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Authors: Lacey Alexander

Unwrapped (8 page)

BOOK: Unwrapped
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She bit her lower lip. She didn’t want that, either. So she simply nodded and began to climb up into his lap as he lifted her toward him from the floor.

She intended to lower herself onto that majestic erection now—if she couldn’t have it in her mouth, she wanted it in her cunt. But Simon
lifting her, even after she’d straddled him, propelling her upright on her knees.

She gasped when she realized he was sinking
on the couch then, bringing his face level with her cunt. Caressing her outer thigh with one hand as he lifted her short skirt with the other, he studied her there, his eyes so close to her bared mound, then shifted his touch, brushing his fingertips over the smooth flesh between her legs. “I can’t believe you shaved your pussy,” he murmured, looking drunk on the sight.

She couldn’t, either, actually. But seeing Dawn that way had inspired her. She’d figured if she was going to do this, let her inner vixen out, she was going to go all the way. Still, she heard herself asking, “Do you like it?”

A low chuckle erupted from his throat. “Oh yeah, sugarplum. I like it.” He cemented the statement by leaning in to place a soft kiss directly on her clit.

“Ohhh…” she moaned.

He gazed up at her, eyes ablaze with lust. “Do you want me to lick you, baby? Do you want me to lick your hot little pussy?”



Oh God. Such a dirty suggestion. Yet for the first time, the idea didn’t feel too intimate or outrageous. No, it felt just right and was what she wanted more than anything in this moment. “Mmm, yes,” she said with a decisive nod. “Lick me.”

He groaned at her command, then sliced into her most sensitive flesh with his tongue.

The sensation made her shiver, made her head fall back. “Oh, baby.”

“Minty,” he said then, on a short laugh. But Emily wasn’t even amused. She just wanted more of his tongue.

And—oh yes!—she got it, she got it
damn good.

She soon lost track of exactly what he was doing to her—too much pleasure to watch, to take it all in. She felt his tongue dig deep, licking, licking, felt him swirling it around her clit, then sucking intently. Eager fingers thrust up inside her and she moved on them without thinking. The motion thrust her pussy harder against his mouth and he moaned at her enthusiasm.

She soon heard herself crying out, felt her own undulations taking her over. She instinctively lifted her hands to mold her breasts, caress the soft skin there, tease the hard nipples. So much pleasure—everywhere.

But then—oh God—even more. What was
? And how was it even possible?

Fresh sensation buffeted her from behind. Her breath began leaving her in harsh, heavy gasps. So good, so very good. That’s when she realized, understood—he was stroking the fingers of his free hand over her anus. “Unh…” she moaned.

She’d never known something like that could feel so fabulous. She knew about anal sex, but she’d assumed it was just something people did to be extreme—she’d never imagined that area was truly such an erogenous zone.

The pleasure—coming from all sides now—was simply too much. A few seconds longer and Emily could no longer think, reason. All she knew was physical delight, consuming her. She fucked Simon’s mouth, his fingers. She licked her lips just to feel 55

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something there, missing his cock inside them. She twirled her nipples between her fingertips, pressed her palms harder to her breasts.

“Oh! I’m gonna come,” she said, amazed. God,
? This could happen
? But it was—

“Oh, I’m coming! I’m coming!” she yelled as the orgasm pulled her in completely, pounding through her in hard, rhythmic pulses, shorter but more intense than the first.

The climax left her feeling utterly spent, so as Simon’s fingers left her, she sank down into his lap, exhausted. Her arms looped around his neck and his hands rested on her hips, on her little velvet skirt. They smiled lazily at one another—until Simon’s expression turned hotter. “Fuck me,” he said.

The words didn’t even faze her this time. But weariness still gripped her. “I don’t know if I can,” she said, casting him a well-pleasured grin. “Too tired.”

He lowered his chin to scold her. “Oh, you’ll
it all right, sugarplum. We haven’t come this far for you to stop now.”

The naughty glimmer in his eye somehow revived her and she lifted her hands to his face to kiss him, realizing she hadn’t even done that yet. And she
kissing Simon. As she pressed her mouth to his, their tongues met, and one kiss turned into two, then more. “I love you,” she breathed between them, tasting herself on his lips.

“Mmm, I love you, too, Em,” Simon growled. “So very much.”

And before she knew it, she was rubbing against him, grinding her damp crotch against the hot erection that arced upward across his abdomen. “Fuck me,” Simon urged her again, his voice a mere breath now. “Fuck me, baby.”

Rising back to her knees, Emily curled her fist around his cock, positioning herself carefully. One more thing she’d never done—been on top. Her heart beat wildly as she eased down, down, warmly sheathing him in her moisture.



“Oh God,” she moaned—he felt so much bigger this way, with her weight on him.

She had to clench her teeth for a moment as her body adjusted to the nearly overwhelming pressure.

“You okay?” Simon’s hands closed on her waist. “We don’t have to do it this way if it hurts.”

But Emily shook her head. He was right—she’d come too far to stop now. She knew they could have fun in lots of other new positions she’d never tried, too, but this one was so…basic, and so intimate, that she intended to
this, to master it, to not let anything she tried tonight fail. “I just need…to get used to it. You’re

He laughed. “See what you’ve been missing?”

She smiled into his eyes. “Mmm.” Her body was beginning to adjust now, to the feel of him pushing up into her, filling her so impossibly full.

She slowly began to move. And to feel. The way her clit met with his body. The way her pelvis eased instinctively into a gyrating rhythm that felt as natural as breathing.

“That’s right,” he said, caressing her breasts. “Ride my cock.”

Her heated sighs came heavier when Simon dipped to take one breast into his mouth to suckle. The ministrations seemed to connect directly to her pussy and increase the sensation there. Her rhythm on his cock quickened slightly and despite her initial troubles, she already knew why women liked being on top so much.

Simon’s hands slid from her fur-outlined breasts downward, up under her little red skirt to knead her ass. “Mmm, that feels nice,” she told him, overjoyed at the freedom she felt, with the realization that she was really
this, having fun with Simon, letting her inhibitions run free.

His eyes darkened just slightly as he slid one hand inward, his fingertips brushing over her anus again. She couldn’t hold in her moan. “Oh—even better,” she purred.

She still couldn’t quite get over how that soft little touch in that tiny little spot could spread all through her. It was almost enough to make her weak all over again, yet at the 57

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same time, it turned her even more wild, feral, and she found herself kissing Simon feverishly, rubbing her breasts against his chest.

He managed to smile through his heat, though his voice came breathy. “Your fur tickles.”

“And what does
do?” She rode him harder, amazed she could thrust down so enthusiastically now, feel him so deep inside her cunt without pain.

, baby, makes me want to fucking explode—so be careful.”

Simon continued to stroke across the tiny fissure at her rear, and at moments Emily thought she would lose her mind from the consuming pleasure it sent flashing through her entire being.

Suddenly leaning forward, Simon dipped Emily back over his knees and took the opportunity to lick one sensitive nipple as he reached around her. When he sat back up, drawing her upright again, she saw he’d retrieved her old friend, the candy cane.

“Sticky,” he said with a grin, holding it up between them.

“Because it’s candy or…because of me?” she asked, feeling just a hint of sheepishness as she lowered her chin.

“Both,” he said, then put the end of the candy cane in his mouth to suck on it.

Mmm, why was that such a sexy sight?

“I taste you,” he said.

Oh yeah,
was why. Because it had been in her pussy and was now in his mouth.

Which was when he slowly drew it from between his lips, then held it up to hers.

She parted them slightly, letting him slide the candy cane inside. A burst of peppermint filled her mouth, but she, too, tasted the strangely sweet remnants of her own juices, just as she had on Simon’s lips moments ago. Her chest hollowed as she gazed into her lover’s eyes. He continued slipping the candy cane in and out of her mouth as they fucked, her clit still connecting with him in front as his fingers kept 58


caressing her in back. A whole new wave of weakness set in. She’d never experienced so much passion or true intimacy in her life and was beginning to wonder how women survived it.

So she nearly collapsed when Simon leaned up near her ear to whisper, “I want to fuck your sweet little ass, baby.”

Heat climbed her cheeks instantly—a combination of fiery arousal and abject apprehension, the first
apprehension she’d felt all night. “Already, Simon? Don’t you think we could…save that for next time? Because…I’m making great strides here, but that’s a whole different…”

He grinned lasciviously, their faces still close. “Don’t worry, sugarplum. I don’t mean with my cock. Not yet. You’re right, we’ll work up to that.” He held the candy cane back up between them. “I meant with this.”

Emily blinked, swallowed. “Oh.” She hardly knew what to think. She wanted to be aghast at the very notion of Simon putting a candy cane up her ass, but she’d just had it in her pussy, so…maybe she should just let the man have his way.

Yet he clearly expected her to protest, so his voice came warm again on her ear. “Let me,” he said.

Just those two words. But they hit her so hot that she’d have probably let him do
in that moment. “Okay,” she agreed.

Raking another warm, sensual kiss across her mouth, Simon deftly reached behind her until she felt the candy—he dragged the dampened end of it up and down in the valley of her ass, teasing her flesh. She sucked in her breath—it made the whole area tingle coolly, the sensation echoing inward. And to her surprise, she found herself moving against it immediately, even as she continued fucking him.

“Be still, baby,” he warned her then, and she complied. She leaned in against him, her palms at his chest, her head nestled against his neck where she could breathe in the smell of him—partly shower fresh, partly scented with their sex.


Lacey Alexander

Behind her, the tip of the candy cane slipped inside her anal opening. “
,” she said.


“No.” On the contrary.

And she was just on the verge of realizing that her pleasure was starting to expand—greatly—when the candy cane sank home, sliding deep into her ass. “Oh my God!”

Simon looked worried. “Is it okay?”

She could only nod, her whole body filling with a heady, pulsing sensation that stretched all the way to her fingers and toes, even up the back of her neck into her head.

“Ah…ah…” She couldn’t speak, could only make noises that probably sounded as if she were stuck somewhere between pleasure and pain, but she was much closer to pleasure. A strange, searing,
pleasure—that only multiplied when she found the strength to move again, to fuck his cock, and in the same motion fuck the candy cane, too.

From there, Emily could barely think—it was too all-consuming. She only knew movement and heat and pleasure and the intense sense of being so fully intoxicated with sensation that she could barely control her actions. She cried out over and over.

She heard Simon yell, too. She’d stopped looking at him because her head had dropped back and her eyes fallen shut. Every nerve ending of her being was pulsing, pumping.

Simon’s tremendous cock continued thrusting, thrusting, driving up deep inside her pussy, and her clit rubbed against him over and over.

Oh God, God—was she… Could she… Was it possible to have three orgasms in one night? She’d just begun to wonder when the hot climax rushed through her with more power than any she’d ever known. The shock waves jolted her body over and over—it was like being electrocuted…by pleasure.

“Sweet Jesus,” she heard herself murmur as finally it passed and she slumped against Simon, her arms falling comfortably around his neck.



“Oh babe,” he said, then louder. “Oh Jesus, babe—
!” Extracting the candy cane and tossing it aside, he used both hands to push her hips down onto his cock hard, harder, as he pounded up into her, rocking her body like never before. They both yelled out…until again, she was collapsing on him, and this time his body went limp as well, and they sprawled across the couch together, utterly wiped out.

* * * * *

Emily lay on the couch, still in her Christmas Girl Gone Wild suit, recovering from the events of the evening while Simon went to open a bottle of wine. She flung her arms up over her head, smiling lazily. She’d done it, really done it. And it had been more spectacular than she’d ever dreamed.

She sat up when Simon returned carrying two stemmed glasses. He’d kicked off his reindeer pants at some point and was now completely and beautifully naked. For the first time in their three years together, she drank in his male beauty without suffering any shyness.

“To fan-
-tastic sex,” Simon said by way of a toast. His grin was almost enough to get Emily excited again as she clinked her glass against his.

BOOK: Unwrapped
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