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Authors: Alexa Riley


BOOK: Untouched
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Alexa Riley

hen Alexander buys
the land for his new airstrip, he never imagines the home on it is still occupied. But after he lays eyes on Liliana, he decides she’s his property now.

Eighteen-year-old Liliana has been tucked away her whole life. After her grandmother dies, she’s left alone with only her romance books to keep her company. She’s been surrounded by females her whole life, but when Alexander walks in the door, she knows he’s there to save her.

He’s claiming her, no matter how untouched she is.

Will Liliana fight or let Alexander have his way? Will Alexander keep her locked away or set her free? Will there be enough steam in this book to start your own sauna? Only one way to find out!

Are we still doing these? This is Alexa Riley. You should know the drill by now. This is going to be
over-the-top dirty
with all the sticky bits you like. Get in here already!

© 2016 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Edited by
Aquila Editing

to those who love their filthy smut in a pretty package. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

just want
it torn down,” I tell Matt, the agent I bought the estate from, as I exit the car. I toss my suit jacket into the back seat, then roll up my sleeves. The house - if you can even call it that - looks like a fucking castle. It sits twenty miles outside of Chicago, and it’s the perfect spot for my planned private landing strip for the Boeing 747 I bought last month. I like privacy and this will give me that. The fewer people I have to deal with, the happier I am. I like to go to work and back home, but sometimes travel is unavoidable.

There’s enough space here to build the landing strip and keep the house, but there’s no need for it. I’d just have to hire people for its upkeep and I’d never use it. Might as well rip the thing down. Not like I have a need for a place like this. It’s breathtaking with an old-school feel, but my condo in the city is all I need. I live alone and I’ve never met a woman who tempted me to change that.

I’m doomed to be alone and I’ve settled into that. Work is my life. The thoughts of ever having a family of my own are long forgotten, though my mother still thinks there’s hope. I can’t even count how many times she’s told me the story of when my father found her working in some small coffee shop and practically picked her up and carried her out and he’d never let her go. Which is true. He has her tucked away on a nice little island right now, enjoying retirement.

“I thought maybe you should look inside first. You bought the whole estate as is, and I’m guessing there are still a lot of personal items inside. Maybe even art.”

I glance around the property. I hadn’t even looked at a single picture before I bought it. Just found out the land size and purchased it unseen. But looking around now, I can tell the place has a history to it. A stone wall surrounds the home, which is located in the center of the property. It looks like a fortress. It’s beautiful, but more than one man would ever need.

I run my eyes along the front, counting the windows and sizing up just how big it might be on the inside. Then I catch something out of the corner of my eye. Movement.

“It’s empty?” I ask, looking back over at Matt.

“Yes. There had been some staff still servicing the property, but they were informed that yesterday was their last day,” Matt says.

“I saw it, sir,” Black, my head of security, says, coming to stand next to me.

“Let’s go find our trespasser then.”

We head for the front door, my interest now piqued. Might as well take a look around if I’m going inside. I’ve already come all this way, and I cleared my morning schedule for this little trip.

“Sir, maybe I should-”

I cut Black off by just holding up my hand as I continue walking towards the front door. He might be my head of security, but I still do what I want, even when he advises otherwise.

“Keys,” I snap, turning a little for Matt to throw them to me. I catch them and slide the key into the lock and the door pops open with a loud creak.

Then all the air leaves my lungs at the sight before me.

Standing at the top of the stairs is a young woman. The sunlight streaming in through the open door hits, and it creates a halo of light around her. Her hair is dark as chocolate and such a contrast to her creamy white skin. And even from this distance, I can see she has the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Her full, lush lips part just a little as she stares at me. My eyes travel down her body to the white nightgown that looks transparent in the light, showing off all her curves.

I feel myself harden at just the sight.

“Shit,” I hear Black say from behind me in awe.

It makes blood rush to my ears and jealousy course through my body like I’ve never felt before. It wraps around my heart, making me clench my fists.


The word pounds though my head. I’ve bought the estate and everything in it. As of yesterday it’s all mine. That makes her mine, too. I can’t stop the irrational barbaric thought from forming.

“Out!” I shout to the room, making Matt jump and Black pull his eyes from the girl and take a step back. “Out.” I growl it this time, and both turn and step out of the door. I slam it shut and click the lock back in place.

I can’t bring myself to turn around. She looked like a fucking angel. Maybe she isn’t real. She looked too perfect to be real. The thought makes the air leave my lungs again. Slowly, I turn, and this time she’s closer than before, having come down the stairs. Her head is cocked to the side like she’s studying me.

I find myself taking the ten steps to get closer to her, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. It brings us eye level with each other. She just stares at me. Her eyes seem so big and bright now, her long black lashes giving her a doe-eyed look.

Her hand comes up, reaching out and touching my face. She runs it along the stubble on my jaw, and her mouth parts a little as her tongue comes out, wetting her bottom lip. It takes everything in me not to groan at the simple action. I want to taste her plump bottom lip for myself, then push my tongue into her mouth.

“You came,” she says, her voice filled with wonder. The sound is soft and sweet.

“I came?” I ask, not understanding what she means. She just nods her head, her dark curls bouncing with the movement. I can’t stop myself from reaching out and grabbing one. She doesn’t flinch like a lot of people do around me. I’m a big guy and my size can be intimidating. The scar running from the top of my left eyebrow down to my jaw doesn’t help, but she doesn’t seem scared at all. No, she’s looking at me like I’m looking at her. I’m no angel, far from it. But I like her eyes on me.

“Like in my books. You look just like I thought,” she says. Then she throws herself at me. She wraps her arms around my neck, taking me by surprise.

Chapter 2

losing my eyes
, I let her warm curves mold against me, and I selfishly take what she’s offering. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer, knowing I should stop but unable to. She fits against me perfectly, like she’s meant to be mine. Made just for me. Perfection that I intend to keep.

“What’s your name, little one?” I ask, trying to soften my voice, not wanting to scare her as I press my face into her long, dark chocolate-colored hair and smell the sweet scent of rose petals. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever smelled in my life.

She pulls back only just slightly to look into my eyes. Her blue eyes are big with wonder. “Liliana.”

Her smile is warm, and she’s looking at me like I’ve come to save her. Maybe I have. The trusting look is almost enough to bring me to my knees. It’s innocent and pure, like nothing dirty has ever touched her, not like the women who usually hit on me. They look at me like I have an edge. They think because I look rough around the edges, maybe even a little dangerous, that that’s what I’ll give them. Sweet and innocent never even look at me, but this one just threw herself at me.

She doesn’t even know she should be scared, that when she jumped into my arms she sealed her fate.

“I’m Alexander. And you’re mine now, Liliana,” I say, moving my hands lower and cupping her ass in a possessive hold. “You belong to me.” I squeeze her soft flesh, showing her just how true my words are. Only me. She belongs to only me.

She smiles again and nods her head, making her ringlets bounce. “What took you so long?” she whispers, that look of awe still on her face.

I can’t help but let out a little laugh. “I had to find you, princess. You were hiding from me,” I tease. I have no idea what is going on, but I don’t give a shit. Can’t bring myself to care. All I know I care about in this moment is making sure no one takes her from me and that her sweet little ass stays right in my hands.

She presses her breasts against my chest and puts her weight on me. I pick her up from the stairs, and she wraps her legs around my waist like she’s been doing it for years.

“I’ll never hide from you again,” she whispers.

I grind her body against my hard cock and push all coherent thought out of my head. This is my greatest fantasy come to life, and I’m not about to question it. I’m not going to concentrate on anything else other than Liliana and making every inch of her mine. Because a part of me thinks this is too good to be true. Maybe I’m still at home in my bare, cold condo, asleep and dreaming of the perfect girl. Because that is what she is. She is everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Those nights when I lay in bed and stroked myself to release, I’d been thinking of her.

“No you won’t. You’ll never be out of my arms again,” I growl, pulling her even closer, not wanting even a sliver of space between us. I won’t give her the chance to hide.

“What happens now?” She looks around the house, and an unsure look crosses her face.

“Now, my sweet princess, I carry you upstairs and you show me what belongs to me.”

Her eyes come back to mine, and she blushes. “I’ve read about what happens next in my books.” She hesitates for a minute, her cheeks turning an even darker pink. Her fair skin looks like it’s never been touched by the sun. I didn’t even know women could blush anymore. “I’ve never done any of that before.”

“Good,” I growl, a deep barbaric need coursing through my body knowing I’ll be her first. Her last. Her everything. I’ll teach her everything she’ll ever know about sex. Every kiss, touch, orgasm will be at my hands.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I make sure my grip is firm on her. “Show me your room.”

She points me in the direction and I head that way. My cock is leading me, and I’ve left all sanity at the front door. I have a feeling that with her, I might never have it again. Not with all the thoughts rushing through my mind. Thoughts I’ve never had before. Desires, wishes, hopes - all things I’ve never conceived of until now.

I carry her down a long hallway, and when we come to the end of it, I’m faced with large double doors. I walk in and kick them shut behind us, locking us inside. I want as many locked doors as possible between us and the rest of the world.

Her room is somewhat bare. Just a large four-poster canopy bed draped in white gauzy fabric. A dresser is off to the side, but there’s no other furniture to speak of. Large stained-glass windows encase the room, spilling in color and sunlight.

After my quick glance around the room, my need pulses, and I can’t be held back any longer. I take her to the bed and sit her on the edge, then I kneel in front of her.

“Uncover it, Liliana,” I say through gritted teeth. “I want to see what I own.”

I see her nervous fingers reach down and slowly slide up the sheer white nightgown until it’s at the tops of her thighs. Impatiently, I push her thighs wider, letting her know I’m ready. My mouth is watering at the sight of her creamy thighs, and I can see through her nightgown. She isn’t wearing panties. I know that in just another inch or two, she’ll be revealed to me, and I won’t be denied.

She pulls up the gown the rest of the way, showing me her little pink pussy. There is a small patch of hair above it, but otherwise she looks young and wet. Her lips are damp with need, and her tiny clit pokes out, all of her begging for my mouth. I push her knees wider apart, wanting to see if her hymen is still in place. When she tilts back and I see her opening, I feel my cock leak at little in my pants. She’s virgin fresh, and I nod in approval.

“Good girl, princess. You waited for me.”

Reaching up, I pull at the top of the gown, tearing it a little in my excitement. The thin material falls open, revealing her hard, upturned nipples, dark pink and tight. They’re small, maybe enough that I could fit a whole one in my mouth. She’s young, and maybe they still have growing to do. But I love them just as they are. Small and pert, ready for my attention.

I unbutton my dress shirt as I stare at her cunt, licking my lips as I do so. I’m unable to pull my eyes away.

“Are you going to kiss me there?” she asks, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear.

“Oh yes, Liliana. I’m going to kiss all of you.” There won’t be one spot on her body my mouth won’t touch. I’ll know what every part of her tastes like.

As I pull my shirt off, I grab her thighs and pull her to the end of the bed, making her back hit the mattress. I grip her thighs with both hands, pulling her up even with my mouth, her ass hanging in the air.

My mouth descends, the warm flavor of her hitting my tongue. I open wide and slip it inside her, tasting her virgin pussy and that sweet hymen. I moan, and somewhere in the distance I hear her moan, too. Our first kiss is my mouth on her cunt, but we’ll have more after this. Many, many more.

Once I’ve tongue-fucked her until she’s starting to shake, I move my mouth to her sugary pearl and suck on her clit. I nibble on her lips, letting the flat of my tongue drag across each one, then move to the crease between her pussy and thighs, teasing her.

“Have you ever orgasmed before?” I ask against the tender skin of her cunt.

“I don’t know. Alexander, please. Something is happening.”

I smile, knowing that I’m going to make her cum. She’s going to have her first orgasm with me, and I wonder if I want to do it with my mouth. She’s so close, and I want to give her this, but I’m also a selfish beast and want her cum on my cock. I want her virgin blood on my dick as she cums and throbs under me.

Decisions, decisions…

BOOK: Untouched
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