hearing.

“Don't, Caleb. Don't try to make me feel bad for being afraid of what I think I saw last night.”

She’d just laid the cards on the table and it was his turn to make a bet. He lowered his lips a breath away from hers. “What is it you think you saw?” His warm, mint-scented breath touched her skin, sparking a totally different reaction from her.

“I don't know, Caleb, all these strange dreams I’ve been having and the new blank spots… You were standing over Brian's body, and that damn voice constantly telling me to awaken is driving me crazy. I don't know what to think anymore.” Embarrassed by the tremor in her voice, she turned away from him, wrenching her arm from his grasp. “It’s too much.”

“Abby, do you trust me?”

She hesitated. Wasn’t he listening? Everything was a jumbled mess. Unfortunately, he didn’t look like he was kidding. Did she trust him? The emotions and reactions that had flown between them every time they made love couldn't have been fake. It was too intense. But there was blood… She fought against the warring emotions, the fight between trust and fear.

Caleb held out his hand to her. “Come with me, Abby. You
trust me. I'll prove it to you and show you the truth you seek.”

Could it be that simple? Would her feelings toward him release her? Or was there something she missed altogether?

“How can you help—”

“You have to trust me, Abby. It’s the only way. I'll tell you everything I can. But right now we need to get out of here because it isn't safe.”

“What do you mean not safe? Why wouldn’t it be safe?”

“Exactly how it sounds, darlin’. What happened to Brian wasn't a random killing. There is a male after you. And he isn't far.” The dark grave danger echoing in his voice shocked her.

She grabbed his hand.
. What the hell did she know about that? A week ago, she’d had no past and a boring future. Today she’d taken off for parts unknown without so much as a goodbye and he’d come after her. That had to count for something. It was about time for her to have faith in not only him but her own instincts as well. “For some crazy reason, I believe you, Caleb. However, you had better have some answers for me pretty damn fast. Don’t screw this up.”

“Becoming a demanding little thing, aren't you?” The edges around his sexy eyes crinkled with his smile. Looking like a cross between the devil and a savior, she wondered how she could ever deny him. Together they rushed toward the door. For better or worse, she’d decided to trust him. She only hoped her heart survived.

Minutes later, Abby found herself snuggled against his body on the back of his motorcycle heading toward the edge of town. She could get used to this, she mused. His broad shoulders blocked most of the wind from her as she scooted forward, pushing her body as close to his as she could manage. The engine roared like a very large and angry cat beneath them, but she could have sworn she heard a growl coming from him as she snuggled closer. At the edge of town, he turned off the main road headed into the woods. The sign they passed pointed them in the direction of a lake. Her body involuntarily shivered. She wasn't sure being alone in the dark with her sexy cowboy was such a good idea. Based on past experience, she knew that every time he touched her, she would forget everything except the sensation of melting under his touch. Her clit tingled at the prospect, her body coming alive faster than Caleb drove his bike.

“Are you cold? I can feel you shivering. Say the word and I’ll stop and give you my jacket.”

Abby smiled into his back and stifled her giggle. Yeah she was shivering all right. Because her body was on fire just thinking about him. “I'm fine,” she lied. Besides, she loved the way he looked all hot and sexy wrapped in the black leather. If she got cold, she would just get closer.

Before long, Caleb parked his motorcycle in a small clearing at the edge of the lake. The minute he killed the engine complete silence enveloped them. The lack of sound was a blissful change from the boisterous bar she’d performed in. She rolled her shoulders to relive some tension and then swung herself off the bike and away from him the heat and lust of Caleb. She removed her helmet and shook out her hair.

BOOK: Vampire Awakening
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